Blind date in time and space.

Chapter 49 Mr. Chen, is he handsome?

Chapter 49 Mr. Chen, is he handsome?
Yongkang County, the inner house of the mansion outside the city.

"Closing the dead gate, opening the gate of heaven, and attracting immortal energy, it is for the land immortals."

Lu Rui, the virtuous and virtuous wife of the sheriff, is lying on the rocking chair with "The Love and Enmity of the Gods of the Land" in the study, casually flipping through it, with a smile on her lips.

After seeing some places in the book, he laughed even harder, and said angrily to another elegant middle-aged man in the study who was writing official documents:
"Look at all the crap novels your daughter writes. She blames you for not giving her money to spend. You see, she is so poor that she writes books and sells them. She even includes her old mother's master in it. She is really deceiving her master and destroying her ancestors!"

The middle-aged man is the governor of Yongkang County, Lu Rui's husband, Xia Shumin's father, Xia Yongcheng.

Hearing this, he also said helplessly: "Isn't she also your daughter? Don't tell her about those Jianghu things. You insist on showing off to your daughter the great things you have done, and now you are blaming me again."

Zhao Sanhen, the land god in the book, is Lu Rui's master just like that, and the dragon asks the owner of the fairy valley without seeing the end.

It's just that Zhao San hates the vulgar name.

"Hmph, you are her father, who do you blame?"

Lu Rui pointed to the contents of the book: "That girl doesn't practice martial arts, but she has a deep understanding of martial arts practice. If she can hold back and meditate, she might really become a land god. What should you do?"

"This one……"

Xia Yongcheng knew what his wife wanted to say.

It's not for Xia Shumin to practice martial arts.

It's about how to solve the turmoil caused by this novel.

I thought that in the name of the county guard, let those booksellers leave their hometowns, hide their names and hide them, and stop printing and selling this novel. They also sent people to confiscate books held by individuals in the city and burn them in public. none.

Who knew that Zhao Sanhen, the protagonist in the book, has not been paid much attention to, but the name of "Land Immortal" has spread like wildfire, and there are vaguely surpassing the peerless powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man only in legends, becoming synonymous with number one in the world.

Not long ago, the eunuch in the palace came to Yongkang County with Liufan Catcher, Jinyiwei Zhen Fushi and others, and asked for a few books to return to the capital to return to his command.

——The emperor decreed that even if Xia Yongcheng didn't have it, he had to ask his daughter to rewrite it silently and hand it in.

Two days ago, Wei Hong, a disciple of Buried Sword Peak, came to visit and asked for a copy.

——The name of the sword god is like thunder, and he even defeated the Khitan national teacher who came to the Central Plains to challenge him. Both the rivers and lakes and the imperial court respect him, and Xia Yongcheng also dare not refuse to give it.

Just in the morning, Ning Xiu, the elder of the Heavenly Knife Society, also sent people to send 5 taels of silver, which was supposed to be used as money for buying books, and only one book was needed.

——This Xia Yongcheng dared to refuse, after all, the other party was a magic sect certified by the imperial court, and it was impossible for him to give him a letter as an official of the imperial court.

But I'm afraid that in the near future, if Chu Nantian still can't get the book "Land Immortal", he will come to Yongkang County in person. At that time, even his wife may not be able to stop Chu Nantian.

It can be said that the more concealed Xia Yongcheng and Lu Rui are, the more people in Jianghu care about it.

"forget it."

Lu Rui said lazily on the rocking chair: "The emperor doesn't care, why are you worrying about it? Give it to whoever wants it. Those booksellers are probably not reliable, maybe the book will spread all over the world in a few days." It's all over."

The words "Emperor Laoer" that came out of her mouth spread to the ears of the prefect Xia Yongcheng, but the number one scholar in the first year of Qiande did not have much reaction.

He pondered for a moment: "The current strategy is to try to conceal the fact that Shu Min is the author of the book. What about your senior sister?"

Xia Yongcheng looked at his wife.

"If she dares to speak out, I'll kill her. But that old hag is so smart, she even went to the Yin Demon Gate to ask for a dagger to please Shu Min, hum."

The sheriff's wife itched her teeth with hatred.

I can't drive away, and it's too bad to do it. It's inconvenient to alarm the master with such a trivial matter, so I can only spend time with the old witch.

Xia Yongcheng nodded, picked up the document, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I have written the memorial, and I will submit it to see what His Majesty will make a decision...By the way, what did Eunuch Xue say to you alone that day?"

The sheriff's wife rolled her eyes and pretended to be impatient and said: "The dead eunuch heard that my daughter is beautiful, so he insisted on sending her to the prince's mansion as a concubine. If it wasn't for your sake, I would kick him The other two legs were also kicked off!"

"Going to the Prince's Mansion is not a concubine, but a concubine."

Xia Yongcheng laughed dumbfounded.

"What? You still want your daughter to be someone else's concubine?!"

"No, no, I mean... it's time for my daughter to find a husband."

"Hey, which man in the world can be worthy of my Lu Rui's daughter? He has to be as handsome as a land fairy to be my son-in-law!"

"...Don't talk to you, just do it for your husband."

Xia Yongcheng knew that he couldn't win the quarrel with his wife, so he simply took the memorial he just wrote and left.

Lu Rui stayed in the study, watching her husband leave, her smile gradually stopped.

"Old witch, is it interesting to listen to other people's husband and wife talking in the boudoir?"

She looked coldly outside the study.

"Hehe, it's the first time I've heard the couple's boudoir talk, and it's also the first time I've heard the princess talking nonsense without telling the concubine."

The hunchbacked figure appeared in the study, making the sheriff's wife want to take off her hairpin and poke her broken mouth.

She was also too young back then, she practiced with her master in the valley, and she was very happy to see her senior sister return to the sect, so she slipped her tongue.

As a result, it was later learned that this temptress was acting unscrupulously in the rivers and lakes, so she returned to the valley and would be honest when facing her master.


The loving mother-in-law said with a smile: "The eunuch is probably sent by your emperor's brother. He wants you to return to the capital and continue to be a princess, right? If you want senior sister, let me just say yes, so I can ask you about the background of little junior sister Xiangu, don't you?" If you need to speak, the emperor will take the initiative to give Shumin the title of Princess Chang'an and Princess Luoyang."

Chang'an and Luoyang are both famous capitals, and being able to use both as titles is enough to be honored by the emperor.

Lu Rui smiled and said: "Senior sister is very rare for princesses? If junior sister recommends you to be a princess, anyway, my cheap emperor brother can be a princess as long as he is a master of martial arts, whether he is a human, a dog or an old witch!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The mother-in-law laughed.

Smiling full of energy, I think I can live for another few decades.

"Where's the dagger you got from the Yin Demon Gate?"

Lu Rui has no time to chat with her, "give it to me."

"Junior sister is afraid that I will know more about you from Shumin?"

The mother-in-law sighed: "It's a pity that the senior sister has lived for most of her life. She has no other hobbies. She just wants to find the way above the master's realm. I think the same is true for the junior sister, so she sent someone to secretly draw a map to find the extreme north, right? Look. After that book, I realized that my junior sister also has my own understanding of martial arts, and my senior sister is indeed no match for you."

Lu Rui just looked at her coldly.

"How about our teachers and sisters joining hands to set sail and go to the extreme north to find out?"

"You still need me? You can go and grab the silver, the big ship, the horses, and the supplies on the ship. Who can stop a great master who is alone?"

"Junior Sister, don't you know how wonderful the identity of Madam Sheriff is?"

"Ha ha."

After arguing with her for a while, Lu Rui still got the moon dagger and a dozen thunderbolts from her hand, got up and gave them to her daughter, and asked her why she wanted these things.


Just as Lu Rui walked to the door of her daughter's small garden, she heard the laughter of girls coming from inside.

"Miss, is that Mr. Chen who hates the illusion of heaven and earth handsome?"

"Jun~~~ Much handsomer than all the men, okay? Little girl begs to be beaten."

"Hee hee hee, the young lady has a new heart, and she still talks about others."


Hate Heaven and Earth?
Lu Rui's heart skipped a beat. What novel is her precious daughter planning to write?
(End of this chapter)

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