Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 46 Astana will always stand by your side

Chapter 46 Astana will always stand by your side (for further reading)
"Hey, Chen Ji, are you home?"

Just as Chen Ji finished talking with Mu Xiaoxiao and was about to continue basking in the sun, the company boss Huang Hao called.

"Uh yes."

Chen Ji was a little embarrassed, he guessed the purpose of Huang Hao's call.


"Are you asking for leave again today?"

"There was something just now, wait, I'm going to the company now."

"Has something happened to you recently?"

Huang Hao asked him one more question, "If you need help, you can tell me, and you can help me as much as you can!"

Although he knew that he was speaking on the spot, it still made Chen Ji even more embarrassed. He immediately got up from the balcony, changed his clothes and prepared to go to work.


Thinking of him as a dignified traveler with a cheat, he just went to experience the doomsday when the sun was extinguished, obtained supernatural powers there, and learned about physics with the fantasy empress.

How awesome it sounds.

But still can't escape favor.

No way, before I officially leave the job, I still have to go to work and finish my work.

"Go to the company later and urge Huang Hao to find someone to replace me."

Chen Ji secretly made a plan.

Although his cheat is not a system like Shenhao, and it is difficult to cross the two worlds, he can at least wear it.

Let Chen Ji be able to pick up some gold, jewelry, antiques, Maserati, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, Rolls Royce and so on in Zhou Wan's world.

Take it back and sell it to make do with it, and you can still live a life.

People are always curious.

Chen Ji has no other hopes in this life, but hopes to communicate more with a few blind dates in the future.

Get dressed, go downstairs, walk to the subway.

"An illusion? It feels like my body has become stronger?"

When walking on the road, Chen Ji felt that his footsteps were very easy, and there was a sense of strength in his body, as if he had just finished running 1000 meters in a soothing manner. His body functions were activated, dopamine was secreted, and he felt extremely comfortable.

"After finishing work in the afternoon, I will leave work early and go for a run in the park to see if I have become stronger!"

Chen Ji wondered if it was because he had a "supernatural power" in the doomsday world, so his body became stronger after returning to his main world.

He'll have to experiment to know.


come to the company.

Not long after Chen Ji sat down, Huang Hao came to him to ask what was going on, with a rather sad expression on his face, probably still worrying about selling the company.

Chen Ji said it was fine, and urged Huang Hao to quickly find someone to join him, and he would lose all his shares.

In fact, Chen Ji also knew about the company. Even if it was sold at a low price, Huang Hao would not lose money, but only made a small profit.

However, after working with them for a few years, Chen Ji will not resign directly without heart.

Now Chen Ji can buy the company with money, but it is useless for him to want the company, and the 500 million in his card is not too much, and he has to keep enough money in case Zhou Wan suddenly wants something.

Zhou Wan also owns part of the 500 million yuan, so Chen Ji will not feel that it is his own.

If Chen Ji travels to her world, finds things that others don't want, and sells them back, it will be his own money.

"Lord, are you there?"

At ten o'clock in the morning, while Chen Ji was looking at his phone, he saw a message from the saint Astana.

"Here, what's the matter?"

Chen Ji, the Creator, is definitely the most friendly, after all, he is not the real Creator, and he does not have the power of stalwart.

It's okay to lie to others, but don't lie to yourself.

"Thank you, the merciful Lord, for once again setting your sights on God's Grace Continent."

Astana responded quickly.

First of all, after sincere praise, we can get down to business:
"Lord, Rossetti, the high priest of the sky god, wanted to believe in you, but Yrel, the elf king, was worried that something might go wrong, so he suggested that a few pure elves should feel your majestic power and confirm that you are located on the supreme earth. , the brilliance of the Xia Kingdom that lives in the Divine Realm can illuminate the Divine Grace Continent, and after cleansing the polluted souls, let Rossetti come to listen to the light of your Divine Kingdom."

To be honest, Chen Ji half understood and half understood what this saintess said.

Pure elves?Refers to the beautiful, pure, light and agile elf girl?

Who does the elf king Imory believe in?He converted to me with the high priest of the sky god, is it really all right?
Chen Ji asked these things.

Of course, I'm not ashamed to ask about the pure elves, as long as it's not a living sacrifice.

"It doesn't matter, my lord, you are the only great existence that can respond to us in the Divine Grace Continent. Before the God of the Sky returned to the beginning, he had asked Rossetti and the others to convert to other gods, and the same is true for other gods."

Astana clasped her hands in front of her chest, a pious and holy face with black lines, showing a shallow smile.

Chen Ji expressed his understanding.

It seems that Shenen Continent is indeed at the end of its rope, almost all the gods have died, and believers are even allowed to do such things as conversion.


Astana remembered something, and said: "Even if the gods are born again from the beginning, Astana and Rossetti will no longer believe in the gods they used to be. After believing in you, you are our only one." , is the great existence that Astana admires forever."

Hearing this kind of topic, Chen Ji thought for a while, and couldn't help asking her: "What if I want you to change your faith?"

"Lord, have you abandoned Astana?!"

She was obviously very nervous, and sent another disappointed word: "If that's the case, then Astana will become a god-forsaken person, and will not believe in other gods, and will only pray to you alone, asking for your forgiveness. "

"Uh, no, no, I'm just curious...Okay, let's get on with the business."

Chen Ji quickly changed the subject.

It is indeed a sin to discuss betrayal with someone of strong faith.

"Lord, you will not abandon me, will you?"

Astana asked again.

There was a strange ripple in Chen Ji's heart, and he answered her affirmatively: "No! I hope you live well, pull out the evil pupils on your forehead, and restore your former beauty and nobility. All the evil gods are expelled!"

beautiful, noble.

Astana stretched out her fair and slender fingers subconsciously, touching her cheek with black lines.

It turns out that the great creator, Chen Ji, also thought she was a beautiful and noble pure descendant of God.

It's a pity that her faith is not pure enough to get rid of the black lines on her face, otherwise the Lord would like her fair cheeks even more, right?

"Thank you Lord for your mercy."

Astana stepped down from the God's Lock and prostrated herself on the ground. Her black face, which could vaguely see her exquisite facial features, was slightly hot, and her voice trembled, and she said shyly: "Astana is willing to serve you forever , stand by your side, keep holy and pure all my life, wish, wish for you, birthday, birthday..."


Is the cross-world network stuck again?Why is Astana talking intermittently.

 I just found out that a new month has arrived. Please support the votes in the hands of dear readers. Before it goes on the shelves, it needs to go through the recommendation process. It is not easy to add updates.

  Before it goes on the shelves, 20 monthly tickets, [-] person-time rewards plus one update, or one lord plus three chapters (just a little dream, in case there are big bosses)

  In addition, the most important thing, follow up, follow up!Follow up every day!

  The humble author thanks all the supreme readers of Chaos Particles.

(End of this chapter)

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