Chapter 475 The Final Confession
Under normal circumstances, mothers-to-be will slowly start to show their pregnancy after 13 weeks of pregnancy, which is about three months.

In order not to affect the healthy growth of Xiao Yuanbao, the wedding of the three was arranged in mid-October, and Xia Yuan was 10 months pregnant.

Because it was a wedding that went against the good customs of public society, the scale of the wedding was not very large, and only the closest family and friends could attend.

In addition to the parents of the three families, Xiaoya and Sister Yueyue, Mei Fang's grandparents are already old and have inconvenient legs and feet. They probably cannot accept a wedding of three people, so they are not included in the invitation;
As for Xia Yuan's grandma, she has been busy traveling around the world with her old sisters recently. Teacher Yu and Xia Xun haven't made up their minds to call her back. Teacher Yu has spoken to her grandma before. It's good that Yuanyuan is happy, but it's still early;

As for the other friends, the three of them only invited the core group that Mei Fang established from junior high school, including Zhang Ming, Yue Xinyi, Guo Yun, Peng Xue, Liu Xiaoyu, and Xiang Bingbing.

They are also working or signing contracts in Yuanxi Mutual Entertainment Group now. As a group of relatives and friends who have known each other since junior high school, they have always been able to keep the secret of the trip of the three of them tight-lipped, and after all, they are also bound by interests, so it is worth it trust.

After all, there are very few people attending the wedding, and I still hope to get as many blessings as possible...

The wedding venue was set at the private beach of the most luxurious Holiday Inn in Bali. Mei Fang had already made all the preparations and planning half a year ago.

Although it was a small wedding with less than a few dozen people in attendance, the entire wedding team had as many as 200 people, and the preparations were very sufficient and complete. It can be said that Mei Fang's strong financial ability was fully demonstrated.

Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi and Mei Fang's wedding photography had already been prepared before they were pregnant, and their wedding dresses had already been selected, so now they were just counting the days to prepare for the wedding.

Of course, the invitation of friends is also a necessary pre-work. Yuanyuan has many friends, but once he chats with Peng Xue, he will chat endlessly. Today, he is lying in bed talking on the phone with Peng Xue.

"Hmm... that's fine, what do you wear? You can wear whatever you want... Steal my limelight? No, I'm quite confident in myself... Don't you say you're comparing yourself to you? Xibi...youxi's one is also very good-looking, but I shouldn't be regarded as a bridesmaid...Oh, you hate it to death..."

Xia Yuan rolled around on the bed, and after hearing the sound of thumping, she held her head up and saw Mei Fang knocking on the door, and then she and Peng Xue ended the conversation.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to prepare for dinner, so let's do this for now, bye!"

Xia Yuan climbed off the bed, jumped into Mei Fang's arms, put her arms around Mei Fang's neck, then jumped up and clamped Mei Fang, and Mei Fang quickly supported Xia Yuan to prevent her from exercising violently.

"I said are a mother-to-be, so you are not afraid of hurting Xiao Yuanbao by jumping around like this!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Xia Yuan leaned towards Mei Fang's mouth and asked for a kiss, "Our little Yuanbao is not that weak...and children should be more lively to be cute - mua -"

"No, I mean—"


Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fang and kissed her wildly for a while, and then saw Mei Fang's mother Xiang Xiaoxia walking past them with a suppressed smile. She blushed all of a sudden and immediately stood beside Mei Fang in an orderly manner. By the way, it hit Mei Fang's ass.

"Mom...Mom, why did you come here suddenly? You didn't even say hello to us first... Ah Fang is really, hey, hey..."

"Ah, don't worry about me, you just want to make out with you."

Because they planned to go directly to Bali to hold a wedding, the parents of the three families with whom Mei was destined were not in a hurry to go back. Instead, they chose to live in a hotel suite not far from the community to prepare for the wedding and occasionally come to Mei. I'm a guest at home, and I'll stop by to help with some housework and the like.

Xiang Xiaoxia also said this and started to help them tidy up the bedding, "You have a delicate body now, so the quilts and sheets need to be washed and dried more frequently. Changing them frequently will prevent them from getting sick..."

"We basically change it every three days. It's okay, mom...don't be too busy."

"Okay, okay, don't let your parents take care of you, and let your mother do something for you."


Mei Fang took Xia Yuan's arm and said softly, "Ignore my mother today, let's go out and play."

"Are you going out today?" Xia Yuan tilted her head.

"Isn't it going to fly to Bali in two days? Let's see if there is anything else to buy..."

While Mei Fang was chanting, Lin Youxi had already dressed up and appeared in front of Xia Yuan and Mei Fang.

I saw Lin Youxi dressed in an evening gown with suspenders, her makeup was charming and mature, and the elegant style of Yujie was directly full.

"Hmm... is Yuanyuan still in bed?"

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "How about...Yuanyuan, you can rest at home?"

"I got up, I'm going out! It's been a long time since I went out... Anyway, I'm going to make up first."

Xia Yuan said that she was about to rush to the bedroom, and then remembered that her mother was still making the bed inside, and suddenly she didn't know where to go. Seeing this, Mei Fang took the initiative to go in and call her mother out, so that Xia Yuan would have time to go Prepare yourself for makeup.

Xia Yuan was pushed by Mei Fang and returned to her room. Mei Fang said softly to Xia Yuan:
"You can dress up more dazzlingly today..."

"Today...more dazzling?"

After hearing this, Xia Yuan felt rather curious, "Is there any sideshow prepared?"

"It's boring to talk about it, anyway, prepare first."

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan on the shoulder, "Today is the long-lost three-person date!"

When the window manages the temples, the decals on the mirror are yellow.

While Xia Yuan was doing her makeup, she was looking forward to the dream wedding in Bali.

Although I already knew all the wedding procedures, I still had a strong sense of anticipation for the actual wedding scene.

Just as Xia Yuan was patting her foundation, Lin Youxi knocked on the door and came in.

"Can I come in and talk to you?"

"Of course, of course! Why are you so polite? Youxi, you are so weird."

Lin Youxi smiled at Xia Yuan, then picked up the cotton pad beside her and started, "Let me help you."


So Lin Youxi sat beside Xia Yuan, and while doing her makeup, said with some emotion:
"Speaking of which, Yuanyuan brought me to experience our first makeup experience."

"Did you say it was the time I secretly used my mother's lipstick? I remember it was when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school..."

"That time doesn't count! It's just playing with lipstick... I remember that I accidentally broke the lipstick at that time. I was so scared that I cried. You said it's okay. Did your mother tell you later?"

"That was too early and I don't even remember."

Xia Yuan smiled and shook her head and said, "But my mother is quite a talkative person, I guess she didn't teach me much at that time."

"I think you must have told Mama Yu that you did it yourself."

"Why do you think so?"

Lin Youxi combed Xia Yuan's hair, "Because you have that kind of character, you would rather wrong yourself and protect others. It has always been since you were a child."

"But I still haven't wronged myself when it comes to liking Al Fang, haha..."

Xia Yuan took Lin Youxi's hand and turned around to ask Lin Youxi, "Then when was the first time you put on makeup?"

"During the summer vacation of the sixth grade, do you remember? At that time, we said that we were going to spend the night at Afang's house. I went to find you first, and then I saw you taking foundation in your room."

"Ah... it's, it's the night of watching horror movies!"

Xia Yuan suddenly remembered, and her cheeks turned a little red, "Because it's the first time I'm staying overnight at A Fang's house, so I'm looking forward to it."

"The way you're looking forward to it is putting on makeup, right?"

"That's not... that also took you down."

Xia Yuan held Lin Youxi's hand and shook it, "I really don't remember when I started to like Al Fang. Anyway, I am very happy when I see him, and I am even happier when I see him every day. And then...I liked him Compliment me on my beauty, give me energy and encourage me...especially during the summer vacation of sixth grade."

"In the beginning, the movement of energy seems to be like this..."

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan looked at each other with their foreheads touching each other, their noses touching each other lightly.

"Wow! How do you know that!"

"I've seen it before, but I just didn't tell you."

Lin Youxi said softly, "But at that time, I still felt that A Fang was your friend, and I wanted to get close to A Fang, but I didn't dare."

"Youxi has indeed changed a lot... It's hard to imagine being the same child as that child."

"The fate has not changed much."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "But I like you like this, you feel at ease..."

"Hmph, I also think I'm very reassuring."

Xia Yuan asked Lin Youxi softly, "Speaking of which, do you know if A Fang has specially prepared anything today? He suddenly said that he wanted to go on a date today."

"It's probably's just that the three of us haven't hung out together for a long time."

"Is that so—" "What do you seem to be expecting?"

"Hmm..." Xia Yuan grumbled and smiled, "How can you say no..."

"Then let me guess—"

Lin Youxi whispered something in Xia Yuan's ear, and they couldn't help laughing together.

"Do you think Alphonse will?"

"His sense of ritual has achieved this level, and he should remember that there is still one thing he hasn't done."

"Well... If he forgets, it's not in vain to wait for so long!"

"If he forgets, then remind him when we are dating at night." Lin Youxi said softly, "We always talk straight when we have something to say, and being sullen is not good for your health."

"That's true... Haha--eat, drink and play first, let's talk when you're happy!"

After Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi finished dressing up, they met Mei Fang. Mei Fang had also combed her hair like an adult today and was wearing a handsome suit. She was obviously preparing for something.

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan looked at each other and smiled, and Lin Youxi asked Mei Fang casually, "Ah Fang... why are you dressed so formally today?"

"It's a date. It's not just about hanging out casually. It must be formal." Mei Fang smiled, then stretched out her hands in a gesture of invitation, took the hands extended by Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, and the three of them Arm in arm, we drove out to play together.

When the lights first come on, Pengcheng, a bustling city that never sleeps, is soon filled with brilliant neon lights, and the light and shadow tell the unique charm of the metropolis.

"Fang, where are you going for dinner today?"

"Near Aohai Road, there is a delicious black diamond restaurant, which just opened in Pengcheng recently."

"Oh! I know that one, I know, I heard that the queue for the restaurant is reserved until next year."

Lin Youxi continued following Xia Yuan's words, "But this kind of thing doesn't affect Fang's arrangement, it must have been arranged long ago."

"It's nice to have money, help..."

Mei Fang drove Xia Yuanlin Youxi to this Yunding restaurant built on the top floor of the building. The excellent viewing seats overlook the night view of the entire Pengcheng. Coincidentally, the building on the opposite bank is the Yuanxi Twin Towers. The waiters served the dishes one by one, and a sumptuous candlelight dinner was built.

Mei Fang, Lin Youxi, and Xia Yuan were chatting and laughing while enjoying the splendid city night scene.

Today's topics are mostly interesting childhood memories, such as Yuan Yuan's furry hair, A Fang being chased by a frog, Lin Youxi playing roller skating, etc. The three of them couldn't help but feel a little emotional while chatting.

Xia Yuan raised her head and pinched her neck, "Time flies, how many years have passed before you know it."

Lin Youxi took the conversation lightly and said, "That's right... time flies too fast."

After a little false emotion, the two of them looked at Mei Fang in unison.


"What's the matter?" Mei Fang tilted his head in puzzlement.

Xia Yuan put his chin on his face and smiled, "Ah Fang, stop pretending. After preparing such a ceremonial dinner, there should be something more ceremonial that you haven't done, right?"

"Something more ceremonial..."

Mei Fang frowned and thought about it, then shook her head and said, "You it a marriage proposal?"

"Otherwise! Such a beautiful scenery and such a romantic scene, doesn't it mean that I am preparing to propose?"


Mei Fang showed a slightly shocked expression, and at the same time touched his pocket in embarrassment, which shocked Xia Yuan.

"No... isn't Ah Fang going to make up a marriage proposal ceremony for us today?"

"You, you really want a proposal ceremony!"

Mei Fang looked very guilty, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm so busy preparing for the wedding, I really haven't thought about it..."

Lin Youxi's reaction was not as big as Xia Yuan's, but it was obvious that she would also mind, "So, are you not prepared today? If not, I will give you 24 hours, and you will have to make up for it tomorrow..."

Xia Yuan also advised Lin Youxi not to be entangled here, "24 hours is too, too rushed...I'm going to Bali, why not?"

Mei Fang also shook her head at this moment, "That's not acceptable! Waiting for tomorrow will disappoint your expectations too much, just wait a moment... I will make up the proposal ceremony now..."

"Okay, it's not difficult for us to be unprepared for you... I didn't expect much, really, it's just going through the motions anyway..."

"OK, look over there."

Following Mei Fang's gestures and looking over, the opposite is the towering Yuanxi Twin Towers.




With a snap of Mei Fang's fingers, two gorgeous fireworks rose into the sky with the screaming sound, blooming with splendid brilliance. The two huge fireworks characters [Yuan] and [Xi] stayed in the night sky for a long time, as if Light up the entire Pengcheng.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the sky above the Yuanxi Twin Towers, admiring this perhaps the most splendid fireworks display in the urban area of ​​Pengcheng in more than ten years.

Countless fireworks bloomed and scattered one after another, and the gorgeous fireworks show lasted for a long time. At the same time, a huge beating love appeared on the giant LED screen of the Yuanxi Twin Towers, including the entire Yuanxi Tower. The lights of the Twin Towers also began to dance to the rhythm of the fireworks, forming a very beautiful picture.

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan's eyes were full of colorful dreams, and they unconsciously covered their mouths to prevent themselves from shouting.

At this moment, Mei Fang put Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi's shoulders in the middle, and accompanied them until the fireworks ended.

"How you like the fireworks show?"

"Afang, you really... almost deceived me."

“Actually, the purpose of coming to this restaurant is very clear.”

Lin Youxi wiped her mouth, and then said softly, "However, I really didn't expect it to be in such an exaggerated way... I think drones are better than fireworks. What do you think about setting off fireworks in the urban area? ?”

"No matter what... I got the permission, and the fireworks look better. I think it has a more ceremonial feel."

Mei Fang said softly, "It will remind me of the days when we used to watch fireworks together by the river in the Cultural Square."

"'s true—I go to watch the fireworks every New Year's Eve."

Mei Fang asked Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi to turn around and face her while Mei Fang half-kneeled on the ground, and offered Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan her carefully prepared wedding proposal——

A jewelry box containing rings, which contained two diamond rings.

Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan looked at each other with a smile, and then asked Mei Fang who was half kneeling on the ground:
"Don't you say something, Al Fang."

"We won't accept this gift without saying something."

"Well... then—"

Mei Fang, who has always been cheeky, was actually a little shy here, "Yuanyuan, Youxi...please marry me? Like this."

Lin Youxi immediately showed dissatisfaction when he heard this, "Why is Yuan Yuan in front?"

"That's right, why are you coming from behind!" Xia Yuan also raised his fist in protest, "I want to come from behind!"

"Oh, you two are really—stop spoiling the atmosphere."

Mei Fang cleared his throat and said again:

"Please marry me, I will treat you well and make you happy forever."

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi slowly stretched out their hands forward. Mei Fang thought about serving water, so he held a ring at one side and carefully put it on for Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi at the same time.

"Okay, the water delivery was good this time." Lin Youxi nodded, "It's just that the lines for proposing are not very special."

"That's to say... With our relationship, how can a lifetime be enough? Come and see me."

After Xia Yuan put on the ring, he hooked Mei Fang's little finger, and then asked Lin Youxi and Mei Fang to stretch out one hand and hook their fingers together, so that they formed a triangle.

"Afang Youxi, the three of us will be together forever, forever."

Xia Yuan shook Mei Fang and Lin Youxi's hands, closed his eyes and whispered his innocent wishes.

"Pull the hook, hang yourself, 100 years... No, it won't change for a few lifetimes."

 Alright, we're done changing, just, that's it!Never repeat it tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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