After changing careers, I became No.1 in basketball

Chapter 46 046: History repeats itself?

Chapter 46 046: History repeats itself?
Carlisle felt as if the game had only just begun.

But if you take a closer look, there is only one and a half minutes left before the end of the game!

Intense and exciting competitions always make time go faster.

At this time, the score was 76 to 75, and Georgetown University was temporarily behind North Carolina by 1 point.

In today's game, from the start of Shay's 2+1 overtake, the two sides have been taking the lead alternately, playing back and forth.

On the North Carolina side, relying on the smooth conduction and cooperation of the whole team.

Under the impenetrable defense, you can always find the slightest gap to get in.

And Georgetown University's three hunks showed their physical talents to the fullest.

The biggest point difference between the two sides today is only 6 points, that's right, it was 6-0 at the beginning.

You can see how intense the game is.

It's just that now, the physical fitness of Shay, Mourning and Mutombo is starting to be a little stretched.

North Carolina is not only the first five players who can shoot and pass, but also the substitute players can achieve the same effect.

As for Georgetown, only Shay, Mutombo and Mourning can take advantage of their physical advantages.

To maintain the advantage, John Thompson must keep two of the three on the floor.

Therefore, the three of them can only take turns to rest today, and they all played for a long time.

Mourning and Mutombo have both played 35 minutes, and Shai has played 37 minutes.

If Shay still doesn't rest for the next minute and a half, then Shay played 40 minutes in a 39-minute game today!

You can also know from the score how much Georgetown relies on the macho three fighters today.

Dikembe Mutombo 18 points, Mourning 17 points, Shay 20 points.

Three people add up to 55 points, and the remaining people add up to 20 points.

John Thompson didn't want to fuck the main force, but there was really no way.

North Carolina is in such a good state today that anyone who stands up can vote for two.

And just a few rounds, Georgetown's physical problems have become prominent.

A round ago, Mutombo had a chance to open the score.

After he grabs the offensive rebound, as long as he stands on the spot, he can open the point difference to 3 points.

But because he was too tired, after grabbing the offensive rebound, Mutombo failed to take off continuously, but paused.

Just at this moment, Fox, who was defending up, cut off the ball and lost a good opportunity.

After defending, Shay also lost his movement speed due to physical reasons.

He couldn't get back to Hubert Davis in time after covering George Lynch who was holding the ball, allowing Hubert to hit a 2-pointer.

Overall, at this point in the game, North Carolina's efficiency is still very high, while Georgetown seems to be a little bit overwhelmed.

Carlisle also sighed helplessly, so just having a body is not enough.

After Shay enters the NBA, he must enrich his offensive methods.

Even if you are young and strong, you will be in vain if you rush too much in a game!
Shay grabbed the collar of his jersey and wiped the sweat from his face.

Shea admitted that this was the toughest game he has ever played in the NCAA.

The opponent's offensive efficiency is too high. If one point is blocked, another point will pop up again.

This leads to a very low fault tolerance rate on the offensive end, but if there is one more miss, the score will be opened.

Therefore, every attack is under great pressure, and every attack must be fought with the determination to advance.

Shay was sweating profusely as he held the ball beyond the three-point line, his chest heaving already evident.

Therefore, George Lynch boldly let Shay go two steps away.

The current Xie Yi can't get up at all!
Shai wants to pass the ball to Mutombo, but Mutombo, who is also exhausted, is now in a weak position with Chilkat's defense around the front.

If you pass the ball rashly, Mutombo may not be able to catch it.

There is no way, Shay can only call Mourning to cover, and then hold the ball and kill the enemy!
But this time, due to physical reasons, Shay's breakthrough speed was not as fast as before, so he was pinched by Fox and George Lynch before he could charge up.

Shay was just about to pass the ball to Mourning who was going down, but George Lynch took out the basketball quickly and broke Shay's hand!

"A mistake! This is Shay's first mistake in this game, but it is a very fatal mistake!"

Originally, Georgetown University was 1 point behind, so if they were beaten into a counterattack and fell behind by 3 points, the situation would be even more passive.

Shay immediately turned around and blocked George Lynch, preventing him from dribbling and pushing quickly.

But North Carolina's counterattack is still in progress. After Lynch was blocked, he passed the ball to Rice. Rice quickly advanced with the ball, and Fox cut in from the middle.

At this time, only Mutombo in Georgetown retreated to the three-point line, which is equivalent to a two-on-one frontcourt.

"Damn!" Shay chased the ball with all his strength, hoping to make up for his mistake.

But obviously, no matter how big his steps are, it will be difficult for him to go back.

Two-on-one in the frontcourt, almost all North Carolina fans, including Jordan, felt that the ball was safe.

Rice dribbles in and Mutombo has to block him.

After attracting Mutombo's defense, Rice threw the ball to the side and forward and passed Fox a lob!
All North Carolina fans stood up with arms raised, ready to celebrate the goal.

But Mutombo turned his gun and rushed to Fox at the moment Rice passed the ball.

Then he jumped up with incredible timing, and under the advantage of his height and wingspan, he missed Fox's alley-oop dunk!
Flying catches is very difficult. It not only requires excellent timing judgment ability, but also requires strong physical conditions for support.

And both of these, Mutombo has exactly both!

"A game-saving defense, Dikembe Mutombo, who brought the team back from the brink!"

Shay, who was rushing back, just received the basketball that was taken off by Mutombo, and then immediately turned around and counterattacked!
Mutombo looked at Fox who fell to the ground after being caught, and shook his finger: "This is a no-fly zone!"

Shay countered quickly, trying to catch him off guard.

This time Shay counterattacked and drove into the penalty area for a layup without getting rid of George Lynch.

Although there is a "hard finish" badge, but the badge can't make Shay hit 100%.

In a very exhausted situation, Shay's forced layup knocked out of the frame and failed to complete the finish!
But fortunately, Mourning followed closely and smashed the ball in with a beautiful supplementary dunk.

Mutombo and Mourning's one offense and one defense helped Georgetown University lead by 1 point in the last minute!

The referee's whistle sounded, and North Carolina suspended the game.

Shay gasped and walked to the bench.

After sitting down, Xie Yi let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are here! Thank you!"

Shay knew that if it hadn't been for Mutombo's empty pick just now, if Mourning hadn't followed up with the dunk, he would be a big sinner now.

One mistake and one missed layup are enough to ruin the game!
Mourning smiled disdainfully: "Thank you? You kid, do you really think you are invincible? This is also our game!"

"Yes, we are a team, Shay!" Mutombo also nodded.

Shay nodded, grateful to have the support of his teammates.

To be honest, Shay was a little restless at the critical moment just now.

A big heart is something that has been tempered through thousands of tempers.

Kobe contributed countless wonderful lore at his peak, but in G97 of the Western Conference Finals in 5, Kobe also had the darkest moment of three consecutive key rounds.

It's easy to watch other people's highlight performance at critical moments, but it's not the same thing to do it yourself.

Xie Yi was really too anxious just now, so he told himself to calm down now.

You must not make the low-level mistakes just now.

The timeout is quickly over and the game resumes.

The game time is only 49 seconds. According to NCAA rules, it is enough for one offense and one defense.

North Carolina had the ball, and Rice took the ball unhurriedly beyond the three-point line.

Everyone at the scene stood up nervously, even those who watched the game were so nervous, let alone the players present.

Now the distance between the two sides to enter the final is only one goal.

One ball can determine whether the efforts of both parties this year will be in vain.

Shay's heart was beating fast, and he had been taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

Rice began to conduct the ball, and the precision instrument of North Carolina was running again.

Georgetown's defense in this round was very good, and it has not lost its position.

With only 4 seconds left on the shot clock, Rick Fox from outside the three-point line suddenly cut in.

Mourning immediately moved to keep up, but just as he took a step, he saw Fox bounced out again!

He was shaken a body distance by Fox's sudden back run!

Rice passed the ball at the right time, and Fox got a shot one step inside the three-point line on the right.

Seeing Fox's position, both Jordan and Ewing were shocked.

This... history can't be such a coincidence, can it?
Both Mourning and Shay rushed up, but they were still a step too late. Fox threw the ball before the interference came up.

The North Carolina captain had no stage fright at critical moments, nor was he nervous in the face of defense.

You have to know that people who can applaud love in front of so many people and cameras have a very strong psychological quality!
Fox hit the ball with 1 second left in the shot clock!
"The ball is in, the ball is in! Rick Fox made a shot in the last 15 seconds of the game, helping the team lead by 1 point at the critical moment!
God, this is exactly the same as the 1982 game!
The same is the middle and long distance on the right, the same 15 seconds, and it is also a one-hit kill!
It's just that the shooter changed from Jordan to Fox.

This time, is North Carolina going to defeat Georgetown again in this way! ? "

In the roar of the live commentary, Ewing covered his head with his hands, unwilling to accept the result.

Jordan, on the other hand, grinned and clapped wildly.

Shay, Shay, the little brat should know how powerful it is now.

Even the well-informed John Thompson was stunned for a moment, history is always surprisingly similar!

Fox's shot is simply a repeat of Jordan's lore shot back then!
Fox raised his arms and cheered, as if already celebrating victory.

North Carolina fans also cheered. Danzi was right. North Carolina beat Georgetown every time!
The only difference between this time and the one in 1982 is that Georgetown University has one last chance to time out.

Thompson immediately used up the timeout, and this time, he didn't want to succumb to fate!

However, most people feel that North Carolina has won.

Because Georgetown has no stable scoring points now.

Mutombo and Shay didn't shoot, and Mourning's shooting must have been unstable due to physical reasons.

What did they use to change their lives against the sky! ?
They are destined to be overthrown by North Carolina!
John Thompson, who refused to accept his fate, immediately took the lead on the tactical board and arranged the final attack.

And Shay looked at the position on the tactical board where he was going later, and swallowed.

This competition is getting more and more exciting.

 Today's second update is here, the newcomer author begs everyone for their support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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