Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 152 Absorbing the True Sun!Goodbye Lian Shi 3 Shu

Chapter 152 Absorbing the True Sun!Goodbye Lian's Three Sisters (4k update)

Feiye Village.

There is a "Black Iron Villa" halfway up the back mountain, which makes a living by casting weapons.

There are hundreds and ten people in the villa, and they are well-known in Qingshan Town near Yushuang City.

It is hard for anyone to imagine that this place is actually a secret stronghold of the Longevity Sect.

At this time, the backyard of Black Iron Villa.

One old and one young sat around the table.

The old man was of medium build and ordinary appearance, but his arms were unusually long.

The young man has a handsome appearance and an extraordinary bearing.

"Come on, Mr. He, I respect you." The young man raised his wine glass and showed a warm smile.

"Don't dare, the deputy leader is too polite. I should respect you." The old man waved his hands again and again. It was He Wuji, the patriarch of the He family. Seeing his ruddy complexion, it was clear that his injuries had recovered.

Sitting opposite him was Gao Baijie, the deputy leader of the Longevity Sect.

Ever since the fragments of the Sun Chasing Bow were crushed by experts from all directions, he stayed in Yuanchang Mansion to look for the fragments of the divine weapon.

However, he only found a fragment, and Zhu Gangyi and Jin Wuxin from Jiuyou Mansion disappeared one after another.

This aroused his vigilance, so he came to the secret stronghold here to stay behind closed doors, and only let his men go to collect information.

As long as he finds the second fragment, he will have the opportunity to go one step further, break through the bottleneck of the snake level, and become a super master, on an equal footing with the leader.

Some time ago, he accidentally ran into He Wuji who was severely injured by the guardian stars of Jiuyou Mansion.

After some lobbying, he finally persuaded He Wuji to join the Longevity Sect.

As a force under the command of demons, Jiuyoufu and Longevity Sect also have a competitive relationship.

If He Wuji, a Martial Saint-level powerhouse of the Ersha Realm, joins the Longevity Sect, the strength of the Longevity Sect will greatly increase.

And as long as He Wuji survives the process of tempering his body with the demonic blood, his strength can be improved to a higher level.

At that time, Gao Baijie's status will also rise accordingly.

"This old man has just joined the Longevity Sect, and everything depends on the High Leader. Come, I will offer you another glass." He Wuji drank the wine in his glass, and then poured another glass of wine.

Although the He family was destroyed, as long as he was still alive, the He family would be there.If he can take this opportunity to break through to the three evil realms, and thoroughly train the 'Fire Yang True Assassin' into the 'True Sun Assassin', he will be able to become a real super master in one fell swoop, and it will be no problem to leapfrog battles.

"It's easy to say, as long as Mr. He becomes prosperous in the future, don't forget me today." Gao Baijie's face was flushed, and he suddenly found that He Wuji in front of him was looking behind him in horror.

"Be careful!" He Wuji shouted.

Gao Baijie felt the hairs all over his body standing on end.

"Peng." An inconspicuous bowstring vibration sounded.

call out!
An arrow fell rapidly like a meteor, causing a spiral air wave.

The sharp sound of the air being cut rang in Gao Baijie's ears.

He suddenly rolled sideways, and the violent air wave was surrounded by fine icicles, hitting the stone table he was sitting on just now.The stone table exploded and was smashed into pieces by the sword-like icicles.

The icicles shot out by the explosion pierced Gao Baijie's black protective film in an instant, leaving a horrific wound with deep bone visible on his chest.

Suddenly, a pothole with a diameter of more than three meters appeared in the middle of the yard.

"Who?!" Gao Baijie suddenly looked in the direction of the jet.

I saw a figure covered in a black robe standing on a rock a mile away.

Seeing that the traces were exposed, the other party drew a bow and set an arrow, and a platinum arc surrounded the arrow.

Gao Baijie could clearly hear the crackling and crackling sound from the flashing thunder even though it was far away.

"How daring!" He Wuji was furious, and his whole body surged with qi.

Lieyang is really strong!

He punched out violently, the whole fist was red, and a raging fire was ignited on it, and the air was continuously distorted by the astonishing fire and evil spirit.From afar, he seemed to be a huge burning man.

"Peng!" The arrow shot out like a dragon, and the dazzling electric arc suddenly turned into a ferocious roaring thunder dragon, which instantly hit He Wuji who was transformed into a burning man in the courtyard.

Enveloped by the power of thunder, the huge strength and true energy condensed into a ferocious dragon that looked like a platinum body. It opened its ferocious fangs, let out a terrifying roar, and swallowed He Wuji in one gulp.

boom! !

The earth-shattering explosion was deafening.

The berserk thunder set off circles of wind waves with terrifying strength and true energy, continuously escaping from the center of the explosion.

"Wow!" Gao Baijie's screams stopped abruptly. Although he was not in the center of the explosion, his upper body was destroyed by the aftermath of the explosion in an instant.

If he hadn't been at the level of six patterns, and there was a fragment of a magic weapon in his body, he would have been beaten by the power of lightning and completely lost his ability to resist.

Even so, this blow cost him half his life.

When he recovered his body with detainment regardless of the cost, and looked at the middle of the courtyard, he couldn't help showing a look of horror.

The violent airflow only slowly stopped at this moment.

The entire courtyard was completely razed to the ground within a radius of more than ten meters, leaving only ruins.

He Wuji half-kneeled on the ground, his whole body was enveloped by the blazing fire-like aura, the terrifying blazing sun energy spread all over his body, and blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Just two arrows severely wounded him, hurting He Wuji, a Martial Saint-level powerhouse in the Second Shade Realm.

Terrible archery! !
Especially the power of thunder and lightning contained in it is the natural enemy of the restraint force in its body.

"Here we come!" He Wuji stood up suddenly, and threw out both fists. Two huge flaming fist marks with a diameter of more than three meters flew out, colliding with two lasing arrows, and the flames shot up into the sky.

In the distance, a black figure quickly approached the yard.

Gao Baijie hastily urged his force, and saw a red longbow appearing in his hand, he pulled the bowstring abruptly, and an arrow bursting with dazzling white light appeared out of thin air.

"Crack!" Amid the crackling sound, the white arrow tore through the air and hit the attacker in an instant.

The scorching white light set off a terrifying high-pressure airflow, Gao Baijie looked intently, "Have you killed it?"

Puff puff! !

Amidst the continuous loud trampling sound, the muscles of Han Zhao's whole body trembled, swelled and enlarged, and platinum scales like snake scales covered his whole body.

Under the shaking of the ground, every step he took, his body became taller and bigger.

In an instant, his body swelled to nearly three meters, the skin all over his body exuded faint steam, and platinum arcs flickered all over his body.Waves of heat radiated from his body, and the air around his body continued to rise under the high temperature.

"Hiss~! What the hell kind of monster is this?!" Gao Baijie's eyes popped.

An afterimage flashed before Gao Baijie's eyes.

"Be careful!" He Wugao warned loudly.

However, it was already too late, Gao Baijie's body was ejected as if hit by a shell, his entire chest cavity was completely pierced, and his internal organs were scattered everywhere.

"Call someone!!"

He Wuji urged the stellar energy in his body to the extreme, and took the initiative to meet him. At this moment, he would definitely die if he escaped.

"it is good!"

Before Gao Baijie's chest recovered, he took out a one-foot-long signal flare from his pouch and released it.

At dawn, the first ray of morning light spilled from the horizon.

On the main road of Yushuangcheng North Street, the red leaf wine at the intersection is stacked on top of each other, green tiles and vermilion tiles, and the two pillars in front of the gate are carved with dragons and painted phoenixes, which are extremely gorgeous.

In the luxury box on the top floor.

Three beautiful girls who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old were sitting around the table.

The three girls were almost identical in appearance, with drooping black hair, almond eyes and peach cheeks, and snow-white skin.

So stunning, or triplets, it is rare in the world.

If Han Zhao were here, he would definitely be able to recognize the three girls at a glance. They were the three sisters of the Lian family who hadn't heard from them for a long time.

"Elder sister, you said that the young leader of the Nujiao Gang is the Young Master Han we know?" Lian Chengxue frowned slightly.She was in a bad mood at the moment, but the tear mole under her left eye still made her eyes look charming.

"Cheng Xue, are you still thinking about that Mr. Han?" Lian Chengyu asked.

"Such an amazing man, once seen, it is impossible to forget." Lian Chengxue murmured.

"You're talking about looks, right?" Lian Chengbing, who had been in a daze, suddenly said.

"Am I that superficial?!" Lian Chengxue pouted.

"You have." Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing said in unison.

"Elder sister! Third sister! Do you dare to say that you have seen a man who is more exciting than Mr. Han?!"

"It's not."

"It's hard to refute you."

"Hmph! Then you still talk about me!"

"Before we left back then, didn't you leave a letter for your Mr. Han? We have joined the Longevity Sect for so long, but we have not seen him come to you. Do you know what your name is?" Lian Chengyu teased.

"Flowers are intentional, but water is ruthless." Lian Chengbing added.

"Third sister, you speak too elegantly. Second sister is a nympho!" Lian Chengyu said with a smile.

"Big sister~!" Lian Chengxue scoffed.

"Okay, where is Mr. Han at the moment? The young leader of the Nujiao Gang should just happen to have the same name. Don't you remember that Han Zhao you saw in Shuangyue Mansion earlier was a big boy of two hundred catties?" Fatty?" Lian Chengyu stopped joking and said seriously.

"That was just an accident!" Lian Chengxue emphasized.

She also met a person with the same name and surname in Shuangyue Mansion before, but it turned out that it had nothing to do with the Han Zhao she knew, which made her excited for nothing.

"The magic weapon in our body has recovered, and the power of the blood has recovered, and we have just stepped into the realm of Qiwen." Lian Chengbing said indifferently.

"The young guild leader of the Nujiao Gang seems to have killed an envoy of the chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion, and the chief minister of Jiuyou Mansion is also suspected to have died in his hands. Mr. Han is just an ordinary warrior. The master level can be called excellent, and if you want to kill the chief minister of Jiuyou Mansion, I am afraid that he has the strength close to the Ningsha Martial Saint level. It is not realistic."

Lian Chengyu's face reveals the color of pondering.

Although the Han Zhao they knew was excellent, he was by no means at the level of the young master of the Nujiao Gang.

"If it's Mr. Han, what should we do?!" Lian Chengxue still didn't give up.

"Even if the Young Master of the Angry Dragon Sect is really Mr. Han, at this moment he provoked Jiuyou Mansion and the Longevity Sect, and the Bailing Sect and Baihu Family of Chu State sent this monster, Murong Qi, what can we do? The original power of the divine weapon will help him defeat the enemy?! Second sister, you must know that we shoulder the important task of revitalizing the family, so we must not make a wrong move!"

Lian Chengyu showed the majesty of a big sister.

"I know, big sister." Lian Chengxue lowered her eyes, lacking in interest.

"The Bailing Sect and the Baihu Family will not let it go until they find Bingfeng. This is also a place of right and wrong. The most urgent thing is to use the resources of the Longevity Sect to upgrade to the snake rank, and then we will go to Qi State." Lian Chengyu said in a deep voice.

Lian Chengxue felt empty in her heart, she walked to the window feeling lost, looking at the first ray of morning light under the dark clouds, her heart seemed to be covered with a shadow.

"Mr. Han." Lian Chengxue murmured in a low voice, dazed.

"Hoo-!" "Boom!!"

After a while, a crimson flare exploded in the distant sky, forming a very clear word 'Ling'.

"Huh?!" Lian Chengyu heard the movement, and hurried to the window, looking at the distant sky.

"It's the 'Chasing Spirit Order'! A strong enemy has invaded the stronghold of the Longevity Cult!"

"Isn't Gao Baijie the one who sits in the stronghold? And he recently recruited a top martial artist to join his teaching, so that person should be with him?" Lian Chengxue was surprised.

"Could it be that Murong Qi came to the door? Or were they surrounded by Yu Lingwei?" Lian Chengyu pondered.

Being able to force Gao Baijie to ask for help shows that the enemy is very powerful, and there are not many forces in the nearby generation who have this kind of strength and would still embarrass the Longevity Sect.

The only outsider is Murong Qi, and the only local is Yu Lingwei.

"Sister, what should we do? Shall we go?" Lian Chengxue asked.

Lian Chengyu looked hesitant, and finally looked at third sister Lian Chengbing, "Third sister, what do you think?"

"I have to go, otherwise Gao Baijie will be in trouble if he pursues it afterwards." Lian Chengbing said seriously.

"Okay! Then let's go and see the situation first. If the enemy is too strong, we will give up support. At worst, go directly to Qi State." Lian Chengyu made a decision.

The three sisters hurried towards the stronghold outside Yushuang City.

"Who the hell are you?!"

He Wuji, who was soaked in blood, struggled in pain. Han Zhao, who was more than three meters tall, pinched his neck tightly, and the true energy, strength, and blood in his body were rapidly drained.

"Since you asked sincerely, then I will show you mercy." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Your voice!" Listening to the familiar voice, He Wuji seemed to have thought of something, and his complexion changed suddenly.

"Good memory." Han Zhao chuckled, and the scales on his face quickly faded, shrinking from a height of more than three meters to his original figure.

"You are Han Zhao?! How is this possible!!" He Wuji had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Okay, it's time to hit the road."

Han Zhao exerted all his strength with his right hand, and the power-absorbing method pushed him to the extreme.

"Let's die together!" He Wuji struggled violently, and a terrifying fire aura emerged from his whole body.

The sun is so bright!

Dazzling red light burst out from He Wuji's body, followed by astonishing heat gushing out.


Han Zhao sent his left hand and inserted it into He Wuji's dantian, breaking the Gang Qi he had just gathered.

"Ah!" He Wuji screamed, struggling in pain, and was sucked into a fuck by Han Zhao.

"Huh~" Han Zhao let out a long breath.

"Is this the true sun?"

When he operated the exercises, an orange-red air mask suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. There were bursts of air flowing through the air mask, and the air produced distorted ripples.

"Next" Han Zhao looked at Gao Baijie who had already run away.

"It's really disappointing that no one else has come to support until now."

Han Zhao chased after him, preparing to surround the area for reinforcements, but there were no reinforcements at all.

"Don't come here!" Gao Baijie looked at the rapidly approaching figure behind him, and immediately yelled in horror.

He doesn't want to die!

In the next second, he suddenly saw three beautiful girls appearing in the forest in the distance. The familiar faces made him see the hope of life.

"Help me quickly!!"

Gao Baijie ran towards the three sisters of the Lian family.

Lian Chengxue looked behind Gao Baijie, both surprised and delighted.

Gao Baijie didn't know, so he dared to turn his head when he saw Lian Chengxue holding a bow and an arrow, and saw that the person chasing and killing him turned out to be Han Zhao.

"Han Zhao?! It turned out to be"

Gao Baijie suddenly widened his eyes, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He looked down, only to see an arrow made of ice piercing his heart from behind, and the arrow protruding from his heart.

"Lian Chengxue, are you crazy?!" Gao Baijie turned his head away and roared in despair.


And those who greeted him were nine arrows fired together.

Gao Baijie's body was tied like a hedgehog, and he fell on his back.

 PS: This chapter is a supplementary update, I can’t write anymore, I’m starting to feel dizzy, let’s keep going.

(End of this chapter)

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