Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 149 The Nine Transformations of the True Spirit and the Power of One Yuan

Chapter 149 The Nine Transformations of the True Spirit and the Power of Unity (6000 words)
"The current physical strength should be able to withstand the medicinal power of the Dragon Blood Pill."

Han Zhao took out a mid-grade Dragon Blood Pill and put it in his palm. There were bursts of lightning power in it, but the feeling of tingling the skin just now was gone.

He swallowed the Dragon Blood Pill, and soon, the thick blood energy turned into gauze, filling his body surface.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Platinum electric arcs faintly emerged in the veil of blood and blood, bursting out the sound of thunder and lightning.

Han Zhao felt the qi and blood in his body increase rapidly, which was an exaggerated effect that even the best qi and blood pills could not achieve.

However, this increased qi and blood had the attribute of lightning, and he couldn't convert these qi and blood into the true qi corresponding to the Longevity Jue and the Vajra Jue.

The only thing that can be transformed is the True Kung Fu of the Flood Dragon.

However, although the Furious Flood Dragon's True Kung Fu records the refining method of the dragon's blood, it is a water-attribute skill, which is in conflict with the power of the Thunder Flood Dragon's blood.

Two hours later, the veil of Qi and blood around Han Zhao's body gradually faded, and was finally sucked into his body completely.

Essence and blood of spirit beasts: Thunder Jiao 9%
Wrathful Flood Dragon True Kung Fu (67th floor small success [-]%)

"A middle-grade Dragon Blood Pill has increased my total energy and blood by one-tenth, and the purity of spirit beast blood essence has also increased by 1%, and the progress of the true skill of the wrath has increased by 12%, which is really exaggerated. .”

Looking at the progress of a elixir-improved exercise, Han Zhao couldn't help being a little speechless, but the exercise and Lei Jiao's blood clashed, and the conflict would become more and more obvious if it continued to advance to the later stage.

"First upgrade to the extreme, if the conflict is irreconcilable, then rely on attribute points to resolve it."

After feeling the changes in his body, Han Zhao took out a mid-grade Dragon Blood Pill again.

In this way, the day passed quickly.

He swallowed all the mid-grade dragon blood pills.

Then it was the turn of the top-grade Dragon Blood Pill.

"Hiss~!" A high-grade dragon blood pill entered his stomach, and Han Zhao felt a strong sense of numbness in his internal organs and meridians. He quickly performed the exercises to speed up the absorption of the power of the dragon blood.

This time, it took him nearly six hours to refine all the medicinal power of a high-grade dragon blood pill.

Seven high-grade dragon blood pills, when Han Zhao swallowed the fifth one, the conflict between the anger and lightning power in his body intensified.

The stream of angry flood flooded his body surface, and platinum arcs flickered continuously.

Essence and blood of spirit beasts: Thunder Jiao 39%
Wrathful Flood Dragon True Kung Fu (97th floor small success [-]%)

"Is this the limit of the anger dragon's true skill?" Han Zhao secretly sighed in his heart. This is because he had obtained the entry of [Body-training Madman], otherwise his body would not be able to bear this pain long ago.

"You have to continue to improve your physical strength."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao muttered in his heart.


【Collect all 160 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 120, gold 1800 taels.]

[Current balance: Gold 6400 taels]

"Synthesis, start simulation."


[He Wuji paid the price of his life and used the 'True Sun' to injure you severely. 】

[At the age of 24, it took you nearly three months to barely recover from your injury. 】

[At the age of 25, you followed Qi Xuanming to Zhongzhou to participate in the trial. Kong Yi, the owner of the five-color peacock blood of Bailingzong, and the second protector of Jiuyoufu'Yuehua' shot. 】

[Yuehua held Qi Xuanming back tightly, and you were forced to confront Kong Yi. 】

[After a big battle, you used the Kurong style to injure Kong Yi.At the juncture of life and death, he inspired the power of his blood, and displayed the 'five-color divine light' to brush off the sword in your hand. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Five-color divine light?!"

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao was confused.

This kind of magical power in the legend has actually appeared.

No matter how powerful his saber and sword skills are, they are still not to the point where he can use them empty-handed.

Isn't it a joke to stimulate the power of the blood at the critical moment of life and death?
"Jiuyou Mansion is not finished, another White Tiger family came, and now there is another monster from Bailingzong. It seems that if you want to solve this big trouble, you have to rely on Yuniang."

Han Zhao showed a pensive look on his face.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 4600 taels]


[attribute point +100]

Vajra Jue (68% success on the fourth level, can be improved)

"Enhancing the Vajra Technique."

Han Zhao muttered silently.

【Attribute points: 100→71】

Vajra Jue (the fourth level is 100% complete, deducible)

"Except for a slight increase in physical strength, there is no obvious enhancement." Han Zhao frowned slightly.

Vajra Immortality Magical Art (not started, can be improved)

As the Vajra Jue has been deduced to the fourth level of perfection, the Vajra Immortality can finally be cultivated.

It's just that Han Zhao didn't rush to add points. According to memory, even if the first level of King Kong's indestructible magic skill is practiced, it won't improve him qualitatively.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao silently said:

"System, can I upgrade my Vajra Immortal Art, can it strengthen my meridians and internal organs, and assist in the cultivation of the Dragon Transformation?"

[This article prompts that you need to pay 800 taels of gold, do you want to pay? 】


[The Vajra Immortality Divine Kungfu is cultivated both internally and externally, focusing on the strengthening of external skills. There is no significant improvement in the meridians and internal organs before the second level of practice. 】

[Currently, Lei Jiao's blood and Angry Jiao's true energy are in conflict with each other, and it is necessary to deduce and change the attributes of the exercises. 】

[It is recommended to upgrade the 'Blood Spirit Strategy'. 】

"I see."

Han Zhao came back to his senses.

He took out the Soul Bead from the Sumeru bag, and all the Yin Qi in the Star Magic Crystal had been absorbed by the Soul Pearl. He simulated three times in a row, and most of the Yin Qi had been consumed.

The yin energy left in the soul orb is probably enough for two simulations.

I can only use it up in one breath, and then come to solve the trouble.

Han Zhao absorbed all the yin energy in the soul pearl.

"Synthesis, start the simulation." After quickly collecting the number of entries, Han Zhao started the simulation.

[At the age of 25, you acted secretly, avoided the pursuit of Bailingzong and Jiuyoufu, and successfully participated in the Zhongzhou Trial. 】

[At the age of 26, the Yunzhou War broke out, and Yuniang disappeared.You send Xu Ling and others to Tianzhou Daliang, and then go to Nanzhanhai Neihai, a million miles away, through Tianxuanzong's teleportation array. 】

[At the age of 27, you have cultivated to the perfection of the five qi.You took the initiative to find the Holy Palace and joined smoothly. 】

[At the age of 29, you have successfully broken through to the realm of Martial Saints, learned the Flood Dragon Transformation, and your strength has greatly increased. 】

[At the age of 30, you were favored by the Palace Master, and he married his daughter to you.By virtue of your relationship with the Holy Palace, you successfully joined the Yinyang Hall, one of the three halls of Tianxuanzong. 】

[At the age of 32, you won the third place in the Yinyang Temple's true disciple competition, and you got the opportunity to communicate with Tiansheng Dongtian. 】

[In the end, you chose the body training method 'True Spirit Body Training Art' created by Tiansheng Dongtian Xiandai Tianren Da Neng. The conditions for practicing this exercise are harsh, and you need to refine the blood of spirit beasts to strengthen your body. 】

[You yourself have practiced the secret technique of transforming into a dragon, and through the True Spirit Body Refining Art, you can strengthen and refine the thunder dragon blood in your body again, and your thunder attribute talent will greatly increase. 】

[At the age of 35, you tried to combine the true spirit body training formula with the blood spirit strategy. 】

[At the age of 37, you have cultivated to the Three Demons Realm, obtained the blood of the Ice Phoenix from Yuniang's body, practiced the 'Tianfeng Transformation', and your strength has greatly increased. 】

[At the age of 45, you have cultivated to the realm of the Six Shas of Martial Saints. In order to prepare for the tribulation, you fled to Hezhou in the west of the sea. 】

[46 years old, the news of Feng Qilin's appearance came out, you and many strong men besieged Feng Qilin in the storm cave. 】

[You got some unicorn blood at the price of serious injuries. 】

[At the age of 49, you recovered from your injuries, broke through to the realm of the Seven Shamans Martial Saints, refined Qilin blood, and practiced 'Kirin Transformation'. 】

[At the age of 50, with the combined power of the three wonders of wind, ice and thunder, your physical body is not strong enough, and the blood of spirit beasts shows signs of being out of control. 】

"True spirit body training formula?!"

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment. Sure enough, as his real situation changed, his encounters in the simulation would also undergo tremendous changes.

This time, he successfully joined the Yinyang Palace through the relationship of the Holy Palace, and also obtained the powerful exercises of the Heavenly Human Realm from the Heavenly Saint Dongtian.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 2000 taels]


There was no reason to hesitate, Han Zhao directly made a choice.

As the selection ended, a picture appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

As the screen continued to jump, he soon came to the scene where he obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Sacred Cave.

Han Zhao's attention was highly concentrated.

After a while, the secret art of 'True Spirit Refining Body' appeared in his memory, as well as the method of purifying and refining the blood of spirit beasts.

The first is the 'Dragon Transformation'.

Then there is 'Tianfeng Change'.

The last is the 'kylin change'.

At the end of the screen, the blood of Han Zhao's whole body was flowing backwards, and was burst alive by the blood of the spirit beast, leaving no bones left.

True Spirit Body Refining Jue (beginner, cannot improve; not yet meet the training requirements: the purity of spirit beast blood exceeds 50%)

Flood Dragon Transformation (before entry, can not be promoted; not yet meet the training requirements: dragon essence blood, martial saint-level body)

Tianfeng Transformation (beginner, can not be promoted; not yet meet the training requirements: Phoenix essence blood, three evil spirits, the power of small supernatural powers)
Qilin Transformation (before entry, can not be promoted; not yet meet the training requirements: Qilin essence and blood, Qisha perfection)
[The fourth level of blood spirit strategy is completed, the fourth level of wrathful dragon true kung fu is completed, the introduction to dragon transformation, the introduction to true spirit body training formula, you can get the deduction route: blood spirit strategy + angry dragon true skill + dragon transformation + true spirit body training formula= True Transformation]

[This tip requires an additional payment of 500 taels of gold. 】

[True Spirit Change: It can purify and refine the blood of spirit beasts to strengthen the body, and obtain some supernatural powers of spirit beasts; as long as the blood is pure and the body is strong enough, theoretically, more than three kinds of spirit beast transformations can be practiced]

[This tip requires an additional payment of 500 taels of gold. 】

"As long as you practice the True Spirit Body Refining Art, the problems of the Furious Flood Dragon True Art and Flood Dragon Transformation will be easily solved."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao turned his attention to Xue Lingce.

Blood Clairvoyance (7% success on the fourth floor, can be increased)

"If the blood spirit incarnation can become the dragon incarnation, the power will probably be beyond imagination. In the simulation, I will go crazy, but in reality I will not."

"System, improve the blood spirit strategy."

【Attribute points: 71→32】

"The connection with Yu Niang has been strengthened again!"

With the improvement of the blood spirit strategy, Han Zhao found that his blood connection with Yuniang had strengthened a lot.

"Let's see if the upgraded blood spirit strategy can suppress Lei Jiao's blood."

Han Zhao felt that the control of Qi and blood in his body had been greatly improved, and he took out another Dragon Blood Pill and swallowed it into his stomach.

After the power of Lei Jiao's blood entered his meridians, it quickly clashed with the true energy of the water-attribute angry dragon.

However, Han Zhao forcibly suppressed the power of Lei Jiao's bloodline through the bloodline control and strengthening of Xue Lingce.

In this way, the purity of Lei Jiao's blood was further improved, and the progress of the stagnant Nu Jiao's true kung fu increased greatly.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao swallowed the last top-grade dragon blood pill.

"Roar~" The three top-quality dragon blood pills were placed in the jade bottle. He just opened the plug, and saw three miniature dragons composed of lightning and blood power hovering above the pills, emitting a dazzling white-gold color. Lei Guang roared, wanting to get out of Yu Ping's control.

"If it is made from the blood of a real dragon, the real spirit of heaven and earth, this top-quality dragon blood pill may be able to directly gain wisdom and form combat power."

Han Zhao felt emotional.

Normal adult spirit beasts are the perfect existence of the seven evil spirits, and many of them have special supernatural powers. Even a military envoy can't say that they can steadily defeat adult spirit beasts.

Some powerful spirit beasts are even comparable to those in the Martial God Realm.

And a small number of spirit beasts with pure blood and completely returning to their ancestors are called the true spirits of heaven and earth.

Anyway, according to the information he learned from the simulation, there are no real spirits in this world, and real dragons are all legends.

Like Yuniang, she only has the blood of the Bingfeng, not the real Bingfeng, otherwise it is estimated that Bailingzong and the Baihu family will be wiped out with one breath.

Perhaps for the true spirits of heaven and earth, spirit beasts may not be the same species as them.

"If you can cultivate the 'True Spirit Transformation' to the extreme, and one kind of spirit beast bloodline is not strong enough, then three, six, or nine kinds! As long as the superimposed spirit beast bloodlines are strong and pure enough, maybe one day I can too Feel the power of the true spirit of heaven and earth."

Han Zhao couldn't help yearning for it.

Thinking of this, he wrapped the palm of his hand with stellar energy, held a top-quality dragon blood pill tightly, and forcibly absorbed the power of lightning on it.

Then he swallowed the elixir into his stomach, and began to absorb the terrifying medicinal power of the top grade dragon blood elixir.

In this way, Han Zhao refined three top-quality dragon blood pills in eighteen days at the speed of one top-quality dragon blood pill in six days.

Essence and blood of spirit beasts: Thunder Jiao 62%
Furious Flood Dragon True Kungfu (65th floor, [-]% success, can be improved)

Flood Dragon Transformation (entry 15%, can not be upgraded; special effect: the power of a thousand pounds)
"System, start the simulation." Looking at the martial arts and secret arts in the system panel, Han Zhao used up his last chance to simulate.


[At the age of 50, you have cultivated the Vajra Immortal Art to the fourth level, and you have stabilized the riot of the spirit beast's bloodline. 】

[At the age of 59, the power of the three miracles combined into one, you became mad and died in an explosion. 】

"The Vajra Indestructible Magical Art has been cultivated to the fourth level, can it still not withstand the power of the Three Wonders?"

Han Zhao frowned.

But after he pondered for a moment, he wasn't particularly worried.

After all, he has just started to learn the true spirit body training formula now, and he has just started to become a dragon.

There are still decades for him to prepare.

"After such a long time, a solution will always be found. If it is really a last resort, the worst thing is not to practice Qilin Transformation."

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +100]

Wrathful Flood Dragon True Kungfu (65th floor success 30%, can be improved; special effects: dragon strength level 25, spirit gathering level [-], dragon blood affinity)

"Enhance the true skill of the wrathful dragon to the fourth level of perfection."

【Attribute point 132→93】

Furious Jiao True Kung Fu (the fourth level is 100% complete, deducible; special effects: dragon strength level 35, spirit gathering level 30, dragon blood affinity, water control)
[The brand-new anger dragon true kung fu that deviates from the original route, while retaining some of the advantages of the original kung fu, it also improves the water attribute ability to the extreme, allowing you to have the water control ability comparable to the water attribute spirit beast of the same level. 】

['Martial arts wizard' proficiency has increased! 】

With the improvement of the blood spirit strategy, the proficiency of the [martial arts wizard] entry has increased.

"The system, deducing the true spirit and the real spiritual transformation seems not enough, and named the true spirit transformation 'True Spirit Nine Changes'."

After pondering for a while, Han Zhao changed the name of the exercise.

The True Spirit Refining Body Art was created by that celestial man, since he deduces new exercises based on his foundation, how can he search and search.

The transformation of three spirit beasts is not the upper limit of his psychological expectations.

【Attribute point 93→14】

[Blood Spirit Strategy] + [Angry Jiao True Art] + [Flood Dragon Transformation] + [True Spirit Body Refining Art] = [True Spirit Nine Transformations]

With the consumption of attribute points, the exercises began to be integrated and deduced.

Han Zhao felt as if his whole body was wrapped in a ball of flames, and the terrifying high temperature filled his body.

A large number of platinum arcs sprang out from all over his body.

Nine Transformations of the True Spirit (one transformation; special effects: Jiaolong Transformation, Jiaolong Incarnation.)

Flood Dragon Transformation (minor success 25%; special effects: power of one element, affinity with thunder and lightning, dragon chant)
[The Nine Transformations of the True Spirit Deviated from the Original Route]

['Martial arts wizard' proficiency has increased! 】

"Crackling!" Accompanied by a burst of platinum arcs, Han Zhao's whole body was covered with platinum scales the size of copper coins, and his palms switched freely between human hands and dragon claws.

His original 1.8-meter-five-meter tall figure seemed to be inflated, and he quickly turned into a [-]-meter-high little giant. Under the white gold scales, the raised muscles were like hills.


Han Zhao lightly clenched his fist, and with the flickering of the electric arc, he felt a steady stream of power pouring out of his body.

"Is this the power of unity? It's really terrifying physical power!"

Although he wanted to vent the strength in his body, Han Zhao held back after thinking about it.

This is just Xiaocheng's Flood Dragon Transformation, and now Han Zhao can't completely transform into a Flood Dragon, but the increase in strength he has obtained has surpassed some Martial Saints who practice body training techniques.

"I don't know if I can kill a big snake-level monster with one punch?"

On the premise of not using the BUG-level sword technique of Kurong style, Han Zhao is not sure whether he can kill the monster with one punch through the increase of the dragon transformation, but he must be able to kill himself with one punch last month. No problem at all.

It is estimated that even with the Vajra body protection, it may be difficult to block the power of the dragon transformation.

What the Jiaolong Transformation brought him was all-round growth, and the most important thing was the physical body.

Before Han Zhao, even if he was given a huge force of hundreds of thousands of catties, if he punched down, his own body would probably collapse first.

With the increase of Jiaolong Transformation, his physical strength can truly be regarded as an inappropriate person, and it is estimated that even monsters are hard to match.

The most important thing is that in this state, his defense power has been greatly enhanced, and his attack power has skyrocketed.

The key is to use human martial arts.

After Han Zhao undoes the transformation, he uses another ability of the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit - the incarnation of the dragon.

He controlled the refined dragon blood in his body, forming a three-meter-long platinum dragon on the surface of his body.

The entire flood dragon looks like it was forged by lightning.

Han Zhao was able to obtain the perspective of the dragon through his thoughts, and he could also control the dragon to fight.


When he came to the edge of the cliff, Jiaolong opened his mouth and spit out a huge thunder pillar as thick as his thigh.

In an instant, the thunderbolt hit the reef on the sea surface 300 meters away. Amidst the roar of thunder and lightning, the reef with a diameter of more than four meters shattered loudly, and broken stones scattered in all directions.

"The progress of the dragon transformation is not enough, and the blood of the spirit beast is not enough to support me to transform into a dragon. However, with such a dragon incarnation, I can surprisingly win a sneak attack at a critical moment."

Han Zhao thought to himself that after the integration of the skills, he could no longer summon the blood spirit avatar.

But the dragon incarnation is much stronger than the blood spirit incarnation.

Because when he uses the blood spirit incarnation, the avatar has [-]% of the strength of the body, and the body can only use [-]% of the strength.

The avatar is more of an effect of hiding the strength of the body, not [-]% plus [-]%, and a total of [-]% of the strength.

But now activating the dragon incarnation, apart from consuming the power of the spirit beast's blood, will not affect his own combat power.

The dragon's avatar exerts the power of the blood itself, and Han Zhao's body will not be affected, at most it will lose the power bonus of the dragon's blood.

It's just that the fighting style is different.

Generally speaking, the dragon incarnation does not have any intelligence, which is not as good as the blood spirit incarnation, but the increase in combat power is much stronger than the blood spirit incarnation.

"The five-color divine light claims that within the five elements, there is nothing that can't be brushed, and nothing that can't be broken. But I don't use weapons, I just rely on fists, what do you do?"

Thinking of Kong Yi in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help but look cold.

Although his Flood Dragon Transformation is only half-baked, but a person with the blood of a spirit beast who needs to break through to defeat, his 'five-color divine light' supernatural power must not reach the level of the legendary five-color peacock.

"In this way, if I kill Kong Yi and refine the five-color peacock blood in his body, will I also have a chance to master the 'five-color divine light'?"

"There is also that Murong Qi from the White Tiger Family. He seems to have the blood of the White Tiger in his body. I don't know if it is pure enough."

After obtaining the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, Han Zhao suddenly discovered that it was better to fight to the death with those unbelievably powerful spirit beasts.

He can completely obtain the blood of spirit beasts from the children of the spirit beast family.

On the Qilin list and the Qiantian list, there are many disciples from the spirit beast family.

"Why hasn't this Murong Qi come here? It's been almost 20 days. This kind of efficiency can't even rank No. 1."

At this time, Han Zhao's mentality completely changed.

 PS: I reached [-] today, so I will break the chapter if I write any more. I will post an activity chapter later, and I will explain the recent situation by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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