Chapter 476
At the same time that the Yuanxi fireworks that light up the night sky in Pengcheng are in full bloom, Uncle Chen Rui is busy with public relations.

Although Mei Fang had already said hello to his uncle beforehand, in the face of the overwhelming number of new videos and forum messages, the website capacity of Station C was once again under tremendous pressure, and the hot searches for scarves were all about "Yuanxi Mysterious Fireworks" words.

As for the news announced by Yuanxi Group, it was said to be fireworks to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the founding of Yuanxi Group.

Although the dates are indeed relatively close, after all, nothing happened on the [-], [-], [-], and [-]th anniversaries. As for the actual date to be commemorated, there are overwhelming opinions on the Internet.
Of course, the one that is closest to the answer and the most popular one is the wedding anniversary celebration fireworks of the Big Three.

Mei Fang Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi have a close relationship in public, but they are not as close as lovers. However, some small details in public can easily reveal a lot of things.

Although many times it can be explained by "because we are childhood sweethearts, so we have been familiar with this aspect for a long time", but everyone already has some tacit understanding.

Of course, at the same time, the Big Three of Mei Youyuan have gradually shifted from public figures to behind-the-scenes corporate management since their junior year. Although their experiences are still legendary, the level of discussion is naturally not as good as before. It was this hot search for scarves that made them popular again. Finally, it gradually came to an end.

The blue sea, blue sky and bright sunshine of Bali welcomed a new group of tourists. The wedding party took a private plane to this charming island in the Gulf of Southeast Asia. After checking into the hotel, they began to prepare for wedding-related matters.

So, this day came.

The weather was clear and breezy.

It is a fine weather for a wedding.


Even Zhang Ming, who has always been slovenly, dressed up well this time. Dressed in a crisp suit, he straightened the small tie on his chest, listened to the elegant and beautiful music, looked at himself in the standing mirror, and suddenly felt a sense of excitement. It feels like a world away.

"What are you doing here? I've been looking for you for a long time."

At this moment, Mei Fang greeted Zhang Ming, "You are my only best man, and you still have to recite your lines. You can't back down at this time."

"There's nothing to shrink from..."

"You won't be scared this time, right?" Mei Fang pinched Zhang Ming's arm, "You shouldn't be glued to the chair after shouting for a long time like before, right? Just when you were running for team leader—— "

"No, that happened so many years ago, do you still remember it..."

Zhang Ming smiled and patted Mei Fang on the shoulder, looked Mei Fang up and down and said, "Brother, you are so handsome today."

"Thank you." Mei Fang smiled at Zhang Ming and said, "The sun is shining in the west, but you are so sweet today? Even if I become your boss, I don't feel like I am taking advantage of you."

"I don't know how to speak, but today I mean it."

Zhang Ming said seriously, "I didn't feel this way before, but now I'm starting to feel it."

"You're a bit too late... haha."

Mei Fang also patted Zhang Ming on the shoulder, "When will you let me go to your and Xiaomo's wedding ceremony?"

"It's still early, I can only say it's still early, haha."

Zhang Ming also smiled and said, "I say, Mr. Mei, you should take care of yourself today!"

"Will do."

"Speaking of which, do you think what happened today is very dreamy? From kindergarten to wedding dress, this is a love that many people can't envy... Besides, you have good things coming in pairs."

"Of will feel dreamy."

Mei Fang smiled slightly and said, "It's so dreamy that I feel that I must have saved countless worlds in my previous life."

"In short... happiness is hard-won, you have to cherish it."

"These words are also for you."

Mei Fang and Zhang Ming looked at each other and smiled, then they arrived at the wedding venue under the guidance of others.

At this time, the wedding venue was already full of guests and friends. Apart from the three families, the more conspicuous ones were Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi who were surrounded by the bridesmaids.

The two of them were dressed up today, and under their pure white veils, they were two extremely beautiful brides.

"I'm a little tight here, will it affect little Yuanbao?"

Peng Xue touched Xia Yuan's belly and said, "Don't worry...we have consulted professionals. You haven't even shown your pregnancy yet. It's still very early."

"Aren't you showing off your pregnancy? Why do I feel like my belly is a little -"

"That's because you and Bingbing ate too much last night!"

"But, the desserts here are really delicious... I just ate a few more bites, and Bingbing ate more."

Xiang Bingbing is very conspicuous among the bridesmaids, "Ah, I'm okay. In order to wear this bridesmaid dress, I have only eaten half of my usual food recently, okay..."

Guo Yun also smiled as she said, "Today is a festive day, so just be happy... Speaking of which, this T-shaped wedding ceremony platform seems to have been seen in which anime? Which anime did you refer to? ?”

"Indeed... it looks familiar..." Xia Yuan thought for a while, "But I don't remember the name of that anime... Oh, forget it, just be happy."

"Youxi, Yuanyuan, look over there - see who is coming?"

Under Liu Xiaoyu's gentle reminder, everyone's eyes fell on Mei Fang who was present. The bridesmaids immediately cheered with emotion. Zhang Ming also took the initiative to step aside to let Mei Fang become the prominent one, which made Mei Fang feel... Very sorry.

His eyes and Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi looked back and forth affectionately at each other.

Although these two wedding dresses have been tried on and matched many times, they still look good no matter how many times they are seen.

Woohoo, my wives are so pretty too!

Mei Fang forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart. Just as he was slowly walking towards his brides, he was suddenly patted hard on the back.

Mei Fang turned around in pain and saw the gray-haired old lady in front of her, but dressed in a trendy and fashionable style - who was not Yuan Yuan's grandma?

"Grandma, grandma!"

Mei Fang naturally couldn't forget to visit her grandma with Xia Yuan every year when she visited relatives, so she also got a lot of attention from her grandma. "Are you in time for the wedding?"

"It must be in time. This is my precious granddaughter's wedding. Can I, a grandma, not come?"

Grandma Yuan Yuan patted Mei Fang’s arm vigorously and laughed loudly:
"Hahahaha... ok... you kid... when you sent Yuanyuan to my house, I thought your kid would definitely be with our family Yuanyuan in the end!"

Grandma Yuan Yuan gave Mei Fang a thumbs up as she spoke, and Mei Fang also playfully answered:
"Thank you grandma for the compliment...and any likes?"

"But first of all, you have to treat Yuanyuan well all your life, okay? Your grandma, I don't have many years to live. If you let me know that you have let down our family Yuanyuan...and Youxi, I can't let you go even if you are a ghost. You, hahaha!”

"Mom, what kind of weird joke are you making there... I'm talking about this on a happy day -"

"Haha, this is not a day when Yuanyuan is happy alone, everyone is happy, everyone is happy!"

Grandma Xia Yuan was pulled back to her seat by Teacher Yu and Xia Xun.

Mei Fang and Xia Yuan Lin Youxi chose a white wedding, but they were not religious, so they did not need a priest but the officiant of the wedding team to preside over the ceremony.

"Well... then, the wedding will officially begin. Please take your seats. The fathers of the two brides, please also prepare to take the stage."

After some hasty arrangements, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan stood on both sides of the T on the T-shaped glass trestle on the water. They each held the hands of their fathers, Lin Guochuan and Xia Xun.

"The groom, Mr. Mei Fang, is invited to enter——"

Amid endless applause, Mei Fang walked slowly toward the center of the T-shape alone.

Calm, magnanimous, confident, with a gentle smile on his face.

This is the confidence that his identity as a reborn person brings him.It is not obvious that this experience has helped him now.

But the new life he cultivated since he was six years old has also brought about many changes in him compared with his previous life.

Although there were less than 20 actual relatives and friends attending the wedding, the wedding team also did the warm-up work. Two men in suits sat in the back row, applauding and complaining:
"So, this is really a wedding for one person and two people, isn't it really a group wedding?"

"Whatever, just give me enough money...applause louder."

"I know, I know."

"Next, let's invite the bride to enter."

At the end of the glass trestle where the sea and the sky meet, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi each walked towards the center of the T-shaped ceremony platform with the support of their father.

Lin Guochuan took Lin Youxi's arm and moved forward slowly. He and his daughter looked at each other with a faint smile on their faces.

"Do I look good today with my mother on my wedding day?"

"Yeah, just as good-looking as her."

Lin Guochuan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "However, if your mother were here, she would definitely say that she is much prettier than her."

"She must be able to see it."

Lin Youxi smiled and pursed her lips, then turned her attention to the mothers at the guest seat, where she saw Liang Meijuan wiping her tears with a tissue.

"And...the three mothers on my side."

At the same time, on Xia Xun and Xia Yuan's side, Xia Xun started to sniff uncontrollably while walking forward.

"Dad, don't be like this... why are you crying? It's so embarrassing. Show off your usual boss attitude!"

"I... didn't cry, I was just very happy... Huh... um..."

"Obviously I just cried... I was promised to wipe my tears behind my back after seeing him off, why did I start wiping them now!"

"Cough, cough...I'm fine." Xia Xun, who had always been serious and solemn, had red eyes at this time, with tears glistening in the corners of his eyes.

In this way, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi came to the wedding ceremony together. Mei Fang nodded to Xia Xun and Lin Guochuan, and then took their daughter's hand from their hands. The next step was the exit moment of the father-in-law.

Xia Xun and Lin Guochuan turned their backs to their daughters. Xia Xun wanted to look back at Yuan Yuan but was stopped by Lin Guochuan. In the end, because he failed to achieve his wish, he couldn't help but burst into tears. Lin Guochuan had been submissive to Xia Xun for half his life. , at this time, like a kind-hearted big brother, he slowly left the stage holding Xia Xun's shoulders.

There was another burst of thunderous applause, and you could notice that Meilijun and Meiya in the audience clapped their hands the most vigorously. The father and daughter cheered and cheered lively.

Then they were hit hard on the head by Xiang Xiaoxia.

The officiant who has seen all kinds of turbulent world will obviously not be stumped by the 1V2 wedding.

"Today we are going to witness a special wedding in front of all our guests and friends."

"We all know that the three newcomers in front of us have established a deep friendship since they were very young, from childhood sweethearts to their ignorant school days, and now to their current relationship as lovers."

"Along the way, the three of them have experienced too many ups and downs and happy years. The relationship between the three of them is unbreakable and indestructible. They firmly believe that three people are the ultimate support for happiness. Under such emotional ties, let us wish They lived happily ever after, and their love lasted forever! Then, the three newlyweds are invited to read out their wedding vows—”

So Mei Fang whispered her vow, "In front of all the witnesses who are here today, I, Mei Fang, am willing to marry Ms. Xia Yuan and Ms. Lin Youxi as my wives. From now on to forever, no matter what happens in good times, Regardless of adversity, wealth or poverty, health or illness, happiness or sorrow, I will love you, cherish you, and be loyal to you forever and ever."

After Mei Fang's oath ended, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi each whispered their love:
"Thank you Mr. Mei Fang for being the love of my life, our one and only, sharing our dreams, plans, desires, adventures, and more to come. Thank you for being our partner in life. Now and forever. , No matter good times or bad times, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, I will love you, cherish you, and be loyal to you forever and ever..."

Amid the applause and blessings of the crowd, the three exchanged wedding rings.

The wedding celebration bells rang, and countless white doves were released into the blue sky. Three water gates rose from the sea in front of the pier, and dolphins leaped over them. Mei Fang held Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi's hands tightly. , we have reached a new stage of life together hand in hand.

Playing with plum blossoms and riding bamboo, we met each other for the first time.

Never shy but charming.

As a reborn person, Mei Fang would never have thought that on the day of rebirth, the little girl he made cry and the little girl who pushed him down would end up with each other every day and every night after that day of rebirth. All appear in the traces of his life.

They go to school together, finish school together, do homework together, go to the house together, go to the amusement park together, play games together, stay at home together, watch horror movies together, play roller skating together, soak their feet together, run away from home together, and visit together My deceased mother, we were exposed to the rain together, took the college entrance examination together, celebrated birthdays together...

Most people spend too much of their lives alone or with someone at a certain stage, but the three of them are the exceptions among the exceptions.

This has also made them unable to give up their friendship with each other.

The immaturity of youth will bring about a series of mistakes that are irreversible in a lifetime. Some people say that those scars are proof of youth, but they will still feel regretful over time.

Yuan Yuan and You Xi once had a quarrel that was about to break off their friendship, but Mei Fang's maturity bridged the friendship that seemed to be about to break up and made it last longer.

Of course, for someone of the same age in his previous life, he was determined not to reach the level of this life.

When you were young, you were often too naive and arrogant. As a result, you would only notice after you were reborn that you had the opportunity to seize the beautiful youth.

After rebirth... will you find out that you have a childhood sweetheart?
Fortunately, you can be reborn, but unfortunately you can only be reborn.


In the evening, Mei Fang and Xia Yuan sat on the beach together, watching the sun go down, the bright orange-red color reflected on the three of them, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi leaned on Mei Fang's shoulders, Xia Yuan couldn't help but He sighed:
"I'm really going to faint from exhaustion today! I feel like I never want to get married again in this life."

"You still want to get married again!" Mei Fang frowned.

"Yes, maybe sometime in the future -" Xia Yuan muttered, "There are many wedding holy places to go to. They all feel quite romantic."

"Then we can have a wedding on our honeymoon."

Lin Youxi said warmly, "How about traveling to all parts of the world, Al Fang?"

Mei Fang's response to Lin Youxi's inquiry was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong, Fang, what are you thinking about?"

Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fang and asked affectionately, and Mei Fang responded softly:
"I was thinking... what would be a better name for Youxi's child?"

Xia Yuan put his hand on Lin Youxi's belly, feeling the warmth brought by this little Yuanbao's future brother or sister.

"I haven't thought of a name yet... Anyway, my nickname is Xiao Xibao!"

"No, I don't want it." Lin Youxi shook his head and said seriously:
"I said it ten years ago when I was in high school. Xibao sounds very much like Xiba, so don't call Xibao. Xiaoxibao sounds like a curse, a little bastard."

"Ah... No way, I think it's obviously very cute——"

Yuanyuan hummed and acted coquettishly, lying on Mei Fang and Youxi, looking at the scenery on the sea level.

Mei Fangzheng is enjoying the ultimate happiness brought by rebirth.

But at the same time, he was also feeling and thinking——

So, in the world where he was not reborn and died suddenly, does he still exist?
If that world still exists, then in that world where fate has passed away, he has died suddenly, and Youxi survives alone.

Where would she live alone?Are you having a good time...

No matter what, I hope she can be happy as well.

 This is already the traditional chapter of ending the story, but I have promised to write an afterstory, so I don’t plan to finish it so soon.Well... the next chapter will be the final chapter of Fang Xi's fate. I hope everyone will have enough mental endurance after the sweet treat to accept the 50-meter sword that I concealed, that's it!

  Small finishing sprinkle of flowers!

(End of this chapter)

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