Chapter 21

"Great Creator, Astana expresses my endless admiration to you. Astana will serve you all her life. May your might be eternal, and may your kingdom illuminate the endless void."

Astana, who had regained her slender and tall figure, prostrated herself on the ground again, her voice trembling with excitement.

If I remember correctly, you have changed the prayer, right?

Chen Ji was amused in his heart, but he didn't say it out. He sent a message to her and said, "Stand up first, and you don't need to kneel in the future."

"Astana dare not."

"Why don't you dare, I just let you stand up... No!"

Chen Ji suddenly realized that she said that she dared not stand up, more because she was afraid of losing contact with him.

"How long have you been kneeling like this?" Chen Ji's voice was rough.

"Since she couldn't feel your pure will, Astana has been kneeling."


While Chen Ji was shocked, he also felt sad for her.

Astana knelt for two months, not daring to stand up, nor to leave the cathedral for half a step.

Because Astana was afraid of losing contact with him.

A person in a desperate situation, holding on to a little hope, dare not make even the slightest change. She may not even dare to change the tone of prayer, and every step is strictly in accordance with when she first contacted Chen Ji. Do.

It is too difficult to transmit information between two worlds that cannot be described by distance.

Especially the Divine Grace Continent where Astana is located is surrounded by many evil gods.

"Pure will? What do you mean?"

Chen Ji is just an ordinary person who looks at pictures every day, so there is no such thing as pure will.

Unless it's that plug-in.

"Great Lord, your will passes through the endless void, your power is eternal and great, no god can compare with you, this is the mighty power of the original creator, you have created one world after another in the void, evil gods Unable to compete with you, their ravings can only dissipate in front of you, and all the evils are wiped out under your fingertips. You are a holy and great existence, and you are the belief that Astana follows all her life. May Astana be able to Always serve by your side and prostrate at your feet."

The Holy Maiden of Light, Astana, abandoned her previous belief in the Goddess of Light and became a believer in me?

Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't know what to say about many flaws.

However, from her series of long prayers, Chen Ji still deduced some useful information.

When Astana prayed, there would be evil gods whispering in her ears, and evil forces invaded her all the time.

Chen Ji was able to contact her, and Astana could use this connection to establish her own beliefs and gain some kind of power in the void to fight against evil gods.

Simply put, it is the power of plug-ins.

Void, Chen Ji's understanding is outside the universe.

But what Astana was referring to might also be a place surrounded by the power of evil gods in the God's Grace Continent.

"What kind of place is God's Grace Continent?"

Chen Ji asked her.

Judging from the parade of the Sun God Temple and the appearance of the Moon Goddess Garden, there are many gods in Shenen Continent, and their influence is far-reaching. Even night and day are supported by the power of gods.

Of course, it is also possible that gods live on the sun and moon, or that God’s Grace Continent is exaggerating about gods, but this possibility is very small.

"Eternal Lord, thank you for your mercy, Astana is here to introduce you to our world."

She knelt down excitedly again.

Chen Ji was confused, I was asking you, why are you so excited as if you were rewarded?
"The original Creator was born from the void. He has no name and no form. No one has seen him, and no one can have even a little bit of his power. We call him the beginning. This is the origin of everything and is the grace of God. The basis for the existence of the mainland.”

"But He doesn't have a will, he just exists there, just like you, eternal and great."

"After endless years, four gods were born from his power."

"They are respectively: light that symbolizes life and wisdom, everything that represents everything, the sky that represents freedom and poetry, and death that represents the destination of all things and eternal darkness."

God of Light, God of Everything, God of Sky, God of Death.

Chen Ji doubted that the sky god was added later, or that someone later became a god. After all, freedom and poetry do not seem to be the power to support the world.

"The Four Pillar Gods were born, and the Divine Grace Continent was also in their hands, created with the help of the original power."

"After a long time, the evil god invaded and gradually affected the entire continent. The sky god, the mother god of all things, the goddess, and their subordinate gods were all polluted one by one. Only the god of death relied on the original power to hide in the dark. Use the initial strength to shelter the last batch of rational believers."

Chen Ji waited and waited, but Astana didn't send another message.


"Master, what else do you want to know?"

Chen Ji took the initiative to ask, and Astana was a little excited, and said: "We only have one city left now, with only 130 people. This was originally the city where the faith was originally, and it didn't belong to any kingdom. The goddess returned. After the beginning, the city became the last place of order."

The last place of order.

It means that all other places have been invaded by the power of evil gods, becoming evil and chaotic, and no rational life can survive anymore?
Goddess, refers to the Goddess of Light she believes in.

To return to the beginning means to die.

Chen Ji asked "No more?" He actually wanted to know more about the history of Shenen Continent.

In Astana's mouth, after the creation of the Four Pillars God, there is only one sentence:

After a long time.

Then, the evil gods invaded, the mainland fell, and the gods died.

Everything happened too fast.

But think carefully.

If there are aliens who come here to save the earth when the earth civilization is about to perish, ask a Xia countryman, what is the history of the earth?
Then he will most likely say:
After the big bang, after a long period of time, the earth was formed, organic matter formed protein, and then life was formed, life evolved again, and finally human beings appeared.

After that, human beings are on the verge of extinction due to nuclear wars, the extinguishing of the sun, planets hitting the earth, and the failure of technology to develop.

Earth history is as simple as that.

Everything that happened in the middle, everything that happened in the land of the East, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Tang Poetry and Song Ci, many epic heroes, many shameless villains, treacherous ministers, honest and good officials, from the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period to the advent of the Dream of Red Mansions, from the Xia and Shang Dynasties Thoughtful and modern.

Everything is condensed into one sentence:

After a long time.

To outsiders, civilization has only a beginning and an end.

Shenen Continent must also have their heroic epics. In the process of fighting against evil gods, many great characters were born. How about a situation of panic and despair.

But Astana didn't say any of this.

(End of this chapter)

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