Chapter 155 Golden Entries [Forced by Destiny]

"I'm going to retreat for two days first, trying to recover some mana as soon as possible." Yu Xuanji mused.

"Mana power?" Han Zhao's heart skipped a beat. His understanding of high-level powerhouses was basically based on simulations, as well as a few words from Qi Xuanming and Ji Baiwei.

Now that there is a strong man who is comparable to a god of war, he can take the opportunity to ask.

"What is mana? I wonder if senior can help this junior?" Han Zhao asked respectfully.

Yu Xuanji was startled, looked Han Zhao up and down, and only now did she come back to her senses.

This kid has no background, he can almost be said to be from a grassroots background, but now he is able to compete with the small group of geniuses who are the most powerful in the entire Dongsheng Continent.

Han Zhao's strength far exceeds that of his peers, and his speed of improvement is almost comparable to that of a family member.

So Yu Xuanji subconsciously forgot that he had no background at all, and everything he achieved today was achieved through his own efforts.

Han Zhao's experience made her think of the past a long time ago, and her eyes softened a lot.

"This matter is not a secret to the children of the aristocratic family. Since you asked, I will explain it to you."

"Thank you, senior." Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

"Before the Shade Condensation Realm, warriors are basically cultivating true qi. After condensing the evil, they can temper the true qi through the evil qi, greatly increase the power of the true qi, and eventually evolve into stellar qi."

When Yu Xuanji said this, he paused.

She sensed that Han Zhao had more than one kind of stellar energy.

Being able to develop stellar qi in the martial artist's dirty training environment, it's no wonder that he can compete with the children of the top aristocratic family of the same level.

Yu Xuanji did not delve into it, after all, everyone has their own chance.

If she hadn't met the previous Patriarch of the Bailing Sect, she would have been dead in the tomb long ago.

Seeing Yu Xuanji's icy blue eyes staring at him, Han Zhao felt a little uncomfortable.

Her eyes are beautiful, but Han Zhao has the feeling that she sees through everything, as if she stripped her naked.

"Warriors will usher in their first transformation when they arrive at the Three Evil Realm, which is to develop their brain potential and exercise their mental power.

Combining spiritual power and stellar energy, refining the seeds of supernatural powers can condense small supernatural powers.

I don't know your hole cards, but if you meet a martial saint with small supernatural powers, the best choice is to avoid the battle. "

Yu Xuanji reminded.

"The junior has been taught." Han Zhao said seriously.

He had expected the power of the true sun.If He Wuji cultivated the true sun power into a small supernatural power, he might not be able to catch it.

The true power of the sun is extremely domineering, if it can be practiced into small supernatural powers, it is probably the top of the class.

"Warriors who have completed the seven evil spirits can open the Shenbian acupoint in their brains, grasp all changes in the body and mind, and initially transform their spiritual power into divine thoughts.

Spiritual thoughts can even directly affect others, achieving the effect of some special divine weapons.

This is the last step of a mortal, and it is also a height that most warriors cannot reach in their lifetime.

Even in the heyday of martial arts thousands of years ago, the martial saints who had completed the seven evil spirits were considered top-notch powerhouses. "

Yu Xuanji said.

"Spiritual sense is so powerful?!" Han Zhao was startled.

"You are still far from this realm, knowing too much detail will not benefit you.

In fact, some peerless magic arts can strengthen mental power in advance and cultivate divine thoughts in advance.

However, this type of exercise has been lost, and it may be recorded in Tianshengdongtian. "

Yu Xuanji pondered.

'Heaven is holy. Han Zhao's heart moved, the True Spirit Refining Body Art was obtained from the Heavenly Sacred Cave, and maybe there is a chance to obtain exercises to strengthen spiritual power during the simulation.

Yu Xuanji went on to say: "Warrior Qisha is perfect, you need to materialize your spiritual thoughts, so as to absorb the power of heaven and earth and transform it into mana.

"Qiantian Jingqi" can reduce the difficulty of converting mana, and "Tianwai Xuanying" can speed up the process of transforming small supernatural powers into great supernatural powers.

This is also the reason why many warriors know that they will go to Qiantian Palace to escape death, but they still continue to fight. "

"Compared to the children of aristocratic families, it is really difficult for a warrior to step into the realm of supernatural powers!" Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

"The Supernatural Realm is a step from a mortal to an inhuman one. Naturally, it is even more difficult. The perfect cooperation of ten martial saints with perfect seven evil spirits may be able to defeat the commander who masters the first-level magic weapon, but when encountering A Martial God in the Supernatural Realm probably won't be able to hold on for even a quarter of an hour." Yu Xuanji said.

"Isn't the power possessed by the first-level magic weapon also mana?" Han Zhao wondered.

"The original power of the divine weapon is indeed mana, but the use of the original power will reduce the power of the divine soldier. Every time the mana is used, a ritual sacrifice is required.

Besides, except for a very small number of divine soldiers who are mild-tempered and have a deep relationship with the commander, the vast majority of divine soldiers will not fight to the death for the commander if they see that the situation is not right.

Soldiers of the same level must have at least three against one to match the God of War, otherwise, how could the family lock up the way of the warrior's ascension and never allow the God of War to appear. "

Yu Xuanji explained.

"One is to rely on external force, and the other is to attribute the mighty force to oneself." Han Zhao was stunned.

"Exactly. Once a military commander loses his magic weapon, his strength and lifespan will be greatly reduced, and even the blood of the entire family's children will decline rapidly. And even if the mana of the Valkyrie is exhausted, he can recover quickly."

"What about the family of spirit beasts?"

"The strength between spirit beast bloodlines and Valkyrie at the same level depends on the strength of the bloodline source and the power of the Valkyrie's great supernatural power." Yu Xuanji said.

"In general, the spirit beast family is the strongest." Han Zhao nodded.

"That's not the case." Yu Xuanji said: "The family of spirit beasts is indeed powerful, but the bloodline will decline from generation to generation, and it is bound by the bloodline in the body. If you want to break through after reaching a certain level, you have to go through thousands of difficulties and dangers every step of the way.

Even if I survive this Nirvana smoothly, it will only add a few thousand years of life.The next Nirvana, the hope of getting through it is slim. "

Saying that, Yu Xuanji sighed.

Han Zhao was a little speechless when he heard the words. What kind of Versailles talk is only a few thousand years old?

But thinking about it, Yu Xuanji was ten realms higher than himself before he fell into trouble, so it's normal to think so.

She was originally the group of people standing at the pinnacle of this world, so she probably had a higher goal.

"It's useless to think too much, it's a blessing to be able to survive this weak period of nirvana!" Yu Xuanji changed the subject and looked at Han Zhao. If she hadn't met this kid, she might not have survived this calamity at all. Opportunity.

"Senior is lucky, and it will only be a matter of time before he returns to the top." Han Zhao said hastily.

"You kid, you have a sweet mouth." Yu Xuanji had heard too many such hypocritical words before she fell into trouble.But Han Zhao has a blood relationship with her, and she can feel that Han Zhao's words come from the heart.

"The juniors always like to tell the truth." Han Zhao said with a smile.

"When I recover the magic power of my heyday, I will do my best to help you overcome the catastrophe. If you feel that the road to martial arts is difficult, I can also give you a part of Tianfeng's blood essence, so that you can become the first-generation spirit beast bloodline." Yu Xuanji Unconsciously, I changed my name.

"From today onwards, seniors are my true love - relatives and friends!" Han Zhao said, although she said that she was painting cakes, but she was sincerely ready to fulfill her promise.

Yu Xuanji didn't have any obvious reaction to this, but nodded slightly and said: "I'm going to retreat."

"Senior, outside please—!" Han Zhao opened the door of the secret room.

"You kid." The corners of Yu Xuanji's mouth turned up, amused by his appearance, but he couldn't hold it back, this kid looked like the kind who would hit a snake with a stick.

"Don't she like this kind of posture?" Han Zhao was puzzled when he saw Yu Xuanji's facial muscles twitched slightly and his expression was a little stiff.

"Her Tianfeng True Yin can help me overcome the tribulation, and when the time comes to practice the Tianfeng Bian of the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, I will need the essence and blood of Tianfeng."

In any case, he won't let go of this thigh.

A man can bend and stretch, and he often kneels down to Xu Ling, so that's nothing.

For the sake of the Martial God, don't be shabby.

"The next step is to deal with Murong Qi and Ji Qingshuang."

Han Zhao followed Yu Xuanji out of the secret room, and arranged her to live in his small courtyard.

To be on the safe side, he planned to let Yuniang monitor Ji Qingshuang, and then ask the three sisters of the Lian family for help.

The best result is to let Ji Qingshuang die under Murong Qi's hands, and then he will kill Murong Qi to 'revenge' Ji Qingshuang.

The second is to let the three sisters of the Lian family do it, but this is risky, and it depends on whether the three of them are willing.

The worst outcome would be for him to kill Ji Qingshuang himself.

When we met in a hurry a few days ago, Lian Chengxue told her about the secret technique of the divine weapon sacrifice in her body. Han Zhao could set up a magic circle and use the method of sacrificing monsters to communicate with Lian Chengxue from a long distance.

The secret art of the divine weapon sacrifice is related to the core secret of the divine weapon. Once you know this method, you can find a targeted countermeasure.It's not a good thing for soldiers in charge.

With Lian Chengxue's move, it can be said that he has no reservations about him.

Han Zhao will naturally not disappoint her trust.

"There are at least two opportunities for simulation." Han Zhao thought to himself.

Two simulations, even if he only selects attribute points, can make his strength even higher.

The next day, Han Zhao used up most of the Yin Qi in his body to make up the entries.


【Collect all 300 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 130, gold 3000 taels.]

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of 24, Yu Xuanji wakes up, and Yu Niang follows your request to monitor Ji Qingshuang. 】

【The three Lian sisters come to your door and reach an agreement with you. 】

[Murong Qi challenges the masters everywhere. 】

【You agreed to Ji Qingshuang's conditions. 】

[Lu Yingxuan publicly challenged Yang Xie and killed him in public. 】

【Murong Qi made a move, and severely wounded Lu Yingxuan with one strike. 】

【Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi helped, but lost to Murong Qi. 】

[At a critical moment, Qin Qingxu, the head of the Martial Academy, made a move and knocked Murong Qi back. 】

[You rushed back to Fucheng overnight, and found that the yin and yang energy in Lu Yingxuan's body was out of balance again, unable to control the evil spirit in her body, her brain was severely damaged, and she was unconscious. 】

【Ji Qingshuang came to find Murong Qi to negotiate terms, but was hurt by Murong Qi. 】

【You and the three Lian sisters follow behind. 】

[With the help of the three of them, Ji Qingshuang and Murong Qi were successfully killed.You killed Murong Qi, and the mark of the white tiger fell on you.Lian Chengxue killed Ji Qingshuang and was marked by the magic soldiers. 】

[The three sisters of the Lian family took away the fragments of the Qixie Overburden Divine Weapon, and gave you some Yin Qi again before leaving, but you refused. 】

[Tianzhou Ji's family learned that Ji Qingshuang was dead, and sent a top expert at the seventh level of the snake level. 】

[The three sisters of the Lian family set off for the country of Qi, but were overtaken by the strong Ji family halfway. The three of them urged the three strange spiritual arrows to forcibly swallow the fragments of the seven evil spirits, and killed the snake-level strong man of the Ji family. 】

[One month later, the Ji family's troops were dispatched, two of the three women died and one was injured, and Lian Chengxue was brought to the Nujiao Gang to confront you face to face. 】

【Lian Chengxue was tortured and insisted that the matter had nothing to do with you, and the envoy of the Ji family killed her. 】

【You were taken back to Ji's house and lost your personal freedom. 】

[At the age of 27, Ji Baiwei took you away quietly, and was discovered by the envoy of the Ji family. 】

【you are dead. 】

"It seems that the fragments of the Seven Evil Overwhelming Divine Weapons are the bottom line of the Ji family, and they must not be moved."

Han Zhao frowned.

"You can't implicate the three sisters of the Lian family. The imprint can be on me, preferably on Murong Qi."

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 500 taels]

"Huh? Is there an entry?!"

Looking at the final option, Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

"I decided to abstain from sex today until next year, please give me a good entry!"

Han Zhao thought silently in his heart.

"I choose one!"

[Obtain the entry 'Fate's favor']

[Fate's favor]: golden entry; you will get a 'replacement doll' (entry can be upgraded by obtaining proficiency, the upper limit is platinum entry)

[Replacement Puppet (1/1): Consume one-tenth of the energy and blood to water the 'Replacement Puppet', you can actively or passively let the 'Replacement Puppet' bear all the damage for you within ten seconds; including But it is not limited to physical and mental fatal injuries; it can be used once every three months; each time you use the 'Traid Doll', you will gain entry proficiency. 】

"Replacement puppet? It really is fate!"

Han Zhao was overjoyed to see the effect of the entry of "Fortune of Destiny".

"Isn't the solution here?!"

The first day of June.


Today should have been the same as in previous years, just an ordinary day.

However, Lu Yingxuan, a disciple of Zhang Mudie, the head of the Sword and Rain Institute of the Wuyuan Academy, will openly engage in a life-and-death duel with Yang Xie, a famous man in Fucheng, making this day extraordinary.

Outside Linjiang Town, along the Changlin River, a large number of warriors gathered here.

A tall and strong long-bearded old man with a reddish complexion stood with his eyes closed, holding a Guan knife as tall as a man.

"I'm afraid Yang Xie has already completed the five qi?"

"It must be so! He stood in the field, and I couldn't feel his blood flow at all. This is clearly a manifestation of the extreme control of the physical body."

"Jianyu Academy's first Zhang Mudie is the master of the second qi. Could it be that the disciples she taught are stronger than her?! Why does Lu Yingxuan challenge Yang Xie?"

"You don't know that, Yang Xie and the Lu family had a deep blood feud, back then"

"Yang Xie is about to become a saint. If Lu Yingxuan doesn't make a move, he probably won't have a chance."

The onlookers looked at Yang Xie, who was calm and relaxed in the field, closing his eyes and resting his mind, and couldn't help talking about it.


PS: Happy New Year everyone!Being favored by destiny, luck is added to her body!

(End of this chapter)

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