Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 160 The Immeasurable Strength of Mountains and Rivers and the Xuanling Battle Box

Chapter 160 Mountains and Rivers Immeasurable Strength and Xuanling Battle Box (Part [-])
Kuiling Gorge, in the forest by the river.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Han Zhao grabbed Murong Qi's neck and lifted him high with one hand. Platinum electric arcs flashed all over his body, making Murong Qi paralyzed and unable to resist.

Chi Chi!
Murong Qi firmly grasped Han Zhao's arm with both hands, and tried his best with his sharp claws, except for grabbing the scales on Han Zhao's arm so that sparks flew everywhere, he couldn't break through the defense at all.

"Ho ho. The Murong family and the Bailing sect will not let you go!" Murong Qi's face turned purple, and his eyes burst out.

"At least you can't see it anymore, can you?" Han Zhao smiled.

"You can't beg for mercy" Under the fear of death, Murong Qi had the idea of ​​begging for mercy for the first time.

In just a little time, he can reach the stage of three bloodline awakenings. In the future, he has the hope of becoming a strong man standing on the top of the world. How could he die here.

"Crack!" Han Zhao suddenly tightened his arms, and with a crisp bone breaking sound, he completely broke Murong Qi's neck, and the thunder spirit contained in the blood of the thunder dragon permeated Murong Qi's whole body.

"So you are also afraid of death." Han Zhao said calmly, looking at Murong Qi's lowered hands, operating the 'Nine Transformations of True Spirit' to absorb the essence and blood in Murong Qi's body.

However, when he, Han Zhao, blocked the hurricane with his whole body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Absorb first, then refine.


【Attribute points: 77→2】

"Thank you to the three girls for coming to help." Han Zhao clasped his fists at the three girls as a salute.

Han Zhao looked at the pattern of the white tiger on his arm, and felt the sharp aura emanating from the pattern.

"Hmph!" Han Zhao sneered, and took off Murong Qi's sumeru bag.

Even if he can't use it, he can use it in exchange for money and resources, and the people around him can also use it.

On the Changlin River, on the big ship of the Nujiao Gang.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao took out the black sword case.

Han Zhao's eyes widened, his face was full of surprise, "This is six-leaf bodhi flower! Chalcedony grass! Buyuanzhi!"

As time passed, I don't know how long it took, the two forces merged into one.

[Rank: Intermediate]

[Special Effects: Enhanced Sword Qi, Sharp Gold Qi]

It is estimated that only by obtaining the Martial Saint Realm can the real power be revealed.

"Die to me!" Jian Nu exploded with all his qi, wanting to fight Han Zhao desperately.

"Is this the blood imprint of the family?"

Murong Qi's body shriveled up quickly, and finally turned into powder and dissipated with the wind.

boom! !

"This is." Han Zhao's eyes widened.This unremarkable black sword box turned out to be a mid-level spiritual weapon, and placing the weapon in it could enhance the spirituality of the weapon.

"Miss Chengxue?" Han Zhao supported her.

"Ten Ten.23 Ten"

He stretched out his hands, only to see a mass of brown energy appearing in his left hand, thick and solid.

Since the incarnation of the blood spirit became the incarnation of the dragon, although his combat power has increased, but because the incarnation of the dragon lacks autonomy, there is no incarnation of the blood spirit who also practiced the Tianhe Rain Sword Art, and the progress of this sword art has slowed down.

The four of them cleaned up the battlefield before rushing to Nujiao Island together.

Moreover, any weapons in the future can be put into this mysterious battle box.

"No! Young Master!"

The arrows circled the strong wind, setting off a hurricane of more than ten meters high, in which ice and electric arcs intersected.

At this time, the sword slave who had just rushed to the shore let out a shrill cry.

[Special effect: nourishing spirituality]

Therefore, when he enters the Martial Saint Realm and develops the three-point return to vitality into a small supernatural power, then it is estimated that he will be able to display its true power.

Duanyue Sword Technique (the sixth level is 100% perfect, deducible; special effects: burst level 40, Duanyue Jin level 44)
Feeling the strengthening of the strength in his body, Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the bed.

[Rank: Low-rank]

It can maximize the utilization rate of the white tiger blood.

According to Yu Xuanji, it will take at least half a year for this bloodline imprint to be automatically eliminated.

Han Zhao looked up, and on the cliff, three women who looked exactly the same jumped down, they were the three sisters of the Lian family.

"I'm fine." Lian Chengxue's cheeks warmed up.When she saw Jian Nu and Ji Yun attacking Han Zhao just now, she was in a hurry and directly used the power of the magic weapon.At this moment, she felt relaxed, and suddenly felt a little weak in her body, after all, she was sucked a lot of yin by Han Zhao.

As for the Qixie Overwhelming Fragment, he didn't move.

After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao said silently in his heart.

"All in all, thank you three. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave here first." Han Zhao let go of Lian Chengxue and said seriously.

The effect of three-point return to vitality is mainly in resilience and protracted battles, and every time he faces an enemy now, he basically hits a higher level.

He is so short of money now!
Then, Han Zhao took out several jade boxes from Murong Qi's sumeru bag, and he opened them one by one, and the strong medicinal fragrance instantly filled the whole treasure box.

"Returning the children of the aristocratic family! How poor!"

[Spirituality: 29% (sleeping, can be improved)]

He absorbed the yin energy from Ji Qingshuang's corpse.

"Ah!" Jian Nu and Ji Yun died instantly.

He first absorbed all the blood, strength and true energy of Jian Nu and Ji Yun.

He found two fragments of the fake magic weapon in Ji Qingshuang's sumeru bag.

【Mysterious Spirit Battle Box·Spiritual Weapon】

In fact, for him, the current three-point return to vitality is far more practical for him than his combat ability.

Similarly, Duanyue Saber Technique has also reached the sixth level.

The age of these three elixir medicines is estimated to be close to 200 years in terms of appearance and fragrance.

There were 77 attribute points left last time, which was just used.

A crimson gas mask appeared around his body, and he was protected by the innate blazing sun energy, which forcibly withstood the aftermath of the attack of the three strange spirit arrows, and put the corpses of Jian Nu and Ji Yun into the Xumi bag.

It's a pity that she is not a monster, and there is no magic crystal in her body. With her death and the disappearance of her restraint, her yin energy is much less than that of monsters of the same level.

Longevity formula (the sixth level is 11%, can be improved; special effect: life extension 4200 years.)

The two people add up, and the total is only 10 taels.

Han Zhao clasped his hands together, and the two forces produced a violent collision and friction sound.

Six-leaf bodhi flower is an excellent medicine that can purify the blood of spirit beasts, and chalcedony can cut hair and wash marrow, increasing the probability of breaking through the big bottleneck.

He used all kinds of exercises and true energy, but he couldn't get rid of the mark.

However, the Yin Qi brought to Han Zhao is probably enough to simulate once or twice.

"When I came, they were both hurt, and I took a big advantage." After speaking, Han Zhao patted the two Sumi bags on his waist.

Looking at the messy battlefield, Lian Chengxue asked with concern: "Brother Han, are you not injured? Where are Murong Qi and Ji Qingshuang?"

The three girls landed in front of Han Zhao, seeing him in white clothes and spotless, they couldn't help being a little dazed.

He had to give Ji Baiwei the seven evil fragments with his own hands, so as to maximize his benefits.

As for Buyuanzhi, it is a great tonic for qi and blood.

Han Zhao poured his true energy into the 'Xuanling Battle Box', and saw the box opened, and a golden giant sword flew out.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao canceled the dragon transformation, put on a new white dress, and then put away Ji Qingshuang's remains and the sumeru bag.

"Roar!" A roar of a tiger sounded in Han Zhao's ears, he felt the warmth of grabbing Murong Qi's arm, and a tattoo-like pattern of a white tiger was imprinted on his forearm.

A system prompt appears.

He immediately took out all the banknotes in the two Xumi's bags.

The aftermath of the hurricane set off a large swath of river water, sweeping towards the shore.

On the other side, Ji Yun who saw Han Zhao put away Ji Qingshuang's body also attacked him.

"It's good that you're not injured." Lian Chengxue heaved a sigh of relief, shaking his body slightly.

"Just keep building up the strength."

【White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword·Spiritual Weapon】

"If you can find a prescription and refine these three elixirs into pills, the potency will at least double."

The qi, blood and true qi absorbed this time made Tianhe Raining Sword Art perfect directly.

The two sisters, Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing, looked at each other when they heard the words, and the corners of their mouths twitched. They were talking nonsense with their eyes open.

Looking at the prompt on the system panel, Han Zhao fell into deep thought.

He just died, and now is the time when the white tiger blood in his body is most active.

This Murong Qi is really too rich!

"System, improve Duanyue Saber Technique."

It took a full hour for him to refine these.

[Take out or store weapons through the power of true energy and blood]

Han Zhao looked at the brand-new strength and thought to himself.

Duanyue Saber Technique (25% of the entry level of the sixth floor, can be improved; special effects: burst level 31, Duanyue Jin level 35)
The Longevity Art once again broke through a small level, and the 400-year lifespan lost by using the Kurong style seems to have returned.

Just as Han Zhao was about to deal with Jian Nu and Ji Yun, three arrows fell almost at the same time on the hundreds of meters high cliff on the opposite bank.

However, the battle appears to be drawing to a close.

Fight if you can beat it, don't fight if you can't beat it, explosive skills are quick and fast, and it is rare to have to fight the enemy for consumption.

Of course, money is the least valuable thing in the purses of the two of them, but Han Zhao is very short of money now.

It wasn't that the three women came too slowly, but the smoothness of the battle exceeded his expectations and ended too quickly.

With this mysterious spirit battle box, the spirituality of the Sword of Rebirth and the Sword of Karma can be further improved.

After feeding the remaining wreckage to the fragments of the Red Dragon Halberd, Han Zhao continued to count.

Seeing this, Han Zhao did not retreat but advanced, walking towards the river.

Then start refining.

[Duanyue Jin and Tianhe Rain-covering Jin are perfect, and swords and swords are combined, and the best deduction route can be obtained: Duan Yuejin + Tianhe Rain-covering Jin = Mountains and Rivers Immeasurable Strength. 】

"Okay!" The three women didn't hesitate at all.

Murong Qi was killed, and his fate would not be any better.

Immeasurable strength of mountains and rivers (minor success 56%, can be improved)

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After they received the letter from the ice blue bird, they rushed to Kuiling Gorge immediately.

Just swallowing it directly, the medicinal power is very significant.

In his right hand, there was a force like a stream of water, flowing flexibly in his palm.

As soon as Han Zhao entered the cabin, he closed the door of the wing room and began to count the harvest this time.

Even without them, it is estimated that Han Zhao can quickly resolve the battle.

[Spirituality: 55% (sleeping, can be improved)]

"Brother Han, be careful!" Lian Chengxue exclaimed when she fell in the air.

[Mountains and rivers are immeasurable: It can induce the energy of the earth and the power of rivers, lakes and seas. As long as the strength is sufficient, the power can be infinitely improved; theoretically, it can restrain the perfect three-point return to the vitality. 】

To him, this is simply a supreme treasure.

"Miss Cheng Yu is serious." Han Zhao smiled and didn't care.

The same is probably true of the Immeasurable Strength of Mountains and Rivers. In theory, his power can be increased infinitely, but his current strength is not enough to form an advantage over high-level warriors.

"According to the agreement, we are late." Lian Chengyu apologized.

[Placing the weapon in it can improve the spirituality of the weapon. 】

Then, he opened the sumeru bags of Murong Qi and Ji Qingshuang to check the spoils.

When boarding the boat just now, Han Zhao asked Shui Jingfeng to take the token given by Ji Baiwei to personally go to Daliang, Tianzhou, and deliver the letter to Ji's family.

[The sword qi and the golden energy attached to the true qi and blood power can be strengthened by [-]% through the sword body. 】

"nice one!"

"Murong Qi is really a fastidious person!"

Han Zhao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it seems that he has brought all his wealth with him.

(End of this chapter)

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