Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 47 The Elf Dance, The Little Lady Is Stuck

Chapter 47 The Elf Dance, The Little Lady Is Stuck
After questioning, Chen Ji understood what happened before and after.

The high priest of the sky god, Rossetti, wants to believe in him, but the elf king Imory thinks it is too dangerous and is afraid of making a mistake, which causes Shenen Continent to lose another powerful fighting force against the evil god.

Therefore, Imory proposed to let a few pure elves believe in Chen Ji first, and then let Rossetti become Chen Ji's believer after he thought it was feasible.

Chen Ji had no objection, but felt that Imory, the elf king, was a little unkind, and asked his own beautiful elves to do experiments.

But since his divine daughter, Astana, didn't object, Chen Ji didn't ask about it, as long as he didn't kill anyone.

"Rosetti is thanking the Lord for his mercy."

Astana said happily.

It turns out that the high priest is also on the sidelines?
Chen Ji replied with a smile, "It's nothing, just feel free to do it!"
"Merciful Lord."

Astana asked again: "Do you have any requirements for the first ceremony to pray to you in the Divine Grace Continent? Build beautiful buildings, present fragrant flowers, and sing hymns to you... Rossetti is The priest of the sky god, every time she writes beautiful poems, many bards sing to people in the tavern."

Chen Ji still remembered that in Shenen Continent, the God of Sky symbolized poetry and freedom.

In the tavern outside the Forest of Warcraft, where the wind and snow are blowing, the bard is playing the harp beside the bonfire, facing the knight in armor, the magician in the robe with the staff in his hand, the ranger drinking wine, and perhaps others An assassin and a thief, singing in his melodious voice the poetry of Rossetti, the priest of the sky god.

This imaginary picture is actually quite beautiful.

It's a pity that there should be no such scenes in the current God's Grace Continent. There are only knights and magicians, popes and priests, and they unite to fight against the evil gods.

"No need, those complicated rituals are all removed!"

Chen Ji refused.

"Master, do you have any other special requirements?"

Astana asked again.

special requirements?

Don't mess around!

Chen Ji was most afraid of this, so he thought for a while and said, "Then you just sing and dance for me to watch. Choose light and graceful poetry and dance. If you don't need to create something new, just choose the most classic in your Shenen Continent. The most widely circulated poetry and dance."

Newly created poems are definitely not as good as those that have been sung for a long time.

Chen Ji would like to hear the most beautiful poems in Shenen Continent, whether they are epic or cheerful and melodious, whether there are giant dragons and dwarves, and whether they can hear elegant elves walking in the forest.

"Choose the dance of the elves?"

Astana seemed to see through his little thoughts, making Chen Ji blush and scratching his head:
"Yes, I heard that the elves are all light, slender, elegant and beautiful. Their dance should be very good."

Even if the dance does not conform to the aesthetics of the earth, a few tall and slender elf girls sing and dance, just looking at them is pleasing to the eye.

What's more, the pointed ears of the elves are full of exotic customs.

The dances and songs are also otherworldly, with a style very different from Earth.

Music crosses borders and can cross the world.

Chen Ji felt that he could appreciate the songs of Shenen Continent.

"Lord, Astana understands what you mean~ You are merciful! Emory and those abandoned elves must also be grateful for your tolerance and greatness."


Why did Chen Ji feel that there was an obstacle to cultural exchange?

That's about it, though.

Astana continued to practice her divine arts, and Rossetti left the church. She was allowed to pray to the great creator Chen Ji first, and not to accept and describe his divine kingdom in her faith for the time being.

And that elf king, Imory, went to find a few elves and brought them to the bottom of the church, where the saint Astana guided them to believe in the great creator Chen Ji who came from the earth of the kingdom of God.

In other words, what kind of church should he establish?


In the afternoon, the fearless Chen Ji got off work half an hour early when he was about to leave his job to catch fish, and went to a park for a few laps.

I found that my physique has indeed improved a lot. I can run ten kilometers in one breath, and my body is much more shapely and stronger than before.

Of course, the ability to glow and heat in the doomsday world did not appear.

Even so, Chen Ji was quite satisfied.

After being healthy and strong, beating the Empress is somewhat certain.

Walking in the park, Chen Ji took out his phone and took another look.

"Little lady is really stuck?"

Chen Ji clicked on her chat box, and the confirmation box for the invitation to meet was still stuck there. He had already sent a message to the little lady Xia Shumin in the morning, but he hadn't replied until now.

Moreover, Xia Shumin sent an invitation to meet him ten days ago.

In other words, during the two days when Chen Ji lost contact with her, ten days had passed in her world.

"Send her another message. If there is no reply in the evening, I will accept the invitation and send it over!"

Chen Ji made this decision after careful consideration.

He had to go, otherwise his cheat would not be able to be upgraded, and his connection with Xia Shumin had been stuck.

But you can't recklessly travel through the past.

If he traveled through the past, Xia Shumin's parents, siblings, and sisters would be by his side. After seeing him suddenly appear, they would have to treat him as a flower picker who was spying on Xia Shumin and arrest him on the spot.

It's useless for Xia Shumin to intercede, her parents will still regard Chen Ji as a martial artist who sneaked into the county guard's mansion to steal his heart, and strictly order Xia Shumin not to have any more contact with him.

Therefore, Chen Ji had to wait until night.

At night, the little lady might hide in the study alone and read a book, it would be safer for Chen Ji to see her.

"I hope the time of the two worlds will be synchronized again. Don't go there at night, but it's daytime over there. It would be very embarrassing."

Chen Ji waited patiently.

He didn't plan to use any weapons to defend himself. Xia Shumin was a daughter, and there were many guards with martial arts in the county guard's mansion. Chen Ji reckoned that even if he took a gun, it would be useless.

It's better to just carry your mobile phone in your pocket, and press the return button as soon as you are in danger.


A few days ago, Zhao Guo, in a tea pavilion by the roadside.

Xingmu photographed the storyteller in a gray gown, stroked his beard, shook his head towards the crowd, and said rhythmically:

"Born with a three-foot Longquan sword, it's useless to kill all heroes. I've been wasted half my life, and there is no way to immortality... Hate, hate, hate!"

"Hey, hey, hey, that storyteller!"

Some drinkers couldn't stand listening to it, so they stopped him and scolded with a smile: "What kind of broken poetry are you talking about? It makes my skin crawl. If you really have nothing to say, just talk about the latest major events in the world."

After finishing speaking, he took out a broken piece of silver between his two fingers and threw it on his desk casually.

"Thank you hero, thank you hero for your reward!"

The storyteller was overjoyed, took the broken silver with a flick of his sleeve, and said with a radiant smile, "Hero, what do you want to hear? To put it bluntly, in this place where the four counties meet, There is no major event in the world that I, a six-eared scholar, don't know about!"

"Six-eared scholar?!"


(End of this chapter)

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