Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 3 Ordinary Xia Shumin, Saint Astana

Chapter 3 Ordinary Xia Shumin, Saint Astana

Mu Xiaoxiao Tiandi didn't respond.

But it's normal, who would watch on the blind date official account if nothing happened?

Chen Ji looked at the next blind date searched.

This is much more normal.

"Xia Shumin, female, six out of ten, native of Yongkang County in the south of the Zhao Kingdom, the race of the spirit of all things (Shang Shuyan: only the parents of all things in the world, but the spirit of all things), earning 20 taels of silver per month, education in private school, cosmic characteristics: Round sky, height: 1.6 feet [-]...[-] meters?"

Chen Ji understood.

Xia Shumin, the character is set to be an ancient lady, 16 years old, her race is human - she also wrote the source thoughtfully, she went to a private school, was born in Zhao State, and her hometown is Yongkang County in the south of the Yangtze River.

But Chen Ji had never heard of Zhao Guoyongkang County, so she probably invented it.

Although Xia Shumin, like Mu Xiaoxiao, came on a blind date at the age of 16, but considering that her character is set in ancient times, it makes sense. In ancient times, she got married before the age of 20.

In terms of real age, at least ten years old must be added, which means that Xia Shumin may be in his mid-twenties.


Xia Shumin's character design also made Chen Ji's eyes dark.

"Talent: photographic memory.

Good at: embroidery, poetry.

What I am proud of: "Spring Outing in the South of the Yangtze River", "Spring" and "Summer", "Dream of Red Mansions" continued for forty chapters. "

I won’t say anything about my photographic memory.

The follow-up "Dream of Red Mansions" directly made Chen Ji laugh out loud.

The Dream of the Red Chamber has been published for more than 300 years. I don’t know how many famous writers have read it. Some of them must have had the idea of ​​continuing to write the Dream of the Red Chamber.

But Gao E, who is as strong as Zhong Guoju, has been called a dog-tailed continuation for the last forty chapters of his continuation. Of course, there is also a saying now that it is not a continuation by Gao E, but a continuation by Anonymous, who Gao E sorted out.

In short, regardless of whether it was written by Gao E or not, the last forty chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions written by Gao E is already recognized as the best version.

Xia Shumin also continued to write Dream of the Red Chamber?

"Hi Miss Xia."

Chen Ji sent her a greeting, "I heard that you continued to write Dream of the Red Chamber, can you send it to me? I'm very interested!"

Let's see how she responds!

Unfortunately, Xia Shumin was also offline.


The Super Dimensional Blind Date official account stopped searching, and recommended Chen Ji the last blind date partner.

The first time he saw her profile picture, Chen Ji felt an inexplicable chill.

The first blind date is a beautiful woman from the doomsday world. Although her profile picture is in a mess, at least her eyes can be seen.

The second Emperor Mutian, the official account did not give his appearance.

The third one, Xia Shumin, covered her cheeks with a fan, only her fair forehead was exposed, her eyes were slightly shy and curious, and she was very quiet, an ancient cosplay beauty with a very temperament.

But the fourth...

Black and weird lines crawled all over her neck and cheeks, like dry branches and ferocious blood vessels. There was a horrible sarcoma on her forehead. There was a closed eye on the sarcoma, with a strong sense of evil, as if opening her eyes. Soon, the whole world will be destroyed.

The only thing that is normal is her original eyes.

A pair of beautiful and pure sky blue eyes, filled with tears of sorrow and sorrow, blood red hands clasped under the chin, as if praying hard for something.

Her self-introduction also has strong emotions:
"Beyond the world, the supreme Creator, please cast your gaze here, you are holy, eternal, noble existence, greater than the realm of God, more fragrant than flowers, more beautiful than poetry, you have Infinite wisdom and power... If you hear it, please respond to the prayers of believers and tell your real name to save this world that has been devastated by evil gods, Astana will always be grateful for your kindness."

Astana said many praises, praying for the response of the creator, and defeating the invasion of evil gods.

Combined with her profile:

"Astana, female, 112 years old, divine descendant, saint of the Goddess of Light Cathedral, wish: to be favored by the great creator and destroy evil gods."

Chen Ji was a little moved.

Judging from Astana's character design, she only showed a weird appearance after being invaded by evil gods. A long prayer and praise chants made it impossible to doubt her sincerity.

She seemed to be earnestly praying for a response from the Creator outside the world.

"Hello, Astana."

Chen Ji sent her a greeting, and wanted to hear her "story".

This time, Chen Ji quickly responded.

"Are you...the great, benevolent...creator, or...depraved, ugly...?"

Her text was intermittent.

Chen Ji replied very straightforwardly: "I am not a creator, nor am I corrupt and ugly. I am just an ordinary person who accidentally crossed the world, a very ordinary ordinary person."

That's right, Chen Ji is a time traveler.

It's a pity that he was a failed traveler, he didn't have any cheats, and he couldn't do Wenchao with a bad memory. He bought hundreds of bitcoins, but in the end, bitcoins in this world didn't get popular at all, let alone buying lottery tickets, it was useless.

He can only go to school step by step, barely admitted to a key university, and continue to be a social animal.

The other party seemed a little disappointed.

After a while, he asked again:

"Are you from Shen'en Continent? Forgive me, I prayed for a long time... Evil God, pollution."

The following words were too fragmentary, and I couldn't guess what she was going to say.

This feeling of acting is so right!
Chen Ji smiled back at her: "I'm from Earth, I've only traveled through two worlds, what about you? Are there many evil gods in the Divine Grace Continent?"

The other party seemed shocked.

Sent an "unbelievable...unimaginable, you...great..." message.

It seemed that Chen Ji half understood and half understood.

Finally, she asked cautiously: "Can you tell Astana about your real name and the location of the Kingdom of God?"

"My name is Chen Ji, from Earth, Xia Kingdom, Haicheng, and I'm a programmer."

Chen Ji thought that she wanted to know the real information, so she answered straightforwardly.

There's nothing shady about his message either.

Just send it out.


The moment Chen Ji sent it, a vague voice sounded in his ear, as if it came from a distant world.

Immediately afterwards, the voice became a clear prayer.

"Great existence, your power penetrates the endless sea of ​​​​emptiness, landed in the Church of the Goddess of Light in the Divine Grace Continent, and favored—"

A holy and pure light appeared in Chen Ji's vision.

It seems to start from a distant starry sky and fall on a black-infested church.

Chen Ji's eyes watched from above, watching the pure light purify the distorted black.

Vaguely, he saw a monster with a distorted torso and a black air that was entangled in several thick chains at the bottom of the church praying, singing beautiful and holy words of praise.

The light fell on it, and the monster was changing.

Look carefully, the face of this monster is actually the same as...

really her? !

After she raised her head, Chen Ji could see more clearly.

Really Astana!

Dramatic changes are taking place on her body, the black aura is being continuously melted by the light, and her distorted torso is slowly returning to a human form. Although her body is still covered with distorted lines, at least she can be seen as a slender and tall woman, kneeling on the ground , worshiping him extremely devoutly and excitedly:

"Located on the supreme earth, living in the kingdom of Xia, the realm of the gods, with power that travels through countless worlds, the great programmer Chen Ji, Astana here praises you, sings your real name, and has obtained the power bestowed by you. The soul has been cleansed, and from then on, Astana will always be your most devout believer, may your brilliance illuminate the Divine Grace Continent forever, and may... the evil gods be extinct!"

The radiance blooms.

Knights and bishops kept coming, all of them were full of horror and panic, not daring to approach the church.

This was the last scene Chen Ji "saw" and it was so illusory that he couldn't tell the truth from the fake, and he was stunned on the street for a long time.

However, there is an extra function on the Super Time and Space Blind Date official account:
Send a Gift.

Give something from the earth to a blind date in a different world, in a different time and space?

(End of this chapter)

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