Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 4 After the Sun Goes Out

Chapter 4 After the Sun Goes Out

Chen Ji really couldn't tell whether it was true or false!
Reason told him that everything just now was due to the association he had after reading Astana's long prayer of praise.

The senses tell him that all of this is true, and what he hears and sees are all real things that exist in another world.

Chen Ji is willing to believe this is true, after all he himself is a time traveler.

There is a way to prove it.

Chen Ji clicked on the new function of the official account, but found that there was only one person who could give gifts.

Zhou Wan.

Her personality is also eye-catching:

28 years old, living in 2026, a beautiful doctor who suffered a doomsday disaster and sent a distress message.

"No one else can deliver? Or can't deliver for the time being?"

Chen Ji wanted to try it, but considering that he hadn't contacted the other party so far, he didn't know how the so-called gift giving would take place.

Can only give up.

After wandering around the street for a while, none of the four beauties found on the official account were "online" again.

Chen Ji took the subway back to the company, still thinking about what happened just now in his mind.

"Chen Ji, have you adjusted the shader effect? ​​Send it to me for a try."

Wearing headphones, Huang Hao, who was drawing in front of the computer, called out to him.

Chen Ji didn't respond, he was deep in thought, and relied on instinct to return to his work station.

"Chen Ji!?"

"Brother Chen? Old Chen!!"


Huang Hao yelled a few times, Chen Ji finally came to his senses, looked up, and was given a supercilious look by the other party.

"Fuck, I remembered! So you went on a blind date!"

Huang Hao came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Look at you looking so lost, have you been rejected again?"

Chen Ji shook his head. He didn't remember the name of the blind date girl at all. His mind was full of such messy things as the Doctor of Doomsday, the Mad Emperor Mu, Lady Xia who continued the Dream of Red Mansions, and the pious monster Saint.

"It's okay, you'll just get used to it. When you get to my age, you'll know that it's better to have a career. When our company starts playing, we can earn him a few small goals!"

Huang Hao comforted him, and by the way drew big cakes every day.

Several colleagues who were working overtime followed suit and shouted, saying that a few small goals were not enough, and that they had to go online to exceed [-] million in a month.

The atmosphere is quite lively.

Chen Ji didn't get involved because he knew... the company was not doing well, and Huang Hao has been busy attracting investment recently.

After turning on the computer, send the shader program to Huang Hao, and continue to wait with the mobile phone in meditation.

"Have you adjusted the effect?"

Huang Hao said strangely.

"It's not good yet, but I don't have time to adjust the effect tonight, so you use it first."

Chen Ji answered him.

Huang Hao was the team leader of the planning department of the game department he used to work in Dachang, and invited Chen Ji to join him after he came out to start a business.

It just so happened that Chen Ji was bored with working in a big factory, so he accepted a monthly salary of [-] + project bonus, and came out to work with Huang Hao.

Small companies often need all-round talents. In the past two years, Chen Ji has learned all kinds of messy programming techniques. He is tired of being an N job, but life is like this.

The bad thing is that now small companies can't hold on anymore.

Chen Ji is at risk of losing his job.

"Don't, Brother Chen."

Sensing that Chen Ji's work status was not right, Huang Hao lowered his voice, "You don't mean to resign, do you? Don't, at least wait until I find an investor!"

The small company is supported by a few people, Chen Ji knows the company's affairs very well, Huang Hao can't hide it from him.

Chen Ji rolled his eyes, "You just want to find someone to take over, don't you? Don't worry, I'm also waiting for investors to buy my shares."

"Hey, Cheng, the investor has been found immediately!"

Huang Hao patted him on the shoulder and told him to rest tonight and continue working tomorrow.

What he didn't know was that the reason why Chen Ji was stunned was because the doomsday female doctor sent him the first text message.

"Where are you? Can you help me? I'm at No. 6 Xiangshan Villa, Haidu City."

Chen Ji had never heard of Haidu City, so he suspected it was fabricated by the other party.

"Hello, Miss Zhou Wan, nice to meet you, can you tell me what's going on at the end of the day? Where is Haidu?"

Zhou Wan's message soon came again:
"I don't know much about the end of the world. About four months ago, the sun suddenly went out, animals and plants ran wild, and humans died in large numbers... You said you live in 2022? Can you help me? How did you contact me? "

"Haidu is in Huaguo, near the mouth of the sea."

She sent another post, but Chen Ji was shocked by the information in her last sentence.

"The sun went out suddenly?! How is this possible?!"

Chen Ji once again doubted whether the other party was playing the role of "Doctor Doomsday Beauty" and maintained his personality.

How could the sun suddenly go out?
According to the inference of scientists, the sun can burn for at least several billion years.

Moreover, if the sun goes out, if the sun disappears suddenly, the earth will be "thrown" out, and the probability of collisions with other planets in the universe will greatly increase.

Either way, it's a disaster.


Because of being so unbelievable, Chen Ji calmed down very quickly:

"With the sun going out, the earth must be in chaos, right?"

The other party answered: yes.

She didn't say much else, maybe too many things happened, she couldn't finish it, or maybe...she was out of strength.

"Wait, I'll do an experiment."

Chen Ji took out a small packet of biscuits on the seat, held it in his hand, and sent her a message saying, "I'll send you a snack, if you receive it—"


2026 years.

Haidu City, ** District, the basement of Xiangshan Villa.

Miss Zhou, the founder of Hongqin Capital, a 24-year-old woman with a Ph.D. in finance, ranks in the top ten of the youth rich list.

Waiting for these titles are useless to Zhou Wan at this moment.

She was covered with a thick quilt and hid in the hidden wine storage room in the basement. Her head was tucked into the quilt, her body was shivering from the cold. She was hiding in the quilt and looking at this strange dating app. The man named Chen Ji sent her a text message. Come for information.

He said he would give her snacks.

Snacks from 2022.

Zhou Wan didn't hold out much hope, she even felt that she was hallucinating because she was close to death.

Four months ago, the sun went out.

At first, the world's media went on a frenzy, claiming to have captured the extremely rare phenomenon of a solar eclipse.

After 12 hours, the sun still did not light up, and the crowd began to panic. Experts came forward urgently to analyze from various scientific perspectives to comfort people.

A day later, the darkness continued.

Doomsday theory is hustle and bustle.

Two days later, there were still only faint stars shining in the sky.

People all over the world have to believe that the end has come.

Countries around the world began to maintain stability, saying that their country's grain reserves can be used for more than two years.

Seven days later, the temperature dropped below zero, a large-scale snowstorm came across the world, the lakes were frozen, roads were blocked, and a large number of tropical creatures died.

Half a month later, the sea began to freeze, animals and plants became extinct on a large scale, and the remains of the dead bodies were looted by people to eat or keep warm.

One month later, the extreme cold and darkness caused the global order to collapse, and heating supplies became an urgent need for all mankind.

Two months later, the appearance of mutated animals and plants gave humans hope, and they hunted and killed these animals and plants with weapons for research.

But the mutated animals and plants evolved wildly, killing a large number of humans and destroying countless settlements.

Zhou Wan just escaped from the settlement that was attacked, fled back to the home she was familiar with in a panic, and hid in the basement.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, she spent tens of millions to buy a lot of heating supplies, which barely kept her warm in the basement to survive.

But her parents died shortly after the end of the day.

And she, after half a month of struggling to survive in the basement, ran out of food, had to leave the basement, went outside to take out her mobile phone, and tried to receive some information about the settlement in the icy darkness.

It was under such circumstances that Chen Ji contacted her.

In an incredible way, an APP was installed in her mobile phone, greeted her, and asked if she needed help.

If this is not a hallucination before death, then this man named Chen Ji will be her only hope to survive.

After all, in the apocalyptic era, no one is going to study any mobile phone viruses anymore.

"I'll send you a snack. If you receive will be a big deal!"

Seeing the words sent by the other party from the strange dating app, Zhou Wan's stiff cheeks moved, revealing a long-lost smile.

She didn't think about it, how could there be a mobile phone signal in the basement?

The only hope left for her is——


A pack of snacks appeared in her arms.


Zhou Wan screamed belatedly, stared blankly at the biscuits and snacks in her arms, then suddenly lifted the thick quilt on her body, and checked carefully with the light of her mobile phone.

It really is a pack of snacks.

Production date, February 2022.

A pack of snacks from four years ago traveled through time and space and came to her!

(End of this chapter)

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