Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 143 Snake Level and the True Strength of a Martial Saint!

Chapter 143 Snake Level and the True Strength of a Martial Saint!

"The evil spirit of a Martial Saint-level warrior is really not simple!"

Han Zhao walked out of the gate of He Mansion, still recalling that short blow of He Wuji just now in his mind.

Even through the defensive air shield of innate stellar energy, he can feel the terrifying evil energy in the opponent's palm like a scorching sun.

This is different from the yin qi that he is used to. When his body absorbs too much yin qi, he will only feel a slight cold feeling, because he has pure yang qi and supreme yang zhen qi to protect his body.

More evil spirits will be stored and absorbed by the soul beads, and will not affect his body.

When the Zhiyang Zhenqi is in full swing and activates the Vajra Bodyguard, his body will also have a terrifying heat like being burned by a raging fire.

However, in terms of the quality of his true energy and the terrifying degree of evil energy he felt just now, he felt that his true energy was not as good as He Wuji's, and the gap was not small.

"This He Wuji is a master!"

The first time he faced Wu Sheng directly, he had a general understanding of this realm.

Every time a low realm challenges a high realm, it is an adventure.

People who can cultivate to a high level will always have one or two abilities to save their lives or fight for their lives, and each of them should not be underestimated.

"The next step is to wait for the arrival of the guardian of Jiuyou Mansion." Han Zhao thought to himself.

He didn't know He Wuji's trump card, so it would be safer to wait for the Dharma Guardian Xingchen of Jiuyou Mansion to injure him severely, and then be the 'Orange Bird'.

"My early arrival may affect the results of the simulation, which is also a problem. I still have to communicate with Yu Lingwei first, and constantly improve my 'value'."

After solving Xingchen, he will consider hitting the unicorn list.

Now on the surface, the Nujiao Gang has relied on the big tree of the Qi family, but the only person who can really help him is Qi Xuanming, and they can be regarded as friends now.

Add half at most, that is Qi Yuntian.

Han Zhao really wants to use all means, and Qi Xuanming is probably not his opponent now, it is Qi Xuanming's identity that can have the effect.

But there will always be masters who don't buy it, and more people have to rely on themselves.

"It would be great if the sword energy could be condensed and accumulated like the sword energy, and could be stored in advance." Han Zhao felt emotional, and took out the Zhanye Dao from the Sumeru bag.

There is no doubt about the power of drawing swordsmanship. Before he learned the peerless swordsmanship, he used it as a unique move.

But after he learned the purgatory pose, his sword drawing skills were not enough.

For enemies that cannot be dealt with by the purgatory style, the sword drawing technique may not be effective.

The sword energy is sharp, concentrated and relatively stable.

The saber energy is fierce, domineering and violent, and difficult to control.

"If you can store the purgatory-style sword energy in the Zhanye Dao in advance, it will be released in an instant by surprise during a battle, and not many people will be able to react."

Han Zhao muttered in a low voice.

At this moment, as if he understood Han Zhao's words, the karma-killing knife in his hand vibrated slightly.

"You mean it's feasible to store the Purgatory Form?"

Sensing the meaning conveyed by Zhanye Dao, Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

"Go back and try!"

Han Zhao hurried to Guanglinfang.

As soon as he returned to the mansion Xu Ling bought, he was dragged by her to learn skills.

In desperation, Han Zhao threw the Zhanye Dao back into the Sumeru bag.

The two of them communicated behind closed doors.

One month is slow and slow, fast and fast.

Han Zhao has initially stored the Purgatory Form into the Zanye Knife.

Although the power is not as powerful as the one he releases after accumulating knife energy, the key is that it can be cast instantly, which is very suitable for sneak attacks.

Especially when it comes suddenly during close combat, it is hard to guard against.

The only strange thing was that Lu Yingxuan and Zhang Mudie, the master and apprentice, had been away for so long and hadn't come back yet.

However, in Han Zhao's previous simulation, they didn't appear to be in distress, so he wasn't particularly worried.

Compared to his leisurely life where he practiced during the day and sparred at night, the He family, which used to be so prosperous in the past, was not so easy.

The notice from Jiuyou Mansion has been issued long ago.

And today is the day when the three protectors and stars of Jiuyou Mansion come to the door.

Early in the morning, He Wuji, the patriarch of the He family, and He Tianran, the lord of the city, waited quietly in the living room, and informed the family members that the door was open, and no one was allowed to come and go.

At the same time, they secretly set up ambushes around the compound where the living room was located, and arranged various armor-piercing crossbows.

Among them, the imperial court specially developed the magic-breaking arrow to deal with demons, which can greatly weaken the demonic energy of demons.

It's just that they waited until the sky was completely dark, and the guardians of Jiuyou Mansion did not appear.

"Old Ancestor, is the protector of Jiuyou Mansion really so terrible?" He Tianran stood in the living room, seeing He Wuji pacing back and forth with a solemn expression, he couldn't help asking.

"Behind Yulingwei is the Qi family of the five major surnames. Even so, they cannot completely wipe out Jiuyou Mansion. Wouldn't it be scary to be a guardian in an evil organization like Jiuyou Mansion that is full of monsters and monsters? "He Wuji said in a deep voice.

"Then why didn't we notify Yu Lingwei to deal with him?" He Tianran said.

"Notify Yu Lingwei, if he is allowed to escape, the He family will be destroyed!" He Wuji sighed, "The identity of this star protector is unknown, I only know that he is very good at using poison, and once killed a family with poison." A Martial Saint known as the Three Evil Realms!"

"What? The Martial Saint of the Three Shade Realm?!" He Tianran turned pale with shock. The Martial Saint of the Three Shade Realm is a watershed for the strong in the Condensation Shade Realm. From this stage, warriors can use the seeds of supernatural powers to condense small supernatural powers.

If the cultivation method is strong enough, a martial saint who has condensed small supernatural powers will not be afraid of demons of the same level at all.

It's unbelievable that this protector of the Nine Nether Mansion could kill a Martial Saint of the Three Evil Realms with just poison.

Their ancestors were only Martial Saints in the Ersha Realm. Doesn't this mean that if Xingchen came to kill them, wouldn't they have no power to resist?
If the person who came was a warrior, even the top martial saint with the completion of Qisha, he would not dare to attack them easily in the prefectural city of a prefecture, because it would be a slap in the face of the imperial court.

But if it's a monster, I'm afraid I don't have so many scruples.

"Don't be impatient, you don't have to worry too much. Although the old man has not yet reached the three evil realms and cannot condense his small supernatural powers, my Lieyang True Aura is close to perfection. If I really work hard and use the Sun Aura Not inferior to Xiao Shentong.

The Qi of Huosha and Zhiyang Gangqi can restrain monsters and monsters, and the stock of magic-breaking arrows is sufficient.If Xingchen really made trouble indiscriminately when he came, he wouldn't be able to please him. "

He Wuji saw He Tianran's delirious appearance, and offered to comfort him.

"Old Ancestor said so, I'll be okay? What's going on? Ancestor, my body." He Tianran breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly felt weak, and sat back on the chair.

"Natural?" He Wuji's complexion changed, and suddenly blackness surged up on his face.

"not good!"

He Wuji's complexion was flushed red, like a fire, and a large amount of fire evil spirit overflowed from his body.

"Is it a star?! He is here!"

He Wuji reacted, he was able to make him, a Martial Saint-level martial artist, be recruited without warning, and the toxin took effect in his body, which caused the reaction of the body's evil spirit, definitely not an ordinary toxin.

"Xing Chen, since you're here? Why don't you show up and see him?" He Wuji said loudly, looking around at the same time.

"Don't wait for my poison to take effect, how dare I show up casually, after all, your true sun is indeed comparable to a small supernatural power, and I don't want to try the power of a warrior's small supernatural power."

At this time, a slightly feminine voice sounded from the back of the living room.

He Wuji suddenly turned his head to look, and saw a young man in a green robe sitting reclined on an armchair, playing with a piece of jade in his hand.

He looks like he is in his early twenties, handsome, even beautiful, with a complexion as white as jade, which is so enviable to women. The green robe that ordinary people would look tacky on, but on him, there is An indescribable luxury.

That look is clearly a cynical son, not a big monster with a bad reputation.

"Could it be that you, Jiuyou Mansion, really want to deal with us directly?" He Wuji's face was gloomy. The evil spirit of fire had driven out most of the toxins in his body, but it still had a certain influence on him. Originally, the poison had no effect on warriors of his level. It is almost useless, but the toxin of this star is really too strong.

"Hush!" Xing Chen stretched out his index finger in front of his lips, signaling him to keep quiet, and at the same time pointed to He Tianran beside He Wuji.

He Wuji quickly turned his head to look, and saw He Tianran, the most outstanding junior of the He family, lying on the armchair with a dark complexion, foaming at the mouth.

"You!" He Wuji was furious. He originally thought that even if it was a monster, he should at least go through a process and ask about it. Come and poison.


It's just that He Wuji didn't have time to say anything now, so he hurriedly stepped forward and put his hands on He Tianran's chest, using the pure and powerful qi of a martial artist to detoxify him.Powerful zhenqi circulated in He Ranran's body, and the sound was surging like a wave.

With the circulation of true energy, bursts of black energy overflowed from He Tianran's chest, and were then completely burned by the evil spirit of fire.


When the black poisonous gas was completely burned, it made extremely strange noises. He Wuji looked intently, and saw that the poisonous gas was actually countless tiny bugs, and he couldn't help but look shocked.


"what is this?!"

"Ah! It's killing me!"

At this moment, screams suddenly rang out from around the living room.The He family warriors ambushing around were counted as one, and none of them survived.

He Wuji's face was gloomy, and when He Tianran's breath stabilized a little, he looked at the young man in green robe sitting in the armchair, "What do you mean?!"

Xingchen smiled, and said lightly: "I don't have that much time, so I ask, you answer. As long as your answer satisfies me, I will leave. Now the first question, who killed Jin Wuxin?"

"I don't know! Our He family also lost a five-qi master, and the loss is also heavy. You should not be looking for the He family, but the Nujiao Gang. Jin Wuxin was seriously injured after going to Nujiao Island. "Although He Wuji was extremely angry, he still suppressed his anger and answered Xingchen's question.

"How to do it is my problem, I don't need you to teach me how to do things." Xing Chen frowned, and continued: "The next question, why do you He family members appear in Fanlin Town?"

"This is He Xuan acting on his own initiative, and the old man is also investigating the cause of his death. Someone from the Xue family also died in Fanlin Town. You should go to the Xue family." He Wuji said.

"Aside from asking questions, you really like teaching me how to do things!" Xing Chen's face gradually darkened.

"If that's the case, then you're going to die!"

Xingchen suddenly shot violently.


A large amount of black air gushed out from Xingchen's body, turning into a ten-meter-long giant black snake in an instant.The black snake is as thick as an adult's waist, with sharp black thorns on its head, and a strange black hook on its tail, with a faint purple glow.

With just a light sweep, the black snake swept out a big hole in the wall of the living room, roared and opened its big mouth towards He Wuji, biting it.

Immortal Black Snake!

He Wuji's face changed suddenly, this is a powerful ability that can only be mastered by snake-level powerhouses in the divine weapon system.

The biggest feature of the snake level is that the black membrane condenses and turns into a black snake body. This kind of black snake is not a living thing, and has the ability to regenerate continuously.All the damage that falls on itself will be transferred to the immortal black snake.As long as the immortal black snake is still there, the main body will never die.It is divided into nine realms, which are subdivided into lower, middle and upper three realms.

Just looking at Xing Chen's momentum with the Indestructible Black Snake, one can tell that he is about to enter the third stage from the second stage in the next three stages.

The other party came here not only to question Jin Wuxin's death, but also to regard him as food for advancement.

"I'll fight with you!!" He Wuji abruptly withdrew his hand from He Tianran's body. At this time, he couldn't care less about saving his excellent juniors.As long as he didn't die, the He family in Fucheng would not be able to fall.

In the battle at the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the inner city, as long as there is a little more movement, the martial saints in the city will never sit idly by.

Lieyang is really strong!

Han Zhao sat cross-legged in the study in the backyard of Xu Zhai.

At this time, I suddenly heard an earth-shattering explosion sound from the direction of the inner city.

He hurried out of the study and flew onto the roof.

Under his powerful eyesight, he found that the entire City Lord's Mansion was shattered and exploded, and countless translucent purple fragments flew away, and then disappeared without a trace.

boom! !

In the next second, a hot and dazzling light group appeared out of thin air, like a small sun in the dark night.

"That's... Gang Qi?!" Han Zhao couldn't help but widen his eyes. He possessed innate Gang Qi, and immediately discovered that this power was condensed from extremely pure Gang Qi.

The dazzling light group shrank slightly at first, and then turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

In an instant, a huge fireball soared into the sky.

At this time, a purple beam of light pierced the fireball from directly below, straight into the sky.

The big fireball exploded and turned into countless small fireballs the size of human heads, flying in all directions.

Fortunately, the inner city is where the masters of Fucheng gather together, and a large number of warriors use their true energy to intercept them, which prevents the entire inner city from being turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"This is the strength that Snake and Martial Saints can display? Is it a magic weapon?!"

Han Zhao's eyes widened. After pondering for a moment, he didn't step forward to check the situation immediately.


PS: Everyone, please take care of your health, I am so weak now, I am coughing to death.

(End of this chapter)

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