Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 144: Lu Yingxuan is Seriously Injured, Introduced by Qin Yue!

Chapter 144: Lu Yingxuan is Seriously Injured, Introduced by Hundred Birds!
The purple beam of light that soared into the sky pierced a huge hole in the pitch-black sky, then emitted a dazzling purple light, and suddenly the beam of light spread loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the purple light turned to white, and the entire inner city of Yuanchang Prefecture seemed to change from night to dawn in an instant.

The gust of wind howled with the appearance of white light, and the debris of the destroyed buildings in the inner city was scattered with sand and stones, sweeping in all directions.

Even though Han Zhao was standing far away and had the stellar energy to protect his body, he still felt the white light was extremely dazzling, so he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block his eyes.



After the fireballs within the inner city were defeated by many powerful warriors, countless small fireballs scattered like raindrops throughout the city.

The heat of the fireball the size of a human head far exceeded the upper limit of conventional flames. Many people were only slightly brushed by the sputtering sparks, and their whole bodies were instantly ignited, turning into a fire man.

When the white light completely disappeared, Han Zhao stood on the top of the building and looked around, only to see that the entire Yuanchang City was on fire in three directions.

The civilian area in the outer city instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and a large number of ordinary people were devoured by the flames.

"It's too tragic!" Rao could not help but be shocked by the tragic scene in front of him with Han Zhao's mentality of killing countless people.

At this moment, a giant black snake more than ten meters long suddenly sprang out from the inner city. Han Zhao looked intently. The black snake was composed of highly condensed evil spirit, but it was as flexible as a living thing, ferocious and violent.


"The demon is rampant!"

Accompanied by two shouts, the top powerhouses of the top forces in the city finally made their move.

bass! !

Huge sword lights and sword lights flew from a distance from left to right, and slashed the giant snake's body one after another.

As the swords and swords criss-crossed, the giant snake's body was constantly being cut into pieces.

The giant snake roared in pain, and suddenly fled in the direction of the outer city.

But the two top powerhouses didn't seem to want to fight to the death, and after driving the giant snake out of the city, they didn't continue to pursue it.

"These two, one should be the head of the martial arts academy, and the other is from the Zheng family."

Han Zhao looked at the backs of the two leaving quickly, with a look of thought on his face.

After he came back to his senses, he looked at the fire spreading towards Guanglinfang. A large number of warriors and people spontaneously took water to fight the fire.

But this flame is not an ordinary flame, and it is not easy to extinguish.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao touched the roof under his feet, and his body floated tens of meters away in the air.

He pulled out the Sword of Rebirth from his waist. On the bright silver sword like silver frost, the white light flickered on and off, and then quickly turned into a faint blue light, and a large amount of water vapor gathered in the sword body.

Huge waves!


Han Zhao swung his sword, and the water energy in his body drove the anger dragon's true energy, quickly condensing the water vapor in the air, and a sword curtain of water waves with a length of ten meters in length and width crashed down.

crackle crackle!

The Water Wave Sword Curtain turned into bean-sized drops of water, which fell densely like raindrops. Every drop of water fell precisely on the blazing flames. The water drops full of true energy are not comparable to ordinary water. , just fell into the flames, releasing a large amount of water vapor.

Large areas of flames were doused.

An angry dragon draws water!

After Han Zhao's body floated tens of meters, he borrowed some strength and flew back.

Although the True Kung Fu of the Flood Dragon does not include sword moves, but with his current martial arts attainments, he can unleash the greatest power of the True Kung Fu of the Flood Dragon with just a single strike.

The water vapor diffused through the sword energy can be more uniform and have a wider range.

"Qing Qiang!" At this time, not far behind Han Zhao, a plump ice-blue bird flew out, and this bird made a very unique chirping sound.


In the night sky, the nearby birds echoed after hearing the call.

The ice-blue bird flew high into the sky, fluttered its wings, and its body swelled in the wind.

Snake head and swallow jaw, turtle back and turtle belly, crane neck and chicken beak, fish tail in front of a bird, green head and parallel wings.This icy blue bird turned into an ice phoenix with a wingspan of more than five meters in an instant.

She flapped her wings lightly, and ice-blue air-conditioning continuously condensed in the space. The air-conditioning fell rapidly, and the spreading fire was instantly brought under control.

Almost as soon as the cold air touched the flame, the flame quickly extinguished.

"The gods have appeared!"

"It's Phoenix!"

"Save the mother who is in distress!"

"Bodhisattva bless! Buddha bless!"

The surrounding people knelt down and kowtowed, shouting miracles.

"Huhu~" As the ice phoenix kept flapping its wings, the cold wind howled, sweeping across the entire outer city.

"Xuanji, that's enough, your supernatural powers are overused, and the injured people can't bear it."

In the sky, Yuniang's voice sounded in Bingfenghuang's heart.

At this time, it was Yu Xuanji who controlled her body to use her supernatural powers, and she didn't listen to Yuniang's reminder.

"These people who have been burned by the fire of the divine weapon are difficult to heal themselves. Why don't you let me give them a ride so that they don't suffer from the boundless side effects of the divine weapon." Yu Xuanji explained in a deep voice.

"Are you going to kill them?!"

Yu Niang was shocked.

"Using the power of supernatural powers will consume our essence. Take this opportunity to replenish some, and absorb the power of the magic weapons in their bodies by the way, which is conducive to the recovery of injuries." Yu Xuanji said lightly.

"What can I do? They are still saved!" Yuniang couldn't accept it.

"I think you are stupid to stay in this comfortable environment! Wait until the 'Hundred Birds' Yue' is approaching, and your brother Han will die without a place to bury him. Do you have to wait until then to regret it?"


"If you want to achieve Nirvana, you must go through the baptism of killing and karma! If I had changed my previous personality, I would have started killing a lot! How can women's benevolence work?" Yu Xuanji's voice was a little cold.

"." Yuniang was silent and did not speak again.

With the restoration of strength, a large number of memories have also been restored, including hers and mysterious ones.

However, she still prefers the mystery when she just woke up.

Seeing her silence, Yu Xuanji immediately spread his wings and flew high, hovering over the flames in the outer city, fighting the fire while reaping the lives of those burnt by the fire of the divine soldiers.

"What is Yuniang doing?" Han Zhao couldn't help widening his eyes as he looked at the burnt victim whose life had been taken away in the mist.

There is a special energy fluctuation in the bodies of these burnt victims. When Yu Niang took the lives of these people, this energy also entered her body.

"Could it be that she is relying on the power of the divine weapon to increase her strength?!"

Han Zhao reacted.

Seeing Yuniang harvesting life, he quickly checked the connection between the two, and it was still stable.

However, Yuniang's abnormal behavior made him feel strange.

"It seems that it is necessary to improve the blood spirit strategy."

Han Zhao showed a pensive look on his face, and he thought for a moment.

To the west of Yuanchangfu City, in the mountains and forests three hundred miles away.

Xingchen ran for three hundred miles in one breath, and finally stopped.

At this time, most of his green robe was scorched, his handsome face was blackened by the smoke, and his breath was a little disordered.

In fact, he was only slightly injured, the only thing that made him feel more angry was that he underestimated He Wuji's strength.

Even though he has already been poisoned by the poison he carefully developed, he can still display such terrifying strength.

"The sun is real! It's beyond imagination!" Xing Chen's face was a little ugly.If He Wuji breaks through to the realm of three evil spirits and transforms the Lieyang Zhengang into a small supernatural power, he will be able to release the 'True Sun Gang' anytime and anywhere!He would probably be the one to escape by then.It is really impossible to underestimate every martial artist who has been famous for a long time.


Suddenly, Xingchen turned his head abruptly and looked into the depths of the dense forest.

At this moment, a figure covered in black robe floated up like a ghost, and there was a crescent moon printed on the chest of his black robe.

"Yuehua?! Why did you appear here? This mission belongs to me! I don't allow you to intervene!" Xingchen looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and his face darkened instantly.

The other party was obviously Yuehua, who was also the protector of Jiuyou Mansion with him.Regardless of strength or status, they are all above him.

But when he devours He Wuji, the situation will change, and the gap will be greatly reduced.

Yuehua didn't seem to be annoyed at all, and said in a flat tone: "Don't get excited, I'm not interested in robbing you, I just want to remind you that you made too much noise. It has already attracted the attention of Yu Lingwei."

"So what? Am I afraid?!" Xing Chen didn't care.

"Then I'll tell you something that might scare you." Yuehua chuckled lightly and said, "Some time ago, Qi Yuntian returned to Daliang City of Tianzhou. But when I left, he had already set off to return to Yuntian Now that Qi Yuntian has broken through the realm of the four evil spirits, he is about to practice the third little supernatural power."

"Qi Yuntian!!" Xing Chen's face tightened, their monsters themselves were sworn enemies with Yu Lingwei.Qi Yuntian is the guardian envoy of Yunzhou of Yulingwei, and there is no monster force that does not know this name.

When Qi Yuntian was in the Three Fiend Realm, he used two small supernatural powers to behead Xiao Han who was in the Sixth Layer of the Snake Level.

Now that he has broken through again, even the palace master probably wouldn't dare to say that he can win against him.

He is indeed scared!

"You acted recklessly in the center of Fucheng tonight. You have already violated the rules. Even the local aristocratic family will not tolerate you. If you give up the mission and go back to accept the punishment, you can still save your life." Yuehua continued.

"Impossible!" Xing Chen flatly refused, "Even if Qi Yuntian returns to Yunzhou, I don't believe he will come in person. Even if he does come, I still have time."

"Then it's up to you." Yuehua spread her hands and shrugged, "The Martial Saint of the Dark Guard under Yu Lingwei will arrive in ten days at the earliest, so hurry up."

"You wouldn't be so kind and come here to remind me, would you?" Xing Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Of course not. I originally thought that if you were seriously injured, I would kill you by the way and devour your magic crystal." Yuehua's tone was very gentle, but the words she said were terrifying.

"Hmph!" Xingchen sneered.

"Look, you can't take a joke at all. You are also a demon, and you have no humanity at all. How can you integrate into the human atmosphere to do things?"

"You can go! I don't need you to teach me how to do things."

"Okay." Yuehua didn't hesitate, her body quickly faded, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Huh~" Seeing Yuehua leave, Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief quietly. He is not in good condition now, and he is under a lot of pressure to face Yuehua who is at the fourth level of the snake level.

In the world of monsters, strength is the most important thing. If he is really seriously injured, the possibility of Yuehua shooting him is very high.

"That's right." Yuehua's voice suddenly sounded behind Xingchen.

The hairs all over Xingchen stood on end, and his whole body tensed up instantly.

"Recently, a woman broke into a strange place in Yushuang City and killed one of our priests, but she must have also been invaded by the devil and fell into a coma.

It is worth mentioning that this woman seems to be practicing the 'Heavenly Demon Art'.You go and catch her. "Yuehua explained.

"With your tracking ability, is it possible that you can't find that woman? And since she is practicing Tiansha Demon Art, she must be related to Tiansha King, you let me take action?" Xing Chen's voice sank.

"That woman was brought to the city of Yuanchang by another woman. That woman can practice magic arts with a human body, so she must have a very special physique. The Hundred Birds Yue just needs such a special sacrifice. Go find her and take her back , you have completed the task. It is related to the whereabouts of the soul beads, you'd better move faster."

After Yuehua finished speaking, she completely disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it!" Xing Chen's face was full of killing intent, and he dared to treat him as a subordinate.

It's just that he failed to devour He Wuji tonight, and was chased away by the masters of Fucheng, so he can no longer act with great fanfare.

If you go directly to Nu Jiao Island, you may be ambushed by Yu Lingwei.

However, he heard that the young leader of the Nujiao Gang was in the city.

Instead, he could sneak back to Fucheng quietly, find an opportunity to catch him, and catch that woman along the way, and he instantly made two credits.

The best result is to find He Wuji.

He forcibly used the True Sun Gang. He was seriously injured at the moment, and he also escaped from Yuanchang Fucheng just now. Before his injury healed, he would not dare to return to Fucheng easily.

"Yuehua, after I break through, I will definitely make you look good!"

Stars gritted their teeth.

Early the next morning, Han Zhao was going out of the city to go to the dark guard's stronghold, and use the intelligence system of Yu Lingwei to find the traces of the stars.

It's just that as soon as he walked to the front yard, the concierge rushed in with a dark, tall and strong man.

"Eldest brother?!" Han Zhao was stunned, and it was Zhao Yuantu who came.

"Junior Brother Han." Zhao Yuantu cupped his fists and saluted, took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Han Zhao.

Han Zhao saw that his expression was dignified, and he didn't care about the politeness, so he opened the letter immediately to check.

"Huh?!" His pupils constricted when he saw the contents of the letter, and Lu Yingxuan was injured, and now she was lying in Zhang Mudie's mansion.

"Eldest brother, what's going on here?" Han Zhao stepped back from the screen.

"I don't know what happened. Master didn't tell me anything. He just asked me to inform you." Zhao Yuantu said seriously, "Did something serious happen?"

"It's nothing, I'll take care of it." Han Zhao smiled.

After finishing speaking, he squeezed his right hand, and the letter instantly turned into powder, and he rushed to Zhang's mansion immediately.


PS: Sheep feels that my brain has been affected, and my thinking is slow. When I write something, I lose the sense of picture in my mind.For the time being, let's take a look at it in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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