Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 26 Nine Extreme Empress, Defeated

Chapter 26 Nine Extreme Empress, Defeated
Earth, Xia Kingdom, Haicheng.

On a barren hill somewhere in the outskirts.

Chen Ji waited patiently.

He knew that it was a reckless thing for him to accept the request to meet Mu Xiaoxiao.

Not to mention possible biological viruses, even Mu Xiaoxiao's own strength is enough to cause a devastating impact on the earth.

If the other party has just come to this world, suddenly can't hold back the power, and yawns, the earth and the solar system will be smashed together.

It was too late for Chen Ji to regret it.


There are many uncertainties in communication across time and space, time is not equal, the space is too far away, and Chen Ji, who is a human from Earth, is too weak, etc.

If you miss this time, you may not have the chance to meet again next time.

In addition, Chen Ji actually had another guess.

Maybe, after that Emperor Mutian came to Earth...


A gust of wind blew, and Chen Ji noticed something was wrong. When he turned his head to look, the gust of wind had turned into a strong wind, blowing his clothes and hair flying wildly.

In mid-air less than two meters away from him, a vortex appeared out of thin air.

A large amount of air and dust, as well as various small objects were sucked in, annihilated into pure energy and released, and the light spots fell like raindrops.

These light spots reflected a shadow less than 1.6 meters away, slowly floating out from the vortex.

Standing in front of Chen Ji.


she asked.

The sound was like a broken fan, whirring.


Chen Ji nodded.

"Chen Ji?"


"Haha, I found you!!"

As the voice fell, a fair-skinned girl seemed to be drawn by someone with a 3D printer, from top to bottom, from heel to top of the head, bit by bit.

Her looks don't matter.

Because she doesn't wear clothes.

Standing in front of her, Chen Ji was dumbfounded when he saw the whole process of printing her out, as well as the beautiful appearance of her whole body.


Chen Ji saw Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao also saw him.

The two looked at each other.

next second.


Mu Xiaoxiao let out a stern voice, her momentum was astonishing, and she stomped on the ground hard with her fair and beautiful little feet.

She jumped 5cm.

Because she stepped on the ground with one foot, she didn't jump very high at all.

And it was quickly pulled by the gravity of the earth and fell back to the ground.


She was shocked.

He stepped on it hard again, clenched his small white fist, and punched hard into the air.

But nothing happened at all.

Only a little air was disturbed by her pink fist.

She glared at Chen Ji hard again, trying to suppress him with the pupil of reincarnation in the underworld that she had only realized after practicing in Huangquan for a thousand years.

But still no power was mobilized by her.

Mu Xiaoxiao only felt that she had returned to the first step in her cultivation, which was the body training state. No, it was weaker than the body training state. She was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to kick her feet, and her whole body was limp.

Spiritual thoughts cannot be sent out, power cannot be displayed, weapons are missing, and the Supreme Holy Body is disintegrated.

All cultivation bases were suppressed by the man in front of him.

We just met.

She is defeated!


Chen Ji was dumbfounded, watching the naked girl Mu Tiandi punch and kick the air after she appeared, trying to jump up, but couldn't jump high, staring at him, but it wasn't that embarrassing expression.

Chen Ji resisted the thought of looking down, watching her expression change, guessed that she was probably too shocked.

"That, Mu Xiaoxiao?"

Chen Ji turned his head away, "I think you'd better put on your clothes first."


Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, only to see her current situation, her whole face flushed red.


She finally became angry from embarrassment, raised two fists, and rushed towards Chen Ji:

"I kill you!!!"


Chen Ji was thrown to the ground by her.

Afterwards, Xiao Fen punched him hard in the face.

This guy is a real hit!

Chen Ji quickly grabbed her slender arm, and this guy kicked him with his legs again, and bit him with his mouth open, with a desperate posture of either dying or dying.

Chen Ji was furious, this guy was as irritable as in his self-introduction, and he actually pretended to be an infatuated girl in the chat to lie to him!

"Stop it!!"

After all, Chen Ji is an adult man, it is too easy to control a Mu Xiaoxiao who just came to the earth and is completely unsuited to it.

Turning over, the small town of Mu was crushed on the dirt.

But this emperor Mutian is worthy of being experienced in many battles, he opened his mouth and bit his arm again, without the restraint of a heavenly emperor at all, he used all the abilities of his body to beat Chen Ji!
The two rolled around on the barren hill.

If outsiders see it, Chen Ji will definitely go in for more than three years.

at last.

Chen Ji defeated the Emperor Mutian who is the most respected throughout the ages.

Locked her hands behind her back, pressed her with her knees, and then pinned her head so that she could not move at all.

But Chen Ji strongly suspected that he temporarily controlled her only because Emperor Mutian, who was a weak woman, had no strength.

Otherwise, she would not be so honest!

"I, I won! You, give me a stop!!!"

Chen Ji was out of breath.

He was really scared of Mu Xiaoxiao.

The strength is not great, but it is completely desperate to fight.

At first she just used her small fists, but when her body touched a twig, she grabbed it and poked at Chen Ji—she wanted to use the sword technique, but Chen Ji refused, and slapped her twig. interrupt.

"Hu, hu, hu."

Mu Xiaoxiao was breathing heavily, her internal organs seemed to explode, and she urgently needed the inflow of fresh air.

She was completely exhausted.

But the man who suppressed her still firmly controlled her.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to admit it, but losing is losing.

Before she was a hundred years old, she was often defeated by challenging the strong of the older generation, and every time she readily admitted, or turned around and fled.

Continue to challenge the opponent next time until it is defeated.

But this time.

Her dignity was humiliated, and she would never die with Chen Ji!

"just kill me!"

Having lost all means, Mu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, just wanting to die with dignity.

She realized that the earth was the place used by this sinister man to lie to her. As soon as she came here, a mysterious formation controlled all her cultivation.

The other party was also affected, but his own strength was still stronger than hers.

And as soon as she arrived, she shamelessly destroyed her clothes, stared at her wantonly, irritated her, and made her lose her mind.

Mu Xiaoxiao is the Great Emperor.

But also an unmarried girl.


Chen Ji was speechless. If he had known that Mu Xiaoxiao was this kind of person, he would definitely not agree to meet her.

It feels like being cheated of 8000 yuan in online dating.

"Do you know where this place is?"

Chen Ji asked her.

Mu Xiaoxiao really wanted to fight him desperately before, but Chen Ji couldn't just kill her like this.


Mu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him coldly: "The place where you, a despicable villain, set up a large formation to ambush me!"

"? Am I mean?"

Chen Ji laughed angrily, "When you were chatting with me, you pretended to be my wife to lie to me, aren't you despicable?!"

"That's not me, it's Shen Xuanyin!"


Chen Ji raised his hand to slap her somewhere.

"Ahhh! I killed you!"

Mu Xiaoxiao struggled frantically, but was suppressed by Chen Ji again.

"I didn't hit it, it was my hand."

Chen Ji responded with her words.

This time Mu Xiaoxiao had nothing to say, snorted, and said again: "Even if I lied to you, I just wanted to visit outside the Nine Regions, but you sneak up on me when I meet you, a despicable villain, and pretend to be innocent. In fact, they set up a large formation to ambush me!"

"What big formation? I don't know how to practice, I don't know what the hell you are talking about."

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted again, obviously not believing it.

"And you hit me first!" Chen Ji said again.

"You destroy my clothes, if I don't hit you, who will you hit?! You **** monster!"


Chen Ji was speechless again, sighed, and let go of her a little: "Mu Xiaoxiao, you have lived for 10 years, even if you have been sleeping all the time, have you ever thought that it is not very easy for your clothes to break after you have traveled through the world?" Is it normal?"

(End of this chapter)

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