Chapter 45 045: Brute Attack

Shay made a super giant must learn action - spread his hands innocently.

I'm just actively saving the ball, what's wrong with me?
What a pity, Mr. Referee, that he just happened to be hit by a basketball.

The corner of Jordan's mouth twitched, this kid is so wild in college, what if he enters the league?
Then you can't break other people's ribs?
Carlisle wrote in his little notebook: "Shai's ability to control the situation is very strong, and he deserves to be a strong ball-handling guard."

Not only can you control your own offense and defense, but you can also control the referee.

This is called the real top control field.

The ball still belongs to North Carolina, and North Carolina is still leading.

So Shay was not complacent because of this small achievement. Killing the referee was at most equivalent to killing the Sixth Man of North Carolina.

But North Carolina still has a whole set of starters.

Sure enough, after the game restarted, North Carolina scored again.

This time, Rick Fox forced Mourning and went straight to the basket.

Uncle Mu retracted his defense, ready to have a fight with Mourning.

There is no referee to save you this time, let's see how our two brothers lead you to multiplayer sports.

As a result, Facing the double-teaming of two big muscle bullies, Fox still passed the ball calmly and gave the ball to Chilkat.

Although Chilkat is a center, he is very good at shooting.

Like Laettner, he is one of the few big men in this era who can shoot from long distance.

In the case of no defense, he made another open three-pointer!
6 to 0, North Carolina still maintains the lead.

Jordan and the North Carolina fans stood up and applauded at the same time. North Carolina's offense is so smooth!
Dean Smith smiled triumphantly, claiming to be the strongest defense in the league, it seems that it is nothing more than that~
Smith glanced at John Thompson who was going back and forth in the other half, but found that John Thompson's expression was still calm.

You know, in a March Madness tournament that determines the outcome, even if you are behind by 1 point, the coach's nerves will be tense.

This isn't the regular season, and it's okay to lose a game or two.Nor is it the NBA playoffs, with a seven-game chance.

They've reached the semi-finals, who doesn't want to advance?So Smith thought that Thompson, who got off to a bad start, would be very anxious.

Seeing Thompson's calm expression, Dean Smith was somewhat disappointed.

Thompson is really not in a hurry, because today he didn't even want to completely contain North Carolina's offense.

Today, John Thompson's strategy is to attack against attack!
The game continued, and this time Shay didn't do any fancy operations after halftime, but fed the ball directly to Mutombo in the low post.

Uncle Mu took the back seat directly after receiving the ball, pushing Chilkat back steadily.

Subsequently, Mutombo used his body to forcibly turn around, squeezed Chilkat away and scored a one-handed dunk under the basket!

Mutombo is indeed a center with relatively few offensive methods, but he doesn't need any skills to deal with Chilkat, he can crush it purely with his body!

Although Chilkat has a soft touch, his defense is too poor to stand up to Mutombo.

Not only Chilkat, but the entire North Carolina team is at a disadvantage in terms of physical talent.

Today, John Thompson will let Shai, Mourning and Mutombo give full play to their physical advantages!

In the next attack, although North Carolina once again got a chance through conduction, Kim Rice's shot bounced out of the frame.

No matter how great a shooter is, it is impossible to guarantee that his open shots can hit every shot.

The ball returned to Georgetown again.

In order to prevent Mutombo from receiving the ball, this time Chilkat directly went around to defend Mutombo and prevent Mutombo from receiving the ball.

However, Xie Yiran used a lob pass with a perfect arc, and just lobbed the ball into Mutombo's hands through Chilkat!
The ball just passed Chilkat's fingertips, which meant that when Mutombo caught the ball, there was no one in front of him!

It was another big hit on the frame, and Shay's pass made Mutombo's offense extremely easy, making Chilkat's forward move meaningless.

This level of feeding will make Yao Zi cry 15 years later.

As long as there is such a person who can feed the ball around me, can I be said by future fans to be inferior to Okur and Boozer?
In fact, it's not just Yao Ming. Shea, a point guard who can satisfy all the fantasies of big men, is equivalent to a long-legged Hesi girl, which everyone loves.

Ewing in the stands was even thinking, let's just let this season go, and it's still too late!
What if we could get Shay?

Since Rick Pitino stepped down as the head coach, the Knicks' record has been declining year after year, and this year they were only on the verge of the playoffs.

In the original history, you have to wait until Pat Riley takes over the team to understand the group of muscular Knicks.

Ewing thought, since the record is not good anyway, it's better to show off and ask Xie Yi.

Shay and I, as a pair of senior brothers, can't we replicate the brilliance of magician + Kareem?

When Ewing was still sucking on Shai's body, North Carolina scored again.

This time the goal was George Lynch. After the two major centers, Mourning and Mutombo, were pulled out of the three-second zone, Lynch forced Chichwell to score an easy layup.

8 to 4, North Carolina still maintains the lead.

Their firepower still looks unmatched.

But soon!

Georgetown immediately responded under Shay's command.

After halftime this time, Shay originally directed Mourning to pick and roll.

But during Mourning's pick-and-roll, Shay winked at him.

Mourning understood, and suddenly cut inside after a fake pick-and-roll!
Fox didn't expect this to be a fake pick-and-roll, so his reaction was half a beat behind.

By the time he realized that he was going to chase back, Mourning had already run into the three-second zone and received a pass from Shay.

However, North Carolina's defensive response was also quick. Seeing Mourning's sudden cut, Chilkat immediately dropped Mutombo and defended to the basket.

However, I saw Mourning crossing his body, taking a big step sideways to the basket, directly sinking his shoulders and hitting Chilkat who was defending up, and then violently smashed his hands on the spot to score!
Again, North Carolina's physical talent is too weak compared to Georgetown!
Georgetown University scored consecutively at the basket in an almost brutal way.

Chilkat made up the defense in time, but it didn't seem to make up at all.

"Good job, that's it, give them a good confrontation!" John Thompson shouted excitedly from the sidelines.

We can't defend North Carolina?It doesn't matter.

North Carolina can't prevent our barbaric sprint!
The old man will not play any foreplay with you today, nor will he play any tricks with you.

Hard up is punching!

Dean Smith curled his lips. The two powerful centers and Shai's conduction really made North Carolina's defense uncomfortable.

But as the saying goes, if you are young, you will be happy, if you are big, you will hurt your body, and if you are strong, you will be wiped out.

If they continue to push like Georgetown, their efficiency will decline sooner or later.

In the next attack, North Carolina is still actively conducting.

Everyone is running, everyone is passing the ball, so you can't find the point of defense.

But this time Georgetown's man-to-man did a good job and didn't give North Carolina a chance.

Seeing that there were only 8 seconds left in the attack time, George Lynch, the only North Carolina player who could have an advantage in the confrontation, decided to force Chilchwell again.

He broke through with the ball from the top of the arc and rushed into the penalty area.

But in the middle of the charge, George Lynch saw Shay coming to defend him.

George Lynch is not the kind of person who is overconfident. He knows very well that if Shay and Chichwell suppress him at the same time, it will be difficult for him to score the ball.

So, he immediately scored and passed the ball to Hubert Davis who was emptied by Shay.

Who knew that Shay's reaction was so quick that he jumped up and stretched his arms the moment George Lynch passed the ball.

With a blocking action in volleyball, the ball was intercepted!

Steve Smith said that I have watched this episode. Facing a defender like Shay, you can't even pass the ball casually.

"George Lynch underestimated Shay's air defense height, and Shay went straight down after stealing!"

The on-site commentators all stood up. The offense and defense of both sides in this game were really exciting.

Shay immediately played quickly after holding the ball, but North Carolina's defense was not slow.

George Lynch immediately went after Shay, while Davis and Fox ran in the middle to help defend.

For a time, Shay was equivalent to one against three.

North Carolina has three players in the middle, and Shay is alone on the right.

But Shay didn't stop, but continued to attack, and forced a layup against George Lynch who was sticking to his side!

The moment Shay jumped up, Davis, Fox and George Lynch also jumped up at the same time.

Shay was knocked out of focus by three hits, threw the ball hastily to the basket and fell to the ground.

But under the influence of the "Tough End" badge, Shay's layup under the siege of the three still hit!
"Beautiful counterattack! Shay's impact force is too terrifying, three people jumped up at the same time and the defense failed to stop him!

Georgetown's offense was rudimentary, but effective.

This brutal attack left North Carolina helpless!

The referee whistled, Shay got a chance to hit a three-pointer, and Georgetown University had a chance to overtake the score! "

The cheers of 6 people at the scene made Danzi, who has seen the big wind and waves, get goose bumps all over his body.

The physical confrontation between the two sides is not at the same level at all.

Shay stood up and raised his arms, kissing his well-developed biceps.

Afterwards, Shay stepped up to the free throw line and threw the ball into the toilet!

So far, Georgetown has officially overtaken North Carolina.

Facts have proved that the strength of the two sides today is comparable.

North Carolina's offense is strong, but Georgetown's brutal offense is also unstoppable.

The expression on Danzi's face was no longer relaxed.

What he hates most is losing bets.

But today, it seemed that he really might not be able to win.

 Thanks to Yihongyuan, Big Brother, Meng Wuchen and other bigwigs for their rewards, thank you everyone!Hope you continue to support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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