Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 153 1 Hammer sale, the pure yin energy of the real magic weapon

Gao Baijie died, the restraint in his body quickly dissipated, and his body was quickly frozen to death by Lian Chengxue's ice spirit arrow.

A crimson bow mark appeared on the corpse's bare chest.

It is a fragment of the Sun Chaser Bow.

"Brother Han!" Lian Chengxue ignored the fragments of the magic weapon in Gao Baijie's body, and ran straight to the handsome young man in front of him.

"You are?" Han Zhao was surprised.

When he first saw the three women, he thought they were reinforcements from the other side, but when he got closer, he realized that the three women looked very familiar.

Gao Baijie obviously knew them, but what he didn't expect was that one of the women shot Gao Baijie directly with an arrow.

The arrow released by the other party was exactly the same as the Frost Arrow he learned from practicing the Three Spirits Arrow Manual, and Han Zhao reacted.

"Sister Lianjia? You are Chengxue girl!"

It's been a while since we saw each other, the three girls are even more beautiful!He didn't recognize it at first.

[Lianchengxue—Ju-level seven patterns, the body contains a very strong power of magic weapons, three strange spiritual arrows in one, no small magical powers are invincible. 】

"Arrested grade seven patterns?!"

Looking at the system prompt, Han Zhao's expression changed slightly.

When he first met the three sisters of the Lian family, they were in the stage of declining bloodlines, and they didn't even have a single line. They were caught by a few blood-training bandits in Feilongzhai.

If he hadn't saved the three girls by chance, they might lose their innocence, or even lose their lives.

I haven't seen them in just a few years, and they have reached this level.

Once a child of an aristocratic family is recognized by the divine weapon and inherits the power of the divine weapon, the improvement in strength does not follow common sense at all.

Obviously, the magic weapons in the three women's bodies are not just high-level fake magic weapons, they are very likely to be genuine magic weapons.

"Brother Han! Is it really you?!" Lian Chengxue came to Han Zhao, her black eyes lit up, and her joy was beyond words.

"This is called 'a leaf of duckweed returns to the sea, where life does not meet', it should be fate."

Han Zhao smiled, he was also in a good mood to meet an acquaintance.

With the current strength of the three women, if he wanted to be his enemy, he could only run away.

At this moment, Han Zhao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, even if it is a simulation, it is impossible to completely predict the future.

If he hadn't obtained the detailed base of the Longevity Sect from Ji Qingshuang, he probably had to wait until Murong Qi was dealt with, and then slowly search for the Longevity Sect.

Even after the Longevity Sect took the initiative to come to the door, they could kill He Wuji and Gao Baijie, and seize the true sun and the fragments of the divine weapon.

"Where do we not meet in life? It's really destined!" Lian Chengxue murmured in a low voice, with beautiful eyes and a smile on her cheeks, staring straight at Han Zhao.

If it wasn't for fate, why would Han Zhao appear here tonight?
If they don't come to support, they will just miss this opportunity to meet.

When they go to Qi State, maybe they will never have the chance to see each other again in this lifetime.

It would be happy to meet an old friend again, not to mention, the person she wants to see seems to want to see her too.

At least, Han Zhao's appearance gave her such a feeling.

"Master Han, long time no see."

"I met Mr. Han."

Two girls, Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing, stepped forward and bowed their hands together.

"Miss Chengyu, Miss Chengbing, please stay safe." Han Zhao cupped his fists.

"I didn't expect to see Mr. Han here again. Could it be that Mr. Han is the one who attacked the stronghold of the Longevity Cult?" Lian Chengyu said seriously.

"It's a long story, this is not the place to talk." Han Zhao pointed at Gao Baijie who was lying on the ground, dead, and walked forward.

He stretched out his hand and put it on Gao Baijie's chest, inhaling the pure yin energy remaining in his body.

It's a pity that Gao Baijie is only half human and half demon, so the magic crystal in his body is pitifully small, not even comparable to Zhu Gangyi.

Fortunately, he still has a fragment of the Sun Chaser Bow in his body.

This is a high-level pseudo-divine weapon, even if it is only a third of the fragments, the yin energy contained in it is beyond imagination.

After Han Zhao sucked Gao Baijie dry, a crimson longbow appeared from the remains of his body.

"What a strong Yin Qi!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

As soon as Han Zhao's hand touched the shards of the Sun Chaser Bow, he felt a terrifying heat, and the shards produced a strong resistance.

Even though he had just absorbed He Wuji's unique skill 'Fire Yang True Astral' and obtained an extremely hot astral energy, he felt that this heat was too exaggerated.

It is estimated that he will have to wait until he transforms the 'Fire Sun True Assassin' into a further 'Sun True Assemblage' before he can really ignore this heat.

"It seems that the shard of the Sun Chasing Bow has a bad temper." Han Zhao tried to calm the shard of the Shenbing, but it didn't give it any face at all.

In desperation, he could only put the fragments of the divine weapon into the Sumeru bag first.

"." Seeing Han Zhao collecting the fragments of Sun Chaser Bow, Lian Chengyu took a step forward, opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak.

She looked back at her second and third sisters.

I saw Lian Chengxue's heart fluttering, who cares about this important spoils of war.

As for Lian Chengbing, he shook his head slightly.

"It's him after all." Lian Chengyu said heartily.

If it were anyone else to come tonight, it would be impossible for her to give up this piece of high-level pseudo-divine weapon.

Even if a snake-level master insists, they will join forces to release the three strange spiritual arrows and kill them directly with ruthless hands.

After all, if the magic weapons in their bodies can devour the fragments of the high-level fake magic weapons that have just been broken, it will definitely speed up the recovery of strength, and at the same time allow them to master more power of the magic weapons.

It's just that Han Zhao has saved their lives, and the second sister likes him.

"Forget it." Lian Chengyu paused, but finally remained silent.


Han Zhao skillfully took out the fragments of the Red Dragon Halberd, and stabbed them into the remains of Gao Baijie's body, devouring the last bit of his remaining strength.

Soon, Gao Baijie's body was not even left with scum.

A series of actions seemed to have been carried out countless times, with almost no pause in between.

"Okay, let's go." Han Zhao stood up again.

"Kaka!" At the same time as he got up, the bones around his body made a slight friction sound, and his appearance changed accordingly, and he became Song Que again.

Then, he changed into white clothes from the sumeru bag.

In just two breaths, he changed from the inside to the outside, and even the fluctuations of his true qi and qi and blood changed.

Lian Chengxue came to Han Zhao, walked around him, and couldn't help but wonder, "Brother Song, let's go."

"Okay." Han Zhao smiled, she knew role-playing.

Under the leadership of Han Zhao, the three women went straight back to the restaurant in Yushuang City.

Back in the luxurious box of the restaurant, Lian Chengxue finally couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and asked quickly: "Brother Han, is that young gang leader of the Nujiao Gang really you? How did you become so powerful?"

"It's not my wish to become the young leader of the Nujiao Gang, and it is only by chance that I have made my current progress."

Han Zhao smiled, and then changed the topic.

"On the contrary, the three girls have become great masters of Ju-level Qiwen in such a short period of time. Compared with you, my progress is nothing at all."

"Brother Han is too self-effacing. It is difficult for warriors to advance. What's more, the three of us sisters have made such progress only because of the recovery of the three strange spiritual arrows of the Lian family. What's more, the three strange spiritual arrows are at this moment——!"

Lian Chengxue said with a smile, but before she finished speaking, Lian Chengyu covered her mouth.

Lian Chengyu glared at her, the three strange spiritual arrows involved the lives of three people, even the husband couldn't tell all the information, how could he talk about the biggest secret right away.

"Master Han is not an outsider, so it's okay to tell him." Lian Chengxue pouted a little dissatisfied.

"Then why don't you tell Mr. Han the color and style of your obscene clothes!"

Lian Chengyu said angrily.

"Big sister~!" Lian Chengxue scolded and blushed.

Judging by the look of spring in her brows, she doesn't seem to be too disgusted.

"Miss Cheng Yu was joking." Han Zhao said calmly.

Everyone has his own secrets, just as it is impossible for him to tell anyone the secrets of the system.

Of course, he would not disappoint someone like Lian Chengxue who was willing to tell him secrets involving his family and life.

"Prevention is indispensable. It's good to be cautious in this world. However, I also like a virgin like Cheng Xue."

Han Zhao said frankly.

"Thank you Mr. Han for your understanding." Lian Chengyu said seriously, feeling that Han Zhao is an upright gentleman, and his behavior is a bit like a villain's heart.

"Mr. Han, actually...I don't treat everyone like this." Lian Chengxue muttered, her voice was as thin as a mosquito.Her big eyes were smiling, the water covered the mist and the charm was rippling, the long eyelashes trembled slightly, the red lips were slightly parted, and with the tear mole on the upper corner of the eye, the whole person exuded an amazing charm.

"Miss Chengxue." Han Zhao's throat moved slightly, feeling a little thirsty.

Although these three sisters were stunning beauties a few years ago, they haven't bloomed yet.

I haven't seen it for a few years, and it has changed from a sweet and sour green pear to a peach. It's so good.

He could feel what Lian Chengxue meant for him. It was hard for anyone not to have a good impression of such a beauty, and Han Zhao was no exception.

She's always giving such sneaky glances, a normal person can't stand it.

Han Zhao wanted to give her a copy of 'Luan Feng He Ming Gong'.

"Mr. Han, I wonder if there are other people left in the stronghold?" Lian Chengyu changed the subject and dispelled the ambiguous atmosphere.

"The blacksmiths in Heitie Villa are far away from the center of the battle, so they should be fine. He Wuji has already been killed by me, and Gao Baijie has been killed by Miss Chengxue. The only people who know about my attack on the stronghold tonight are the four of us." Han According to the right way.

"He Wuji was killed by you?!" Lian Chengyu's eyes widened. Although he had already guessed in his heart, he was still shocked when he heard Han Zhao's confession.

"Brother Han, are you not injured?" Lian Chengxue got up and subconsciously reached out to check Han Zhao's body.

"I'm fine." Han Zhao shook his head.

"He Wuji is very strong! Mr. Han is even stronger!" Lian Chengbing, who had been silent all this time, said.

"Indeed." Lian Chengyu nodded.At least two of He Wuji and the others had to work together to release the three strange spirit arrows to have a chance to kill them. If they wanted to kill He Wuji without injury, they probably needed three arrows in one.

"I also took a lot of effort and made perfect preparations before I killed it."

Han Zhao said sternly that he had basically figured out He Wuji's hole card through simulation, but He Wuji knew nothing about his hole card.

In order to prevent He Wuji from using the True Sun Astral, he expended a huge amount of True Qi to release the Frost Arrow and Thunder Arrow, which caught him off guard.Afterwards, he directly used the 'Jiaolong Transformation' and played all the cards.

Even if there is only one-twentieth of He Wuji's stellar energy in his body, its quality is beyond his imagination.

It is indeed a master who can die with him twice in the simulation.

Hearing this, the three girls couldn't help but glance at each other, feeling that he was talking nonsense, but they couldn't find any reason to refute it.

Next, Han Zhao talked about the past with the three women.

When the three daughters heard that he was coerced by Shangguan Yunfei to join the Nujiao Gang, and then coerced by the four major forces, when he was struggling in the cracks, they all sighed in their hearts.

Lian Chengxue cursed directly.

Then, the three women talked about themselves.

At the beginning, they made an agreement with Han Zhao to protect Xu Ling, Lu Yi and others, and then met Gao Baijie by chance, and joined the Longevity Sect at his invitation.

Afterwards, they helped the Longevity Sect to do things, and at the same time they practiced with the help of the Longevity Sect's resources. In the end, the magic weapons in their bodies recovered, and their blood power increased greatly, their strength greatly improved, and their status in the Longevity Sect also rose.

After listening to their explanation, Han Zhao asked: "The death of He Wuji and Gao Baijie won't affect you, right?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Han, we were planning to go to Qi country after breaking through the snake level to avoid the place of right and wrong. Now we are just leaving the Longevity Sect ahead of time." Lian Chengyu explained.

"Then I'm relieved." Han Zhao nodded, suddenly felt a move in his heart, and said:
"If the three of you need a place to stay temporarily to avoid the pursuit of the Longevity Sect, why don't you go back to Nujiao Island to rest for a while. It's safe with me, and the Longevity Sect will definitely not find you."

Now that the three women have mastered the power of the divine weapon, their strength is extremely strong, and there is a foundation of trust between the two parties. There is no conflict of interest, but they can be used as strong reinforcements.

Anyway, Han Zhao would not treat them badly, and could provide them with some cultivation resources.

"This..." Lian Chengyu was a little moved and pondered.

"Great!" Lian Chengxue's eyes lit up, "Elder Sister, it must be safe for us to go to Brother Han's place. Let's go to Qi after breaking through the Snake Level."

After finishing speaking, Lian Chengxue looked at Lian Chengbing eagerly, "Third Sister!"

After thinking for a moment, Lian Chengbing nodded, "It's possible."

"In that case, the three of us sisters will not bother you." Lian Chengyu got up and saluted with fists together.

"Miss Chengyu is too serious." Han Zhao replied, with three daughters around, it was an extra insurance.

"However, we still have some things to deal with here. We can't go to Nujiao Island immediately. Please forgive me, Mr. Han." Lian Chengyu added.

Han Zhao smiled when he heard this, "Naturally, the three girls are free to come and go, and I will never force them."

"When you finish your business, you can go to the Nujiao Gang stronghold in Fucheng to find a man named Chu Anping, and he will arrange for you to go to Nujiao Island."

Saying that, Han Zhao took out a black token the size of a palm.

"This is my token, please keep it."

Han Zhao handed the token to Lian Chengxue who was sitting on his right.

Lian Chengxue took the token with a smile.

When Han Zhao touched her hand, he suddenly felt a small note stuffed into his palm.

He took the note calmly.

"Thank you Mr. Han." Lian Chengyu said seriously.

"Miss Cheng Yu is polite, this is a matter of mutual benefit." Han Zhao looked calm.

"By the way, there is a deal. I wonder if the three girls are interested?"

Han Zhao changed the topic.

"Deal?" Liancheng Yudai frowned slightly, "Mr. Han, please tell me."

"Miss Cheng Yu, don't get me wrong." Han took care of her expression and knew that she wanted to go wrong.

The three sisters must know the current situation of the Nujiao Gang, and since they agreed to come, they should be willing to help as much as they can.But he wouldn't rush to ask for help so quickly, at least he had to deepen his relationship, and then make a proposal smoothly.

"Actually, I want to use this to exchange some of the pure yin energy of the magic weapon with the three of you."

Han Zhao took out a crimson longbow from the Xumi bag, which was a fragment of the Sun Chaser Bow.

"In exchange for the yin energy of the divine weapon?!" Lian Chengyu was taken aback, "Mr. Han is a pure warrior, so what is the use of the yin energy of the divine weapon?"

"I need to use the pure yin energy in Shenbing to practice martial arts secrets." Han Zhao explained.

"I see, this." Lian Chengyu hesitated, feeling that Han Zhao was taking advantage of them.

After all, this magical weapon should have been the second sister's spoils of war, and Han Zhao still used it to make a deal.The magic weapons in their bodies have just recovered, if too much yin energy is consumed, the power of the magic weapons will be reduced.

"There are three fragments of the Sun Chaser Bow. One is here, and the other is in the hands of Xue Han from the Xue family. As for the last piece, I know the general direction." Han Zhao said seriously.

"As long as the three girls are willing, I can find a way to help you get together the pieces of this high-level pseudo-divine weapon."

The resistance of the Sunsun Bow to him was beyond imagination. The previous simulation also showed that the Sunsun Bow only temporarily succumbed. Once he gathered all the fragments and reappeared the Sunsun Bow, he would suffer backlash.

Under this premise, the Yin Qi he can obtain is very limited.

Without the acknowledgment of the divine weapon, the power of the divine weapon fragments is very limited.That being the case, he might as well just make a one-shot deal.

The magic weapon in the three women's body is the real magic weapon, which is completely different from the fake magic weapon.

Divine soldiers can devour each other to increase their strength and level, why not give them the fragments of this disobedient divine soldier in exchange for the pure yin energy of the genuine divine soldier.

After all, the reality is not static. For example, if he didn't make an early move today, he would never meet the three sisters.

Who knows if Kong Yi will appear in advance, and if the guardians of Jiuyou Mansion will come to trouble him.

Obtaining a large amount of Yin Qi in a short time will help his strength to a higher level, and he will have more opportunities to obtain magic weapons in the future.

"Young Master Han, are you serious?!" Lian Chengyu's eyes lit up. If he could collect all the pieces of this high-level fake magic weapon and let the three strange spirit arrows swallow it, it would definitely increase the power of the magic weapon.

In this way, the time for them to break through the snake level can also be greatly advanced.If you lose a little Yin Qi in a short period of time, it's nothing at all.

"Of course, if a gentleman says a word, it's hard to chase after a horse." Han Zhao said solemnly.

"Thank you Mr. Han." Seeing him so calm, Lian Chengyu couldn't help but feel a little sorry.Han Zhao's move was simply giving away benefits for nothing. She felt that Han Zhao was taking advantage of her just now, and it really shouldn't be.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, Brother Han!"

Lian Chengxue and Lian Chengbing stood up and bowed to thank Han Zhao, how could there be such a good person!
"The three girls don't have to do this." Seeing the three girls bowing and saluting, Han Zhao hurriedly said.

"Brother Han, if you want the yin energy of a magic soldier, suck mine first!" Lian Chengxue said lively.

"Thank you very much." Han Zhao was not polite.

"The body of the Ice Spirit Arrow cannot be taken out from my body now, and direct physical contact is required to release the yin energy."

"it is good."

"Come on." Lian Chengxue raised her chest and lowered her head.

"Ah?" Han Zhao looked at Liancheng's sizable breasts under the snow-green veil skirt, and was stunned for a moment.

"Shenbing, on my heart." Lian Chengxue's cheeks were so red that they were about to bleed.Although she said she fell in love with Han Zhao, she was still a virgin after all, and had never had intimate contact with a man. She was too ashamed to let him touch such a private part, after all, there were two sisters watching.

The two sisters, Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing, were also a little embarrassed.

"Then here I come."


Han Zhao walked to Lian Chengxue's side, saw her eyes closed tightly, stretched out his right hand, and placed it on the back of her heart.

It's not that the chest is hurt, you have to touch the chest, if it's close to the heart, the back is the same.

Lian Chengxue felt the heat coming from the big hands on the back of her heart, and she breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed lightly.

Just as Han Zhao was about to tell him that he was ready, he felt an extremely pure yin energy quickly enter his palm.

"It's so cold!" Han Zhao's face changed slightly, and the coldness in the Yin Qi was so strong that he felt a tingling pain in the meridians all over his body.

But compared to obtaining simulated energy, this pain is nothing.

Just when Han Zhao was inhaling, Lian Chengxue suddenly staggered and fell backwards.

Han Zhao hurriedly supported her, holding her slender waist tightly.

Lian Chengxue's complexion turned pale, and a layer of hoarfrost formed on her face.

"Miss Chengxue, are you okay?" Han Zhao said.

Liancheng Xueying opened and closed her lips, and exhaled a burst of cold air. Seeing Han Zhao's brows were tightly frowned, she smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, it's just that I output too much magic power at once, and my body is a little cold. I'll rest It will be fine in a while."

"Thank you very much." Han Zhao said solemnly, helping her to rest.

When Lianchengxue's condition recovered, Han Zhao set off to return seeing that it was about to dawn.

"Is this the yin energy of the real magic soldier? It's so strong!" On the way, he felt the pure yin energy in his body, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


【Collect all 140 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 130, gold 3000 taels.]

As the realm increases, the consumption of simulation increases again.

Even so, the Yin Qi provided by Lian Chengxue alone was enough for him to simulate more than three times.

As for the triplets, he only smoked one, and there were two more.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao took out a note from his belt.

This is what Lian Chengxue gave him just now.

"It's really... the hardest thing to endure from a beauty."

Han Zhao sighed softly, and put the note into the Sumeru bag.

"In order to prevent accidents from happening, simulate it once."

PS: It's only [-] tonight. My dad is here. I see him less than ten times a year, and he goes out to eat.

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