Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 142 Explanation?i don't need to explain to anyone

Chapter 142 Explanation?I don't need to explain to anyone (4800 words please subscribe!)
"What a terrible knife!"

Han Zhao came back to his senses, until now, he still felt the dazzling white light in front of his eyes, as hot as the sun.

This is the afterimage left in his heart by the terrifying saber energy released by Kurong Style.

It's just that, if you want to unleash such a terrifying knife in the simulation, you don't know when you have to wait.

Even if he has memory, he can't appreciate the power of the Martial God Realm.

Han Zhao took out the knives from the Sumeru bag, and gently held the handle of the knife.

As he used his understanding of the Kurong Style in his memory to the Zhanye Dao, he heard the blade tremble slightly before he drew it.

The karma-killing knife was out of its sheath, and this time the karma-killing knife was still emitting a red glow, but unlike the last time when he comprehended the purgatory pose, the light released this time was weak and restrained, like a turbulent undercurrent under a calm sea.

——Knife and Spirit Weapon
Grade: low grade

Spirituality: 26% (can be improved)

Sword intent: 20%
Special Effects: Bloodthirsty Level 10, Illusion Level 1

Han Zhao looked at the data records about Zhanye Knife on the system panel, and was taken aback for a moment.


As he comprehended the Kurong Style, the Zhanye Dao actually advanced, from a non-advanced level to a low level.

"In this way, the power of the purgatory style should also be improved."

Han Zhao thought to himself, caressing the throbbing blade, feeling Zhanye Dao's attachment to him, as if thanking him for his training.

"Comprehend the peerless sword technique one after another, but the Zhanye Dao, which was originally inferior in spirituality to the Sword of Rebirth, came from behind." Han Zhao took out the Sword of Rebirth, and gently comforted him.

In the simulation without entry effect bonus, what martial arts he learns depends entirely on his own needs and opportunities in the simulation. He can influence it, but cannot control it.

"Although I can't bring the actual entry into the simulation, is there such a possibility? Suppose there is a very special entry that can make the effects of other entries take effect in the simulation, will this problem be solved? ?”

Han Zhao suddenly thought of such a possibility.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked the system.

[This tip requires payment of 8888888 taels of gold, and the regular tip is 10000 times Yin Qi. 】

"Okay, got it." Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and it seemed that there really was such an entry.


"Don't worry, I will work hard to make money." Han Zhao secretly smiled.

He hung the sword on his waist and walked towards the secret room.

After such a long time, it's time to go back to Yuanchang Prefecture.

The last time Xu Ling encountered trouble, he was still at a critical moment of retreat, and when he got the news, the trouble had already been dealt with by Chu Anping and Yan Sheng.

It has to be said that Yan Sheng is quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

Han Zhao didn't dislike such people.

Originally, he was planning to find a chance to kill him, but after this incident, Han Zhao decided to keep him alive.

"Roast duck, freshly baked crispy roast duck."

"Pork head meat, a century-old secret recipe, if it's not delicious, you don't need money!"

"White pears, one penny each, big and sweet, crispy and juicy!"

"Fennel beans with sake, five cents a piece."

"Master, son, come in and have fun~!"

In the bustling bazaar, people come and go, and peddlers walking around the streets are carrying their burdens and shouting hard.

In front of some stalls with big umbrellas, there are already many customers shopping for food.

On the long table at the entrance of the tavern, Xiaoer was holding bowls of sake, inviting customers at the entrance.

The charming and plump girl leaned against the entrance of Hualou, with a bit of sleepiness still on her face, she began to smile to attract customers.

From the wide-open windows on the third floor of Goulan, the sound of the qin can be heard. It is the singer playing the guqin.

The son and his buddies left the Hualou drunk, and went to Goulan together again.

The ladies and wives of the rich family, surrounded by servants and guards, finished shopping in the clothing store, and then went to the cosmetics store.

At this time, a young man in a purple dress and a hair crown of white jade lotus petals walked slowly among the crowd. On his shoulder stood a fat, ice-blue bird.

The little bird was staring intently at the stall not far away, and a big, fragrant pig's head was brine in the cauldron.

"Yu Niang? Are you hungry?" Han Zhao couldn't help laughing when he saw Yu Niang standing on his shoulders and turned her head 180 degrees.

Recently, it seems that Yuniang has turned into ice blue because of her greatly improved skills, and her appetite has increased greatly.

She had only had breakfast before disembarking, and now she was hungry again.

But Han Zhao would not be stingy in this regard, after all he gave Yuniang even the top-grade and even the top-grade Qi and blood pills.

This is an ice phoenix that will save his life at a critical moment in the future. It is not too much to be an ancestor, not to mention she is so talkative.

"A little bit." Yu Niang responded in a low voice.

"Okay, it happens that I'm not full yet." Han Zhao nodded with a smile, and walked to the stall to line up.

"Can you stop being so embarrassing? Now that we have regained our strength a little bit, we can use the sumeru bag, and it's not that we don't have money in it. Does the food from other people taste good?" Yu Xuanji said in a sullen voice. It sounded in Yu Niang's heart.

"Brother Han is not someone else." Yuniang said seriously.

"I mean it's better to buy something from others than to buy it yourself."

"Qi Xue Pill."


"The qi and blood pill you eat is very good and very effective." Yu Niang retorted.

"." Yu Xuanji.

Han Zhao walked to the tailor shop on West Street, and at the door stood two warriors from the Angry Flood Gang, dressed in black suits with black snake patterns on their chests, and flying eagle patterns on their cuffs. The guard of the local Flying Eagle Church.

"Young Master?!"

"It really is!"

Seeing Han Zhao approaching, the two fighters from Feiying Hall were startled, stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.

"Subordinates Meng Duan and Wang Xi of Feiying Hall have met the Young Master!"

"Get up." Han Zhao nodded and patted the shoulders of the two, "Thank you."

"Working for the Young Master! It's not hard!" The two stood up, looking excited.

Han Zhao nodded and walked up the steps of the tailor shop.

Seeing this, the tailor who was cutting the cloth on the counter called the waiter to come and receive him.

At this time, the curtain separating the inner room from the outer room was lifted, and Su Yun, who was dressed in a lavender brocade dress, came out with a middle-aged lady in a lake blue dress, and introduced the quality and color of the cloth to her as they walked. and prices for bulk purchases.

"Mrs. Wu, this batch of fabrics is definitely worth the money, and"

Obviously, Su Yun, a small boss, can entertain her personally, and this woman is not a simple person.

"Young Master Han?!" Su Yun was taken aback when she saw Han Zhao walking into the shop.

"Senior Sister Su, long time no see, you should call me normally." Han Zhao smiled.

"Yes, Junior Brother Han." Su Yun nodded.

The middle-aged woman looked at the handsome young man in front of her, and said, "This young man is a good-looking talent. Could it be Han Zhao, the young master of the Nujiao Gang who has been in the limelight recently?!"

"Exactly. Junior Brother Han is the young leader of the Nujiao Sect." Su Yun said solemnly, with a hint of pride in her tone.

As she said that, she introduced to Han Zhao: "Junior Brother Han, this is the wife of Master Wu Wenshu."

When Han Zhao heard this, he realized that the Wu family was one of the first-class families in Fucheng mentioned by Lu Yingxuan. Wu Wenshu is in his early fifties this year, and he is a great master with perfect five qi, a top master who is expected to break through the realm of martial saints.

When he first came to Fucheng, the Grandmaster of the Five Qis was an existence he could only look up to and envy.

Now, except for the five qi masters in their early twenties, the general masters are no longer in his eyes.

However, this Wu family seemed to have something to do with the Wu family in Black Rock City, so they cupped their fists and said, "Mrs. Wu, be polite."

"Little lady, Mrs. Wu, I have met Chief Han." Mrs. Wu saluted respectfully.

"Senior Sister Su, where is Sister Xu?" Han Zhao changed the subject.

"Xu Ling has been out for a while, she should come back immediately, Junior Brother Han, please sit down for a while." Su Yun explained.

"it is good."

Han Zhaojing sat in front of the counter.

After a while, I heard familiar footsteps.

Han Zhao walked out with a smile.

I saw Xu Ling wearing a small bun and dressed like a woman walking towards the tailor shop.

Seeing Han Zhao standing at the door, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Immediately, he ran forward without any regard for his image, leaped forward, and hugged Han Zhao tightly like a koala.

Han Zhao also hugged Xu Ling tightly, this is the only woman in his reality.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Needle eyes will grow early in the morning!" Su Yun's joking voice sounded.

Only then did Xu Ling notice that she was wearing a skirt, and hurriedly straightened her clothes, got off Han Zhao, and gave Su Yun a hard look.

"Don't talk about it, let's talk about the boss is going to be angry, you guys, don't watch it." Su Yun continued to tease.

"Junior Brother Han" Xu Ling had a lot to say, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Go home?" Han Zhao suggested in a low voice.

"I just woke up not long ago?" Xu Ling's ears felt hot.

"It's okay, morning exercises should be done shortly after getting up to be good for your health." Han Zhao was serious.

"Then I'll go inside and explain the matter before I leave." Xu Ling bit her lip lightly and said with watery eyes.

"it is good."

Han Zhao nodded.

At this time, Chu Anping led the gang to arrive.

"Subordinates see the Young Master!"

"Get up." Han Zhao waved his hand.

"Young Master, this subordinate met the He family's envoy yesterday. The patriarch of the He family invited the Young Master to come over to the house. This is an invitation." Chu Anping took out a pale golden invitation from his bosom and presented it with both hands.

Han Zhao took a look at the invitation, and immediately closed the invitation. With a light pinch, the invitation turned into powder and scattered with the wind.

"Young leader? Isn't that right?" Chu Anping stepped forward.

"I'm going to meet the ancestor of the He family." Han Zhao raised his head and interrupted him, and continued, "Go and talk to Madam."

"Yes!" Chu Anping bowed and saluted.

Everyone watched Han Zhao leave.

inner city.

Asakawa Square.

In the side hall of the He family's main residence.

Han Zhao leaned back on the armchair, sipping tea.

Except for someone serving tea, there was no one accompanying him.

After he finished drinking this cup of tea, the maid served another cup of tea. Han Zhao said calmly, "Tell your master, if he doesn't come, I won't wait any longer."

"Yes." The maid bowed and left after putting on new tea.

After a while, an old man of medium build and ordinary appearance, but with unusually long arms, walked into the side hall. Behind him was a middle-aged man in white clothes, with a handsome and elegant appearance, and an extraordinary bearing.

"It's really rude to keep Chief Han waiting for so long." The middle-aged man cupped his fists and saluted, apologizing, but it was a little perfunctory.

"Your Excellency must be City Lord He, right? I have long admired you." Han Zhao also cupped his hands casually.

"This is the patriarch of my He family, and also my great-uncle He Wuji." City Lord He introduced the old man beside him.

"It turned out to be Senior He, I'm sorry." Han Zhao said seriously, Wu Sheng still has to take it seriously.

"Han Xiaoyou is indeed a hero. I didn't expect Shangguan Lie to be so lucky. He won the dragon's blood and won't die. He also accepted such a good disciple. It's really enviable." He Wuji said with a smile.

"Senior praised me absurdly, but this junior is ashamed." Han Zhao was polite for a moment, then cut to the point and said, "I don't know why the two of you invited me here?"

"It's not a big deal, we just want to ask if Gang Leader Han showed up in Fanlin Town, two hundred miles west of the city, two months ago?" City Leader He said.

"Fanlin Town, haven't you heard of it?"

Han Zhao's face didn't change.

"But I heard that someone saw the figure of Gangzhu Han outside Fanlin Town. How do you explain this? Do you want me to call that person and confront you face to face?" City Master He squinted Eyes, the voice sank suddenly.

"Explain? I don't need to explain to anyone!" Han Zhao smiled lightly, not caring.

"You!" City Lord He was taken aback for a moment, and Han Zhao's answer directly made him unable to deal with it.

"Everyone knows that He Xuan of my He family died in Linlin Town. If it wasn't you, who would you say?!"

City Lord He changed the subject of the conversation, and directly put on his hat with one hand.

"Investigating the case is your business." Han Zhao looked at an idiot.

"I..." City Lord He felt that the experience of interrogating prisoners in the past seemed to be of no use to Han Zhao. He underestimated this young man too much, mainly because he couldn't really do it.

"We have lost a master of five qi, and Jiuyou Mansion has lost a great commander with perfect seven patterns. Even if we can let it go, can Jiuyou Mansion easily let you go? It's not a class arrest. Even if the Qi family is very strong, they can't quench their thirst far away. Cooperating with the He family will benefit both of us."

He Wuji spoke.

"Senior, even if there are people from Jiuyou Mansion, they will first ask why the elder of the He family appears in such a strange position?" Han Zhao asked back, and suddenly smiled: "It's better for you to worry about yourself first. .”

"I've seen a lot of energetic young people like you, most of the time, they're not." He Wuji frowned, and began to sell his elders.

"Okay, old man, I didn't come here today to listen to your lecture." Han Zhao interrupted He Wuji's words, the young man didn't need any advice.

"You invited me here to give me face, and I came to the appointment to give you face. It's just that I waited for guests in the hall and made me wait for a cup of tea, which shows that you are not sincere. Now that I have finished talking, I will leave."

Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted, turned around and strode out of the hall.

"Presumptuous! Stand for me."

City Lord He was furious, he dodged, and reached out to grab Han Zhao's shoulder.

Not only did Han Zhao ignore him, but he even ignored their martial sage ancestors. The Nujiao Gang had the Qi family as their backer, and they had their backs against the imperial court!No one is afraid of anyone!

As soon as City Lord He's hand was a foot away from Han Zhao's shoulder, he felt a powerful force blowing towards his face.

A translucent spherical air mask appeared on Han Zhao's body out of thin air, covering his whole body.


City Lord He is only a martial artist at the level of a grand master. As soon as his palm touched the air mask, he was instantly backlashed by the strength of the innate qi. As if his chest had been hit hard, a mouthful of blood spewed out on the spot.


"My hand! Let go!" The bones of his right palm squeezed and twisted, causing him to cry out in pain.However, his right hand seemed to be nailed to the gas mask, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"How courageous!" He Wuji didn't expect that Han Zhao would dare to strike in front of him.

Lieyang is really strong!

"Boom!!" He Wuji punched out, the whole fist was red, and a raging fire was ignited on it, and the air was continuously distorted by the astonishing fire and evil spirit.

Han Zhao turned around, facing Wu Sheng's blow, he still had his hands behind his back, but he opened his right hand behind him, and then shook it suddenly.

boom! !

The innate qi on the body surface suddenly contracted like a beating heart, then expanded rapidly, and exploded with a bang.

The two violent forces collided head-on.

City Lord He's body flew upside down like a cannonball, He Wuji turned pale in shock, and quickly removed most of the evil spirit of fire, trying his best to remove the stellar energy from his body.

Deng Deng Deng! !

He Wuji dragged City Lord He's body back seven or eight steps before stabilizing his figure. When he looked intently, Han Zhao had already walked out of the side hall.

The room was in a mess, and the wooden furniture such as tables, chairs and benches were all covered with cracks.

"Old Ancestor, why don't you just let him go like this?"

"you shut up!"

He Wuji stopped him.

"Gang Qi!!"

Looking at Han Zhao's back as he left gracefully, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. Only when the true energy is condensed to the extreme can the gang energy be gathered.

He has practiced Taiyang Zhengang boxing for decades, and was called the rare boxing wizard of the He family in hundreds of years by the ancestors of the previous generation. He also initially condensed the Lieyang Zhengang when he broke through the Martial Saint Realm at the age of 50.

This young man in his early twenties actually condensed his energy?
"Can the Flood Dragon True Kungfu achieve this level? Could it be that Shangguan Lie is willing to give the dragon's blood to an outsider?!"

He Wuji's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he narrowed his eyes.

"It's not a good thing for the He family to have such a person in Yuanchang Prefecture, and they have already offended him today, so we can only let Jiuyou Mansion solve this trouble."


PS: I don't have a fever anymore, but my back hurts and I'm half dead.The update is officially resumed today, and I have to wait for three to five days for the update.

(End of this chapter)

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