Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 159: Qilin ranked No. 7, famous all over the world!

Saying that, Han Zhao looked at Ji Qingshuang who was beside him, and said:
"Miss Ji, Murong Qi's injuries are not healed at the moment, how about you and I kill him together? I don't want anything, as long as he dies."

"Okay!" Ji Qingshuang looked at Murong Qi whose breath was greatly reduced, gritted his teeth, and made a decision.

If her seven evil mantle fragments can devour the pure white tiger blood in Murong Qi's body, then the power of the divine weapon will be greatly increased.Breaking through the big bottleneck of the snake level is just around the corner, and then competing with Ji Baiwei for the fragments of the magic weapon will also give him an advantage.

She still has concerns about one-on-one, but now that Han Zhao has succeeded in sneak attacking, if it is two-on-one, the chances of winning are very high.

"Do you think you two can kill me? Wishful thinking!" Murong Qi sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, he clenched his teeth, his face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and the muscles all over his body quickly swelled with blood, and his originally thin body swelled up in an instant.The fist-sized wound on his chest healed quickly, and a sharp breath lingered all over his body.

His slender and slender fingers swelled rapidly, half a foot long sharp claws grew out, and his whole body was covered with steel needle-like white hair. From a distance, he looked like a humanoid white tiger.

Murong Qi's figure left an afterimage on the spot, and the sharp and piercing sound of cutting air resounded out of thin air beside Han Zhao.

boom! !

Han Zhao was repelled by a huge force, and his body flew backwards.

"Are you crazy?!" Ji Qingshuang's complexion changed drastically, and the red light emitted by the power of the magic weapon formed a thin shield on her body, resisting desperately.

In an instant, a huge fireball soared into the sky.This force is condensed from extremely pure Gang Qi.

The white-haired old man opened his eyes when he heard his movement, and looked at the name displayed on the jade tablet, his expression changed suddenly.

"Who is this?"

She was wearing a long purple dress, her skin was white and greasy, and her appearance was beautiful, but her expression was very stiff. She was Ji Zhuling who gave Han Zhao the Vajra Art back then.

The name of Murong Qi, ranked No.19, flickered for a while.

"Seven evils unite!"

No longer caring about his injuries, he threw the golden giant sword into the sky and made the strongest move.

Puff puff! !

"If you were to face Murong Qi, you would die even faster!"

"Crackling!" Platinum arcs were shining, Han Zhao took advantage of this opportunity to distance himself, and thunder arrows roared towards him.

As the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty, Daliang City is the largest and most prosperous city in Tianzhou.


"What a big move!"

"Ah!" Ji Qingshuang screamed in pain, the light of the divine weapon protecting her body was shattered, and the few remaining restraints were exhausted, her body was split in half from the middle, and the pieces of internal organs and blood flowed out. one place.

Ji Qingshuang was sent flying by the huge golden sword as wide as a door panel.

She didn't pay attention to Han Zhao at all, and let a large number of threads of sword energy engulf him, and her figure appeared beside Murong Qi like a ghost.

"I've never heard of it!"

White Tiger Killing Sword·Sword Five!
"Go away!!" Murong Qi roared, the giant sword in his hand trembled suddenly, and it rose against the wind, turning into a super giant sword more than four meters long.

I saw that the green light on the Qilin list became more and more prosperous, and Murong Qi's name also disappeared.

"It's too late to know now." Han Zhao's voice was extremely hoarse, his skin was flushed all over his body, and when he opened his mouth, hot air like flames spewed out.He only felt that all five internal organs were burning, and even with the healing effect of longevity zhenqi, he felt that his body was about to catch fire.

Every time he took a step, the air around him was twisted by the heat.

A white-haired old man was sitting in front of the futon, and there were jade plaques with names written on the cabinet in front of him.

Murong Qi's body froze, and his laughter stopped abruptly.

Obviously, Murong Qi is going to deal with Han Zhao who seems weaker first.

At the same time, on the square in the central area of ​​Daliang City.

"Qingshuang is actually dead? Too bad! Seven evils cover the pieces!"

"He killed Ji Qingshuang of Ji's family!"

Chi Chi Chi!
The sword energy lingered around the golden giant sword, and the extremely condensed sword energy turned into golden threads, dancing in the void, and bursts of sharp piercing sounds came out.

The top [-] people on the Qilin list are the existences that the children of these top-level magic soldiers have to look up to.

"Pfft!" The serrated blade pierced Murong Qi's waist, and a dazzling red light burst out.

A dull voice with doubts sounded.

boom! !

Murong Qi raised the golden giant sword high, and a white-gold sword energy that was ten meters long crashed down.

"Han Zhao? Diamond Art? This" Among the children of the aristocratic family, a woman about 30 years old stared at the list with wide eyes.

Murong Qi was annoyed by Han Zhao's long-range attack, and Ji Qingshuang's seven evil fragments affected his emotions through the power of magic weapons. His inner anger and killing intent reached the extreme in an instant, and he lost his mind.

However, in the next second, his body flew back at three times the speed before, and was deeply embedded in the mountain wall.He felt as if his internal organs had been displaced, and the severe pain made his body convulse.

"Damn it! This Chu countryman is too arrogant, Ji Qingshuang really doesn't live up to it!"

The shadow of the crimson Gang Qi fist soared into the sky.

Platinum electric arcs flickered all over his body, and the faint steam radiated with waves of heat.

Almost at the same time as Ji Qingshuang died, the central tower of a large luxury building complex in the XC area of ​​Daliang City was four floors high.

"I fought with you!"

The same thing happened in all the prefectures and cities of Wei, Qi, and Chu.

Among the onlookers, there were also descendants of aristocratic families, and some people quarreled.

"Go to hell!" Han Zhao stabbed Ji Qingshuang's eyebrows with the knives in his hand.

A hot and dazzling light group appeared out of thin air, like a small sun.

At this time, a dazzling green light bloomed from the top of the Kirin list.

A name that was extremely unfamiliar to everyone appeared on the list - Han Zhao.

"Impossible! This person can never be on the list by chance!"

"what are you laughing at?"

Murong Qi's defense was obviously far better than hers, and the golden giant sword blocked most of the qi, but he was also seriously injured, half kneeling on the ground.

"Ah! Let me die!"

boom! !

Murong Qi stimulated the white tiger blood in his body to the extreme, stood up suddenly, raised his sword and slashed at Han Zhao.

The children of the aristocratic family in the field talked a lot.

"Don't come to help me yet! I can't exert the power of archery if I don't keep a distance!" Han Zhao took advantage of the force of the shock and flew backwards.

The platinum sword light covered the sky and the earth, countless air currents were instantly exploded, and the terrifying force blasted the river water from the middle, setting off a huge water column more than 20 meters high.

"Get out of the way! Idiot!" Ji Qingshuang yelled anxiously, but the scorching qi remaining in her body burned her internal organs, and it was difficult to move for a while, not to mention that she was still resisting Han Zhao with the power of a magic weapon s attack.

The warriors' eyes widened, "There won't be another Qi Xuanming among the warriors, right?"

"How could I be defeated by you! It's impossible!" Murong Qi heard these familiar words, he didn't want to believe the reality.

"It turned out to be a pure warrior? How is this possible?"

It's just that the list of steles here is more than double that of other places, exceeding 20 meters.

Ji Qingshuang's body slammed into the shoal mud by the river, and the blazing flames burned her beautiful face and body into charred pieces. The restraint in her body was consumed rapidly, so that she couldn't get up for a while.

What responded to him was Han Zhao's iron fist.

Amidst the loud trampling sound, a muscular giant over three meters in size and covered in scales walked slowly.

"How is this possible? How are you?" He had an unbelievable expression on his face.

A scarlet ray of light flew out of her body, and instantly sank into Murong Qi's body, finally forming a palm-sized mask pattern on his arm.

With a crisp "click", a jade tablet in the front of the third row suddenly shattered.

good chance!
Murong Qi didn't know why Han Zhao suddenly attacked Ji Qingshuang, but he knew that this was the perfect time to attack.

"Why did you change the list again?!"

Murong Qi's body smashed through more than a dozen big trees before he stopped.

"The top [-] on the Kirin list has changed?!"

Ji Qingshuang looked at Han Zhao who was walking slowly with disbelief, but he didn't expect that he was the strongest among the three.

A large number of golden threads were melted by the Gang Qi, but more sword Qi threads followed one after another, drowning the Gang Qi.

She stared wide-eyed, still staring at Han Zhao's self-igniting body.

"Name: Han Zhao, Age: 24 years old, Origin: Nu Jiao Gang, Martial Arts: Vajra Art, Nu Jiao True Kung Fu, Realm: Master of the Four Qis!"

He turned his head to look, and saw Han Zhao standing unharmed not far behind him, holding a doll the size of a palm.

"Hahahaha!" Murong Qi laughed loudly with the huge sword on his shoulder.Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Although his breath was sluggish, he was in a good mood.He had a hunch that after this battle was over, he would be able to break through to the third bloodline awakening stage after his injuries recovered.

"After playing with you for so long, it's finally my turn." Han Zhao grinned, revealing his sharp white teeth.

Murong Qi suddenly turned his head to look at the river bank, Han Zhao's burning body just now still disappeared without a trace.

"I've got you!" Murong Qi endured the severe pain in his waist, and firmly grasped Ji Qingshuang's arm, not giving her a chance to escape.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Qingshuang, who was ranked No.17, disappeared quickly with his profile picture and name blurred.

And Murong Qi's name went up.

Han Zhao punched out both fists, the whole fist was red, amazing heat flowed out, and the air was constantly twisting.

Ji Yun and Jian Nu, who were fighting in front of the river, were also shocked by this terrifying explosion and thermal shock wave, and were unable to come up for a while to support.

It was only [-] breaths after the ranking change was over, and a scream once again attracted everyone's attention.

"Han Zhao?!"

He was about to catch up with Han Zhao, when Ji Qingshuang caught up again.

The crowd gathered around, startled by the news of changing the list.

"Is it Murong Qi from the White Tiger Family of Chu State?!"

"No, Murong Qi killed Ji Qingshuang just now, and was immediately replaced by Han Zhao. Could it be that this warrior named Han Zhao and Ji Qingshuang besieged Murong Qi, and as a result, both Murong Qi and Ji Qingshuang were injured, and he picked it up?"

The 'Kirin List' and the 'Qiantian List' stand tall.

The power of the true sun is beyond imagination!

White Tiger Killing Sword·Sword Eleven!

boom! !

At this moment, Ji Qingshuang finally moved.

Lieyang is really strong!

Ji Qingshuang's eyes turned cold. Although she wanted to save her strength, she didn't dare to let Han Zhao be killed directly, and immediately rushed towards Murong Qi like lightning.

Holding the sword in one hand, Murong Qi turned around and slashed horizontally. The black gold arrow surrounded by lightning was split in two from the middle.

Whoosh whoosh!
The golden thread crashed down.

"A pointless struggle." Han Zhao said lightly.

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters flew to the two of them and exploded.

With a sword out, the air vibrates.

"Han Zhao, you are hiding it so deeply?!"

"My God!"

Since the First World War thousands of years ago, Zhongzhou has been reduced to a treacherous domain, and the five surnames and ten rich families have moved to Tianzhou.

"White Tiger Killing Sword·Twelve Swords·Ruijin Tribulation!"

Although Huo Kejin, the Gang Qi in the shadow of the fist is so powerful that even a martial saint-level powerhouse would not dare to take it, but Murong Qi's White Tiger Killing Sword Sword Qi contains innate Jin Qi, and its quality is still the same as that of Lie Yang Zhen Gang. above.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Murong Qi raised his giant sword and launched a stormy attack on Han Zhao, but Han Zhao blocked them all with the knives, but he looked dangerous, as if he would be split in half by Murong Qi's sword in the next second .

The resident population here is nearly 2000 million, covering an area of ​​more than [-] million mu.

On the square of Yuanchang Fucheng.

"Han Han. Han Zhao? Brother Han?!" Su Tianqi stuttered as he looked at the names on the list.

"Cousin, pinch me to see if I'm dreaming!"

Su Tianqi turned his head to look at Su Ningqiu, only to find that her mouth was bigger than his own, and could swallow more than two eggs.

Overnight, Han Zhao's name resounded throughout the Three Kingdoms, and his fame shook the world.

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