Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 441 If Line Fanwai Chapter Yuanding Fangxi 17

Chapter 441 If Line Extra Chapter Fated to Fangxi · 17 (ask for a monthly ticket, subscribe)
With the experience of participating in the nuclear fusion exhibition for the first time, "White Plum Time" finally gained the first batch of players who got started.

There are more than 100 people in the discussion group of the game. Mei Fang and Lin Youxi also prepared the corresponding Weixin official account and bib account, and applied for the identity verification of the studio's name "Yuanxi Studio".

Although the popularity is still very small, but it is finally the first step...

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi will post update logs in the group every day, and the players are also actively putting forward some opinions and suggestions. At least one-third of the players in the group are from Baimei County. They said that "Baimei Time" let them I have a deep nostalgia for my hometown, and I am quite active and enthusiastic in making suggestions.

Mei Fang is still busy dealing with her own work every day, so Lin Youxi also shared part of the reply work in the group.

The Lin Youxi that Mei Fang knew was a girl who was not close to anyone except herself, but when chatting with these players about the games they made, Lin Youxi was quite enthusiastic.

Seeing her sweetheart gradually walk out of the autistic haze of losing her job, and has become more cheerful and lively since then, Mei Fang is also happy for her from the bottom of her heart, so she is more motivated to work.

Although he is troubled by the daily expenses that cannot make ends meet, but fortunately, he still has some savings to maintain, whether it is playing games or continuing to raise Youxi, there is no problem...

However, the matter of meeting Liu Xiaoyu for dinner again has been forgotten by Mei Fang.

Until this day, Mei Fang came back from working overtime, and it was almost twelve o'clock when he got home.

When he opened the door with the key and came in, he was immediately attracted by the nostalgic scent coming from the house. At this time, Lin Youxi was poking his head out of the kitchen in a white lace apron:

"Afang, are you back? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"What are you doing, it's so fragrant..." Mei Fang thought, "It seems to smell like lotus root."

"Yes, I was chatting about games with netizens today, and I talked about how delicious the lotus root pork rib soup in my hometown is, so I tried to make one myself... Come, I will serve you a bowl."

So Mei Fang sat at the dining table respectfully, waiting for Lin Youxi to carefully bring the soup bowl to him.

"Drink slowly, I just finished."

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, hot!"

"So I told you, let you drink slowly! Your tongue is fine..."

"it's okay no problem……"

Lin Youxi took Mei Fang's soup bowl, picked up a spoon, scooped up a small spoonful of soup, blew it on his mouth, and then sent it to Mei Fang's mouth.

Seeing that Mei Fang hesitated, Lin Youxi immediately made fun of him and said:
"Why, are you still shy?"

"It's not shy, it's—"

"That means you don't want me to serve you?"

"How is that possible?"

"Then drink it."

Lin Youxi leaned against Mei Fang, and carefully fed Mei Fang a sip of lotus root soup.

"Don't burn your mouth?"

"It's not hot anymore."


"Well, good, delicious."

Mei Fang wiped her mouth and said, "I didn't expect your culinary skills to improve so quickly, and you're almost at my mother's level."

"Compared to Aunt Xiang, I'm far behind. But after all, I'm the god of learning you call, as long as I concentrate on doing one thing, there is nothing I can't do."

"Then, what about love?"

Mei Fang stared at Lin Youxi and said seriously, "Our master can easily do it, right?"

"Hmph, of course I can do it easily, but I just like to manipulate your feelings, so I am happier hanging on to you like this, I like to see the feeling of you begging for me but not getting it , I will torture you to death."

Lin Youxi said heartless words to Mei Fang, but at the same time blew on a spoon to feed Mei Fang soup. In this situation, I really don't know who is licking whom.

Lin Youxi fed Mei Fang half of the soup and asked him, "Do you want to eat? I also cooked some rice, in case you are hungry."

"Well... I'll eat some, just a little."

"I'll serve it to you."

"I'll just do it myself—"

"No, no, you are the breadwinner. It's been so hard these days, so let me do it."

After Lin Youxi said that, she patted her butt and stood up, and went to the kitchen to serve Mei Fang a meal.

Looking at Lin Youxi's slender figure from the back, Mei Fang suddenly felt a little unbelievable, as if she was a world away.

The happy life of such an old couple is a pursuit that Mei Fang can hardly imagine, and now it has come true without a partner.

Although this girl named Lin Youxi never accepted Mei Fang's confession, she still worked hard to play the roles of wife, girlfriend, and lover, and occasionally made small troubles, but now she is very obedient and docile.

It's unbelievably meek.

Lin Youxi came over with a small bowl of rice, and when she saw Mei Fang slapping herself there, she joked, "What are you doing, do you want to be abused?"


Mei Fang rubbed her red cheeks, "It just... always feels unreal, and I'm worried that I'm dreaming."

"It's not a dream, but it's definitely not true."

Lin Youxi handed the prepared meal to Mei Fang, "Let's just treat it as a house-playing game. We used to play it a lot, but at that time, you and Yuanyuan always played the role of parents, and I played the role of daughter. Now It's just me playing the wife."

When Lin Youxi said these words, she was calm and cold, and with a "boom", Mei Fang was pulled back from the beautiful fantasy to the broken and cold reality.

Of course Mei Fang does not think so.

"Even if you say it's a play, I will play the role of a good husband, take good care of you, and always protect you."

"You talk so greasy and tease others like this, how can there be girls like you."

"Is this... greasy? I just spoke my mind."

"That's why I believe you are telling the truth."

Lin Youxi sighed as she spoke, then smiled and patted Mei Fang's shoulder, "Eat quickly, you won't be able to sleep any later."


Lin Youxi sat cross-legged on the sofa like this, watching Mei Fang feasting on her chin, her gaze became gentle.

"Don't you want to eat?"

"I'm full just looking at you."

"Is my eating so exaggerated?"


Lin Youxi leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder like this, and took a nap looking at the chandelier on the ceiling.

When Mei Fang was almost finished eating and was about to clean up and wash the dishes, Lin Youxi suddenly grabbed Mei Fang and refused to let him go.

"Why... You cook so hard, so I'm sure I'll do the dishes?"

"No...not talking about washing dishes."

Lin Youxi squinted her eyes and smiled at Mei Fang with her legs crossed: "I want to invite friends to my house this weekend, is that okay?"

Mei Fang couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, "This is your house, you can invite whoever you want. But you actually have other friends, which really frightened me. Is it a former colleague at Penguin?"

"It's's someone you know."

"I know?"

Lin Youxi nodded, "It's Liu Xiaoyu and Yue Xinyi, your old high school classmates."

Originally, Mei Fang was happy when he heard that Lin Youxi wanted to invite people to play, but when he heard the names of these two people, his expression changed immediately, "What are you doing with them? It's a bit embarrassing? I didn't talk to them after that." chat."

"Didn't you promise Liu Xiaoyu to have a chance to eat together before, so I wanted to save some money for you, so we can eat at home... Just let them see my cooking skills."

Seeing that Mei Fang still looked hesitant and reluctant, Lin Youxi jumped up and hugged Mei Fang from behind to comfort him, "Didn't you have a crush on Liu Xiaoyu before, but didn't she look down on you? This time I Act well in front of them, let them know that you are living a happy life, and give you a lot of face, envy her to death."

"I didn't have a crush on her before."

"Yes, yes, no, no, no if you say no."

"...Why does it feel like you're a little perfunctory to me."

Mei Fang turned around and knocked Lin Youxi on the head. Lin Youxi stuck out his tongue playfully, and then hugged Mei Fang head-on.

"Also... I'm also promoting "The Time of White Plums"."

"Promote "White Plum Time"?"

"Liu Xiaoyu is the editor of the well-known game evaluation media 'Game Taozi'. She told me that she wanted to do a special article on "Baimei Time" and wanted to help us do more publicity. I thought this is also a good thing. Invite her to come to our house for an interview. How, how?"


Facing such a lively and enthusiastic Lin Youxi, Mei Fang was really in no mood to interrupt her thoughts.

"This is your home in the first place, and you are also the producer of "Baimei Time", so you must have the final say."

"Don't be so wronged, hahaha! He is your old classmate, so meet and exchange more often to say hello."

While Lin Youxi was talking, Mei Fang suddenly picked her up high.

"What...what are you doing?"

"I always feel that you have been tricked from the moment I entered the house. I said that you boiled soup for me and fed me soup today. You must have no good intentions."

"How can this be called Wu'an's good intentions? Ah Fang, you are too sensitive, hahaha——"

Mei Fang held Lin Youxi around a few times, then slowly put her down, and brought her back to the sofa with her arms in his arms. Lin Youxi dragged Mei Fang to lie down directly, and she let Mei Fang be so straightforward Pressing themselves, each other's breath conveys warmth to each other.

"Want to kiss me?"

Lin Youxi held Mei Fang's cheek, and Mei Fang nodded slightly.

"Then why don't you kiss?"

Mei Fang is also very frank:

"I just finished the broth and my mouth has a taste."

"But I won't despise you."

Lin Youxi pinched Mei Fang's face, "If you don't make out with me now, maybe you won't have a chance to make out with me in the future, okay?"

As she spoke, she began to wander around Mei Fang's body, and began to act recklessly.


Mei Fang held Lin Youxi's arm and didn't give her a chance to continue messing around.

"It's time to take medicine. I'll feed you medicine."

"Huh... What a disappointment, I don't want to take medicine anymore."

Lin Youxi's reckless energy was instantly wiped away.

"Be obedient, eat what you should eat."

"I'm much better now, and it's okay to stop taking the medicine slowly."

"I have consulted with the doctor, don't lie to me."

Mei Fang said seriously, "The doctor has to admit that the drug can be stopped before stopping. When we went to the hospital for an examination last time, the doctor said that you have to take at least one year of observation before you can decide whether to stop the drug."

"Ah...but the medicines for the treatment are very expensive...they cost tens of thousands a year."

Lin Youxi said coquettishly in Mei Fang's arms, "I have no money and no job. I'm already useless...I don't want to waste money anymore."

"You don't have any money, I'll buy it for you, and you have to keep eating."

Mei Fang said seriously, "I will take care of you, have I already said that?"

"Hmph... I don't want to touch your wife's book, it's for your wife!"

"Aren't you playing my wife in a playhouse?"

"That's all playing house."

"Acting has to be played to the end, don't be stubborn."


Mei Fang found Lin Youxi's medicine, poured a glass of warm water, and then pulled the reluctant Lin Youxi to sit in her arms.

When he took out the tablet, he was slightly stunned, "Does the lithium carbonate tablet look like this? Why does it feel different from the previous model..."

"That's because I bought a new brand and it works the same."

"You wouldn't buy cheap ones on purpose, just to save money?"

"No, no! This is just an event... a little cheaper. If you don't believe me, I'll call you the order."

As Lin Youxi spoke, she wanted to take out her mobile phone to show Mei Fang, and Mei Fang waved her hands again and again.

"It's not necessary... You can't do this to avoid taking medicine."

"That is to say, how could I be willing to leave Afang."

Under Mei Fang's comfort, Lin Youxi worked hard to take the medicine.

"Fang, let me tell you..."


Lin Youxi fell asleep in Mei Fang's arms soon after taking the medicine.

That night, Lin Youxi had a sweet dream.

She dreamed that she had a big belly and lived in a spacious and bright flat, overlooking the beautiful night view of Pengcheng.

At this time, a radiant Mei Fang in a suit and leather shoes appeared in front of him. He put down the briefcase he was carrying at work, squatted down, and lay on Lin Youxi's stomach, talking and laughing with her, talking and thinking baby's future.

But then a flash of blood flashed by, and she saw his beloved Mei Fang lying in a pool of blood in a car accident, staring at herself, looking desperately struggling, she wanted to rush over and touch Mei Fang then felt a sharp pain in her stomach, accompanied by the heart-piercing pain, she almost passed out from the pain.

It was a monster with distorted facial features and three hands and four legs. It screamed like a monster, wrapped around my blood-soaked belt, and called "Mom" in an indistinct voice. Lin Youxi, who was pale and terrified, crawled over.

"Mom... Mom... Mom..."



Lin Youxi woke up from the nightmarish dream of hell, and the terrifying scene was vivid in his mind. When he woke up, there was no one beside him with his pillow. The terrified Lin Youxi suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar.

Mei Fang, who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen, rushed over after hearing the news. Before he could ask questions, he leaned over and punched Lin Youxi hard. Feeling the severity, Mei Fang's eyes were swollen immediately.

But after Lin Youxi beat Mei Fang, he didn't show any signs of letting go. Instead, he grabbed Mei Fang's hair, stared at his head and said hello:

"Why did you abandon me... why did you abandon me!"

"I love you so much...I love you so much!"

"Okay, okay... I didn't abandon you... How could I abandon you..."

Mei Fang wanted to try her best to appease Lin Youxi, but Lin Youxi's mania did not show any sign of stopping. Lin Youxi, who was still a virtuous wife last night, punched and kicked Mei Fang crazily. Today, she seems to have come from hell. The exiled evil spirit bestowed endless torture on her sweetheart, Mei Fang.

"Okay... Youxi, don't be like this, it hurts you... Don't your hands hurt?"

Mei Fang didn't care about the swollen nose and face, and tried to comfort Lin Youxi to calm down.

"You chose!"

Lin Youxi continued to torment Mei Fang.

The terrifying scene in the nightmare became the trigger for her to vent her emotions.

The torment of the sweetheart seems endless.

 Continue to 18 in a while, two consecutive updates.

(End of this chapter)

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