Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 158 The scenery here is beautiful, how about being your burial place?

In the middle reaches of the Changlin River, on both sides of the Kuiling Gorge, there are lofty mountains and cliffs, and the scenery is amazing.

The steep and continuous peaks on both sides of the river are hundreds of meters above the river, and the narrowest part of the river is only about [-] meters.

The setting sun is slanting to the west, and the setting sun is like blood.

The sky was full of sunset, and the sky became a sea of ​​burning flames. On the surface of the river, sparkling red waves appeared on the river.

In the shallows of the shore, there is a flat boulder, on which sits cross-legged a young man in a purple brocade robe with white eyebrows.

It was Murong Qi.

As he exhaled and inhaled, faint smoke lingered around his body, the gray-white smoke condensed and did not disperse, gradually covering his body in it.

As the afterglow of the setting sun fell, the gray-white mist continuously transformed, and finally turned into wisps of sword energy, fierce and sharp, but unable to hurt Murong Qi in the slightest.

The sword slave stood not far away with a black sword box on his back, his body stood upright like a javelin, without saying a word.

After a long time, the mist and sword energy around Murong Qi completely disappeared, and his originally slightly pale face also regained some blood.

Wherever she went, there was chaos around her.

Murong Qi blocked one of the cut-off blades with his golden giant sword, and then dodged sideways to avoid the other cut-off blade.

Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, desire, all kinds of complicated emotions rushed into his heart, and Murong Qi felt like his brain was going to explode.

"Hmph!" Murong Qi was shocked by the power of the magic weapon, glanced at the wound on his arm, and smiled disdainfully. The power of the spirit beast's blood was activated, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ji Qingshuang's body emerged from the water, her clothes were torn, her fair skin was covered with fine cracks, and blood spilled out.

"Not good!" Murong Qi's hair stood on end, but under the influence of Qixiefu, his reaction was much slower. The huge sword he raised to block blocked the wind arrow, but not the thunder arrow.

"Only I will reach the peak step by step and live forever!"

"Huh?!" Murong Qi was about to walk into the felt tent when his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he turned around to look.

However, the remaining sword energy continued to destroy her body, and she couldn't stand for a while, so that she looked extremely embarrassed.

She closed her arms, and the two serrated blades merged into one, and they slashed down.

A middle-aged woman stood at the bow of the boat, she held her sword finger in her right hand, and her true energy poured into the river water like substance, speeding up the boat.

Soon, the boat stopped on the shallows.

Ji Qingshuang was already weaker than Murong Qi when he was not desperate.

She was soon completely suppressed by Murong Qi, the sharp sword energy of the White Tiger Killing Sword continued to break through her restraint, consuming the magic power in her body.

"Death!!" Ji Qingshuang was furious.

"What if I don't agree to your conditions?" Murong Qi raised his eyebrows.

"Young Master Murong is too unreasonable?" Ji Qingshuang was furious.

Ji Qingshuang's body was surrounded by black air, bringing up circles of distorted airflow, and the setting sun shone on it, as if the light had been swallowed up.

Immediately afterwards, the force continued to condense under her control, completely wrapping her palms and arms.

"What do you think you are? It's your turn to tell me what to do?" Murong Qi sneered.

Ji Yun was sent flying to the riverside by the force of the shock, his face was extremely solemn, he didn't expect that the sword slave next to Murong Qi turned out to be a Martial Saint of the Ersha Realm, and his strength was even higher than her.

"White Tiger Killing Sword Sword Six!" The golden giant sword in Murong Qi's hand flashed white-gold light continuously for an instant, releasing an overbearing sword energy, which precisely landed on the weak spot of the jagged blade.

"This place implies innate golden energy, and the scenery is not bad. It is a good place for retreat."

Murong Qi let out a tiger roar, full of pain, a fist-sized blood hole appeared in his right chest, the surrounding was scorched black, and the wriggling granulation inside was constantly scorched by the residual electric arc, preventing his recovery.

This injury gave him an opportunity to break through, which is not a bad thing for him.

Seeing this, the sword slave directly took off the black sword case on his back.

The power of the divine weapon distorted the air, producing high-frequency vibrations, and her arms seemed to be covered by two serrated blades.

With a "click", the serrated blade broke, and a huge force was transmitted into Ji Qingshuang's body.

With the fragrance of flowers and plants in the wind, Murong Qi's impetuous heart gradually calmed down a lot.

"I'll fight with you!" Ji Qingshuang hit a real fire, resisted Murong Qi's sword forcefully, his body was cut off in half, and the serrated blade in his hand pierced Murong Qi's arm.

"What's the matter? Where did your arrogance just now go?!"


Thinking of this, Murong Qi immediately lost interest in the scene in front of him.

"My injury is no longer serious." Murong Qi looked calm.

The berserk thunder set off circles of air waves and gusts, continuously escaping from the center of the explosion.

"Damn it!" Ji Qingshuang's face was shimmering with red light, and the spirit of the magic soldier kept urging her to fight Murong Qi, magnifying the killing intent in her heart.

The sword qi cut off the jagged blade transformed from the power of the divine weapon, but the broken blade did not disappear, but shot out, piercing Murong Qi's heart.

"What's going on?!" Murong Qi was about to launch an attack when his body trembled suddenly.

Faint black air gushed out from her body, quickly filling her body.

The golden giant sword in the black sword case made a buzzing sound, Murong Qi raised his right hand and pinched a finger of the sword, the golden giant sword flew out suddenly, and the platinum-golden sword energy went up from bottom to meet it.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly dropped to freezing point.

boom! !

The boulder behind him was hit by the broken blade, and amidst the violent explosion, the boulder exploded, and the broken stones scattered in all directions.

"I want to take Lu Yingxuan away, and I will kill Han Zhao!"

On the river, a flat boat slowly approached.

His appearance changed drastically at this moment, his black hair became snow-white, his whole body was covered with white hair, a "king" texture appeared on his forehead, and sharp dagger-like fangs grew from the corners of his mouth.

"I've met Mr. Murong, you're being polite, little girl." Ji Qingshuang gave Murong Qi a lady's salute, without the aloof attitude she had when facing Han Zhao.

Just as Ji Qingshuang's figure fell to the ground, the serrated blades of her arms returned to normal. She didn't give Murong Qi time to react, her arms were like wheels, launching a violent attack like a torrential rain.

"Our Murong family has no friendship with Ji's family, why did you come to me?" Murong Qi looked indifferent.

"Buzzing!" "Crackling!" When the sharp sound of the air being cut and the roar of thunder and lightning reached Murong Qi's ears, the twin arrows of wind and thunder had already arrived in front of him.

His talent is excellent, but the competition in the family is fierce. He is determined to be the No.1. It seems that he has never calmed down to appreciate the scenery on the road ahead. It is interesting to see it today.

Before she had time to support Ji Qingshuang, she was firmly suppressed by the sword slave's follow-up attack.

The red glow that contained the power of a divine weapon converged on the front of her palm, and finally turned into a blade-like shape.

However, the fragments of the seven evils that merged into her body greatly magnified her emotions, and killing intent immediately filled her heart.

"Young master." Jian Nu stepped forward.

In the open cabin, a beautiful woman in a white dress is sitting, and she is enjoying the scenery on both sides of the river leisurely.

Ji Qingshuang jumped up, crossed his hands, and chopped down with the power of the divine weapon.

He turned around and walked towards the felt tent behind him.

The Qixie Mantle on Ji Qingshuang's face quickly changed from half red and half black to a strange red color, and her strength also increased accordingly, and the jagged blade transformed from the power of the magic weapon suddenly expanded.

"Under the erosion of time, trees and flowers will wither, and rivers will change their course."

"Murong Qi, we." Ji Qingshuang said in a low voice, ready to give in, but Murong Qi's giant sword was already imminent.

"I refuse." Murong Qi interrupted her.

Although this Murong Qi is strong, but the way he treats others makes her very displeased.Ever since she was recognized by the fragments of the Seven Evil Overburdening Divine Weapon, even the envoy in charge of the family treats her kindly, how could she ever suffer such anger.

"There's so much nonsense, if you don't want to die, get out!" Murong Qi's expression stern.

"Relying on the power of the divine weapon to forcibly elevate the realm, but there is no corresponding strength. Are people like you qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

Murong Qi's body flew upside down as if hit by a shell.

"Murong Qi! The clay figurine still has a little bit of energy, you really want to do it like this?!" Ji Qingshuang suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

For a moment, on the scene, it seemed that Ji Qingshuang suppressed him.

What's more, at this moment Murong Qi is full of fighting spirit, while Ji Qingshuang is about to retire.

"That's right." Murong Qi snorted lightly.

"Since that's the case, the little girl will get straight to the point." Ji Qingshuang took a breath.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Murong Qi held the golden giant sword and kept blocking it.

Jian Nu is preparing food. Although he lives in the wild, Murong Qi still enjoys the most luxurious food, clothing, housing and transportation.

But it's related to the plan to subdue Han Zhao and the Nujiao gang. When she breaks through the bottleneck of the snake level, if this Murong Qi is still in Yunzhou, he must make him look good!
"Han Zhao from the Nujiao Gang has decided to join me. I want to ask Mr. Murong to let him go for my sake." Ji Qingshuang said seriously.

Seeing that Ji Qingshuang was at a disadvantage, Ji Yun, who followed her, was about to make a move. She condensed the evil energy all over her body, and struck Murong Qi's back with all her strength.

She was blown away by this huge force, her body flew out like an arrow, and smashed heavily into the river.

"Mr. Murong, why should you reject people thousands of miles away?" Ji Qingshuang smiled gently.

"Speak directly." Murong Qi said coldly.

"Wu Sheng's small supernatural powers really shouldn't be underestimated. I was careless, but this battle gave me a lot of insights. I felt the opportunity to awaken my bloodline three times."

Murong Qi looked at the two people who had landed, sized up the woman in the white skirt who was in the lead, and raised his eyebrows, "Are you Ji Qingshuang?"

Ji Qingshuang's smile stagnated, her face gradually collapsed, and she said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"


"Since that's the case, the little girl would like to thank Mr. Murong for letting us." Ji Qingshuang immediately showed a bright smile on his face when he heard that.

"Young Master has hard-wired the martial sage's little supernatural power, and now he has touched the key to breakthrough, which can be called unparalleled in the world!" Sword slave complimented.

Murong Qi walked slowly towards Ji Qingshuang.

The dazzling electric arc condensed into a ferocious dragon that looked like white gold all over its body, and it hit Murong Qi's chest in an instant.

Regarding his attitude, Ji Qingshuang was not annoyed, and continued: "There is no conflict of interest between us. As long as you agree to my conditions, I will not interfere in any of your actions in Yuanchang Mansion. You can take Lu Yingxuan away at any time. I can also cooperate when necessary."

"Now, no one can bother us." Murong Qi sneered. The bloody battle between the same level can awaken the fighting blood in his body. Maybe the battle with Ji Qingshuang can make him go further.

Boom boom boom!
Earth-shattering noises continued to be heard on the surface of the river, and the river was continuously blown up. The sky seemed to be raining, and water droplets fell continuously.

"What? It's up to you, you want to fight with me?" Murong Qi dismissed it.


Jian Nu made a move and stopped Ji Yun.

Murong Qi walked towards the river with his giant sword in hand.

If she expends the power of her bloodlines to mobilize the seven evil spirits, she may be able to defeat Murong Qi, but the price she has to pay is too high.

The breeze was blowing, the river was rippling, and the trees on both sides of the bank were shaking.

After Murong Qi admired it for a while, his heart once again stirred up waves.

"Qin Qingxu, just wait." Murong Qi's eyes turned cold, Qin Qingxu's blow directly hurt his internal organs.He took the precious secret medicine exchanged from his family, and it took him four full days to fully recover from his injuries.

call out!
The two arrows fell like meteors, and the speed beyond the speed of sound brought a spiral air wave.

However, he has never tasted the taste of failure since he was a child, even if the opponent is a martial saint whose realm is much higher than his, he still deeply feels the humiliation.

He had to kill Qin Qingxu with his own hands before he could understand.

A crystal mask with half black and half sky red appeared out of thin air, flew directly to her face, and then stuck it tightly.

Murong Qi put his hands behind his back.

Under the strengthening of the power of the divine soldier, Juli quickly recovered from her injuries.

A large amount of river water was blown up, and then fell like raindrops.

The situation in the arena changed suddenly, and a young man dressed in white stood on a cliff hundreds of meters high, with a true energy bow in his hand and a quiver on his waist.

"Han Zhao?!" Ji Qingshuang showed shock. In the battle outside Linjiang Town, she already knew that Han Zhao's strength was not easy, but she didn't expect Han Zhao to hide his strength.

Han Zhao jumped up, like catkins, floating down, the distance of hundreds of meters was reached in an instant, and he landed steadily on the river.

"It turned out to be you?!" Murong Qi's face was gloomy, full of murderous intent.

"The scenery here is beautiful, and it will be your burial place. How about you?" Han Zhao smiled.

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