Boom! !
A huge explosion sounded in the forest, and the place where Han Zhao was standing was knocked out of a big hole by the immortal black snake, sand and stones splashed, and dust and smoke dispersed.

"Killed?!" Lu Huanxiu was taken aback for a moment, this kid acted like a master when he came out, so he died?

"On top." Zheng Xingui raised his head and looked over the ten-meter-high canopy.

The bright moonlight shone on Han Zhao's purple costume, and the red long knife slowly unsheathed at his waist exuded a strange cold light.

After the blow missed, the Immortal Black Snake curled up and shot into the air like a spring.

Han Zhao tapped the crown of the tree lightly under his feet, and his body floated down in the air. All the knives around his waist were unsheathed, and the scarlet aura condensed rapidly, turning into a giant knife gang.

The ten-meter red knife gang fell down with a bang, splitting the immortal black snake in two from the middle position, and the knife gang turned into fine and sharp needles, piercing the immortal black snake into a sieve.

"It's really a rough way of fighting." Han Zhao couldn't help frowning slightly as he looked at the reunited Indestructible Black Snake.

Whether it is these monsters or the children of the family, in addition to relying on the power of blood and magic weapons, they basically rely on their own strength and speed to fight.

Very few children from aristocratic families will learn some basic martial arts, but none of them can be called proficient.

"It doesn't take skill to kill a mortal." Xing Chen's expression remained calm.

Generally speaking, snake-level masters would not use the Immortal Black Snake to fight directly, because it would increase consumption.

He just released the toxin through the immortal black snake, trying to capture Han Zhao alive.

Boom boom boom!
The Immortal Black Snake was beaten by Han Zhao time and time again, and then regrouped again and again.

When the Immortal Black Snake was reorganized again, Xingchen did not continue to attack, but waved at Zheng Xingui who was at the side, "I leave it to you, keep alive."

"It's really good at calling people." Zheng Xingui curled his lips when he heard this, but still walked towards Han Zhao.

"Have you changed?" Han Zhao's expression remained the same. Kurong Style needs to accumulate saber energy, and the other party is willing to play slowly, so he is naturally willing to accompany him.

"If the person behind you doesn't show up, you will have no chance!" Zheng Xingui unhurriedly took out a light golden brush from the sumeru pouch on his waist.

[Pseudo-divine weapons made from fragments of various divine weapons are quite powerful. 】

A system prompt appears.

Han Zhao stared intently at the golden brush in Zheng Xingui's hand.

"It's just me." It seems that they thought they had reinforcements behind them, and they wanted to wait for others to arrive, and then catch them all.

Zheng Xingui was taken aback for a moment, but the movements of his hands were not slow.

"Bound!" He wrote a word in the void in front of him with a golden brush.

A huge "结" character with a diameter of more than two meters flew into the air and stuck to Han Zhao's body.

Han Zhao stretched out the index finger of his right hand, pointed it forward, and used the Water God Finger.

A mass of dark blue energy and true energy gathered at his fingertips, forming a compressed true energy the size of a pill.

Bang! !

There was a bang like a bullet being ejected from a chamber.

clang! !

The helix really hit the golden text head-on, making a huge metal impact sound.

"Unnecessary struggle." Zheng Xingui shook his head, writing quickly with a brush in his hand, and the word "explosion" appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the golden text shimmered faintly and disappeared out of thin air.

In the next second, Han Zhao's protective stellar energy a foot away from his body was automatically activated, and the golden word "explosion" clinging to his stellar energy exploded.

"The abilities of the magic weapon are so strange!" Han Zhao was shocked by the huge explosion and took a step back. The words written by the golden brush can appear out of thin air, and the power is quite impressive.

"My avatar of the strongest weapon of the Zheng family, 'Shenghuangbi', even though it is only one percent as powerful as the real one, is beyond what warriors like you can imagine." Zheng Xingui looked proud.

"One percent?!" Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment, the power was only one percent.

Is there such a big gap between a pseudo-divine weapon and a divine weapon?

So far, he has not seen the power of a genuine divine weapon, and he has seen the power of a hundred birds in the simulation, but it is not as intuitive as in reality.

"If you just catch it, you can still suffer less." Zheng Xingui looked a little crazy, with golden lights in his eyes, and kept writing words in the void.

A large number of "explosion" characters appeared continuously, and violent explosions continued on Han Zhao's protective body.

"Actually, I have a question, and I'm curious." Seeing that Zheng Xingui's mental state was slightly abnormal, Han Zhao had a guess in his mind.

"What happened to the light of the spirit treasure in the Yuan Soul Orb you just mentioned?"

Han Zhao asked.

"Go to hell! Hahaha!" Zheng Xingui kept writing, ignoring Han Zhao's question at all.

"Idiot! Don't use magic weapons anymore, it's going out of control!" Xing Chen's low voice sounded.

"Since you can't communicate well, forget it."

Han Zhao's face was full of pity, and the knives in his hands were shining red.

Suddenly, a knife cut out.

"Purgatory style!"

The sky and the earth seemed to be shrouded in scarlet light, and the terrifying knife energy was released suddenly. The violent air swept across the entire forest, and the strong wind rolled up fallen leaves and whizzed past.

"This is?" Lu Huanxiu was still watching the battle with great interest, wanting to see Han Zhao being brutally tortured by Zheng Xingui, but suddenly found that the surrounding images flashed, and his vision was scarlet.

"what happened?"

Immediately afterwards there was boundless darkness, as if falling into Avici Hell, losing sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.


Lu Huanxiu only felt severe pain all over his body, and the picture in front of him returned to normal. There was a terrifying knife mark on his chest with bone deep visible.

And Lu Huanxiu was only on the verge of the knife attack, but he was the weakest of the three, so he was hit hard at the first time.

Zheng Xingui, who was closest to Han Zhao, was in the center of the saber energy, and felt that he was in the mountain of swords.

It seemed as if all the most evil energy from the world gathered in this blade, and countless blade energy hit his body.

The golden brush in his hand only had time to write the character '御' before his arms and legs were cut off by the saber energy, and the brush fell off along with his arms.


As for the most powerful Xingchen, it was just that the indestructible black snake protecting him was cut off, and the green robe on his chest was cut open by the saber energy, exposing the dark skin inside.

"Ah! My hand?!" Zheng Xingui screamed. The force in his body was trying to restore his arm, but he found that a strange sword energy was constantly surrounding and suppressing his force, making it impossible for him to recover. injury.

"What an idiot, he has not fully received the approval of the divine soldier, so he will move it at will."

Seeing Zheng Xingui's tragic situation, Xing Chen showed no sympathy, and immediately looked at Han Zhao with a look of disdain.

"It seems that this is what you rely on, Tianshengzong's unique purgatory method! It is really powerful. But..."

"Your realm is too low, and I happen to be not afraid of illusions. Besides, after so long, you should already feel it?"

Xingchen looked at Han Zhao playfully.

"Are you talking about poisoning?" Han Zhao looked at him calmly.

"You know? You have taken precautions!" Xing Chen was startled, even He Wuji at the Martial Saint Realm couldn't handle his poison, and a martial artist at the Grandmaster Realm was fine until now.

"You're not afraid of phantoms, just right, I'm not afraid of toxins either." Han Zhao chuckled.

With the powerful vitality brought to him by the formula of longevity, as well as the special effects of exterminating decay and rejuvenating muscles, he is extremely difficult to be poisoned, and can detoxify by speeding up the metabolism in the body. Basically, toxins enter his body and are excreted by him.

"Use poison on warriors whose realm is lower than your own. You are the most stable monster I have ever seen."

Han Zhao put the slasher knife in his hand back into its sheath.

"A body that is invulnerable to all poisons? When I inject the poison into your body, I'll see if you can really hold it!" Xing Chen showed a ruthless expression.

"Kaka!" His body swelled like a balloon, and his gorgeous green robe was torn apart by his bulging figure. Huge mouthparts protruded from his cheeks, his body surface seemed to be covered with a layer of black armor, a black scorpion tail about three meters long sprang out from behind him, and the hook at the tip flickered With a faint purple cold light.

Han Zhao slashed out, and countless scarlet sword qi shot out.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!
Countless saber aura swept across the forest. Xingchen looked at Han Zhao playfully, his body stood motionless, and the scorpion tail behind him was like a sharp long whip, dancing wildly and irregularly, smashing the overwhelming terrifying saber aura with ease. .

"Wow!" Countless air currents spread out towards the surroundings, and the strong wind blew Lu Huanxiu and Zheng Xingui who were lying on the ground into rolls, and hit the big tree heavily.

clang clang clang!

Xingchen's scorpion tail attacked nimbly, colliding with Han Zhao's Zanye Dao.

"Swoosh, swish!" Hearing the sharp wind in his ears, Han Zhao kept dodging and fighting back.

"The body of a snake-level monster is too terrifying!" Han Zhao felt awe-inspiring. Jin Wuxin, who was full of seven patterns, was torn apart just by his saber energy, while the snake-level star could resist the attack of the knives.

Every time there was a collision, Han Zhao felt the bones of his arm rubbing violently, the force was too great.

"What's wrong?! Where's your self-confidence just now?"

Xing Chen walked towards Han Zhao slowly, and with just one scorpion tail, Han Zhao was forced to retreat steadily.

"That's enough." Han Zhao swung the scorpion's tail away, murmured in a low voice, and put the long knife back into its sheath.

The preparation time for Kurong style is too long.

"You are here." The smile on Xing Chen's face froze, because he suddenly noticed a very strange fluctuation coming from the warrior in front of him.

"This is the power of life and death! Withering style?"

"This knife has a lifespan of 400 years!" Han Zhao drew out the knife slowly, the scarlet blade was completely covered by white light, and as he drew out the knife, something called life force quickly passed through his body.

"Stop!" Xing Chen panicked, turned around and ran away.

How can a master-level martial artist have a lifespan of 400 years, but the power of nirvana contained in the sword is real.

Where did this neuropathy come from?
As soon as you come up, you will die together!
"Die." Han Zhao slashed lightly, and a dazzling white light piercing the sky burst out, illuminating the entire forest in a vast expanse of whiteness, like daytime.

"Madman!!" Xingchen was furious. His physical defense had been tempered to the extreme, but he couldn't resist the whistling white light at all.

The white light shone on his body, and his vitality drained away quickly.


Xingchen felt that the vitality and energy of his whole body were forcibly drawn away, his monster body full of explosive power shrank rapidly, his blood lost its vitality, his muscles lost strength, and his internal organs were rapidly aging.

In just a few breaths, he changed from a great demon in full bloom to an old man who was about to die.


Behind Xing Chen, the tail like a steel whip hung down feebly. Except for the sharp hook at the top, his whole body completely lost its luster. In an instant, his body had gone through hundreds of years.

"How could I." Xing Chen's body was extremely weak.

However, looking at Han Zhao, who had only a strand of white hair on his temples, he suddenly widened his eyes.

"Why would you?"

If the power of Nirvana wants to hurt others, it must first hurt itself.

"As a human being, can you live longer than me? It's impossible!" Xingchen responded.

"A lifespan of 400 years! It's not a trivial matter to me, you are proud enough!" Han Zhao cut off Xingchen's head with a single knife.

Under the ravages of 'time', the indestructible black snake on the surface of the star has disappeared, and he was completely beheaded with an understatement.

"This person is considered strong even among snake-level monsters. If you want to defeat him without injury, you have to do so." Han Zhao thought to himself.

Even if he breaks through to the Martial Saint Realm, he can use the Kurong Style without consuming his lifespan, and it is estimated that his power is not as strong as it is now.

This withering style is simply a move of exchanging life for life. He swung his sword and consumed 400 years of life. Lost the ability to resist.


Han Zhao turned around to look for Lu Huanxiu and Zheng Xingui.

It was found that the two had died in the Kurong style.

"What is the light of the spirit treasure of this Yuan Soul Orb, who will tell me?"

Looking at the bodies of the two, Han Zhao couldn't help cursing secretly.

He had obtained Yuan Soul Orb in the simulation for such a long time, and he didn't even know it.

And the members of the Qi family didn't say anything, I don't know if they didn't say anything, or they didn't know at all.

He can only explore slowly in the simulation.

"It's time for another happy harvest." Han Zhao found a fist-sized black crystal from Xing Chen's corpse.

"The magic crystal in the snake-level monster's body is really extraordinary."

Feeling the extremely pure yin energy inside the magic crystal, he couldn't help sighing.

Xingchen's powerful carapace had softened, and the only thing that remained active was his scorpion tail. Han Zhao carefully put it away and stored it in a Xumi bag.

Then, he transferred the contents of Zheng Xingui's Xumi bag.

As for the identity token symbolizing Zheng Xingui's top [-] unicorn list, Han Zhao did not take it out.

Originally, he just wanted to follow Lu Huanxiu to find Xingchen's location, but he didn't expect to kill Zheng Xingui along the way.

Then he can't reveal his identity now, otherwise besides Jiuyou Mansion, he will also provoke the Zheng family.

"After absorbing the dragon blood in Shangguan Lie's body, can I go back to my old job?"

Han Zhao secretly thought that with the yin energy provided by Xingchen, he could practice the indestructible magic of King Kong.

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