Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 48 Opening the Gate of Heaven and Inducing Immortal Qi is for the Land Immortals!

Chapter 48 Opening the Gate of Heaven and Inducing Immortal Qi is for the Land Immortals!
In the tea pavilion, a group of people with knives and swords, whisking rosary beads, or wearing bamboo hats, or green shirts and sword suits laughed. Even some girls wearing beautiful jewelry, fair skin, and holding beautifully patterned long swords couldn’t bear it. Live giggling.

In the past few years, Mr. Banshu continued to write Dream of Red Mansions, and Luoyang’s paper was expensive overnight, which led to the popularity of other former novels, and "Journey to the West" is one of them.

Warriors in the rivers and lakes are particularly interested in the content of seeking immortals and asking questions. After listening to storytelling and watching the shadow puppetry of Journey to the West, many people are still unsatisfied. Looking for Xiandao overseas.


Either they didn't find anything, and they were busy for nothing, or they were beaten out by some hidden sects, which made jokes for nothing.

"You have a reputation as a storyteller."

The swordsman who rewarded him earlier patted the knife on his tea table, and sighed: "Song has been in the Jianghu for more than [-] years, and he can be regarded as a master in martial arts, but he can't make a name for himself!"

The name is not blown out by oneself, but by type.

What about a top-notch expert who doesn't have any abilities beyond ordinary people?

"Song Daxia don't be discouraged, there is a saying:
Above the first-class, there is innate talent, who understands the strange scriptures and serves as the governor's second vein. The true energy is endless, flying with the sword, galloping thousands of miles and beheading the head of the enemy with a sword. "

Xu Shi found an entry point from Song Daxia's words, and the storyteller began to speak with a fan.

Although it is nonsense, people who have traveled all over the rivers and lakes know that innate warriors can't fly to the sky to control the sword.

But the literary talent of this storyteller is really good, and it is exactly the same as their own future appearance!

"Above the innate, there is a master who can condense energy into a gang, fly flowers and pick leaves can hurt people, just break off a branch, lightly wave it, and the sword energy will span three thousand miles! Destroy the Khitan's 30 wolf cavalry!"

"it is good!!"

"There is a reward!"

"another one!"

The storyteller's bragging attracted a group of businessmen and students who traveled to study applauded, but unfortunately they were too shy, so they threw a few copper coins over.

On the contrary, it was the Jianghu people who were serious about practicing martial arts with embarrassment on their faces.

"The bullshit sword energy spans three thousand miles."

Some sword practicers muttered and touched their own swords. Let alone three thousand miles, the sword energy spreads across hundreds of miles. All martial arts in the world have to worship him as a fairy. Run down to worship him as a teacher.


The storyteller aroused everyone's emotions, and then quickly turned down, "Everyone, do you know that a major event has happened in the Jianghu recently?"

Everyone in the tea pavilion was already attracted by him, and they started to speculate one after another.

"A major event? Could it be that the merchant ship transported by the Jia Family Chamber of Commerce to the Western Shinra encountered a huge ice block in the extreme northern ocean, and all the silk and satin and exquisite porcelain on the ship sank to the bottom of the sea, losing tens of thousands of taels of silver?"

As soon as someone opened his mouth, someone immediately refuted:
"This story is definitely false! What huge ice cubes? Jia's family is a thousand-year-old family. They have been doing business with Westerners for so long and send dozens of large ships across the Arctic Ocean every year. Why have they never heard about ice cubes? It must have been robbed by pirates, and the Jia family said they hit the ice for the sake of face."

"I also think it's fake. How can there be ice on the sea? The snowflakes fall into the sea and are washed away!"

"True or false, only the Jia Family Chamber of Commerce knows."

"If there are ice cubes, they can be transported back to cool off the heat."

"I think it's true. If the Jia's Chamber of Commerce encounters pirates, all the retainers will have to mobilize and chop them off with a boat? But now they are motionless."

"Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the diners have always been swindlers, don't you know?"

"Everyone, everyone!"

Before the topic went astray, the storyteller quickly stopped them: "This is not what I want to talk about!"

"Isn't this one? Could it be that the leader of the Heavenly Knife Society challenged the senior sword god of Buried Sword Peak?"

"Fart, the Heavenly Knife knows the Demon Sect, and its actions are rampant and domineering, and everyone will be punished! How can you bother the Sword God to do it?"

"Hahaha, what you say makes it seem like you are not afraid of Chu Nantian."

"What did you say?! Are you looking for a fight?! Or are you also a demon?!"

"I am a disciple of the third generation of the Qingluan Sword Sect. Which sect of the Demon Sect are you?"

No matter how good-tempered the Jianghu people who practice martial arts are, the swords in their hands will still give them a fierce fighting spirit. If there is a disagreement, they will start a fight, and use the opponent's fists to try their own swords.

The six-eared scholar was not surprised by this, Xingmu clapped again, and shouted:

"What I want to talk about is not about these things, but about a master of the Yin Demon Sect!"

As soon as the name Yinmomen came out, most of the people in the teahouse became quiet.

The sects, families, bodyguard bureaus, and chambers of commerce in the Jianghu martial arts are all afraid of being listed as a demon sect by the court, like the Tiandao Society. In righteousness, he lost three points.

of course.

Conversely, some sects will take the initiative to enter the Demon Sect, act unscrupulously, with vicious and cruel techniques, and mean and shameless methods. These talents in the Demon Sect do not deal with decent martial arts. The two sides will fight when they meet, and even the imperial court will send famous arresters to chase them. kill.

The Yin Demon Sect is one of the most serious demon sects. The sect master, Undead Old Demon, once escaped from the hands of the Sword God and fled overseas for decades. Only in recent years did he hear that he returned, secretly controlling the Yin Demon Sect to stir up trouble.

Being able to escape under the hands of Gongsun Jianshen at Buried Sword Peak and come back after living for many years, the strength of that immortal old Yin Mo is at least a great master, close to the realm of the supreme master, and ordinary masters are intimidated by seeing it, let alone ordinary masters of the rivers and lakes .

"What's wrong with the master of Yin Demon Sect?"

Song Dao Ke became interested and asked, "But who did you kill and what great things did you do?"

"No and no."

The six-eared scholar shook his head, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "It is said that the grand master was chased and killed by an old woman, and he still couldn't get rid of him after fleeing for thousands of miles. I'm afraid he can only go back and find the sect master, the immortal old devil, to stop him. Mysterious old woman."

All the people in the rivers and lakes were terrified.

An old woman who can hunt down a master must also be a master, and most likely a great master.


Song Dao Ke didn't ask the identity of the mysterious old woman, but asked why she chased and killed her.

The rest of the rivers and lakes are also quite curious.

There are not many things that can make the masters fight to the death, let alone chase and kill thousands of miles away.

"It's said, it's just rumored, I don't know the details."

"Say it!"

"Ahem, um, I'm sorry everyone, my voice recently..."


"Okay, thank you, sir!"

After accepting the tip, the six-eared scholar's voice immediately recovered, and he quickly said, "It's said that it's because of a novel called "The Love and Enmity of the Land Immortals"!"

"What the hell!?"

"One story novel?!"

"Fuck you nonsense, pay me back the money!"

"Your father is a novel bookseller, right?"

The crowd is raging, like going to a brothel to pay 3000 and ordering a wonderful famous prostitute, only to find out that she was a famous prostitute 20 years ago, but now she has become a bustard, twisting her bucket-thick waist at you.

"No, no, heroes, heroes, this is all true! No, no, this is what I heard!"

The six-eared scholar hastily revealed the biggest secret: "It is said that this novel was written by the land god Zhao Sanhen himself. It contains the martial arts practice method that transcends the supreme master, realizes the unity of heaven and man, and achieves the land god and fairyland!"

Quiet inside and outside the teahouse.

They don't know what a land god is, but the words of surpassing the supreme master are enough to make people's hearts agitate.

Why is the Supreme Master called the Supreme?
It is because no one has seen it above this realm.

It is said that Hongye Monk in Yongkang County is the realm of the unity of man and nature, but unfortunately no one has seen it with his own eyes.

"A land fairy?"

Song Dao Ke subconsciously clenched the knife on the table, and an inexplicable surge of heat rushed out of his heart.

"Close the gate of death, open the gate of heaven, and attract immortal energy. Although you can't survive the catastrophe, you can live for a thousand years. You are a land immortal!"

The six-eared scholar sighed: "Unfortunately, the person who bought that novel either died or the book was stolen. Even the booksellers and workers who printed the book were killed by the Demon Gate. come out."

Everyone was silent, thinking.

"Where did this book first come out?" Song Dao Ke asked him.

"Yongkang County."

"Okay, Mr. Song will go to Yongkang County to see what kind of realm the so-called land gods in the book are!"

Song Swordsman raised his head and gulped down a bowl of wine, took the knife, jumped onto the horse tied under the tree, pulled the rope, and the jet-black horse neighed and galloped away along the official road.

The Jianghu people who stayed behind looked at each other, and many people also got on their horses and left.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, you have to take a look to find out.

 Push a seedling, the setting is somewhat similar, if you are interested, you can go and have a look

(End of this chapter)

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