Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 145 Seizing the Spirit, the Body of Dragons and Evolving Spirit Body

Chapter 145 Seizing the Spirit, the Body of Dragons and Evolving Spirit Body
inner city.

Asakawa Square.

After yesterday's big explosion, the He family mansion in the central area has been razed to the ground.

Because many powerful warriors took action, the fire did not spread in the inner city, but except for the area where the He family was located, a large area of ​​nearby houses collapsed just because of the aftermath of the explosion.

"Is this the real power of the divine weapon? No wonder so many people want to become military envoys. It's really terrifying!"

Along the way, Han Zhao couldn't help being a little startled.

The buildings farther away were also damaged to varying degrees, and the ground was also covered with cracks and ravines.

There was only a huge pit left in the He family at the center of the explosion, and a luxurious mansion there was completely invisible.

After this battle, the official organization in Fucheng will have a new owner.

Fortunately, Zhang Mudie's mansion was in the outer area of ​​Asakawa Fang, far away from the He family's mansion, so it was basically not affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

Han Zhao didn't stop for a moment along the way, and soon arrived at Zhang's residence.

The concierge had obviously received the order, so after Han Zhao reported his name, he took him straight to the backyard.

As soon as Han Zhao entered the backyard, he saw Lu Yi anxiously standing outside the door of the wing, pacing back and forth.

He stepped forward and bowed, "Master."

"Boy Han, you're finally here." When Lu Yi saw Han Zhao, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed his arm.

"How is senior sister?" Han Zhao asked.

"Before Mu Die brought Yingxuan back, this child had already fallen into a coma. The yin and yang qi in Yingxuan's body were out of balance just now, and she was using her true energy to help Yingxuan suppress it." Lu Yi quickly explained.

"Understood, I have a solution." Han Zhao nodded.

"Please!" Lu Yi said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Master, Senior Sister will be fine, I'm here!" Han Zhao said seriously, and rushed into the wing room.

Lu Yi didn't speak, but still stood where he was, asking Han Zhao for help. These were the last words Yingxuan told Zhang Mudie before she fell into a coma.

She believed in Han Zhao, so naturally Lu Yi also believed.

It was only after Zhang Mudie learned the truth that he knew what Yingxuan had endured.


Han Zhao pushed open the door of the wing room.

In the exquisitely decorated boudoir, Lu Yingxuan was lying on the bed, her face was as pale as gold paper.

[Lu Yingxuan: The master of the four qi, both internal and external, has amazing strength.Because of absorbing a large amount of yin and devil qi, the progress of Tiansha's magic power has greatly increased, and by chance, he broke through the situation, resulting in a riot of yin and yang.

Release more than one-tenth of the yang qi, which can continue to suppress the yang qi, so that she will not suffer from the imbalance of yin and yang within a year.Until she completely loses her Dragon Yin body, she will not be troubled by the growth of Yang Qi. 】

A system prompt appears.

Standing by the bed, Zhang Mudie was continuously sending true energy into her body to help her relieve the outbreak of Yin energy.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, she just glanced at it for a while, the huge consumption of true energy left her without the strength to speak.

The yin energy in Lu Yingxuan's body surged like a wave, and after one wave passed, another wave was stronger.

"Head of the hospital, I'll help you." Seeing Zhang Mudie's yin aura rising, Han Zhao knew her state at the moment, so he hurried forward and slapped her.

"Don't!" Zhang Mudie screamed with all his strength.

Even her true energy can't help Lu Yingxuan, and Han Zhao's addition won't help, otherwise she would have called Lu Yi up just now.

However, when Han Zhao's pure yang energy, as warm as the sun, entered her body, her worries disappeared in an instant.

"Director, you can let go." Han Zhao reminded.

"Han Zhao?!" Zhang Mudie was taken aback, and withdrew his hands at the same time, stopping the transmission of true energy, and the terrifying Yin energy overflowing from Lu Yingxuan's body not only did not explode, but stabilized a lot.

"Head of the hospital, I'm going to use the secret method to help my senior sister heal her injuries. Although it won't take too much time, I can't be disturbed by anyone, so I hope you can help me protect the method outside." Looking back at Zhang Mudie.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't let anyone get close to the backyard." Zhang Mudie agreed without the slightest hesitation. Through the brief contact just now, she found that the true energy in Han Zhao's body was as deep as the sea. Unfathomable to describe.

How long has it been?It seems that in less than two years, he has directly broken through multiple levels from the level he just practiced.

The realm is afraid that she has surpassed her who just broke through to the realm of the second qi master.

At first she didn't understand why Yingxuan's last words before she fell into a coma were to ask him for help.

I get it now.

When Zhang Mudie came out of the wing, Han Zhao pressed his palm, and a large amount of health-preserving qi broke through the yin qi defense in Lu Yingxuan's body and entered her body.

"How can there be so much evil spirit! And it's also mixed with demon energy?"

As soon as Han Zhao's true energy entered her body, she was taken aback.

After the true energy circulated in Lu Yingxuan's body for a week, Han Zhao knew her situation well.

He immediately operated the 'Seizing Spirit Dafa' to absorb the unbalanced yang energy in Lu Yingxuan's body.

At the same time, he sucked the uncontrollable evil spirit and demonic energy into her body.

"This sinister energy can be used as the energy of the system. Could it be that she has gone weird again?"

Han Zhao's eyes lit up, Lu Yingxuan went to the weirdness of being able to retreat completely, which means that with his strength, he can definitely attack.

"No, no matter what the situation is, it will probably attract the attention of the demon."

Han Zhao quickly came back to his senses.

Seeing Lu Yingxuan lying weakly on the bed with a frowning look of pain, Han Zhao pondered for a moment before making a decision.

"It's better to take this opportunity to completely solve her physical problems."

He hadn't practiced the Soul Seizing Dafa diligently in the past few years, because the life in the Nujiao Gang was not easy at the beginning.

Seizing the spirit (28% of the second level, can be improved; special effect: absorbing spirit level 7, seizing spirit level 2)
Looking at the attributes of seizing souls in the system column, Han Zhao absorbed the yang energy in Lu Yingxuan's body, and said silently: "System."

【Collect all 140 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 120, gold 1800 taels.]

[Current balance: Gold 4000 taels]

"Synthesis, start simulation."

He would like to see, because he arrived in Yuanchang Prefecture ahead of time, how big the butterfly effect would be.

[At the age of 23, Lu Yingxuan accidentally absorbed Yin Qi and Demon Qi, broke through the realm of the master of the Four Qi, and fell into a coma. 】

[You used the 'Seizing the Spirit Dafa' to temporarily stabilize the unbalanced yin and yang in his body. 】


[At the age of 24, demon forces are after Lu Yingxuan, and you will kill everyone in the future. 】

[At the age of 25, you won No.1 in the Zhongzhou Trial in one fell swoop, and your reputation has spread far and wide.Lu Yingxuan was third. 】

[At the age of 26, the Yunzhou War broke out, and Yuniang disappeared.The big demon Tiansha King behind the Longevity Cult came to the door. 】

[Because the Tiansha Demonic Art was created by him, and the Tiansha Demonic Art that Lu Yingxuan cultivated has not yet reached its full potential, so he didn't need to make a move, and Lu Yingxuan lost the ability to resist. 】

【You were seriously injured and dying just after being hit by the evil king.At this time, Yuan Soul Orb was activated unexpectedly and took the initiative to protect you. 】

[You asked Qi Yuntian for help, you chased all the way to the border between Yunzhou and Chu.Qi Yuntian intercepted Tiansha King. 】

[The strong men from the White Tiger Family and Bailing Sect appear, and you are completely invincible. 】

【Yu Niang appears and rescues you and Lu Yingxuan. 】

[In the sky, a huge bronze ax appeared. 】

【you are dead. 】

"How could you get into such a big trouble because of a weirdness?"

Han Zhao frowned.

He has messed with Jiuyou Mansion, and he will definitely be immortal in the future.

Lu Yingxuan was targeted by the Longevity Sect again, and the Tiansha King behind him even made a move himself.

"Heavenly Fiend Demon Art is also a huge hidden danger, and it just happens to be resolved as soon as possible."

Han Zhao pondered.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 2200 taels]


[attribute point +100]

"Upgrade the 'Seizing Spirit Dafa' to the third floor." Han Zhao muttered silently.

【Attribute points: 100→41】

Seizing Spirit Dafa (7% of the entry level of the third floor, can be improved; special effects: 9 levels of absorbing spirits, 5 levels of seizing spirits, 1 level of awakening spirits)
With a special breath pervading the whole body, Seizing Soul Dafa successfully broke through.He immediately changed his technique and directly absorbed the unbalanced yang energy in Lu Yingxuan's body with all his strength.

[Obtain pure yang qi, which can be used to strengthen true qi. 】

After getting familiar with the operation method of the third layer of the Soul Seizing Dafa, the Yang Qi, which was still a little turbulent, instantly lost the ability to resist under the effect of the powerful secret technique.

"The remaining attribute points can be used to deduce the fourth level of the 'Diamond Jue'."

Han Zhao absorbed Yang Qi while meditating.

Through the simulation before, he had obtained the exercises and visualization diagrams of the fourth layer of the Vajra Jue, but there was one biggest problem.

That is, the Vajra Jue technique has broken through the upper limit many times, and the current third-level technique does not match the original fourth-level technique at all, and it is prone to problems when it is practiced intensively.

Anyway, it's all to become stronger. The deduced exercise is the most suitable for him, and its power is far stronger than the original version. Now that he has attribute points, Han Zhao will not begrudge him.

Thinking of this, he came back to his senses and concentrated on running the Soul Seizing Dafa.

Next, is the key to plunder the root bone.

There can be no mistakes, otherwise both he and Lu Yingxuan will be in danger.

"Roar~!" As time went by, Han Zhao absorbed more than [-]% of the unbalanced yang energy in Lu Yingxuan's body, and a two-foot-long golden dragon of yang energy suddenly burst out of Lu Yingxuan's body, roaring into his body .

"Is this the super root?!" Han Zhao felt warm all over his body, an inexplicable breath.

[Physique: Dragon Yin Body (Elementary)]

"The root bone in her body has not been completely taken by me, and the root bone can be upgraded again!"

Although he knew the situation, Han Zhao still stopped.

Lu Yingxuan's body is very weak now, and if she sucks again, she will be sucked to death.

Saving people is the key, taking root bones is just incidental.

Through contact with Qi Xuanming, he learned more.

The super root bone is only the upper limit of the root bone of ordinary people.

There is even a spirit body on it.

Qi Xuanming possesses a special spirit body called 'Gengjin Sword Body'.

The reason why Qi Yuntian was able to kill high-level snake-level powerhouses across multiple levels in the Condensation Shade Realm was because he possessed the super-powerful spirit body 'Bright Sword Heart'.

According to Qi Xuanming's speculation, Han Zhao should also have a special spirit body that is not easy to be detected, otherwise he would not have comprehended the 'Three Ways of Killing God' so quickly.

In addition, although the Dragon Yin Body and the Phoenix Cry Body are only super roots, they can evolve as the warrior becomes a saint, and have the opportunity to evolve into a spirit body.

Speaking of which, Lu Yingxuan is still the chosen one, she has two special physiques that no one else wants.

"There is so much innate pure yang energy, it cannot be wasted."

Han Zhao immediately began to refine the yang energy absorbed from Lu Yingxuan's body.

A white gleam symbolizing vitality kept gushing out of his body.

Soon, the longevity formula broke through a small level.

Longevity formula (minor success of the sixth floor is 15%, which can be improved; special effect: life extension of 4000 years.)

"Did the life expectancy only increase by 200 years?" Han Zhao was a little disappointed.

Ever since he learned the Kurong Form, the second form of the God-killing Three Forms, he has always felt that his lifespan is too short, and he has never experienced such a situation before.

After the Longevity Jue was broken through, it was the turn of the Vajra Jue.

Vajra Jue (the third level is 100% perfect, can be deduced; special effects: Yijin 12, bone forging 10, marrow washing 4, vajra body protection, innate qi)
"System, deduce the Vajra Jue."

【Attribute points: 41→0】

[The current deduction progress of King Kong Jue is 72%, and it can continue. 】

"You need so much?" Han Zhao was taken aback when he saw the system prompt.

The yin energy in Lu Yingxuan's body has been used up by him, and he has also predicted the yin energy of many divine soldiers recently.

"It seems that we still have to deal with the guardians of Jiuyou Mansion as soon as possible. If you can become a saint during the Zhongzhou Trial and keep more hole cards, you don't have to be so afraid of Jiuyou Mansion, and"

Han Zhao took out a black bead from the sumeru bag.

"Essence Soul Orb has the ability to automatically protect the Lord? Could it be that besides holding Yin Qi and acting as the key to open the Hall of Reincarnation, it also has other special abilities that I don't know about? Then why didn't it work in so many simulations before? "

Han Zhao feels that there are many problems at the moment. Even if there is a simulation to predict the future, many things are still half-understood.

"I can only take one step and kill one step, and use war to support war." Han Zhao pondered, it was not his wish to provoke Jiuyou Mansion, but as long as he did not reveal that he personally killed the master of Jiuyou Mansion, the other party would Always misjudged his strength.

The gourd baby rescued Grandpa, even though the gourd baby sent by the other party was too strong, as long as he didn't directly come to the strongest big monster, he could imitate a few more times, and the weak could defeat the strong.

"With Jiuyou Mansion sending Yin Qi, I have to find a way to make money."

After absorbing the yang energy in Lu Yingxuan's body and seizing her Dragon Yin Body, his speed of breaking through the realm will be further increased, and he will need to use more and more gold.

Especially the big bottleneck of the Martial Saint Realm, once it breaks through, the gold needed may skyrocket.

"We have to find a way to get more money in advance, otherwise we won't be able to reach the sky in one step during the Zhongzhou Trial."

Han Zhao couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency when he thought of some things that would happen in the future.

Looking at Lu Yingxuan's beautiful sleeping face on the bed, he stretched out his hand, caressed her fragile face, and murmured: "Ma'am, according to the number of times I help you, you just promise three times with your body." Not too much."

"Huh?" At this moment, Han Zhao noticed that Lu Yingxuan's eyeballs were trembling slightly, and her chest heaved uncontrollably.

Good guy, caught on the spot.

Seeing her pretending to be asleep, Han Zhao didn't point it out.

Get up and walk outside.

It's just that when he walked into the yard, he found that Zhang Mudie, who had promised to be a guardian, was gone, and even Lu Yi was not there.

He went out of the courtyard and asked his attendants to find out that there were people from the Lu family and the Yang family who came at the same time, and there was also a son of unknown origin. The three asked to see Lu Yingxuan by name.

"Trouble comes so fast!"

Han Zhao sneered and rushed straight to the living room in the front yard.

 PS: If you think it’s even less, you can set up an automatic subscription and wait a few days to watch it together.When I adjust it, I will naturally start to make changes.It’s useless to urge me now, my mind is dull, I clearly remember what I wrote a month ago, but now it’s what I wrote the day before yesterday, and I’m blurred today.If you are sick and ask for leave, it is inevitable that your grades will drop. If you want to get back up, it will only be useful if you adjust your status and make up for it.As for the physique of a person, it cannot be generalized. My body stretches my hips, and I can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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