Chapter 326 Write a Song for Me

Looking at Xia Yuan and Mei Fang's closeness, Peng Xue was very surprised, "So you are not friends after breaking up, a minute, let me clear my mind..."

"Don't worry about thinking, I'll tell you the whole story honestly..."

Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi's threesome story, Xia Yuan wanted to tell her best friend Peng Xue a long time ago, but she never had such a chance.

After explaining the situation of the three in detail word by word, Peng Xue frowned and stared at Xia Yuan for a long time, which made Xia Yuan also very nervous.

"Dang, of course it doesn't mean that I have to get your blessing... I know that the relationship between the three of us is difficult to understand, but you are my best friend, so I have to tell you about it."

"I'm just a little emotional... No wonder I've always been your best friend, I'm still wondering why there is no Youxi sauce."

Peng Xue shook her head and sighed, "So she is already part of your family."

" can also say that..."

At this moment, Peng Xue's eyes turned to Mei Fang again.

She stared at Mei Fang for a long time, then stood up voluntarily, sat on the other side of Mei Fang, and kept staring into Mei Fang's eyes.


Mei Fang moved a little bit, but Peng Xue leaned towards Mei Fang again and patted Mei Fang's shoulder vigorously.

"As expected of Boss Mei, who is worth more than [-] million yuan, you played really well, hahahaha!"

Mei Fang was beaten for no reason, but he was Yuan Yuan's good friend after all, and he still endured being bullied by Peng Xue. Yes, I told you all..."

"I know."

Peng Xue smiled slightly at Xia Yuan, "I told you that you regarded me as your best friend, what I said... I don't think it's okay, you and Youxi sauce grew up with this guy, right? It is understandable that it is so deep that it cannot be separated..."

Peng Xue smiled slightly, then raised her glass to Xia Yuan, "Then I have to change what I said before... I wish the three of you can be happy for a long time!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Xia Yuan hurried over to clink glasses with Peng Xue, but Peng Xue retracted the cup suddenly at this moment, "Wait a minute! I don't celebrate with children, it's fine if Boss Mei is underage, but you have to drink some small bars ?”

"Drink, I'll just drink with you!"

"Cough, cough, cough."

Mei Fang coughed a few times on purpose, and Xia Yuan looked at him beggingly as she spoke, "It's rare to meet Xiaoxue, it's okay if I drink a little cocktail! The degree is not high..."

Xia Yuan held Mei Fang's arm and swung it back and forth in her arms when she begged her. Seeing his wife acting like a baby, how could Mei Fang refuse her request?

Immediately, he said seriously: "You can't drink enough, you can only have one drink."

"Yes, yes! Afang, you are so kind! Mua!"

Xia Yuan kissed Mei Fang on the cheek while Peng Xue tsk-tsk beside her.

"I also want the same 'Alexander' as Xiaoxue, it's quite delicious!"

So Mei Fang ordered another glass of Alexander for Xia Yuan, and when the cocktail arrived, Peng Xue and Xia Yuan lightly clinked glasses.


Peng Xue drank the cocktail in the glass in one gulp, while Xia Yuan was still trying to take a sip.

"Don't drink too fast, don't compare with me, I drink well."

At this time, Peng Xue was still sitting in the same row as Mei Fang Xia Yuan, she held her chin and watched Xia Yuan take a small sip, and let out a happy sound after tasting.

"I'm slowly starting to drink, Afang! Do you think I'm awesome? Hiccup!"

The flushed Xia Yuan immediately hiccupped, and both Mei Fang and Peng Xue couldn't help laughing.

"You bastard, can't do it if you drink so little, come and stop drinking."

As Mei Fang spoke, he wanted to take Xia Yuan's wine glass.

"No! I still want to drink... It's been so long since I met Xiaoxue again, I want to have a good time with Xiaoxue—"

"I told you not to drink."

As soon as Mei Fang took away the wine glass from Xia Yuan's hand, Xia Yuan suddenly became irritable - she seemed to be a girl with a bad taste in wine.

"Ah Fang is so annoying...see if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Angrily, Xia Yuan sat down on Mei Fang's body, then lifted his chin, and slapped him very fiercely.


This is the first time Peng Xue saw Xia Yuan and Mei Fang KISS.

Although Xia Yuan's skills have been complained by Mei Fang for being unskilled, but this kind of KISS is still too powerful for Peng Xue.

Not to mention that this time Xia Yuan took advantage of Jiu Xing to make a special attack. Peng Xue, who saw this scene, no longer laughed like before, but quietly watched this shocking scene.

The two kissed like this for more than five minutes, and finally Xia Yuan took the initiative to get up from Mei Fang's body, squeezed Mei Fang's face and smiled:
"I know every day that I can't do it. Now you know who is the younger brother, huh? Huh?"

Mei Fang was played with by Xia Yuan with a look of disgust, and then looked at Peng Xue who was dazed and absent-minded.

"How about... this is what you want, isn't it?"

"I didn't know that Yuanyuan of your family is like this, haha..."

Peng Xue, who came back to her senses, smiled and said haha, at this time Xia Yuan squeezed and fell into Mei Fang's arms, looking as if she had fallen asleep directly.

"This is drunk..."

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan's cheek lightly, she didn't intend to wake up, but murmured and whispered to A Fang A Fang hugged him and didn't let go, looking like a little bird clinging to someone drunk.Mei Fang looked at his watch just after nine o'clock, and immediately said to Peng Xue:

"Although it's still early, Yuanyuan can't chat with you anymore...I'll send her back."

When Mei Fang was about to get up, Peng Xue grabbed Mei Fang's arm.

"What are you doing in such a hurry to go back, do you have nothing to tell me?"


Mei Fang thought for a while and sat down again, "By the way, Yuanyuan Youxi and I will be admitted to Pengcheng University together. If you go back to study, you can also be admitted to nearby Pengcheng. It’s good to have a party or write a song together…”

While Mei Fang was talking, Peng Xue picked up Xia Yuan's unfinished wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"You know the story of the 'Alexander' wine?"

"not sure."

"Then let me tell you, this wine is specially made to commemorate the wedding of King Edward VII of England and Queen Alexander, and is used as a gift to the queen."

"This is a veritable royal cocktail, it tastes sweet and mellow, like the sweetness of proclaiming love to the world, so..."

Peng Xue smiled at Mei Fang, "It can be regarded as my gift to you and Yuanyuan."

"Um...thank you."

"Why do you feel that when Yuanyuan fell asleep, you became boring instead?"

Peng Xue patted Mei Fang on the shoulder, "If you really want to play the role of a good man, you shouldn't be in two boats, right?"

"Yuanyuan and Youxi are special."

"'s special, haha..."

At this time, Peng Xue also looked a little drunk. Although the cocktail was small, it was obviously not low in alcohol.

Seeing that Peng Xue was already drunk, Mei Fang was worried, "How about I call your cousin, you're a little drunk too, right?"

"I want to get drunk... But how can I get drunk so easily..."

Peng Xue just rested her chin and stared at Xia Yuan in Mei Fang's arms, and suddenly burst into tears uncontrollably.

"Mei bad man."

"You failed the most important person in my life."

"You should have stayed with her forever and received blessings from everyone, including me."

"Now I want to deceive Yuanyuan against my conscience and say that I want to bless you."

"How could I be willing to bless you!"

Peng Xue smiled and said these words with tears in her eyes, her eyes gradually fell from Xia Yuan to Mei Fang.

The young man's eyes were calm and peaceful. Although his eyes reflected his tearful face, there was no trace of the special look she expected.



Mei Fang said softly.

And at this moment, Peng Xue leaned forward all of a sudden, almost touching Mei Fang's cheek.

But that was just a fleeting moment.

Then, she feinted again, landed on Xia Yuan who was in Mei Fang's arms, and gently kissed Xia Yuan who was sleeping soundly.

After doing such a thing, Peng Xue brushed her hair lightly, smiled at Mei Fang who didn't know what to say, and tapped his lips lightly.

"Sorry... I really like Yuanyuan so much, you can tell her when she wakes up."

As Peng Xue said, she patted her cheek vigorously, trying to wake herself up. At this time, Mei Fang took the initiative to hand her a tissue and asked her to wipe her nose and tears.

After rearranging her attire, Peng Xue raised her head and showed her unique Peng Xue-style flamboyant smile.

"Boss Mei, your song writing is so good, if you have time, write a song for me too? Just one, I want to sing the song you wrote for me too."

"Okay, I promise you."

Mei Fang also smiled slightly, and nodded slightly.

Xiaoxue, who has been drifting in Jiangcheng for the past few days, finally stopped in this intoxicated night.

 I haven't finished adding a little bit, so I'll watch it later.

(End of this chapter)

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