Chapter 327 Towards the age of 18
At the end of the year and the end of the year, the end-of-semester exams are over, in order to carry out the crazy threesome plan, Mei Youyuan’s three only have to go to Meifang’s house in Baizhou City to live for a period of time as usual,
On the bus back to Baizhou City, Mei Fang suddenly asked Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan beside him.

"Speaking of which, predestined relationship exists, do you believe that people have past and present lives?"

"Why are you talking about such a deep topic all of a sudden..."

Lin Youxi yawned, and then leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder, "I prefer to live the present and grasp the moment."

Xia Yuan was envious of Lin Youxi's intimacy with Mei Fang, and he didn't think about the topic Mei Fang mentioned, "Why are you talking about this? If you encounter troubles, you can tell your sisters, brother Afang."

"It's nothing to worry about."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "I just think... how many blessings do you say I have cultivated to have the fate to be with you all the time since childhood?"

"You know how to cherish it."

Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang on the head and said seriously: "I don't think you, A Fang, have the final say on this matter. Back then, if you and I hadn't insisted on you, you would have been assigned to study in Baizhou City. went."

"But if we meet again at that time, we will be like childhood sweethearts from heaven."

Lin Youxi thought about it, "Will our relationship be more stable this way?"

"It can't be said for sure, if we didn't stay together in elementary school, how could we study together in middle school, and we wouldn't go to Jiangcheng No. [-] Normal School together in high school..."

Xia Yuan thought for a while and then shook her head, "Ah, I don't want to be like this, I still feel comfortable together all the time, and I won't get bored at all!"

"Really, I'm actually a little tired."

Lin Youxi leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder and said quietly, Xia Yuan and Mei Fang were startled by these words, both of them looked at Lin Youxi in surprise, "Really?"

"It's not that I don't like it because I'm tired. I just think that our little Afang will become a big Afang in a few days. Can we do something more mature?"

Lin Youxi's faint words in Mei Fang's ear were like ASMR, which made Mei Fang's scalp numb and dare not speak, and Xia Yuan, who was beside her, blushed even more, covered her face and muttered, "I, I think it's still a third year in high school. I have plenty of time after graduation, and I haven't prepared myself for it... I don't want to do that kind of thing—"

Seeing the reaction of the two, Lin Youxi frowned with disgust and said:
"What are you thinking, I mean we are all over 18 years old, we can think about buying a house and driving a car, why do you think I spend most of my time thinking about sex, I have become that kind of pervert in your mind ?"

"It can't be said most of the time, it can only be said every moment."

Xia Yuan nodded aside and said, "Youxi is tired of talking, but the movements of your hands have never stopped. Also, you are not only so active with Fang, but also with me, so you have the nerve to say that you are tired of it." .”

Lin Youxi was a little unhappy when she heard that, she stood up with her arms folded and put on a domineering and cold image of a female president, and said coldly.

"Let's not talk about it in the car here, I will clean up you two when I get home."

"Ah, don't you sleep with Afang at night?"

Xia Yuan mumbled, "I haven't touched our sister Xiaoya for a long time, I want to sleep with Xiaoya!"

"You don't want to sleep with me now, what else will you do in the future? Come to our bed consciously at night, do you hear me, huh?"

Xia Yuan was pinched by Youxi and looked weak, "I know, I know, let's talk about buying a house and a car first!"

Mei Fang also interjected at this time, "I've been looking at this. We can first buy a large flat in the newly opened building near Pengcheng University, and then go to Pengcheng Bay to see if there are sea view houses available. Except In addition to these, the building site of the new company should also be carefully considered.”

"Aren't Ah Fang going to continue renting office buildings? I think office buildings are quite cheap. If we suddenly build a building, how can we have so much money?"

"Let's do some research first. Although the cash flow on hand is not enough, only a little over 1 million yuan, we can borrow money, and investors will support us. We can also rely on leasing office buildings to get back the funds."

Lin Youxi tilted her head: "But, we haven't expanded so fast yet, why are we rushing to build buildings?"

"Building is the only way to make money. In a few years, the price of real estate will double. It doesn't mean that we will start construction immediately. This year we have to determine the location of the building. Let's talk about building the building."

Xia Yuan shook his head and made an expression of disbelief: "The Lanshan District of Pengcheng is already at 5 yuan, will it be able to reach 10 yuan in the future? I don't really believe it..."

The three were chatting about the development plan in Pengcheng, and the uncle sitting in the front row was dumbfounded listening to the conversation between the three.

Can today's high school students dream so wildly?

After one year of operation last year, under the development of uncle's network and management, the staff of Linxi Technology has directly doubled from 50 to 200 people.

Since station C started the first round of internal testing of the live broadcast, the effect of the live broadcast small TV has been quite good externally, attracting the attention of a lot of capital. At this time, station A is facing various personnel disputes. The former winger Chen Shaojie led The departure of the live broadcast put Station A in a precarious state.

Under the situation of ebb and flow, the current station C has largely replaced station A and has become a trend of Two-dimensional top-ranking portal website.

To be honest, the development speed of Station C operated by Mei Fang is actually far slower than that of his uncle in his previous life.

Because Mei Fang's strategy itself is conservative, it will not take the initiative to absorb too much financing. Although the development is slow, it is always one step at a time. While maintaining the purity of the community, it also needs to save money for the upcoming copyright war.

However, the biggest difference from Uncle in the previous life is that Mei Fang did not refuse to play pre-roll advertisements for Station C, and Station C has never promised not to place advertisements.Of course, this advertisement will be launched together with the big membership system.

Speaking of which, when Uncle first launched the big membership system, there were rumors that high-level members would give away several months of big membership every year. Mei Fang didn't know if it was true or not, but he must have been willing to give it a few months at the beginning.

Now that it is so big and still does not accept advertisements, the members in the forum are worried that the stationmaster Mei Fang’s family will not have enough money to burn, and they are all urging Mei Fang to accept advertisements to support Station C.

It has to be said that public opinion is very favorable to high school students like Mei Fang, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan.

In order to maintain his own beautiful personality, Mei Fang will let his uncle announce the advertisement system and the big membership system, and at the same time officially demonstrate the status of the professional manager of Uncle C station.

To maintain the purity of station C, it must be just right!Members who have suffered a lot, just call the uncle to bear it.

Now that the video site is up to now, Mei Fang really feels that this game is burning money. It is a huge hole to make up for the shortfall of the video site with the money he earns from the game. It is very difficult, including building a building and buying a house. The full payment must be stupid, but the monthly payment is also a lot of money.

So for the Similu game, there are still one or two BGO-sized games in order to live a decent life...

Mei Youyuan got off the bus only three times, and the car of Mei Fang's father, Mei Lijun, was waiting not far away.

Before getting into the car, Lin Youxi stopped Xia Yuan and Mei Fang who were about to go there, tilted their heads and smiled:

"Mature things, besides buying a car and a house, there are indeed other things... After all, Ah Fang will be 18 years old next week, right?"

"I knew you Xi, you were still thinking about this!"

Xia Yuan was complacent because she saw through Lin Youxi's thoughts.

 This chapter was written at 3:12 o'clock in the underworld, and I want to go back to the time at [-] o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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