Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 22 Divine Art - Bright Stars

Chapter 22 Divine Art - Bright Stars

For a moment, Chen Ji was immersed in the true, vast, cruel and hopeless history of Shenen Continent.

Good does not triumph over evil.

There is only one city left in Shenen Continent, and there are more than 100 million people left.

Although Chen Ji didn't know the size of the God's Grace Continent where Astana was located, how many people there used to be, and how many races the Four Pillars God had created.


A city with more than 100 million people.

It is the whole of God's Grace Continent.

On the ground floor of the Church of the Goddess of Light, Astana waited patiently for the Lord's response, no matter how eager she was, she couldn't show it in front of the great existence.

Even if the Shenen Continent perishes and becomes a paradise for evil gods, she cannot ask the Lord for salvation.

The Lord exists outside the endless void, and he only casts his gaze on it in his spare time.

She can add words asking the Lord for strength in her prayers, but she cannot ask the Lord for strength again in her communication with the Lord.

"Didn't you just say that there is a sun god in the sky?"

Chen Ji thought of this.

He has nothing to do with the evil gods, and the only thing that can save Astana is the gods in her world.

But before she said that the gods have been polluted, and said that the temple of the sun god is parading the sky, which is a bit contradictory.

"Lord, the sun god has lost his mind. His divine kingdom is walking aimlessly in the sky, appearing with the moon goddess. In previous eras, this should not have happened."

"Now we can no longer rely on the sun and the moon to keep time, and we can no longer obtain warmth from the sun. The evil sun god is releasing distorted power all the time. There are almost no living things in the God's Grace Continent. Keeping order in the light, they become mad and evil, devouring shadows, fearless of death, no longer born, no wisdom, no poetry, no longing for freedom."

What Astana said was translated by Chen Ji's plug-in, but he still didn't quite understand it.

keep the order?

Poetry is also a symbol of evil?
Chen Ji was puzzled and asked her: "In the world you live in, evil gods seem to be everywhere, and your gods are either dying or hiding. How did you survive?"

The evil sun god hangs on his head every day, and there is also a moon goddess who comes out from time to time, and the sun and the moon go mad together.

If this were in ordinary novels, normal people would have gone crazy ten thousand times already!
"We rely on the god of death, and the original strength, to survive."

Astana's voice was low, "For the evil gods, the only good news is that they are irrational and will not actively attack people. It is the power of the evil gods that are invading the whole world, and the thoroughly polluted creatures become crazy and weird, and they are extremely distorted exist."

Seemingly feeling that Chen Ji was interested in these things, Astana took the initiative to say: "Now we can only pray that the polluted gods will not notice the original city. To be precise, they will not pass by here by accident, otherwise, We are no match for the power of the polluting gods."

Can it resist normal gods?
Chen Ji thought of this question, but did not ask, the city of the first place is the last hope of Shenen Continent, the four pillar gods, as well as the pope, bishop, priest, knight of each god, as well as the powerhouses of each kingdom, the last remnants of each race , must all converge there.

"Where did the evil god come from?"

Chen Ji asked her again.

"Lord, we don't know either."

Astana replied softly, "We guess that the evil god invaded the God's Grace Continent from the twisted void, but the goddess once told me that it was because of a poem, I asked her, but she didn't answer, just let me pray, pray A great existence like you can take a look at En Continent!"

She is very excited.

Chen Ji was even more puzzled.

Twisting void?

a poem?
The goddess of light asked Astana to pray, to believe in another god, and to ask other gods to respond?

The mission of the goddess is nothing more.jpg.

Chen Ji didn't feel the pain of the sufferer. After all, the goddess of light had returned to the beginning, and she was probably dead.

"Could it be an Outer God from the Outer Domain of the Starry Sky?"

Chen Ji said jokingly, in a novel he had read, Outer God was simply too strong, knowing that His name would be polluted.

"Starry sky?"

Astana looked up subconsciously, of course she couldn't see anything underground.


Astana whispered: "Isn't the starry sky the flower that blooms in the garden of the Moon Goddess? There will be evil gods born there? If so, Astana will do her best to destroy the Moon Goddess's garden!"

Good guy, you are really strong, dare to break into the polluted back garden of God, you are worthy of being a descendant of God.

Chen Ji still remembered the information of this "blind date", 112 years old, saintess of the Goddess of Light Cathedral, descendant of a god.

"The starry sky is the sea of ​​flowers of the Moon Goddess?"

Chen Ji suddenly felt a sense of romance in the God's Grace Continent, which is full of evil gods.

During the day, the sun god tours the sky.

At night, the goddess of the moon shows the garden to mortals, and beautiful flowers form their starry sky.

"For us, the stars are the sun."

Chen Ji talked a lot.

Unexpectedly, Astana trembled with excitement again, "Lord, lord, merciful lord, are there thousands of sun gods in the domain of gods you created?"

"No no no, no!"

Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry, "We don't have gods here, and I'm just an ordinary person, but the world I live in naturally has a huge fireball, which we call: a star.

Within tens of billions of light-years, there are many stars, as many as one trillion, and they emit light and heat all the time. These lights pass through the long distance to form our starry sky. "

Chen Ji is popularizing the universe where the earth is located.

But in Astana's view, in an instant, countless sun gods appeared at the same time, and infinite light and heat passed through a long distance before her eyes.

This is stellar.

It stands shoulder to shoulder with the sun god.

The power penetrates the infinite distance and reaches her face.


Astana knelt down piously: "Can you tell me what your starry sky looks like again?"

"It's ok, the starry sky is just a light shining in the darkness. It should be no different from the world you live in, maybe not. After all, you are the flowers planted by the goddess of the moon. But the starry sky here is vast and boundless. Every time I look up If you go there, you will feel how small you are.”

Following Chen Ji's description, Astana's concepts about the stars, night sky, earth, and Xia Kingdom took shape in her mind.

God's Domain Earth is unbelievably large.

The starry sky created by the Lord is boundless.

Stars on a par with the sun god cover every corner.

They shine in the sky, and they are immortal for tens of billions of years.

It is the manifestation of the greatest and vast power of the Lord.

"Great Lord."

Astana prostrated herself on the ground and chanted the prayer again: "You created trillions of stars, you bestowed upon your believers a beautiful starry sky, you are kind and tolerant..."

Etc., etc!

What's the matter with you, can't you understand what I'm saying?
Chen Ji was shocked. As an ordinary person, he became the creator in Astana's mouth!
"May the starry sky you created, and may the stars that are immortal for tens of billions of years, also shine in the sky of God's Grace Continent!"

"Divine Art - Bright Stars."

A bright star slowly rises from Astana.

A hole was torn apart in the dark, chaotic, and evil-filled sky of God's Grace Continent, and a holy light shone down, fixing the aimless Sun Temple in the west.

The two forces collided in the sky, kneading the sky into a ball.

Astana fainted.

The last scene before Chen Ji's eyes was dozens of bishops and priests gathered in front of the church, their expressions either dignified or frightened.

Chen Ji glanced at them and lost contact with Astana.

(End of this chapter)

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