Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 442 If Line Fanwai Chapter Yuanding Fangxi 18

Chapter 442 If Line Extra Chapter Fated to Fangxi · 18 (ask for a monthly ticket, subscribe)
Mei Fang got up early this morning and was beaten up by his sweetheart.

Lin Youxi first punched him in the eyes, which made his eyes stare, then grabbed his hair, beat hard, bit and scratched again, Mei Fang's face and neck were clearly visible. bloodstains and tooth marks.

But Lin Youxi herself was not having a good time. Her attack method of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred broke her nails, and the back of her hand was cut open by the zipper, and blood kept gushing from the back of her hand However, Mei Fang wanted to help deal with Lin Youxi but was still unwilling to end the torture.

So Mei Fang finally chose to hug Lin Youxi to control Lin Youxi. Lin Youxi hit Mei Fang's face with his head, and Mei Fang's nosebleed was so violent that he couldn't stop her madness.

Although she has been tortured to such a painful degree, Mei Fang has been telling her love for Lin Youxi in a soft voice.

"Youxi... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... It's my fault... I didn't accompany you when I was having nightmares, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Youxi..."

Lin Youxi was already brimming with tears in the subsequent struggle. While sobbing, she continued to hit Mei Fang, until she was exhausted later, and then slowly released the severed fist that was tightly stuck in Mei Fang's flesh. Nails, whimpering in pain.

"Okay, okay...don't cry, don't cry...I'm here with you..."

Realizing that Lin Youxi had finally stopped attacking, Mei Fang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He blocked his bleeding nose with a tissue, then took the medicine box and trotted to Lin Youxi who was sitting by the bed.

He knelt on the ground, carefully held up Lin Youxi's hand, helped her cut off her broken nails, and put a Band-Aid on the back of her scratched hand to stop the bleeding.

During this period, Lin Youxi didn't speak, but kept sobbing. After Mei Fang helped her deal with the wound, she saw that her nose was drooping and was about to fall, so she quickly wiped her with a tissue.

This feeling is like taking care of children in kindergarten.

Lin Youxi's eyes were still cloudy and lifeless at the moment, her empty pupils couldn't find focus, and her disheveled hair showed her distress.

From this point of view, I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain guests today.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Mei Fang quickly took the phone and sent a message to Liu Xiaoyu.

[Hello, Youxi is sick today, I'm afraid I can't entertain you——]

Before Mei Fang finished sending this message, a voice call from Liu Xiaoyu suddenly appeared on the screen. Mei Fang had no choice but to answer it, and Liu Xiaoyu's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone:
"Hi, is... is it Mei Fang?"

"it's me."

"Xinyi can't come today because I have something to do. I've already left. I want to make sure if you are in the Xiangyang community. Youxi's phone has been disconnected, so I'll call you."

"Ah—that, have you already set off?"

Mei Fang was flustered in her words, "I'm sorry, sorry, it's like this, Youxi is sick today, so I'm afraid I can't entertain—"

In the middle of Mei Fang's words, Lin Youxi by the bed suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar again. While screaming, she slapped Mei Fang's cell phone with her palm, and then slapped Mei Fang out. Push it over.

"Get out... Get out for me! This is my home! If you don't want me, get out!"

"What are you talking about, you Xi, how can I not want you...I haven't always, always—"

Of course, with Mei Fang's strength, he could easily handle Lin Youxi, but he didn't want to hurt his sweetheart, so he could only back away according to her wishes.

Lin Youxi pushed Mei Fang out of their love nest, then pushed him out of the living room, out of the porch, and out of the door Before Mei Fang could appeal and argue, Lin Youxi slammed the door shut.


what are you doing?

I lost my temper today...

Mei Fang scratched his head, touched the lump where Lin Youxi had beaten him up, and immediately grinned in pain.

When he was dealing with the injury just now, he took care of Youxi, and ignored the bruised nose and swollen face at all.

But now that the mobile phone is no longer in hand, and even one of the slippers is missing, even Mei Fang doesn't know how to deal with the current situation.

At this moment, the door of the neighbor's room opened, and a grey-haired grandmother came out of the room. Mei Fang hurriedly pretended to be knocking on the door, and softly called Lin Youxi's name.


Grandma stood by the door, looking up and down at Mei Fang:

"Did the young couple quarrel?"

"Ah... yes."

Mei Fang nodded in embarrassment.

Grandma showed a kind smile, "Girls are more sensitive, you should take care of her more."

"Um... I know. That—"

Mei Fang was about to ask grandma if he could go back through the window next to her house, but grandma took the elevator with her hands behind her back.


Forget it.

This is the third floor. If I fall to my death, who will help me take care of Youxi?

Mei Fang gave up this naive idea.

It's better to wait for Youxi to recover slowly, and then open the door for me.

Could it be the problem with the medicine yesterday... Youxi wouldn't lose her temper like this after taking the medicine?

If only I could be more careful... I have to look up that bottle of medicine.

Mei Fang just squatted in front of Lin Youxi's house, the pain from time to time made him grin his teeth in agony.

He originally wanted to knock on the door to appease Lin Youxi, but he was kicked out after so long. Mei Fang felt that it was not suitable for him to disturb Lin Youxi now.

But just sitting like this, Mei Fang couldn't help becoming worried.

Is it really okay for me not to be by Youxi's side like this?
If she can't think about it in the room, wouldn't my life be over!

After thinking of this, Mei Fang began to knock on the door of Lin Youxi's house desperately:

At the beginning, Mei Fang still had a begging licking tone:

"Youxi, I know you're angry with me, I know I'm wrong..."

Later he began moral kidnapping:
"But don't get overwhelmed, okay? This world is still beautiful, and I still want to live... I will definitely die with you when you die."

The helpless Mei Fang could only think of moving Xia Yuan out to calm her down:
"Have you forgotten the agreement with Yuanyuan? "Time of White Plum", "Time of White Plum" is not finished yet..."

But Lin Youxi still didn't respond.

Helpless, Mei Fang began to knock on the door of Lin Youxi's house like crazy:

"You don't love me anymore, do you, Lin Youxi! It's agreed that you won't love anyone in this life except me, you scumbag!"

Mei Fang repeated the same words while knocking on the door, but Lin Youxi still didn't respond.


Mei Fang, who was exhausted, finally fell to the door of Lin Youxi's house because of being too exhausted.

Lin Youxi...

You really……

Can you really be so cruel to me?
Mei Fang clenched her fists tightly and beat her own thigh several times.

As he thumped, tears filled his eyes unconsciously.

Yesterday's love and tenderness are like a dreamlike scene, and the happiness that was once within reach has now disappeared in summer. In the interweaving of despair and hope, the confused Mei Fang has already forgotten the direction to go.

How much do I have to do to keep her heart?
Mei Fang suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted, and the symptoms of angina pectoris reappeared in his heart.

Drenched in sweat, he clutched his heart and struggled to get through it. After an exhausting struggle, Mei Fang's angina gradually eased, and he gradually fell asleep by the door.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Mei Fang was woken up by a strange yet familiar call.

"Mei Fang, Mei Fang..."

"Wake up, don't sleep here."

Mei Fang wakes up from the painful broken memory, and Liu Xiaoyu, who is full of concern, appears in front of him.

Mei Fang was so frightened that she hurriedly stood up and found herself in a panic. Mei Fang quickly turned her back to Liu Xiaoyu.

"You, why are you here?"

Mei Fang faltered and asked, "Didn't I tell you that Youxi was sick, and I asked you to come back next time?"

"I didn't hear you clearly when you told me, but I heard Youxi screaming over there. I was worried that something happened to you, so I rushed over to have a look..."

"Is that so..."

"So... are you arguing?"

Seeing Mei Fang's bruised nose and swollen face, Liu Xiaoyu was very cautious.

" it a quarrel?"

"Roommates live together, and it's normal to have a little friction occasionally, but don't rise to the level of hands-on... You've been beaten like this."

Liu Xiaoyu took out the band-aid from her bag as she spoke, and then put it on Mei Fang.

"No, no... I'm fine."

"It's still necessary to prevent secondary infection... In this way, I see that there is a Shekang Hospital downstairs. Let me take you to Shekang Hospital."

"No, no, I'll stay here."

Mei Fang leaned against the door, as if unwilling to leave:
"I'm afraid she'll run away."

"Are you... still arguing?"

"No, I didn't argue with her, it was her—"

Mei Fangxin said that going on like this would ruin Lin Youxi's image, so she didn't continue to say: "I didn't do this either, um... it was actually - the cat scratched it."


Probably because she knew that she was a little too open-eyed and telling nonsense, Mei Fang scratched her head and smiled, "Forget it, the cause process is very complicated to explain... I just hope you don't misunderstand Lin Youxi, she is a very good girl .”


This is……

Have you been PUAed?

This is naturally the first reaction in Liu Xiaoyu's mind.

Although, Lin Youxi looked like a cheerful and friendly girl before, and she was also a girl with a good personality when chatting with her, how could she be like this.

So Liu Xiaoyu took out her mobile phone, "Since Youxi is at home, I'll call her again and ask her—"

beep - beep - beep -

Still no response on the phone.

Seeing that Liu Xiaoyu failed in her attempt, Mei Fang stopped her from trying again, "Forget it, forget it... Youxi won't talk to us for a while, don't try."

"Then...then I'd better take you to Shekang. If you don't treat the wound like this, it will be very uncomfortable if the infection festers. It's not a solution to stick here..."

"Then, can I trouble you to buy some external medicine? You see, I don't have shoes on my side, and I can't just leave here."

"Why can't you leave here?"

"I'm afraid Youxi will run away."

Mei Fang endured the pain and smiled, "She must regret what she did today. If she runs away, I don't know where to find her."


Although she felt that she had seen something absurd, Liu Xiaoyu went to the social health downstairs very cooperatively. When she came back, she not only brought medicine, but also lunch, drinks, and a pair of brand new slippers.

"Give you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are really considerate."

As Mei Fang spoke, he thanked Liu Xiaoyu repeatedly, "Pay me the money spent, and I will pay you back when the time comes."

"Don't rush to pay back the money, deal with the wound first."

"Also... I'll do it myself!"

Mei Fang refused Liu Xiaoyu's help and decided to apply the wound medicine to herself.

Seeing that Mei Fang was struggling to paint, Liu Xiaoyu quickly persuaded, "Let me help you, how you paint like's not right at all."

"Then...that's troublesome."

So Mei Fang stopped being stubborn, and watched Liu Xiaoyu squatting and rubbing the medicine on herself.

It was a bit difficult for her to wipe, so she just crossed her legs and helped Mei Fang apply the medicine.

During the process of smearing, Liu Xiaoyu couldn't help asking about Lin Youxi:

"Mei Fang...Although it may be offensive to ask this question, I majored in psychology in college after all. From my point of view, is Youxi... not very emotionally stable?"

"How could she beat you so hard..."

"Ah, this..."

Mei Fang knew that if she continued to hide it, Liu Xiaoyu would have a huge misunderstanding of Lin Youxi, "Okay... I won't hide it from you anymore, Youxi has bipolar disorder."

Liu Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then continued to ask: "Type I or Type II?"

"Type I, more serious."

"So that's the case...then I can understand."

"But You Xi is usually normal, but today... it's a bit strange, and it's not like this usually."

"Did you take your medicine on time?"

"Yes, there are, but I changed a new medicine recently. After taking it last night, something went wrong today. I suspect there is something wrong with the medicine..."

"Many of my college classmates are still doing psychology-related work. I can help you do a pharmacological test on that bottle of medicine..."

"Okay, okay, I'll trouble you then, thank you very much."

As soon as Mei Fang said that, he grabbed Liu Xiaoyu's hand, and the gratitude on his face was beyond words.


Such an intimate behavior had never appeared in the past, so that when Liu Xiaoyu was shaken, she shrank back in fear.

At this time, Mei Fang also realized her gaffe, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was too excited, so..."

"Eat something first, you still."

"Thank you."

Mei Fang, who was already starving, began to gobble it up.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance while eating, Liu Xiaoyu suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud.


"I remember, I remember when you helped me bring breakfast in high school, you rushed out of the classroom in such a hurry, and then had to wait in line for a long time to buy beef noodles. It was only a few minutes before class, and I didn't take a few bites when I saw You ate it all up."

"Ah, the beef ramen is really difficult...but it's really delicious!"

"Indeed... I kind of miss that time too."

Liu Xiaoyu sighed a little bit about her high school days, then looked at Mei Fang and said, "You Xi told me that you are her best friend."

"No haha...don't listen to her nonsense."

Mei Fang waved his hands and said, "We are not friends."

"Not a friend? Isn't that—"

Liu Xiaoyu was about to continue asking, but when she heard the elevator ding, the neighbor's grandmother was about to go back to her room.

Seeing a strange and beautiful girl standing next to Mei Fang, a trace of suspicion flashed across Grandma's face, "What's wrong with you, young man, you're crazy..."

"Ah no, grandma, listen to me explain—"

Mei Fang was about to explain the situation to her grandma, when she heard a bang from inside the house, Mei Fang was frightened, knocked on the door and greeted Lin Youxi:

"Youxi! Open the door! Are you okay inside! I, I... I beg you... Can you come out and meet me... I'm really worried about you..."

There was still no response from Lin Youxi in the room.

But Mei Fang really panicked now.

He hurried towards the old lady and came to her.

"Grandma, grandma, can you let me pass by your house for a while, my girlfriend has been refusing to open the door, I'm worried that something happened to her, I have to go through the window to see—"


Liu Xiaoyu looked at Mei Fang's back, a little startled.

At the same time, the grandmother also showed a troubled expression.

"We have anti-theft nets on this floor. To get in, you have to open it from the inside. That's too dangerous..."

"It's okay... The balcony of our room faces her room, he can see mine, it's all right! Please, can you do me a favor!"

"Well... I can't watch you have an accident, come here with me."

Mei Fang didn't care about talking to Liu Xiaoyu at this time, but followed the grandmother to the balcony of the living room, and got out through the old rusty anti-theft net. The anti-theft net was creaked, and everyone was very worried.

"Young man... you are holding this little ladder, if you are not careful, you can hold it up."

"I, I'm here to help..."

As Liu Xiaoyu spoke, she volunteered to stand on the other end of the ladder, watching Mei Fang slowly climb up the ladder, and came to the anti-theft net on the balcony of the opposite room, pulled the anti-theft net, and called Lin Youxi's name from inside.

"Lin Youxi!"

"Don't shut yourself up!"

"Come out and meet me!"

"When you get sick, you get sick!"

"Nothing to be ashamed of!"

"Look, I'm not ashamed anymore!"

"Come out for me, you!"

"I'm on the balcony!"

Mei Fang firmly grabbed the anti-theft net, and shouted Lin Youxi's name into the house.

"Lin Youxi! Hurry up... Hurry up and open the window! If you don't come here, your husband will fall to his death!"

Mei Fang's embarrassing screams on the balcony attracted many residents to watch, and everyone gathered to watch the excitement.

Liu Xiaoyu was on the other side of the window next door. She hugged the ladder tightly so that Mei Fang could continue to stand on the ladder with one foot to keep her balance.

In the past, the young boy who was introverted and a bit of a second grader in his memory has turned out to be such a reliable man...

Finally, amidst Mei Fang's persistent yelling, the window and curtains of the balcony in the living room were finally pulled open.

Appearing in front of Mei Fang was Lin Youxi, who was already tearful and in a panic.

She no longer has the aloofness and vigor that she saw among neighbors in the past, but looks tired and lonely.

She trotted up to the balcony step by step, and quickly opened the small anti-theft window from the inside, allowing Mei Fang to slip in from the outside.

The first thing Mei Fang did when she returned to the balcony was to hug Lin Youxi tightly, and both of them fell to their knees slowly due to exhaustion and weakness.

"A Fang..."

"Stop talking, let me give you a good hug."

Lin Youxi's voice was hoarse from crying, and she couldn't tell what the original sound was like.

No one knows how long she has been alone in the corner of the house.

However, no matter how long she shut herself up——

After all, there are so many people in this world.

There is always someone who is willing to walk into her heart and open her heart.

Then, hug her tightly.

Light up her world.

 I'm on the brink of sudden death!Please give me a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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