Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 151 The Teaching of Longevity: Ji Qingshuang, I fucking thank you!

Chapter 151 The Teaching of Longevity: Ji Qingshuang, I fucking thank you! (4k medium cup)

"In order to deepen trust, shouldn't the blood connection between us be terminated?"

Yu Xuanji changed the topic.

"To be honest, the bloodline secret technique practiced by this junior was obtained by chance from the Changsheng disciples. There is only a way to control it, but there is no way to get rid of it." Han Zhao explained.

Even if it can be lifted, he will not give up this insurance, not to mention that he really does not have this ability.

The blood spirit strategy he practiced has long been quite different from the original version because of the bonus effect of the entry.

The blood-infused spiritual strategy has been fused into the Nine Changes of the True Spirit, and his blood relationship with Yuniang has been raised to a new level.

Yu Xuanji must have felt the strengthening of the power of the blood, otherwise she would not have returned so soon.

"Don't think that with the power of blood, you can control my actions. Even with the influence of Yu Niang, if I really want to attack you, she can't stop me. Killing you will only make my injuries worse .”

Yu Xuanji's face was frosty.

"Senior Yu, please don't worry, this junior still cherishes his own life very much. Moreover, this junior regards Yuniang as his family member. Even if the senior is in charge now, this junior only has good intentions and no malice." Han Zhao said seriously.

He doesn't hate to say something ugly directly, compared to saying one thing face to face and another thing behind the other.

If you think about it differently, he never wants to be controlled by others.

"As long as you keep your promise, I will never break my promise." Yu Xuanji's expression turned pale.

Although Han Zhao can influence her through the blood connection, she can also feel Han Zhao's emotions.

He really wasn't lying.

"The junior still says the same thing, I trust the senior, and I trust Yuniang even more." Han Zhao smiled.

In the simulation, Yuniang saved him countless times.

Han Zhao trusted her even more than Yu Xuanji imagined, this was the initial trust established through many simulations.

"You can negotiate with Yu Niang." Yu Xuanji nodded slightly.

As soon as she finished speaking, her whole body was enveloped by a burst of ice blue light.

Soon, her originally tall and slender figure became petite and exquisite, from the glamorous and stunning beauty of the country, to the shy and gentle of Xiaojiabiyu.

Han Zhao likes the latter more than the former.

Almost all of these spirit beast bloodlines and descendants of the divine soldier family are handsome men and beautiful women.

After watching too much, he basically didn't feel it.

Compared with appearance, he now pays more attention to the inside.

"Brother Han." Yuniang's soft voice sounded.

"Yu Niang, it's good that you're fine. Come, sit down and talk." Han Zhao smiled gently, and pulled Yuniang to sit on the spacious leader's chair.

"Brother Han, don't blame Sister Xuanji, she was also betrayed by her senior sister who has lived with her for hundreds of years, so her temperament changed drastically." Yuniang explained.

With the recovery of Yu Xuanji's power, Yu Niang's lost memory has basically recovered.

She was able to survive in that brutally competitive sect of the Bailing Sect mainly because of the help of Yu Xuanji.

"You are her, she is you, how could I blame Senior Yu!" Han Zhao was serious.

"Brother Han, you are so kind." Yu Niang was delighted.

"Be careful, don't trust men easily, the more attractive a man is, the more deceitful he is!The same goes for women! "Yu Xuanji sensed Yuniang's mood swings and quickly reminded her.

However, Yu Niang simply ignored it.

"Brother Han, in fact, as long as you help Sister Xuanji regain her strength, she will definitely fulfill her promise. I can assure you of this, and I swear that I will never." Yuniang raised three fingers on her right hand and pointed to the sky.

"No need to swear, I believe in you!" Han Zhao grabbed Yuniang's hand, stretched out his index finger and gently placed it on her lips.

"I will teach you the follow-up exercises of the regimen."

Saying that, Han Zhao poured the zhenqi of longevity formula into Yuniang's body from her wrist.

"It's so cold!" The true energy entered Yuniang's meridians, and Han Zhao felt her body was icy cold.There is no ordinary person's temperature at all, he is like clinging to a piece of thousand-year-old black ice, and the cold air invades.

'System, improve Yuniang's health regimen! '

After Han Zhao let the zhenqi of longevity formula circulate in Yuniang's body for a big circle, he recited it silently.

【Attribute points: 14→0】

"Hmm~!" Yu Niang suddenly felt a scorching hot air flow from her lower abdomen, and the sudden increase in heat made her unable to hold back a soft moan from her nasal cavity.

This hot current flowed towards her limbs, and finally gathered at the dantian.


The zhenqi in Yu Niang's body accelerated, and there were waves of sound.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling ice-blue light burst out from her body, and a large amount of cold air was released along with the blue light. Ripples of cold air appeared in the air, spreading out in all directions.


The nearby tables, chairs and furniture were directly cracked by the cold air, and the floor paved with black stone was also covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

Soon, Yuniang's body was covered by a layer of solid ice more than one meter thick, and she remained still like an ice sculpture.

"No, even if I didn't teach her the longevity formula directly, there shouldn't be any problems with the health preservation formula through the improvement of attribute points."

Seeing this, Han Zhao was startled, and quickly checked the properties of Yuniang on the system panel.

——Name: Yuxuanji·Yu Niang (Bingfeng)

——Cultivation method:
Health-preserving formula (introduction to the fifth level, which can be improved; special effects: physical strength level 15, pure yang level 12, life extension 300 years)
Tianfeng Qiwugong (the sixth Nirvana awakening period, the anode produces yin; the talent is great: frozen thousands of miles)

"Tianfengqi Wugong?!" Looking at the attributes on the system panel, Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment.

Yuniang actually has an extra skill.

Great supernatural powers?This is a powerful ability that can only be mastered at the martial god level.

"Sure enough, it's super thighs, it's because I'm too small."

Looking at Yuniang who turned into an ice sculpture in front of him, Han Zhao was a little speechless.

In this way, he waited in the hall until dark, and Yuniang didn't respond.

So he ordered no one to approach the Nujiao Hall, and then moved Yuniang into the underground secret room.

When putting down the ice sculpture, Han Zhao's hands were covered with a layer of frost even though they were blocked by Gang Qi.

"Kaka!" He circulated the innate yang zhenqi, and the powerful heat spread over his hands, rubbing the frost off his hands.

For the next five days, Han Zhao would go to the secret room to check every day, but Yuniang remained unchanged.

After leaving the secret room, he prepared to find Shui Jingfeng.

After such a long period of preparation, the Nujiao Gang has established a firm foothold on Luofeng Island, and the first batch of invested funds has almost returned.

Recently, just by alchemy and simulated consumption, his savings have been exhausted, and now he is so poor that he only has 1000 taels in his pocket.

"I've met the Young Master."

As soon as Han Zhao reached the hillside of Nujiao Island, Mu Shuangling quickly stepped forward and saluted him respectfully.

"The wooden envoy is exempt." Han Zhao raised his hand.

"Let's report to the Young Master, there is news from the Master Chu in Fucheng." Mu Shuangling took out the letter and presented it.

Han Zhao opened the envelope and checked it, his eyes narrowed.

"Young leader?" Mu Shuangling noticed that Han Zhao's expression was wrong, and asked in a low voice.

"Go prepare the boat, I'm going to Fucheng." Han Zhao said lightly.


Mu Shuangling bowed slightly, then turned and went down the mountain.

"The members of Ji's family are quite serious. I want to see what tricks you are up to." Han Zhao squeezed the letter into fine powder with his right hand.

The envoy of Ji's family asked him to go to see him by name, and his superior attitude reminded him of Zhu Gangyi and others before.

However, the letter said that there was a way to help him solve Murong Qi's troubles. Although he didn't quite believe it, he still had to check it out.

After all, he has already offended the three major forces of Bailingzong, Baihu Family, and Jiuyou Mansion. Before Yuniang regains control of Bailingzong, it is best not to offend the Ji family.

At noon the next day, Han Zhao's Nujiao Gang clipper docked at the pier.

Chu Anping led the helpers of Feiyingtang to wait at the pier ahead of time.

"Meet the Young Master!"

As soon as Han Zhao got off the pier, Chu Anping brought people up to meet him.

"Excuse me." Han Zhao waved his hand.

Chu Anping said respectfully: "Master, the carriage is ready, and the Ji family's envoy is at the 'tea house' not far from Fanlin Town."

A warrior came driving a luxuriously decorated carriage.

"Well, you can go with me." Han Zhao nodded and entered the carriage.


Chu Anping asked the gang to get out of the car and drove for Han Zhao.

About half an hour later, the carriage stopped at the gate of a quiet and elegant Zhuangzi outside Fanlin Town.

"Young Master, we're here."

Chu Anping jumped out of the car and opened the curtain for Han Zhao.

After Han Zhao got out of the car, he walked to the door and explained the reason.

"Wait at the door!" The martial artist who watched the door sized up the two of them and said unceremoniously.

Han Zhao put his hands behind his back and looked calm.

Chu Anping was sullen, but he didn't dare to attack. Although the Nujiao Gang is powerful, it is nothing compared to Ji's family.

After a while, the warrior guarding the door came out and signaled for the two to go in.

Led by the other party, Han Zhao and Chu Anping entered the backyard.

The yard is filled with colorful and bright flowers, many of which appear to be newly planted.

A woman in white clothes who looked about 20 years old was sitting at a stone table in the middle of the courtyard, sipping tea.

Standing beside her was a beautiful middle-aged woman with strong energy and blood. She seemed to be a warrior, at least a grandmaster.

Han Zhao looked at the two of them for a while, cupped his fists and saluted, "Han Zhao, the young master of the Nujiao Gang, has met Ji Envoy."

"Han Gangzhu is indeed a good-looking talent, no wonder Bai Wei will never forget you." Ji Qingshuang put down the tea cup and smiled faintly.

"Emissary Ji is familiar with Bai Wei?" Han Zhao asked.

"Miss Qingshuang is Miss Baiwei's cousin, what do you think about their relationship? If Miss Baiwei hadn't entrusted this trip, why would Miss Qingshuang come to such a small place." Ji Yun on the side was not polite.

"Aunt Yun." Ji Qingshuang glanced at her, and Ji Yun hurriedly bowed to apologize.

"So that's the case, thank you so much to Envoy Ji." Han Zhao remained calm, and the attitude of the two of them didn't seem like they were here to help.

"Governor Han is Bai Wei's friend, so we are on our own. You can call me by my name. I also want to get close to Bai Wei's friends." Ji Qingshuang stared at Han Zhao with her beautiful eyes.

"I don't know why Miss Qingshuang called me here?" Han Zhao smiled, this woman is not like a good person.

[Ji Qingshuang—Ju-level seven lines are complete, only one step away from the snake-level bottleneck; the body is full of seven evil fragments, and the explosive power is extremely strong; it has malicious intentions towards you. 】

Han Zhao looked intently, and a system prompt appeared.

Ji Qingshuang has the fragments of Qixie in his body, so he is a competitor with Ji Baiwei.

Considering that there are not many normal people in the family, Han Zhao quickly figured out the key.

According to Ji Baiwei's personality, there is a high possibility of being deceived by Ji Qingshuang.

This woman should have agreed to help, but the real purpose may not be known.

"Han Gangzhu is really quick to speak, if that's the case, then I won't be a fool." Ji Qingshuang chuckled.

"I can make Murong Qi stop bothering you, and I can also help you ease the relationship with Jiuyou Mansion."

"I don't know what price I have to pay?" Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

According to the intelligence in the simulation, Ji Qingshuang didn't have much effect, either she came late, or she paddled the whole way, it's not believable anyway.

"It's very simple. In the next two years, the Nujiao Gang will be able to do what I want, and will donate [-]% of the total proceeds to me to help me break through the bottleneck." Ji Qingshuang said calmly.

"This matter is of great importance, Miss Qingshuang, please give me some time to think about it." Han Zhao made false claims with him for the time being, how could he agree to such outrageous conditions.

"It's okay, Chief Han should think about it carefully." Ji Qingshuang remained calm and didn't seem to be in a hurry.

As she spoke, she waved her hand to Ji Yun who was beside her.

Ji Yun stepped forward, took out a stack of thick paper, and handed it to Han Zhao.

"I don't know what this is?" Han Zhao took the paper.

"Here is the record of Murong Qi's battles, as well as the masters he may challenge in the near future." Ji Qingshuang said lightly.

Han Zhao flipped through the information, and there were many contents in it, but he didn't have the details that Qi Xuanming gave him.

"This is." Seeing the content behind, Han Zhao's eyes widened.

"The Longevity Sect has a good relationship with our Ji family. I heard that you have some quarrels with the High Sect Master. If you want to ease the relationship with Jiuyou Mansion, you have to use the Longevity Sect to mediate. What should I do? I don't need to teach you, do you?" Ji Qingshuang thought Something pointed, half a smile but not a smile.

"I see. Thank you, Miss Qingshuang, for your reminder." Han Zhao couldn't help smiling brightly as he looked at the detailed bases of the Longevity Sect recorded in the information.

"Go." Ji Qingshuang waved his hand, and he had to ask Chang Sheng to teach Han Zhao a dismount before he knew who to rely on?
"Farewell!" Han Zhao cupped his fists in a salute, then turned and left.

"Young leader, do you really want to agree to their request? Isn't this tantamount to giving away the Nujiao Gang!"

After leaving Zhuangzi's gate, Chu Anping said worriedly.

The Qi family wanted [-]% of the proceeds, but they would not interfere in the affairs of the Nujiao Gang, and they would help the Nujiao Gang to deal with any problems.

This young lady of the Ji family has harsh conditions and a condescending attitude. She probably has no sincerity and is just trying to take advantage of the Nujiao Gang.

"I will seriously consider this matter. You should go back first. I still have something to do, so I'll go back to Fujiao Island first." Han Zhao said a few perfunctory words casually.

"Yes!" Chu Anping opened his mouth, unable to say anything, bowed and retreated.

"It's really hard to find anywhere, and it doesn't take much effort!" Han Zhao held the information in his hand tightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Gao Baijie has fragments of the Sun Chaser Bow on his body, and He Wuji's True Sun Astral is also a unique skill that can enhance the power of the innate qi.

Yulingwei's intelligence system has been searching for so long, and only knows that the stronghold of the Longevity Sect is near Yushuang City.

The information Ji Qingshuang gave him was directly detailed to specific villages and towns.

It just so happens that Gao Baijie and He Wuji can be wiped out in one go.

Han Zhao immediately went to Fucheng Wharf and boarded the big ship back to Nujiao Island.

into the night.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he quietly turned into a bird and headed straight for Yushuang City.

(End of this chapter)

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