Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 25 Emperor Mutian, Meteor.

Chapter 25 Emperor Mutian, Meteor.

"? I was fooled?"

Chen Ji, who was two worlds away from Mu Xiaoxiao, was confused when he saw the inexplicable words she sent.

and many more.

Mu Xiaoxiao had a violent personality in her self-introduction before, but in the chat, her tone seemed very gentle, and she directly called him her husband.

Now say I was fooled.

Could it be that……

A frame popped up from the super time and space dating official account:
"Mu Xiaoxiao sent a blind date request, do you want to meet her?
Note: The opponent will come to this world. "

Chen Ji was shocked.

The so-called being fooled means that you want to come and meet me?

I didn't expect Mu Xiaoxiao to be so proactive!

You just chatted, and you can't wait to go to the coffee shop to meet and go on a blind date?

As Chen Ji, who has been on blind dates 25 times, this is the first time he has seen such an active [-]-year-old girl.


Chen Ji clicked to decline, he was at work and was not free.

nine domains.


Mu Xiaoxiao sat down on the ground.

Dishan, which was sitting as majestic as a cloud, shook violently.

Within the Nine Regions, countless heartbroken people looked at the sky in horror.

Just now, it seemed as if the world was about to be torn apart, and a fear that made all the strong men stand on end shuddered.

Those immortal emperors, ancient gods, and demon saints have not felt such a strong fear for many years.

The Nine Realms are like a rattling mirror, ready to be shattered into countless powders at any moment, and the creatures of the Nine Realms cannot escape this world-destroying disaster!

In fact.

Shen Xuanyin, who was the only one who witnessed the confrontation between the Empress and an unknown being in the Mirror of Destiny, really saw the mirror transformed by the Destiny of the Nine Regions, which was shattered bit by bit in the struggle between the two sides.

The destiny is shattered, and the Nine Territories perish.

Shen Xuanyin was shrouded in great fear, and even saw Mu Xiaoxiao voluntarily let go of her hand, was shocked and sat back on the ground, and the Empress Jiuji showed her distressed appearance for the first time in tens of thousands of years, she did not respond.

There is only luck in my heart for the rest of my life.

Within the Nine Regions, countless eyes looked at Dishan.

But on the Emperor Mountain, it was eerily quiet.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Shen Xuanyin got up tremblingly, and went to support Emperor Mutian who was sitting on the ground.

Your Majesty is defeated.

And there was a confused expression on Yuan's face, as if she still didn't know how the enemy defeated her.

But Shen Xuanyin still didn't dare to make any changes.

"Chen Ji, Earth."

Mu Xiaoxiao was helped up by her, still remembering the feeling of touching some mysterious existence just now, the expression on her little face became more and more excited.

She was so happy that she patted Shen Xuanyin's shoulder hard, "Did you hear that?? There is a land called Earth outside the Nine Realms, and there is someone as strong as Chen Ji there!"

Shen Xuanyin doesn't care about the earth, nor does she care about Chen Ji.

She only cares about Jiuyu!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Shen Xuanyin knelt down, raised her face and begged her: "Please, Your Majesty, care about the countless creatures in the Nine Regions, and don't break the destiny!"

Shen Xuanyin was frightened by the picture of the Destiny Mirror being broken little by little in the hands of Empress Jiuji.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the miserable broken mirror and asked her:
"If you have only one year of life left due to a mistake in cultivation, and you can only find a chance to survive if you reach the other side of the river of yellow spring in the deepest part of the ghost domain, will you try?"

Shen Xuanyin's mind was very confused.

His Majesty actually talked so much with her, and asked a question that seemed to have a deep meaning.

But she didn't have time to think carefully, so she replied instinctively:

"now it's right!"

Mu Xiaoxiao poked her hand into the mirror again, squinted her eyes and smiled, "Isn't it all death if you die sooner or later? I have waited 10 years for this moment. How can I sit and wait for death with you?"

As she said that, she wanted to use her power again to force Chen Ji who was on the earth to reveal his flaws, so that she could break through the boundary and chase after him.

But this time.

The things in the Mirror of Destiny were pulled out by her smoothly.

"what is this?"

Mu Xiaoxiao carefully looked at her fair little hand, there seemed to be something in the palm, but there seemed to be nothing there.

It seems to exist, and it seems not to exist.

It seems to be here, and it seems to be elsewhere.

Too small to be seen at all.

Don't look at it, it's there.

Look at it and it disappears.

At this moment, it's on the left.

The next moment, it was on the right again.

It whirled around, flew in all directions, and occasionally penetrated her palm, but she didn't feel it at all.

With all the power of the nine domains, he actually caught such a small thing?

"what is this?!"

Mu Xiaoxiao asked again, surprised and curious, a hundred times more surprised than when she first got the destiny.

Destiny is also very magical, including all the laws of heaven and earth within the Nine Domains.

For Mu Xiaoxiao, she will be able to comprehend these laws sooner or later. Destiny can only speed her up. She was disappointed when she got her destiny.


This thing she pulled out from her destiny was so miraculous that it made her open her mouth.

How could there be such a strange thing? !
Look at it, it's not there.

Without looking at it, it reappears.

Incredibly small, yet capable of spinning incessantly, and piercing through her Supreme Host without her feeling it at all.

The smallest and the strongest?

For the first time in 10 years, Mu Xiaoxiao cheered in surprise.

Within the Nine Regions, there was finally a change that interested her!
She just couldn't get enough of this little thing!

A big question mark appeared on the head of Tianjiao, the Shen family of the ancient Tianyu clan.

His Majesty has a straightforward temperament, just like a young girl, but she is far from understanding what she can do.



Chen Ji originally thought that after he was admitted to a famous computer university, there would be no computer virus in the world that could harass his desktop.


His plug-in told him, no.

"Mu Xiaoxiao sent a request for a blind date meeting, do you want to meet her?"

"Mu Xiaoxiao sent a request for a blind date meeting, do you want to meet her?"

"Mu Xiaoxiao sent a request for a blind date meeting, do you want to meet her?"

The blind date request box from Mu Xiaoxiao kept popping up, Chen Ji clicked to reject, and the next one popped up immediately.

He originally wanted to communicate with Mu Xiaoxiaoduo so that he could upgrade himself.

but now.

This kind of communication came too violently, and Chen Ji couldn't bear it.

"Evening, can it be at night?"

Chen Ji, who has been fishing for too long, quickly replied to her: "I get off work at night, that is, I am free. When the time comes, I will find a forest park and let you come to my place as a guest!"

2 minute later.

"Husband, why did you go to the forest, what is the park?"

"This one……"

The corner of Chen Ji's mouth twitched, "You should stop calling me husband for now."

"Good husband."

She changed her name to something even more crooked.

Chen Ji didn't care about her anymore.

The reason why we looked for a park was because of Empress Mu Xiao, what if there was too much movement when she came, or because the time-space coordinates were wrong, what would happen if people were stuffed into the tree trunk?
To be honest, Chen Ji is still looking forward to meeting her.

A few minutes later, Mu Xiaoxiao sent another message.

"Husband, can't we meet now? I really want to see you, I can't imagine it, it seems that there is a little thing spinning around in my heart, spinning so fast."


Is this a metaphor unique to the Nine Realms world?

Chen Ji reluctantly comforted her.


After Chen Ji had dinner and gave Zhou Wan a cold meal, he took the bus and went to the suburbs to find a deserted hill.

I dare not look for places with rivers and lakes, for fear of meeting fishermen who fish at night.

Astana has woken up, contacted him again, and is currently immersed in her newly acquired magic. The conversation is mixed with a bunch of fanatical prayers, and it is impossible to communicate at all.

Xia Shumin still couldn't get in touch, which was one of the reasons why Chen Ji wanted to strengthen his cheating.

"bring it on!"

Standing on the open space, Chen Ji took a deep breath: "The Empress from the Nine Realms, who has been invincible for 10 years, let me meet you!"

He solemnly nodded his agreement.

nine domains.

The Mirror of Destiny suddenly bloomed with brilliance, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't understand why, after thinking about it, he tried to send the little thing he had been playing with for a day back into the mirror.

But the white palm still only grasped the little thing, although the little thing could penetrate her supreme body, it couldn't catch it at all.

"Jingle bells."

The Destiny Mirror made a cheerful sound for the first time and showed her a picture.

is nothingness.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw nothingness.

It was a sight she had never seen before.

She subconsciously walked in, and the Supreme Holy Body shattered in an instant, together with the invincible power in her body, it turned into a brilliant brilliance and bloomed on the Emperor Mountain.

Earth shakes.

The infinite laws and dao rhymes overflowed above the sky of Dishan Mountain, and fell from the sky to the rest of the world.

Empress Jiuji is dead.

Countless people are horrified, and countless people are ready to move.

Emperor Mutian, who had ruled the Nine Regions for 10 years, died?



There is nothing to wait for, and there is no way to wait any longer. The powerful Supremes tore apart the space, came to the foot of Dishan Mountain, looked up at the top of the mountain, and were ready to go.

on top of the mountain.

Shen Xuanyin held up the Mirror of Destiny, and looked down at the many strong men at the foot of the mountain with indifferent eyes.

After a while, she put the mirror back on the throne.

No one dares to take half a step on the mountain of God.

 This chapter is almost [-] words long, the humble author is asking for votes to read more, if there is a small reward, it will be even better!

(End of this chapter)

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