Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums.

Chapter 443 If Line Fanwai Chapter Yuanding Fangxi 19

Chapter 443 If Line Extra Chapter Fated to Fangxi · 19 (ask for a monthly ticket, subscribe)

Mei Fang hugged Lin Youxi and let her lie in his arms for a long, long time, until she fell asleep in her arms before starting to move.

Mei Fang, whose legs and feet were numb, carried Lin Youxi back to the bed, only then remembered that Liu Xiaoyu was still locked outside.

When he got up, he glanced at Lin Youxi whose tears had dried up, then gently broke away from Lin Youxi's hand holding him, opened the door with lightning speed, and then ran back to hold Lin Youxi's hand, And found his mobile phone to send a message to Liu Xiaoyu.

"excuse me……"

After receiving Mei Fang's reply, Liu Xiaoyu walked into Mei Fang and Lin Youxi's den lightly.

The messy debris was overturned on the trash can, and the books were scattered on the floor.

A life of chicken and dog jumping.

This is the life status of the two producers of "Baimei Time".

"Liu Xiaoyu, thank you so much today."

While holding Lin Youxi's hand, Mei Fang bowed his head to Liu Xiaoyu with one hand and thanked Liu Xiaoyu, "I can't entertain you today, another day... another day I will definitely treat you to a good meal, thank you for helping me so much today."

Liu Xiaoyu sat on a small stool while listening to Mei Fang's words.

"Mei Fang, are you in such a hurry to send me away?"

"No... that's not what I meant."

Mei Fang was full of guilt, "Youxi fell asleep again, I don't know when she will wake up, and I can't entertain you today."

"I came all the way here just to write the next feature article on independent game developers, so you have to tell me something."

Liu Xiaoyu looked at Lin Youxi who was tightly held by Mei Fang, "If you feel inconvenient and afraid of waking Lin Youxi, you can type it to me."

"That's not necessary...she should have slept deeply."

Liu Xiaoyu took out a recording pen and handed it to Mei Fang: "Then tell me, what is the reason for you to make this game together, how did you know each other, how did you divide the work..."

"Is this also the content of the game interview?"

"Out of some personal interests, because I feel that the story between you should be more interesting than the game itself."

Liu Xiaoyu smiled and said, "I told you before that I was writing a novel, because I wrote articles about daily love, so I think it can be used as a source of material. Of course, if you don't want to say it, I will definitely not force you."

"There's nothing to hide...and you've helped me so much, so let me tell you briefly..."

Mei Fang pinched her nose as she said, "But let me state in advance that our story is not an interesting story, nor is it a sweet love..."

"It's okay! I can process it artistically! It's just a matter of inspiration."

So Mei Fang calmly told Liu Xiaoyu the story of her encounter with Lin Youxi.

Liu Xiaoyu originally took notes carefully with a small stool, but the more she listened to it, the more fascinated she became, and the more she listened, the more she felt a little unbelievable, so that she finally sat cross-legged next to Mei Fang and took notes.

"So... Actually, you are still not together?"

"If you want to say that I'm a dog licker, so be it, haha..."

"I didn't, I didn't mean that!"

Liu Xiaoyu quickly waved her hand to deny it, and then said softly: "I can tell that she also likes you very much, but now it's just because of her bipolar problem that she can't pursue happiness with you."

"Ah... By the way, about the bipolar issue."

Mei Fang found Lin Youxi's newly bought anti-bipolar medicine, and handed it to Liu Xiaoyu, "This is the medicine Youxi bought recently, please help me to let my friend take a look... Please tell me the cost of the test. Let Youxi take the original brand of medicine."

"If there is something wrong with the medicine, we really can't let it continue to harm people..."

Liu Xiaoyu took the medicine bottle that Mei Fang handed over, and saw that it was almost sunset, "It's getting late, I should go back..."

As she spoke, she looked at Lin Youxi who was sleeping peacefully behind Mei Fang. While she was sleeping soundly like mud, she kept holding Mei Fang's hand tightly, and she didn't feel a smile immediately.

"For Lin Youxi, you should be her salvation..."

"the same."

Mei Fang smiled slightly.

"the same?"

"You think I am her salvation, but in fact she is also my salvation."

Mei Fang caressed Lin Youxi's palm, her eyes were full of gentleness like flowing water:

"I was dead until I met her."

Liu Xiaoyu listened quietly to Mei Fang expressing her love for Lin Youxi.

While expressing envy and emotion, for some reason, I suddenly felt a little sour in my heart.

It's always been, dead...

In this way, except for going to the bathroom, Mei Fang held Lin Youxi's hand to accompany her all the time, for fear that when she woke up, she would not be able to see herself and start to shut herself off again.

From day to dusk, from dusk to night.

Until the end, Lin Youxi finally woke up leisurely.

She opened her eyes to see her whole world lying on top of her.

Breathe evenly and steadily.


Lin Youxi suppressed the expression on her face, trembling, and slowly reached out to touch Mei Fang, but found that one of her hands had been tightly held by him and could not move.

She bit her lip tightly, trembling not to make too much movement.

In the end, she could only free one hand to cover her mouth to prevent herself from sobbing, but the tears still flowed slowly.

Lin Youxi remembered everything.

It's just that she can't control it.

Can't control my hysterical emotions.

Can't suppress my desire to vent.

It's just that she poured all her negative emotions on Mei Fang endlessly.

Just because she knows.

He will take it.

He loves her.

The happy memories when he was awake became the most unscrupulous source of torture when he was insane.

While the sense of irony was full, it also filled Lin Youxi's heart with overflowing fear.

It's just that Lin Youxi's trembling movement was loud and ups and downs, and Mei Fang was soon awakened by the movement. He leaned up suddenly, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and squeezed Lin Youxi's hand. At the same time, he saw Lin Youxi kept covering her face and sobbing softly, and immediately felt very distressed.

"Okay, why are you still crying? You cried for a long time before going to bed."

Lin Youxi ignored Mei Fang and just covered her face with tears.

" know now, don't you?"

"I just destroy everything."

"Wreck your good mood."

"Destroy everything about you."

"Torture you to death."

"Then just keep going before you torture me to death."

Mei Fang let go of Lin Youxi's hand, gently pushed her away, wiped her tears, and said to her with a smile:
"Continue to torture, don't stop, until death."

"You are really...really perverted!"

Lin Youxi scolded Mei Fang as she spoke, and then struggled to ask Mei Fang to help her up, but failed after several attempts.

"It's okay... just continue to rest if you don't have the strength."

"What! I want to get up and pee! I can't hold it in anymore."

Lin Youxi blushed and hit Mei Fang, and Mei Fang hugged Lin Youxi while beating Lin Youxi lightly.

"I'll carry you to the bathroom."

"I'm not a child, do you still want to pee on me?"

"Hmm... yes, good idea."

"What can I do!"

After a while.

With Mei Fang's support, Lin Youxi sat down slowly on the sofa.

"I haven't eaten all day, are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat. I wanted to serve you some noodles this morning... I guess it won't taste good now. Let's order takeaway."

"No, I don't want to eat takeout."

Lin Youxi took Mei Fang's hand and acted like a baby, "Takeaway is too expensive, I just want to eat your noodles."

"Okay, okay, then you wait."


Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang's busy back, and then picked up the phone to check the news.

"By the way, did Liu Xiaoyu come to my house today?"

"Well, it's here..."

"Does she know I'm mentally ill?"

"Know how."

"Nothing, nothing, as long as she knows."

Lin Youxi sent a message to Liu Xiaoyu with her legs crossed, and Liu Xiaoyu replied in seconds.

So during the time when Mei Fang posted the noodles, Lin Youxi and Liu Xiaoyu chatted online for a long time.

"You lied to Liu Xiaoyu that I was your girlfriend at the beginning, shameless."

"Hmph, I'm so shameless."

As Mei Fang spoke, he brought out the prepared love noodles.

This full bowl of noodles comes with poached eggs, shredded pork, potato chips, green vegetables, peanuts, and a spoonful of Lin Youxi's favorite bean paste. The golden color makes people want to eat.

But Lin Youxi didn't move his chopsticks in a hurry, but looked at Mei Fang eagerly.

"Okay, I'll feed you."

It was as if he was deliberately ordering Mei Fang to serve him.

Lin Youxi sat cross-legged on the sofa, waiting for Mei Fang to feed her mouthfuls.

"Hot, hot."

"I blow, blow, blow."

Mei Fang blew it, and then slowly sent it into Lin Youxi's mouth. Lin Youxi ate hard, and stopped halfway through eating, and took the chopsticks from Mei Fang.

"Okay, it's my turn."

"It's your turn...what do you mean?"

Without waiting for an answer to Mei Fang, Lin Youxi picked up the bowl, imitating what Mei Fang did just now, and fed Mei Fang noodles one bite at a time.

Mei Fang wasn't polite to Lin Youxi either, because he was really hungry even though he hadn't eaten all day, and the noodles that Lin Youxi brought over started chugging before she could blow them.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Lin Youxi wiped Mei Fang's mouth.

"What about you?"

Mei Fang also wiped Lin Youxi's mouth.

Lin Youxi rubbed and touched the lump on Mei Fang's eye socket. Mei Fang immediately grinned in pain, and she threw herself into Mei Fang's arms with guilt.

After a brief tenderness, Lin Youxi raised his head and looked into Mei Fang's eyes seriously.



"Confess to me again."


"Well... now."

"Youxi... I, I like you."

"Fang, I like you too."

Lin Youxi held Mei Fang's cheek and responded gently.

"let's be together."


Mei Fang didn't expect that Lin Youxi would suddenly agree to her confession at this time. Just when he was at a loss, Lin Youxi suddenly hugged him and kissed him.

Although there are countless pains in the body, nothing can heal Mei Fang's wounds more than Lin Youxi's response to the confession.

They clasped their fingers together like this, performing the KISS technique that has become more and more proficient.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Youxi put his hand on Mei Fang's belt.


Probably aware of Lin Youxi's next move, Mei Fang grabbed Lin Youxi's wrist.

"Suddenly... suddenly what is this?"

"Is it too early?"

Lin Youxi was a little unhappy when Mei Fang interrupted her, "But both of us are about to reach the age of great magicians...we have to graduate quickly, don't we?"

When Lin Youxi said this, Mei Fang had been watching her.

"Lin Youxi, I hope you can agree to my confession that you will be with me on the premise and purpose of getting married, not just dedicating yourself out of gratitude..."

"How do you know I'm out of gratitude and not really wanting to be with you? It really hurts like this!"

As Lin Youxi said, she turned her head away to sulk, Mei Fang immediately lost her mind when she saw this, and felt a bit in a dilemma.

He touched Lin Youxi's shoulder, and Lin Youxi shook a few times as if losing his temper.

So Mei Fang leaned over again, let Lin Youxi sit in her arms, and expressed her thoughts to her.

Lin Youxi looked back at Mei Fang, with a playful expression on his face:
"So, you want me yourself?"

"But I'm really not in a good state today... I was beaten so badly by you."

"Isn't it good that it has energy? Then you don't move... just lie flat."

Lin Youxi pulled Mei Fang to her bed, and then pushed Mei Fang down.

"After two people get together, what should I call you better? Should I call you Afang? Or Darling, Husband, etc... Or, do you like me to call you Dad? Anyway, I don't have a dad now, let me You can also call me Dad!"

"It's weird, you can just call me Afang."

"Okay, Afang..."

Lin Youxi crawled on Mei Fang's body, circling his chest with his fingers.

"Fang, what date is it today?"

"What date... I remember it was the 21st?"

"Well, then you should remember well."

Lin Youxi lay on Mei Fang's chest, watching him jokingly like a little devil: "The 21st of this month is the anniversary of our relationship. If you forget about it some year, we will break up."

"That must be unforgettable..."

Mei Fang hugged Lin Youxi tightly as she spoke.

"I will never forget it in my life."

After much suffering, it was a night where both men learned a lot.


Under Mei Fang's persuasion, Lin Youxi still bought back the old branded medicine and continued to take it on time, and Liu Xiaoyu's drug test also detected a problem with the medicine. This medicine is just a pure nutritional medicine and has no therapeutic effect at all.

So in this way, Lin Youxi's madness the day before yesterday became something that could be explained.

The angry Mei Fang naturally filed a complaint against the merchant and took it to court, successfully shutting down the brand merchant.

Lin Youxi also apologized to Mei Fang for her previous greed.

Of course Mei Fang would not blame her.

My own wife has nothing to blame.

She just wants to save money.

After returning to taking medicine on time, Lin Youxi's mental state recovered almost immediately.

Perhaps, this is also due to the fact that the two started a formal relationship.

However, because they have done too many things in the past, after the official relationship, apart from the richer life at night, the way the two get along has not changed much.

Lin Youxi's complexion has become more and more rosy recently.


Lin Youxi always pestered Mei Fang when he was busy at home.

"I still want it today."

"...Didn't you type a code today? "White Plum Time" is not going to be done?"

Lin Youxi muttered a little aggrieved, "Playing games is not as fun as A Fang."

"I really... huh..."

Mei Fang sighed helplessly, but he was also happy to see Lin Youxi so active.

"Since you don't want to do it, it's not impossible to delay the progress..."

"Ah, that's right, Afang."

Lin Youxi tugged on Mei Fang's arm and asked, "Last week I got sick and didn't treat Liu Xiaoyu and Yue Xinyi well. I was thinking about this week, this week—"

"Treat them well this week, it's okay."

"Yeah! Good! Ah Fang is the best! For the sake of being so cute..."

Lin Youxi pointed at Mei Fang and said cheerfully, "I'll reward you for not using chewing gum today!"

"That still needs to be used, hey!"

After Lin Youxi flirted with Mei Fang, she turned her back and went to work in the kitchen.

After agreeing to Mei Fang's confession, Lin Youxi has been a little uncomfortable adapting to this extremely happy day.

Rather, because the happiness obtained is too simple and pure, but it feels weirdly unrealistic——

At this moment, Lin Youxi's tears suddenly fell down again.

No one knew what she was crying about.

Nobody knows.

 Well, the main text tomorrow, I am tired of writing if.

  I'm going to the video game festival tomorrow to collect materials, and I'll update it later.

(End of this chapter)

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