Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 154 Innate Fierce Yang Qi!The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole follows behind

Chapter 154 Innate Fierce Yang Qi!Praying Mantis Catch Cicadas, The Oriole Follows (4800 words for subscription)

Before dawn, Han Zhao came to the Changlin River, threw a bamboo pole, flew up, and stood on the middle of the bamboo pole with his toes.He circulates his true energy and walks on waves.

Soon, he caught up with the big ship driving in the fog.

He quietly returned to the box in the cabin.

"Synthesis, start simulation."

As soon as he got back to the box, Han Zhao started the simulation.

[At the age of 24, you attacked the stronghold of the Longevity Sect, killed He Wuji and Gao Baijie, and then reached a deal with the three sisters of the Lian family with fragments of the Sun Chaser Bow. 】

[The Longevity Cult stronghold was attacked, which aroused Ji Qingshuang's suspicion. She deliberately made things difficult for you, and you pretended to agree to Ji Qingshuang's unreasonable request in exchange for her protection. 】

[Murong Qi challenges the masters everywhere. 】


【Ji Qingshuang came to find Murong Qi to discuss conditions, but instead broke out a fierce conflict with Murong Qi, and was injured by Murong Qi. 】

[One month later, Murong Qi publicly announced that Lu Yingxuan should leave with him, otherwise you will accept his challenge and you will be forced to fight. 】

【During the battle, you found that Murong Qi was wounded. 】

[You suppress it with the help of the Flood Dragon Change and the Dry Rong Style. 】

[At the critical moment, Murong Qi made a breakthrough and completed the third bloodline awakening, his strength soared, and the situation reversed instantly. 】

【You used the Kurong style again, but it was blocked by Murong Qi's awakened talent secret technique. 】

【In the end, you consumed [-]% of your lifespan and severely wounded Murong Qi with one blow. When you were about to kill him, his sword slave appeared and blocked your killing blow. 】

【Ji Qingshuang appeared, took away the seriously injured you, and controlled you through magic illusion. 】

[One year later, Ji Qingshuang broke through the snake level. 】

【She threatened Ji Baiwei with you, and successfully captured the fragments of the Seven Evil Overwhelming Divine Weapons from Ji Baiwei's body. 】

【Ji Qingshuang was about to kill you, but Yuniang appeared and rescued you. 】

[Ji's family commander makes a move, you are dead. 】

"None of the geniuses of these top wealthy families is so easy! Another trick to break through?"

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help being a little speechless.

Why is the blood talent so perverted at the moment of life and death?
I have never seen a child from a family of divine soldiers break through before the battle.

In the simulation, when Kong Yi met Bailingzong, he suddenly exploded, arousing the five-color peacock's innate magical power "five-color divine light" to kill him, and now there is another Murong Qi.

In the previous simulation, he was able to kill Murong Qi at the cost of serious injuries by relying on the Kurong Style, paying more than 800 years of life. Now that he has learned the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, he should have defeated Murong Qi more easily.

Han Zhao showed a pensive look on his face.

According to the information sent by Qi Xuanming, Murong Qi had just awakened his bloodline for the second time, and killed the prince of Qi, Jiang Min.

It has been two years since he made the shot on the list.

With Murong Qi's talent and background, it seems that it is not a big deal to reach the bottleneck of the second bloodline awakening in two years.

"From this point of view, the problem lies in Murong Qi's challenge to masters everywhere, and the battle with Ji Qingshuang."

Murong Qi estimated that it was because the breakthrough was imminent that he took this opportunity to challenge the masters of Yuanchang Mansion.I want to use the stimulation of fighting to try to break through the bottleneck.

It can only be said that he has a deep background to play like this. Even if the older generation can defeat Murong Qi, or even kill him, they will have reservations because they can't offend the White Tiger Family and Bailingzong.

Of course, Han Zhao is not among them.

As long as he can kill Murong Qi and prove his worth, the Qi family will protect him.

Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of people wearing shoes, he has already provoked enough forces, so what if two more.

"Murong Qi, since you're such a genius, we can't give you a chance to seek a breakthrough."

Han Zhao's eyes were cold.

"And Ji Qingshuang, why did you insist on messing with me!"

Han Zhao hates Ji Qingshuang more than Murong Qi.

After all, he and Murong Qi have different standpoints, and he has no intersection or conflict with Ji Qingshuang.

"These two people have to be killed, and I can't let Ji Qingshuang die in my hands." Han Zhao's thoughts changed sharply.

The Ji family is a local force, and if there is a conflict, it will be much more difficult than the Bailingzong and the Baihu family.

"Have it!"

Since Ji Qingshuang wants to use him, then he will kill them all.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 2500 taels]

"Simulating a small 3 taels of silver, I really can't stand it."

There is no shortage of yin energy for the time being, but the money is not enough.

When he first came to Fucheng, he had just broken through the level of strength training.

Now, in less than three years, breaking through five realms in a row and reaching the realm of the master of four qi, the foundation is still extremely profound. Without the strong financial and material support of the Nujiao Gang, there would be no such speed.

The consumption of simulation plus alchemy, to say the least, is estimated to be two or three million taels of silver.

This is also because of his extremely high utilization rate of resources.

"I have to find a way to make money as soon as possible!"

Now there is not much money in the accounts of the Nujiao Gang, if he can use the elixirs in stock to pay off the accounts, some people will probably feel dissatisfied.

Have to find a way to open source.

After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao still didn't think of any good way to make money, and returned his attention to the system panel.

"I choose two."

[attribute point +130]

Vajra Immortality Magical Art (not started, can be improved)

Fierce Yang Kung Fu (minor success of the third floor is 65%, which can be improved; special effects: extreme heat level 15, fierce yang true energy)
【Fifth level of Lieyang Kung Fu cultivation, breaking through the realm of Martial Saints, can transform Lieyang True Energy into Sun True Energy by catalyzing Lieyang True Qi; excessive use of Sun True Energy will cause permanent damage to the meridians. 】

[True sun qi: the scorching true qi condenses into qi, which erupts in an instant at a terrifyingly high temperature, which can approach the surface temperature of the sun; through the condensing of supernatural powers into small supernatural powers, the power can be greatly enhanced. 】

"More than 500 degrees, steel can melt. The surface temperature of the sun is more than [-] degrees. Fortunately, He Wuji was not allowed to use the true sun."

Looking at the system prompt, Han Zhao was secretly startled.

His current pure physical strength is definitely not comparable to steel.

It is necessary to have stellar energy to protect the body in order to block the true sun.

As for the power of the true sun, he doesn't know if he can resist it with the Vajra Bodyguard and Flood Dragon Transformation.

The best way is not to let others use it.

"The blood of the white tiger belongs to gold, and the innate gold energy is extremely strong. Murong Qi is best at killing the white tiger with the sword." Han Zhaoxin said.

At the same strength, fire can overcome gold, even if the true sun is not used, giving Murong Qi the combined attack of the innate energy and the true sun at the critical moment is enough for him to drink a pot!
Only when the Vajra Art is upgraded to the second level will there be a big increase, but the second level is the big bottleneck of the Martial Saint Realm.

He is only at the fourth qi level now, and the five elements qi has not yet been completed. Even if he has enough attribute points, he will not be able to rise to the second level.

"System, improve the Lieyang skill."

Han Zhao thought silently in his heart.

【Attribute points: 130→0】

Fierce Yang Kung Fu (the fourth floor is 89% successful, can be improved; special effects: extreme heat level 21, fierce yang true energy, fierce yang true strength)
A terrifying heat flowed through Han Zhao's body. The skin all over his body was like a boiled lobster, red all over, and white smoke curled up.

As soon as Han Zhao thought about it, the true energy in his body circulated rapidly, and the congenital stellar energy was activated instantly, and a translucent air cover enveloped his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the Lieyang Kung Fu, and the gas mask turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and an astonishing heat was released.

"This probably can't be called Xiantian Stellar Qi, it has to be called Xiantian Lieyang Gang Qi!"

The ebony, which was as hard as steel, couldn't withstand the high temperature of the congenital scorching sun, and bursts of white smoke came out, and the floor under Han Zhao's feet was scorched.

Fortunately, his body surface is protected by true energy.

Otherwise, as soon as the innate fierce yang qi is used, his clothes will be burned first, and it will become a god of death.

in the afternoon.

A tea house outside Fanlin Town.


Ji Qingshuang was sitting on the stone table in the courtyard enjoying the flowers and drinking tea, and eating cakes leisurely.

Da da da!
There was a sound of hurried footsteps on the corridor.

Obviously, the visitor was in a hurry.

Ji Qingshuang glanced at Ji Yun who walked into the courtyard, feeling displeased.

"Miss Qingshuang, something serious happened." Ji Yun bowed and saluted with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter?" Ji Qingshuang said lightly.

"The news just came that the Longevity Sect stronghold in Heitie Mountain Villa, Feiye Village, has been taken away!" Ji Yun said in a deep voice.

"That stronghold is extremely secret, only people of my line know about it." Ji Qingshuang frowned slightly.

"What did Gao Baijie say?"

"The whereabouts of Hierarch Gao is unknown, and He Wuji, the patriarch of the He family who was recommended by him just now, also disappeared. It is said that the entire backyard of Heitie Villa was razed to the ground." Ji Yun added.

"So, Gao Baijie and He Wuji might be dead?!" Ji Qingshuang was startled.

"The possibility is very high." Ji Yun said seriously.

"If I want to kill Gao Baijie and He Wuji without revealing their whereabouts, even I have to mobilize the Seven Evil Overwhelming Divine Soldiers at all costs. The Martial Saints of the Three Evil Realms with small supernatural powers make a move." Ji Qingshuang mused.

"Qin Qingxu, the head of the Martial Academy, seems to be the only Martial Saint in Yuanchang Mansion who has practiced small supernatural powers. As for the strong ones with the same combat power, the Zheng family has several, but they seem to have no motive to make a move."

Ji Yun gave his own analysis.

"Yesterday Han Zhao obtained the detailed location of the stronghold from us, and something happened there today, and he should have something to do with it." Ji Qingshuang said in a deep voice.

"Could it be that one of the guards from Yulingwei made the move?" Ji Yun asked doubtfully.

"The top masters of Yulingwei are basically from the Qi family. Qi Yuntian has exhausted all his strength to block the masters of the Bailing Sect and the Baihu Family." Ji Qingshuang shook his head.

"There are only a handful of masters who are capable and motivated. Yu Lingwei will not deal with the Longevity Sect now just for a mere Han Zhao."

"Who could it be? Could it be Murong Qi?" Ji Yun asked suspiciously.

"Murong Qi is arrogant and uninhibited, self-willed, it's not impossible."

Ji Qingshuang looked solemn, if it was Murong Qi who made the move, there would be no need for any motive.

"Where is Han Zhao now?" Ji Qingshuang changed the topic.

"He left Zhuangzi yesterday and returned to Nujiao Island by boat, and he should be arriving soon." Ji Yun asked, "Should we send 'Shadow Guards' to monitor him?"

"Just take a shadow guard with you when you go out this time, and let him continue to monitor Murong Qi. As for Han Zhao, he doesn't have this ability!" Ji Qingshuang glanced at Ji Yun, "You go to Nujiao Island in a few days .”

"Yes!" Ji Yun immediately understood. After following Ji Qingshuang for so long, she naturally understood what Ji Qingshuang meant.

Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with Han Zhao, we can use this opportunity to beat him.

The next morning, as soon as Han Zhao returned to the Nujiao Gang, he pretended to hold a gang meeting to discuss seeking Ji Qingshuang's asylum.

As he expected, most gang members expressed their opposition.

When everyone was arguing and asked him to express his position, he began to argue with each other and terminated the meeting on the grounds of reconsidering.

Although Han Zhao was going to kill Ji Qingshuang, he had to do all the acting.

It is okay to share the blessings of these helpers, but if there are difficulties, there may not be anyone who will be the same, and there is no guarantee that no one will take refuge in Ji Qingshuang because of interests.

After the crowd dispersed, Han Zhao entered the underground secret room of the Nujiao Temple.

Yu Niang still looks like an ice sculpture.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao entered the secret room on the next level, and immediately began to absorb the remaining Leijiao blood in Shangguan Lie's body.

After learning the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, he no longer needed to use the Dragon Blood Pill to refine the Lei Jiao's blood.

Direct refining can maximize the utilization rate of Lei Jiao's blood, but the refining speed is much slower than swallowing Dragon Blood Pill. After all, the meridians in his body cannot withstand too much violent thunder and lightning power at once.

Five days later, Han Zhao was refining Lei Jiao's blood on the second basement floor.

"Why is it a bit cold?" Han Zhao felt the temperature in the air drop significantly.

Through the blood connection, he found that Yu Niang in the secret room on the upper floor had awakened.


As soon as Han Zhao returned to the upper secret room, he felt a strong cold blowing towards his face.

The floor and walls of the room were covered with a thick layer of frost.

Yu Xuanji, who was dressed in a silver shirt, appeared, exuding a bone-chilling chill.

Even though he had innate strong yang energy to protect his body, he still felt the coldness.

"Little Han Zhao." Seeing Han Zhao appearing, Yu Xuanji's expression became more relaxed than before, and his address changed accordingly.

"Congratulations, senior, on your great achievement!" Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

"A little bit of strength has been recovered, but it's only at the level of three bloodline awakenings." Yu Xuanji said lightly: "However, this kind of progress can only be achieved with your help."

"Senior, you are being polite. Senior's restoration of strength will be of great benefit to the younger generation." Han Zhao smiled all over his face.

Yu Xuanji's Nirvana progress has been greatly improved, and he is in a good mood. Seeing Han Zhao's politeness, he smiled lightly:
"If you are in danger, this seat can help you once."

Yu Xuanji's strength recovered, and the aura of a strong man in a high position appeared on her body, and a smile appeared on her holy and beautiful face for the first time, Han Zhao looked a little absent-minded for a while.

But he quickly reacted and saluted respectfully: "Thank you, senior!"

Murong Qi broke through to three bloodline awakenings before the battle, and it took him [-]% of his lifespan to defeat them.

Bingfeng and Baihu are both top-level spirit beast bloodlines, and Yuxuanji was a peerless powerhouse comparable to a martial god during the heyday of Yuxuanji. At the same level, he is probably much stronger than Murong Qi.

The key is that when you meet someone you can't beat, you can let her run away with you.

If it was Yu Niang, she would be willing to help no matter how many times she was busy.

Now he just needs to establish a good relationship with Yu Xuanji.

He is not a greedy person either. When Yu Xuanji regains control of Bailingzong one day, he can just give him a few million taels of silver, a few spiritual weapons, and several kinds of spiritual beast blood, whatever he wants will do.

The main reason is that such a strong man with such wealth, if there is less, I am afraid that she will be unhappy.

"Yeah." Yu Xuanji was very satisfied with his attitude.

"Speaking of which, this junior has one thing to ask senior for help." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Yes." Yu Xuanji nodded slightly.

"The White Tiger family sent a young expert named Murong Qi to take away my senior sister's blood sacrifice hundred birds' axe. Murong Qi can handle it on my own, but a person from Tianzhou Ji's family came, named Ji Qingshuang, who was malicious to me. .

There are fragments of the seven evil overriding divine weapons in this person's body, and his strength is not weak.Against two people at the same time, the younger generation is powerless.Therefore, I would like to ask the senior to monitor this person's actions before the junior takes action, so that the junior can concentrate on dealing with Murong Qi. "

Han Zhao explained.

Murong Qi fought against Ji Qingshuang, both of them should have been injured.

Otherwise, it won't be a month before Murong Qi's injury has not fully recovered.

Regardless of whether Murong Qi was injured by Ji Qingshuang, or he was injured by others when he challenged a master, when he and Ji Qingshuang fought, it was the perfect time for Han Zhao to make a move.

The enemy is in the open, and he is in the dark. As long as you find the right time to sneak attack, you can definitely win by surprise.

After all, in the eyes of these two people, Han Zhao is just a master warrior with decent strength.

"Hundred Birds Yue?! Your senior sister is 'Yin Shi Nu'?" Yu Xuanji was startled.Even in her heyday, she had to be careful when encountering Bai Qin Yue, let alone at this moment.Only when her Nirvana is over this time can she truly not be afraid of the Hundred Birds Axe.

"Exactly." Han Zhao nodded.

"This seat can help you maim Ji Qingshuang, and then you will kill her yourself." Yu Xuanji pondered.

"The descendants of the top spirit beast family and the divine soldier family have blood imprints in their bodies. She cannot die at the hands of me. Otherwise, if her whereabouts are exposed, the entire Yunzhou will suffer."

"Seniors only need to monitor Ji Qingshuang, other things, juniors can handle it themselves." Han Zhao rejected Yu Xuanji's proposal.

"Well, leave this matter to Yuniang." Yu Xuanji nodded. Through Yuniang's perspective, she knew Han Zhao's general strength and style of acting, so she was not worried about him.

"Thank you, senior!" Han Zhao said hurriedly.

Yu Niang is one with her, and she said that obviously because she wanted to save that one chance to make a phone call.

Pay attention!

 PS: During the Chinese New Year, you have to save some manuscripts and try not to ask for leave. Please forgive me.This plot is the last key plot in this picture, please write steadily.After the year is over, the energy will recover, and it will be time to make up.

(End of this chapter)

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