Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 45 The Last Emperor of Destiny

Chapter 45 The Last Emperor of Destiny
The powerhouses in the Nine Regions have actually done a lot of exploration beyond the Nine Regions.

They went to the starry sky and opened up a small space in a void to avoid the erosion of the life law of the Nine Realms.

They have also thought about the deeper part of the starry sky, thinking that it is an area where the 360 ​​laws of the Nine Domains cannot take effect, it is nothingness, and there is an endless source of chaos.

Perhaps, the Nine Realms World was born in the origin of chaos.

As the most powerful people who have practiced the laws of the nine domains to the deepest level, they also want to find out whether there is a law of the void or a law of chaos.

Billions of years have passed.

Nine Territories' cognition of void is still stuck in the concept of nothingness, nothing exists.

Think that chaos is a cloud of fog, which cannot be seen clearly and cannot be grasped.

They can't even find the power beyond the law of the origin of chaos!

The "Supreme Chaos Particles" on the earth told them that you think of chaos too simply.

Chaos particles, visible and invisible, exist in the left, right, front and back directions at the same time, and have many laws such as the law of life and the law of space. Everyone who sees it, the chaotic particles will show a different side, showing a different law.

There is no way to figure it out with common sense.

It is a superposition of left and right shoes.

Everyone in the Nine Realms can't understand what the superposition of chaos particles looks like. Even if they listen to Chen Ji's description, the empress uses all the power of the Nine Realms to catch a chaotic particle, they still can't understand the chaos to the end. what is it.

This is chaos!

"Chaos particles can penetrate the empress' supreme holy body!"

"This is the original power of chaos!"

They recalled what Emperor Mutian said before, and they became more and more sure that the chaotic particles had power beyond the Nine Realms!
Who can comprehend the law of chaos, who is the real emperor who is invincible throughout the ages!


Chen Ji didn't know that he had a new name yet. He thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "You're right if you understand it this way."

Different cultures, different worldviews, long live mutual understanding!
"Hmph, I guessed it a long time ago!"

Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said happily: "No wonder I lost my power when I hit the earth. It turns out that I went to the original world of chaos!"

The Nine Regions powerhouse was very excited.

Chen Ji was dumbfounded.

Mu Xiaoxiao said again:

"Chaos is born from nothingness, and chaos is elusive. The earth is the world closest to chaos. Everything is composed of chaotic particles. You are the closest to the original existence.

Therefore, your world is also unimaginably vast, covering a full 960 billion light-years. "

"However, this also makes it impossible for people on earth to cultivate at all. They are too close to the source, and no laws have been derived, which makes your world blurred."

"The Nine Domains are different."

"The Nine Realms are far away from chaos, and we can't find chaos particles, but we are strong enough, we can use laws to analyze chaos, and see chaos particles!"

Mu Xiaoxiao was full of confidence, and said a lot in one breath, admitting that the earth is the original world, vast and boundless, but she also proudly said that the human race in the Nine Realms can practice and understand the various laws derived from chaos. Individuals are powerful.

Countless people in Nine Regions agree with her explanation.

But Earth Chen Ji, after arriving here, couldn't keep up with her thoughts at all.

All I can say is, Your Majesty the Empress, you have a clear mind and a lot of ideas.

You may be right, or you may be wrong, it is a superposition of right and wrong.

"so what?"

Chen Ji asked her with a smile.

"You are stupid, so hurry up and drag me to the chaotic earth world!!"

Mu Xiaoxiao hit the Destiny Mirror with her fist, "Quick, I can't wait to get close to Chaos!"

Stop her! !

In the Nine Regions, many powerhouses exclaimed in alarm, wanting to stop the empress from going to the earth to understand the laws of chaos.

Otherwise, once the empress comprehends the law of chaos and returns to the Nine Realms, wouldn't it be a random killing?Who else could be her opponent?
However, no one dared to take the initiative.

In the hands of the empress, there are destiny and chaotic particles, and no one wants to be the first person to be pierced by chaotic particles.

"It's okay to invite you over, but you have to promise not to fight with me casually!"

Chen Ji finally thought of his purpose of chatting with her this time.

In modern society, who would be a decent person to fight?
"You are a majestic emperor of the primordial particles of chaos, are you still afraid of fighting?"

Mu Xiaoxiao raised her clean chin, and used aggressive tactics in front of her.

Chen Ji Lei was scorched inside and tender outside.

After "the great, benevolent creator" and "the immortal of the illusory realm of Lihentian", he has a new title:
The infinite chaos, the original particle, the supreme emperor.

Is that what it's called?
"So that's how it is..."

Only then did Shen Xuanyin in the distance fully understand that the reason why His Majesty fought with the wooden puppet before was because His Majesty wanted to go to the original world of chaos and fight physically with the Supreme Emperor of Chaos on the earth!
It turned out that they were all wrong.

The battle of the Chaos Supreme is not the rule of throwing each other, but no one can use their strength, they can only rely on the most powerful physique composed of chaos particles, and fight with blood at close range!

I'm afraid that after arriving in the chaotic earth world, His Majesty's physical body will be unbelievably strong, and he can easily blow up the planet in the mouth of Chaos Supreme Chen Ji with one punch!

"You call it a fight, but we call it a fight!"

Chen Ji is not provoked, and Mu Xiaoxiao, a 16-year-old girl empress, is really ruthless in fights!
"Anyway, if you want to come to Earth, you must promise me that you are not allowed to challenge me at will, and you are not allowed to fight with other people."

"That's it. I'll go to work first. Think about it."

Chen Ji decisively ended this chat.

"What a coward, hum~!"

Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed her fist, but was not in a hurry to go to Earth.

She hasn't figured out a suitable fighting method on Earth yet, so wait a few days.

"You see clearly, do you hear clearly?"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and faced countless experts inside and outside the Nine Regions.

She became expressionless.

The Mirror of Destiny was suspended in front of her, and the empress' indifferent eyes seemed to pass through many realms and fall on every strong person.

"Whether you understand it or not, agree or disagree, times have changed.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an ancient emperor or a desolate ancient supreme, a monster clan or a ghost clan or an ancient clan in the holy age, and it doesn’t matter whether you are outside the Nine Regions or hiding in the forbidden zone, the destiny of the Nine Regions gives you a chance to live again, not for you to do whatever you want Acting recklessly is not such a stupid thing as fighting for the destiny.

This is not your time.

Anyone who is restless and makes a big commotion will be killed! "

These words were murderous enough.

But the empress issued a more domineering declaration:

"If someone tries to rebuild the fairy gate in vain, provoke the human race and the monster race against each other, oppress and slaughter the living beings, and try to disrupt the reincarnation of the ghost realm and the underworld.

Whether it's one or two, three or four, I'll kill as many as there are.

If the entire Nine Regions are in chaos, I will slaughter the entire Nine Regions, and kill all of you, all the old guys who have refused to die for hundreds of millions of years! "

This time is the real killing intent.

Jiuyu, fell silent.

Shen Xuanyin guessed something in a trance, and she looked at the broken mirror of destiny in a daze.

Nine poles empress, fate is in her body.

She is going to kill.

The destiny is to slaughter all living beings in the Nine Regions.

"I, will be the last person in charge of destiny."

After the final announcement, Zhao Changkong and others were thrown thousands of miles away, Dishan was covered and could no longer be seen.

After the Nine Extreme Empress, is there no more emperor?
Just because times have changed?
Or does she want to comprehend the laws of chaos, in a vain attempt to become emperor forever?
(End of this chapter)

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