Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 146 Han Zhao: 1v3, I have the advantage!

Chapter 146 Han Zhao: One against three, I have the advantage!
"Lu Huanxiu, what are you doing here?"

In the living room in the front yard, Zhang Mudie's eyes were dark and his face was frosty.

"We are both the head of the Martial Academy. Junior Sister Zhang is a little rude to say that?" Lu Huanxiu, who was dressed in black, smiled, and those who didn't know thought he was such a polite person.

"You are not welcome here! Please leave!" Zhang Mudie was firm.

"Okay! Since Junior Sister Zhang doesn't talk about fellowship so much, then I don't care about this matter. You can explain it to Brother Yang and Mr. Zheng."

Lu Huanxiu was not annoyed, but just looked at Zhang Mudie playfully, and gave up his position.

Behind him stood a tall and muscular long-bearded old man with a red complexion, and a handsome young man in white.

"I've met Grandmaster Yang, but I don't know what to call this young master?" Zhang Mudie clasped his fists and saluted.

The long-bearded old man is Yang Xie, the patriarch of the Yang family, a great master with perfect five qi, and also the big enemy of Lu Yi and Lu Yingxuan.

As for the young man in white, if his surname is Zheng, he is likely to be from the Zheng family, one of the three great families in Yunzhou. The Zheng family is truly the leading power in Yuanchang Mansion.

"Zheng Xingui." The young man in white had a haughty expression on his face, and he just gave his name.

"Mr. Zheng is a direct descendant of the Zheng family. He is only 25 years old, and he ranks among the top [-] unicorns." Lu Huanxiu looked smug.

"So it's Mr. Zheng, I'm sorry." Zhang Mudie was taken aback, she didn't understand why Lu Huanxiu brought such a difficult person.

"Headmaster Zhang, the old man is not keeping secrets anymore. We are here this time to investigate the murder of the chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion in Yushuang City. According to the information we got, you went out some time ago, and when you came back, you closed the door to thank guests. May I ask where your disciple Lu Yingxuan is now? Can you let her show up?"

Yang Xie got straight to the point.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to Lu Yingxuan, but through the information sent by Jiuyou Mansion, Lu Yingxuan easily killed a Jiuyou Mansion's chief priest, which is a serious matter.

The weakest chief priests of Jiuyou Mansion are all Ju-level five-pattern warriors, which are equivalent to warriors in the three-qi master realm.

Moreover, the physical fitness of monsters is far superior to that of humans, and they generally have the ability to leapfrog fighting.

It is not difficult for the chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion to fight against the four qi masters.

This Lu Yingxuan is only 26 years old now?

This speed of progress has already made Yang Xie feel afraid.

Now that his five qi are complete, he is not sure whether he can break through the Sha Ning Realm.

If he failed to break through and Lu Yingxuan came to revenge, the Yang family would be finished.

So he decided to cooperate with Jiuyou Mansion to kill this threat in advance.

And if this move is successful, he can also obtain the resources to break through the Martial Saint Realm, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

"The chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion was killed, what does it have to do with us? Yingxuan is not feeling well, and she is resting now, and has no time to see guests." Zhang Mudie flatly refused. How could the hands of Jiuyou Mansion stretch out so long?
"Junior Sister Zhang's words are wrong. Nephew Lu just needs to show his face and let us check if there is any demonic energy left in her body, and then we can prove our innocence. Junior Sister Zhang is so prevaricating, is it true that the chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion is really dead?" In the hands of the two of you?!" Lu Huanxiu looked surprised.

"Lu Huanxiu, when did you become the demon's subordinate? Just because you doubted, we have to prove our innocence? How can there be such a reason, the Zhang family is not made of mud!"

Zhang Mudie's attitude is tough. This is the inner city, so she doesn't believe that these people will directly attack.

"I don't have the time to play tricks on you, hand it over to someone, or should I go find it myself?" Zheng Xingui said suddenly, with an unquestionable attitude in his tone.

As a direct descendant of the Zheng family, he naturally doesn't need to obey the orders of Jiuyou Mansion.It's just that the Bailing Sect and the Baihu Family in Jiuyou Mansion and Chu State are all collecting warriors with special physiques, and they are very willing to bid for them. Even after seeing some resources, he is very greedy, so he took the initiative to come to attack.

"You!" Zhang Mudie's heart sank. If it was the Zheng family who made the move, the Zhang family behind her would never come forward to help her. Even if Zheng Xingui only represented himself, his strength should not be underestimated.

No one would doubt the gold content of the top [-] unicorn list.

"Hmph! Junior Sister Zhang, you didn't expect this day, did you?!" Seeing Zhang Mudie falling silent, Lu Huanxiu immediately showed a sneer of pleasure. At the beginning, the revenge of his leg being broken can be repaid with profit today. When they came back, who made them ignorant of good and bad, so they insisted on provoking Jiuyou Mansion!
"Junior Sister, what happened?" At this time, Lu Yi rushed to the living room.

"Senior Brother Lu? You came at the right time! Grabbing you is just right for Senior Nephew Lu to show up obediently!" Seeing Lu Yi appearing, Lu Huanxiu bullied himself, raised his hand and clawed at Lu Yi's chest.

"Lu Huanxiu! How dare you!"

Zhang Mudie turned pale with shock, immediately blocked Lu Huanxiu's retreat, and gave him a hard slap.

thump thump!
The huge counter-shock made Zhang Mudie take several steps back, and she felt a tingling pain in her palm.

"Lu Huanxiu, you made a breakthrough?!" Zhang Mudie looked at Lu Huanxiu in shock.

Two years ago, his legs were broken, and his qi and blood were greatly damaged. He was lucky to be able to recover, but now he has broken through to the three-qi master state.

"Hmph! When you two were in love, I didn't dare to relax for a moment and practice hard!" Lu Huanxiu laughed, feeling that the humiliation he had suffered before was swept away at this moment, and his heart was extremely happy. Doing things with the government was the most correct choice he made.

"Yang Xie, what are you still doing? You wouldn't ask me to take care of such a trivial matter, would you?" Zheng Xingui said indifferently.

Yang Xie frowned, displeased in his heart, but he didn't dare to attack. Unless he broke through to the Martial Saint Realm, he would naturally be a head shorter than Zheng Xingui, a direct descendant of the Zheng family.

"Headmaster Zhang, I've offended you!" Yang Xie's whole body was filled with qi, and he walked towards Zhang Mudie in his loose clothes without any wind.

"Do you really dare to do something in the inner city?!" Zhang Mudie's expression was extremely serious.

"Junior Sister Zhang, it's all over now, don't you understand the situation?" Lu Huanxiu said sarcastically.

Seeing this, Lu Yi didn't say anything, but stopped in front of Zhang Mudie and twirled his white beard.

"Senior Brother Lu, you don't even reach the grand master level, yet you still want to be a hero? This is not in the academy!" Lu Huanxiu thought of the scene where he followed Lu Yi back then, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Mudie stepped forward and exchanged a glance with Lu Yi. They held hands and stood side by side.



The two just called out to each other at the end, and looked at Lu Huanxiu and Yang Xie fearlessly.

Lu Yi believed that as long as he gave Han Zhao some time, he would take care of everything.

"Struggle for nothing, let's kill together!" Zheng Xingui waved his hand.

"Death!" Lu Huanxiu stretched out both claws, pulled out the black tiger's heart, and grabbed Lu Yi's face.

On the other side, Yang Xie also attacked Zhang Mudie.

Zhang Mudie released all the zhenqi in her body to protect her and Lu Yi's whole body, and then did not make any resistance.

As for Lu Yi, he clenched his right fist tightly and used the Mountain Shaking Fist that he had learned all his life. Although it was a needless struggle, he remembered what happened back then. .
boom! !

Lu Yi punched out, dazzling golden light bloomed on his fist, the dense and terrifying power was like a hurricane sweeping through, setting off a violent air current.Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, the wooden furniture, tables, chairs and benches in the entire living room shattered.

"Wow!" Lu Huanxiu's body was like a kite with a broken string, screaming and flying upside down, hitting the wall heavily with blood spurting from his mouth.

Zhang Mudie beside him also instantly felt an incomparably full of true energy in his body, and subconsciously pushed out a palm at Yang Xie who was oncoming.

Yang Xie's complexion changed suddenly, and Zhang Mudie's seemingly light palm actually threatened him with facing death. All the qi and strength in his whole body were released, forming a hemispherical shield in front of him.


The strength of Yang Xie's fist and Zhang Mudie's palm force rubbed violently, releasing an extremely sharp friction sound.

"Not good!" Yang Xie suddenly felt an extremely violent and domineering zhenqi in Zhang Mudie's palm, and the zhenqi on his body exploded.

"how can that be?!"

Yang Xie retreated seven or eight steps in a row, his chest felt a sharp pain, and he couldn't breathe for a while. He stood still and adjusted his breath.

"Han Zhao?!" Lu Yi and Zhang Mudie reacted and turned to look.

I saw Han Zhao standing behind the two, with his hands on the backs of the two.

Just now, the genuine energy appeared out of thin air in the two people's bodies, which was transported by Han Zhao.

"Master, master, are you alright?" Han Zhao smiled, seeing that the two of them looked like they were about to go to the underworld together, he also changed the address for Zhang Mudie in due course.

"Boy Han, how is Yingxuan?" Lu Yi asked hastily.

"Senior Sister is already awake." Han Zhao nodded.

"Who are you?!" Zheng Xingui lost the indifference just now, and looked at Han Zhao in surprise.It was impossible for him to instantly repel the two great masters through their bodies.

"Han Zhao." Han Zhao's eyes were cold.

"He is a direct descendant of the Zheng family, Zheng Xingui, top [-] in the Kirin list." Zhang Mudie explained in a low voice.

"Han Zhao? The head of the Nujiao Gang! Do you know that Lu Yingxuan killed the chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion! If you are sensible, you are the best." Zheng Xingui said in a deep voice.

"So what? She's mine!" Han Zhao didn't care.

"You can't keep the person that Jiuyou Mansion wants!" Zheng Xingui narrowed his eyes.

"Compared to this, you should be more worried about yourself." Han Zhao retorted.

"What do you mean? Are you going to attack me?!" Zheng Xingui was taken aback.

Han Zhao said indifferently: "I remember that the top [-] unicorns can't refuse the challenge."

"You want to challenge me?" Zheng Xingui's eyes widened. Although Han Zhao's move just now was indeed exaggerated, no matter how strong he was, he was nothing more than a warrior.As a direct descendant of the Zheng family, he never thought that he would be provoked by a martial artist who was not as good as himself.

"Time, place, you decide."

"Good! Very good! I'll give you this chance."

Zheng Xingui laughed angrily.

"Han Zhao, don't be complacent, Jiuyou Mansion won't let it go." Lu Huanxiu clutched his chest, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, still not forgetting to say harsh words.

"It's just right, I won't give up easily. Director Lu, I advise you to be careful when walking at night tonight. Last time, someone broke your leg. This time, you won't have such good luck." Han Zhao chuckled Hey, this Lu Huanxiu has allowed him to live for so long, today is just the time to settle the accounts.

Lu Huanxiu's expression froze, he saw the undisguised killing intent in Han Zhao's smiling eyes.

Is he going to kill me?
Lu Huanxiu was taken aback. Hearing what Han Zhao meant, was he going to make a direct move in Fucheng?

"I'm in a good mood today, get out!" Han Zhao waved his hand.

"Farewell!" Yang Xie, who had recovered his breath, turned and left directly.

Lu Huanxiu staggered out of the living room with a cloudy expression on his face.

Zheng Xingui took a deep look at Han Zhao, then turned and left.

That night.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Lu Huanxiu went straight out of Fucheng and went to the suburbs.

He rushed all the way to the place where Xingchen was hiding, "My subordinate Lu Huanxiu, I have met the protector!"

"Lu Huanxiu, it seems that the mission entrusted to you has failed?"

The figure of Xingchen came out from the darkness deep in the dense forest.

"Originally, the mission went smoothly, but Han Zhao, the young leader of the Nujiao Gang, suddenly appeared and wounded his subordinates and Yang Xie. Zheng Xingui stood by and did not make a move, which led to the failure of the mission." Lu Huanxiu explained.

"Oh? This young leader of the Nujiao Gang has such strength?" Xing Chen was stunned for a moment, "It seems that the deaths of Zhu Gangyi and Jin Wuxin must have something to do with him."

"My subordinates think so too." Lu Huanxiu said hastily, "Then Han Zhao decided to publicly challenge Zheng Xingui, obviously full of confidence."

"In that case, let Zheng Xingui deal with this kid." Xingchen said lightly.

"Doesn't Lord Protector personally take action?" Lu Huanxiu was taken aback for a moment.

"I just made a move in the inner city yesterday. If I still make a move in the city, apart from the local forces, I'm afraid it will attract a large number of imperial guards. I will be able to retreat completely by then, but you will not have such luck." Xing Chen revealed A half-smile look.

"Yes, the Lord Protector is still thoughtful." Lu Huanxiu hurriedly flattered her.

"Go and inform Zheng Xingui, remember, this is your last chance."


"Don't worry, I'm already here." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the empty forest.

Lu Huanxiu was startled, and suddenly looked back.

I saw a young man in white appeared here.

It was Zheng Xingui.

"I've seen the Guardians of the Stars." Zheng Xingui clasped his fists and saluted with a smile on his face.

"You came just in time. How is your communication with the Zheng family?" Xingchen said lightly.

"The patriarch was moved by my words, but the elders of the clan did not agree to cooperate with Jiuyou Mansion. After all, if we did this kind of thing, let alone Yuanchang Mansion, our Zheng family would not have a foothold in the entire Yunzhou. Landed." Zheng Xingui shook his head.

"Doing big things but sacrificing one's life, your Zheng family has too many old fools!" Xing Chen sneered.

"Indeed, if the blood sacrifice is successful, the Bailing Sect and the Baihu Family will get the Ice Phoenix, your Jiuyou Mansion will get the Yuan Soul Orb, and our Zheng family will get the Light of the Spirit Treasure in the Yuan Soul Orb. In a win-win situation, the big deal is to move to Chu State." gone."

Zheng Xingui sighed.

"That's right, who are you?!" Xing Chen's expression suddenly became serious, and the black energy around him surged violently, turning into an indestructible black snake.

"It's so lively, so everyone is here!" Han Zhao walked out from the depths of the woods. He followed Lu Huanxiu all the way, but he didn't expect to hear something extraordinary.

"It's you?!"

"Han Zhao!"

Both Zheng Xingui and Lu Huanxiu were taken aback.

"You are really brave, are you alone?" The immortal black snake on Xingchen's body raised its head high, and kept spitting snake letters.

"One against three, I have the advantage." Han Zhao smiled.

"Looking for death!" Xing Chen was stunned, and the black snake on his body opened its bloody mouth, and rushed towards Han Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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