Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 150 Strong Enemy Arrives!Tianfeng Zhenyin

Chapter 150 Strong Enemy Arrives!Tianfeng Zhenyin (6200 words for subscription)

In the central square of the inner city, there stood two huge stone tablets ten meters high. The surfaces of the tablets were as smooth as mirrors, like two towering glazed pagodas.

This is the "Kirin List" and "Qian Tian List" that spread across various prefectures.

From top to bottom, the surface of the stele is full of portraits, and there are shimmering words behind it.

At this moment, a faint green light suddenly glowed on the stone tablet on the left.

"The unicorn list has changed!"

Pedestrians passing by were attracted by this scene, and all the troublemakers surrounded it.

"No. 290 of [-]! Rain-covering sword waves are down from the rankings!"

"How is this possible? This person seems to be a descendant of the Heavenly Sacred Cave?"

"Could it be that the aristocratic family made the move?"

The onlookers talked a lot, and Lang Fanyun went down the list, but there was no newcomer to replace him.

There are only two possibilities, one is that Lang Fanyun used special means to get off the list.

The other is to kill the masters who are powerful but don't meet the conditions for being on the list.

Just as everyone was guessing, a dazzling green light suddenly burst out from above the Kirin Ranking.

"Look, the top fifty has changed!"

"No. 40 two! Name: Su Tianqi, Origin: Su Family of Yunzhou City, Martial Arts: Tianxuance, Realm: Master of the Four Qis!"

"The Su family, one of the three great families in Yunzhou, is the true biography of the Tiansheng Sect!"

"First there was Qi Yuntian, then there was Qi Xuanming, and now there is Su Tianqi. If the Martial God reappears in the world, there is hope for the revival of martial arts!"

The onlookers are mainly warriors. Now that martial arts is in decline, the top positions in the Kirin Rankings and Qiantian Rankings are almost all occupied by spirit beast bloodlines and descendants of the magical family. There are very few geniuses who choose martial arts.

At this time, a man and a woman stood behind the crowd, looking at the unicorn list.

The man looks handsome and is dressed in a blue dress, while the woman wears a white dress with a light veil covering her face, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes.

Both of them are about 24 or [-] years old, with refined temperament and outstanding appearance. Standing together, they look like a pair of lovers.

It was Su Tianqi and Su Ningqiu who were traveling in Yunzhou.

"Cousin, they are all praising you! Before the Zhongzhou trial starts next year, you can definitely enter the top [-], let everyone know your name!"

Su Ningqiu seemed very happy listening to everyone's discussion.

"It's not so easy to enter the top twenty." Su Tianqi was very helpful, but he was not complacent about it.

"I believe my cousin can do it!" Su Ningqiu was full of confidence in him.

"I'm still far behind. At least the five qi must be perfect, and Tianxuance must be cultivated to the third level."

"Wouldn't it be possible for Tianxuance to challenge a snake-level master if he reached the third level?"

"This is the basis for entering the top twenty." Su Tianqi said seriously.

"Although they are on the same list, all of the top [-] have the ability to leapfrog."

"Such an exaggeration?!" Su Ningqiu's eyes widened.

"Didn't you find that there are no pure fighters in the top twenty? Qi Xuanming practiced the unique art of Tianshengzong and possessed the 'Golden Sword Body'. He was just promoted to 25 last month. If he wants to enter the top [-] , I'm afraid I have to make a breakthrough in swordsmanship, or break through to the five qi realm."

"There is such a big gap between warriors and children of the same level of aristocratic families?"

"No way, these people in the top [-] either have powerful spirit beast bloodlines, or they have been recognized by divine soldiers and can control complete low-level pseudo-celestial soldiers. Once these people activate the power of bloodlines, they may It is really hard for warriors of the same level to compete with the gods." Su Tianqi looked serious.

"The warrior can only rely on himself, the gap is too big."

Su Ningqiu curled her lips, looking a little frustrated.

"If there are still Martial Gods alive, they can build a 'Spiritual Pond'. By soaking in the water of the Spiritual Pond, the warriors will greatly weaken the influence of the power of the gods, and they will not suffer a big loss for the children of the same level of family." Su Tianqi sighed .

Although his heart is devoted to martial arts and his will is firm, he also feels that the road ahead is bumpy and bumpy, and he doesn't know where to lead.

"The spirit pool left by the sect thousands of years ago is almost dry, and only Martial Saint Ningsha is eligible to soak it. Otherwise, my cousin will definitely defeat these people!"

Su Ningqiu clenched her fists.

"Even if soaked in the water of the spirit pool, warriors still have no advantage against spirit beast bloodline warriors of the same level." Su Tianqi smiled wryly.

"Aren't Mr. Han and Mr. Lang very dangerous?" Su Ningqiu's expression changed slightly.

Cousin got the information that Murong Qi wanted to trouble the Nujiao Gang.

The two rushed to Yuanchang Mansion non-stop, wanting to inform Han Zhao and Lang Fanyun.

It's just that when we arrived at Yuanchang Mansion, we encountered challengers on the way and were delayed for hours.

"Brother Lang probably wanted to avoid Murong Qi, so he tried to get off the list."

Su Tianqi looked up at the position at the top of the unicorn list, but he didn't believe that the wave turned over the clouds and died.

Through some special methods, it is possible to let the people on the list get off the list, but it is very troublesome.

"Brother Han's Nujiao Gang has already joined the Qi family, and the Qi family should not stand idly by."

Su Tianqi's tone was a little uncertain.

"Is Murong Qi really that powerful?" Su Ningqiu asked.

"Murong Qi was on the list two years ago, and he killed Jiang Min, the No.19 Prince of Qi, in the first battle. Jiang Min has an astonishing record of beheading a martial sage."

"How is this possible?" Su Ningqiu was shocked. Murong Qi had such strength two years ago, and he might be even stronger now.

"Look at the one ranked No.18, Qi Xiu from the Qi family. He is the same age as Qi Xuanming, and his Youying bloodline is similar to Qi Xuanming's, but he killed a snake-level first-level monster last year!" Su Tianqi Shen Sheng said.

Su Ningqiu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Snake-level first level corresponds to first evil level martial saint, but in terms of actual combat power, monsters are much stronger than human warriors of the same level.

"There is also No. 17 Ji Qingshuang, you know she is only 20 years old this year, and she is the youngest among the people on the list." Su Tianqi pointed to the top of the list and continued.

"A year ago, she was recognized by the Ji family's third-level magic weapon, the Qixie Covering Fragment. In just one year, she broke through two realms in a row from the arrested level with five patterns, and became a top expert with complete seven patterns."

"Ji Baiwei, the most outstanding genius of the Ji family, was recognized by the Qixie Overwhelming Fragment the year before last. He is only 19 years old this year. I heard that he has already started to hit the big bottleneck of the snake class. If she makes it to the list, it is estimated that she will directly enter the top ten. "

"." Su Ningqiu fell into silence, even if she did not choose the path of martial arts, it would not be easy for her to gain the approval of a divine soldier.

The children of the aristocratic family can be said to be magic soldiers who can succeed and lose.

Once they are not recognized by the divine soldiers, the upper limit of most of the children of the aristocratic families is the seven patterns of the arrest level.

Although this level is considered the upper level in the aristocratic family, for people like her and Su Tianqi who are born with strong martial arts talents, it is better to take the road of martial arts if they bet on themselves being favored by divine soldiers.

At least, the upper limit of today's Martial Dao Road is the Martial Saint of the Seven Fiends Realm, which corresponds to the top powerhouse at the ninth level of the snake level.

It's just that she is also a child of a family, and she is still very envious when she hears that Ji Baiwei has started to hit the big bottleneck of the snake level at only 19 years old.

All of a sudden, various complex emotions intertwined in my heart.She felt extremely irritable and frustrated.

"Cousin!!" Su Tianqi shouted suddenly.

"Cousin?" Su Ningqiu was shocked suddenly and came back to her senses.

"These people are the best group of people of the same age in Dongshengzhou. You can target them, but don't compare them directly! What we have to do is to take every step of the way well and keep our feet on the ground." Su Tianqi said earnestly.

Su Ningqiu obviously had a heart demon, which is the deadliest thing for a warrior.

"Cousin, you've been taught." Su Ningqiu clasped her fists in a salute, and said solemnly.

You should stick to the path you choose.Everyone's starting point is different, and it is meaningless to force a comparison.

What the two of them didn't notice was that in the box on the third floor of a luxurious restaurant a hundred meters away behind them, a young man in a purple dress was holding a wine glass and listening to the conversation between Su Tianqi and Su Ningqiu with great interest.

His expression was haughty, and his white eyebrows slanted into his temples made him look like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, full of domineering and fierce aura.

"As a child of an aristocratic family, it is extremely stupid to give up the advantage of blood and choose martial arts." Standing beside the young man was an old man with a huge black box on his back, and he was very disdainful of Su Tianqi and Su Ningqiu's views.

"Everyone has their own way of living. My way of living is to climb to the top and overlook all living beings."

The young man laughed and drank the wine in his glass.

"Young Master Qi is so ambitious!" The old man looked envious. He was also a member of the Murong family. He once gave up the advantage of blood and chose the road of martial arts, and finally ended up in the realm of the two evil martial saints. He regretted it too much.

For a person with a strong bloodline, his heart is full of complicated emotions.

"Let's go, Sword Slave." Murong Qi glanced at the top position of Qilin for the last time, turned around and went downstairs with his hands behind his back.

In fact, he had already arrived at Yuanchang Mansion ten days ago, but he was more concerned about challenging the masters on the Qilin list than the tasks issued by Bailingzong and Murong's family.

As for the Nujiao Gang and Han Zhao, they can be wiped out, just come to the door at any time, Lu Yingxuan can't run away.

Fanlin Town, three hundred miles away from Yuanchang Prefecture.

It was raining lightly, and a luxurious carriage was driving slowly on the spacious streets in the center of the town.

Finally, the carriage passed through the town and stopped outside a quiet and elegant village not far from the town.

At this time, at the gate of Zhuangzi, more than a dozen warriors in black costumes lined up on both sides, all of them holding big black umbrellas, with tense expressions.

"Miss Qingshuang, we're here." The middle-aged woman who was driving jumped off the carriage and fell to her knees on the ground, lying on her stomach so that her back was level with the ground.

"En." A clear female voice came from the carriage, and then the curtain was lifted, revealing a pretty face with picturesque features.

The woman was about 20 years old, wearing a slim white dress, her slim and beautiful figure was perfectly outlined, under her graceful calves, a pair of soft, boneless jade feet were exposed.

Before she was exposed to the rain, the surrounding warriors surrounded her with big umbrellas.

Looking at the bluestone ground washed by the rain, Ji Qingshuang frowned slightly, and lightly stepped on the middle-aged woman's back with one foot.

Immediately two maids brought boots and put them on for her.

A group of people surrounded Ji Qingshuang and entered Zhuangzi's back hall.

Ji Qingshuang came to the main seat, and the middle-aged woman took out a cloth from the sumeru bag in advance to wipe the already clean chair, and then took out a white animal fur and put it on it.

Ji Qingshuang sat down, and everyone stood in front of her with extremely respectful expressions.

"Miss Qingshuang, this is the information we have investigated. Murong Qi came to Yuanchang Prefecture ten days ago, but he did not take action against the Nujiao Gang, he just visited the Zheng family."

One of the men took out a folded piece of cloth from his arms and offered it with both hands.

Ji Qingshuang glanced at it, but didn't pick it up.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman on the side took the cloth, spread out her hands, and placed it in front of Ji Qingshuang.

"Murong Qi is nothing to worry about, but that Han Zhao, where is he now?" Ji Qingshuang said lightly.

"Han Zhao returned to Nujiao Island 20 days ago, and he is still on the island." Another person took out a scroll, and the middle-aged woman took the scroll and unfolded it, revealing a handsome young man who is as handsome as jade.

"It is outstanding in appearance, even better than that Han Cheng. No wonder Bai Wei is so concerned about it, and asked me to help even if he promised to give up a lot of resources." Ji Qingshuang looked at the appearance of the young man in the painting, his eyes were a little playful.

"You go ahead and closely monitor Murong Qi's actions."

Ji Qingshuang waved at the warriors in front of him.

"Yes!" Everyone retreated respectfully.

At this time, the middle-aged woman on the side said seriously: "Miss Qingshuang, do you really want to take action against Murong Qi? After all, he is a direct descendant of the Baihu family and has been famous for a long time. I heard that his strength has improved a lot in the past two years. Not a good man. I'm afraid."

"Aunt Yun, are you afraid that I won't be his match?" Ji Qingshuang chuckled.

"Slaves dare not. Miss Qingshuang's ranking is still higher than Murong Qi, I'm just afraid of accidents." Ji Yun quickly lowered his head.

"The Bailingzong and the Baihu family are looking for the 'Yinnv' blood sacrifice hundred bird axe. My purpose is to capture Han Zhao and hold him in my hands, in order to coerce Ji Baiwei into submission at the critical moment and let me win the battle for the divine weapon." The final victory. The interests of the two sides do not conflict, and Murong Qi will give me this face."

Ji Qingshuang said lightly, the strength of the Ji family is indeed inferior to that of the Murong family, but this is the state of Wei, not the state of Chu.

The combination of Bailingzong and the Baihu family can subdue the Qi family, and they will never provoke the Ji family at this time.

As long as Murong Qi is a normal person, he will not oppose her.

"Miss Baiwei will really fight for a mortal warrior." Ji Yun hesitated.

"You don't know her well. If she hadn't been at a critical moment of breakthrough this time and the family didn't allow her to go out, she would definitely come in person."

Ji Qingshuang said faintly.

"As a member of an aristocratic family, she is too kind to believe me, a competitor who has a direct conflict of interest with her. Since she is so stupid, how can I give up this golden opportunity."

"Miss Qingshuang is wise!" Ji Yun lowered her head. She had never seen such a good person as Ji Baiwei in the family, but it was a pity that her master was Ji Qingshuang.

"Taking advantage of this trip, I will complete the breakthrough here, as long as I advance to the snake level, and Han Zhao is the trump card in my hand. Bai Wei, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame you for blocking my way."

Ji Qingshuang showed a ruthless expression.

Reuniting with Qixie Fu to become the official commander, standing on the top of all living beings, enjoying the supreme status, and the long life span of nearly a thousand years, is far more important than the so-called so-called friendship.

Anger Island.

Han Zhaoduan sat on the main seat of the Nujiao Hall.

The people below were discussing in low voices.

Han Zhao spread out a piece of cloth in his hand, with densely packed words written on it.

This is the information about Murong Qi sent by Qi Xuanming.

This person is only 24 years old this year, and he is already a top expert in the second bloodline awakening at a young age, and he is only half a step away from the third bloodline awakening.

Although it ranks No.19 on the Kirin list, its actual combat power should be more than that.

His greatest reliance is of course the blood of the White Tiger, but this person has combined the power of the blood with martial arts to create the unique skill of 'White Tiger Killing the Sword'. It is said that in the entire White Tiger family, there are only a few people who can match him, and These people are all older than him.

Murong Qi was accompanied by a sword slave from the Ersha Realm, and none of the fighters who could break through to the Martial Saint Realm was weak.

Thinking about He Wuji, he had the 'True Sun Astral' at the bottom of the box with one hand, but he died with him in the simulation.

"This time, it can be regarded as a strong man of the same level who really faces the top forces." Han Zhao thought to himself, although he was very satisfied with the recent progress, he did not underestimate Murong Qi.


Upper Dantian Thunder (40%), Middle Dantian Ice (35%), Lower Dantian Wind (35%)

By absorbing the medicinal power of Dragon Blood Pill and transforming the energy of thunder within it, Han Zhao has officially stepped into the realm of the master of four qi.

Because there are more powers of wind, ice, and thunder in the body, the power of the five qi in the body is stronger than that of the same level.

The most important thing is that the blood spirit strategy has been completed and merged into the nine transformations of the true spirit, and he has cultivated the spirit seizing method to the third level.

Han Zhao has already been able to use the power-absorbing method to absorb the true qi in the body of a martial saint-level powerhouse.

At present, he has absorbed a small part of the true energy in Shangguan Lie's body.

The main reason is that Shangguan Lie is a Martial Saint of the Three Demon Realm who has cultivated a small supernatural power, his true energy is extremely concentrated, and there is still Lei Jiao blood in his body, so Han Zhao cannot absorb a large amount of true energy in his body.

However, Han Zhao's primary target at present is not Shangguan Lie, but He Wuji.

Recently, he has been investigating He Wuji's news through the intelligence network of Nujiao Gang and Yulingwei.

This person should have joined the Longevity Sect.

For him, the best order of confronting the enemy is to kill He Wuji first, and then absorb his true energy with the power-absorbing method.

Even if there is only one-twentieth of it left after refining, as long as He Wuji's 'True Sun Astral' can be obtained, his explosive power can definitely be improved to a higher level.

It may not be impossible to release the 'True Sun' with innate qi.

"Huh?!" While Han Zhao was thinking, he suddenly sensed that Yuniang was rapidly approaching the Furyao Temple.

He stood up immediately.

"Young Master." Seeing Han Zhao standing up suddenly, Shui Jingfeng stepped forward to salute him, and looked at him suspiciously.

"The meeting is suspended, you go down first."

Han Zhao waved his hand.

"Yes!" Everyone obeyed and left the Nu Jiao Palace.

After a while, an ice-blue bird the size of a palm flew into the hall.

"Yu Niang." Noticing Yuniang's scrutiny, Han Zhao said in a deep voice, "Can I call you that now? Or should I call you Patriarch Yuxuanji?"

"Although I'm old enough to be your grandma, calling me Patriarch would make me too old."

A cold voice came from the mouth of the ice blue bird.

As soon as the words fell, her body suddenly burst into an ice-blue gleam.

Immediately afterwards, the light became more and more dazzling.

Han Zhao raised his hand to cover his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, a woman with elegant appearance and snowy skin appeared in front of him.Her eyes were slightly closed, and she looked about 27 or [-] years old. She was wearing a knee-length silver shirt, revealing a pair of round and slender jade legs.

Wisps of icy air quickly spread around the woman centered on the woman, and soon a layer of hoarfrost condensed on the tables, chairs and the ground in the hall.

The protective energy on Han Zhao's body was activated automatically to resist the chill.

But when the silver-clothed woman opened her eyes, the cold air quickly returned to her body.

His icy blue eyes were calm and calm, watching Han Zhao calmly.

"Senior Yu, what did you do to Yu Niang?" Han Zhao said seriously, despite the blood connection, he didn't feel any malice in Yu Xuanji's emotions, but she did not convey any kindness.

"She is me, I am her, what do you think I can do to her?" Yu Xuanji remained expressionless.

As soon as she finished speaking, a soft voice sounded, "Brother Han! I'm fine!"

"Yu Niang, it's good that you're fine." Han Zhao looked happy, as long as Yuniang was still there, nothing serious would happen.

It's just that it's a bit weird to have such a delicate voice suddenly appearing on such a cold face.

[The super strong man with one body and two souls, at this moment 'Longyou Shoal, Phoenix Hair Lost', is the perfect time to hug his thigh tightly. 】

[Women's college [-] gives Jiangshan, and women's college [-] gives elixir. 】

Following Yuniang's voice, a system prompt appeared.

On the system panel, the attributes of Yu Niang, which could not be viewed before, appeared.

——Name: Yuxuanji·Yu Niang (Bingfeng)

——Cultivation Method: Health Preservation Jue (the fourth level is 100% complete)

'It's agreed that I will negotiate, don't interrupt! Yu Xuanji's expression was slightly embarrassed, and he reprimanded in his heart.

"Got it," Yuniang said timidly.

"Ahem, boy, since you already know the whole story, then I won't be a fool." Yu Xuanji tried hard to restrain Yuniang's desire to get close to Han Zhao, and said calmly.

"Senior Yu, please give me your instructions." Han Zhao said seriously, although Yu Xuanji's aura was not strong, but the cold air she exuded gave him a deadly threat, obviously she was hiding a terrifying killer move.

Especially in such a short period of time, she has cultivated the regimen to the fourth level of perfection, which exceeded his expectations.

"The exercises you taught Yuniang are very useful for me to recover my strength. As long as I go one step further, I can speed up the completion of Nirvana. When I recover my strength, I can help you solve the troubles of Bailingzong and the Baihu family."

Yu Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"This..." Han Zhao was a little hesitant, since the fifth level of the formula of health preservation is the category of longevity formula, it involves secrets, and this Yu Xuanji is not as close to him as Yu Niang, so he doesn't dare to teach her the fifth level.

"Don't worry, the benefits are indispensable to you. I feel that you have the power of the thunder dragon in your body, and the blood of the dragon will make your journey as a warrior smoother, but if you specialize in martial arts, you may not be able to survive the catastrophe with supernatural powers! "

"Senior Yu, please help this junior to clear up the doubts." Han Zhao's expression changed slightly. The supernatural power and catastrophe is the biggest problem he has encountered in the simulation so far.

"My Heavenly Phoenix True Yin can help spirit beasts weaken the Heavenly Tribulation, and it is also effective against the Divine Ability Tribulation. As long as you help me pass the Nirvana period, I will help you survive the Supernatural Tribulation in the future, how about it?"

"Senior Yu is serious?" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

"I never break my promise. If you don't believe me, I will swear by my demon."

"I trust senior." Han Zhao said seriously.Compared with oath, blood connection is more reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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