Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 161 True Spirit 2 Transformation·White Tiger Transformation, Greatly Increased Strength!

Chapter 161 The Second Transformation of True Spirit·White Tiger Transformation, Greatly Increased Strength! (Second more)
Among the hundreds of prefectures in Yunzhou, except for the top ten prefectures, many prefectures may not be able to find two strong men at the martial saint level or snake level.

However, Yunzhou City is the capital of Yunzhou, where the strong gather.

In Yunzhou City, there are as many as double ten of the martial saint level or snake level powerhouses.

Among them, the most famous ones are of course the envoys in charge of the Xue family and the Su family.

At this level, they are all aloof, and they only want to live forever and see forever.

Under this, there is Qi Yuntian, the guardian envoy of the Yulingwei of Yunzhou. He has first entered the five evil realms and has mastered at least two small supernatural powers, which are invincible unless he is at the third level of the snake level.

At this moment, outside Yunzhou city.

"Finally back!" Qi Xuanming looked at the tall and majestic walls of Yunzhou City from a distance, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Without stopping, it took him nearly five days before he returned to Yunzhou City.

I came back this trip, one is to heal my injuries, and the other is to say something good for Han Zhao.

Also in the top [-] of the Kirin list, Han Zhao could not refuse Kong Yi's challenge.

"Meet the Young Master!"

With a loud noise, a big hole appeared in the courtyard wall.

Qi Xuanming was puzzled, took the scroll and opened it.

And with the refining of the blood, he could clearly feel the strength of his body increasing.

"Clatter~" A sound like water flowed from his body.

Although Han Zhao was surprised, his face remained normal, and he raised his hand slightly, "Excuse me."

Chi Chi Chi!
The golden light turned into sharp sword energy, cutting off all the threads of true energy released by Han Zhao.

Five days ago, he teamed up with Han Zhao and Su Tianqi, and he was at a disadvantage when facing Murong Qi. Why did Han Zhao kill Murong Qi when he returned to Yunzhou City?
"Could it be that Murong Qi and Ji Qingshuang fought, and ended up losing both, and was missed by Han Zhao? Or did other experts help? Is it the head of the martial arts academy?"

"Han Zhao was able to kill Murong Qi, no matter what, it shows that he has hidden his strength. After all, he is not like us, he has a family as a strong backing. Only by hiding his cards can he win by surprise at critical moments."

"Try the power of the White Tiger Transformation first."

The white tiger blood in Murong Qi's body is so pure, and in terms of spirituality, it is only inferior to Lei Jiao's blood.

If this is superimposed several times, the power of the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit is unimaginable.

What I saw on the scroll was Han Zhao's Danqing portrait, his face was lifelike, and his handsome and extraordinary charm was depicted by seven or eight percent.

Kong Yi of Bailingzong is a peerless genius with five-colored peacock blood, ranking sixth on the unicorn list. If he comes to Yunzhou, Han Zhao will be hard to resist.

This feeling of increased strength surpassed everything else.

"Murong Qi was killed, will Murong Family and Bailingzong send experts here again?! What should we do if Han Zhao loses?" Qi Xuanming was a little worried about Han Zhao.

"It seems that the source of the Murong family's bloodline has definitely reached a level comparable to supernatural powers."

"Eldest brother?!" Qi Xuanming was a little anxious, Qi Yuntian had always been more discerning than him, and this time he was not allowed to finish his sentence. Could it be that something went wrong with the family?

Qi Yuntian just looked at Qi Xuanming and saw that he was ill.

The Murong family has lost a top genius, and they will never let it go.

"Let's take a look." Seeing Qi Xuanming's expression changed, Qi Yuntian knew that he had misunderstood, so he took out a picture scroll from the files on the table and threw it to him.

"Being injured by Murong Qi's innate golden energy is not a serious problem." Qi Xuanming smiled, then changed the subject, and said seriously: "Brother, Han Zhao is extremely talented. If he has the cultivation conditions like ours, he can achieve great success." Absolutely not low, I think the Qi family doesn't protect him enough, it should."

"This..." Qi Xuanming's mind went blank.


Lian Chengxue followed behind Han Zhao, her eyes sparkling brightly.

Since Han Zhao killed Murong Qi, then Ji Qingshuang's Seven Evil Mansion Fragments must also be in Han Zhao's hands.

"When necessary, I will go there myself."

When Han Zhao came to the mirror, he looked like a human-shaped white tiger. Except that he was much stronger, he didn't become more than three meters tall like using the Jiaolong Transformation.

However, for Han Zhao, who has experienced the pain of breaking through the Vajra Art, this pain can still be borne.

"Does it make the other changes stronger every time I practice a new change?"

"En." Qi Xuanming nodded, and after entering the city, he went straight to the headquarters of Yulingwei in the DC area. He was going to go directly to Qi Yuntian.

And Bai Lingzong is now united with the Murong family, and it will certainly not sit idly by.

Maybe Han Zhao's talent has surpassed him, but his strength is still slightly better.

Han Zhao thought to himself, clasping his hands together in front of him.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a tiger roared.

"You travel day and night, I'm afraid you haven't entered the prefectures along the way, so you don't know about it." Qi Yuntian said.

Qi Yuntian showed surprise, and raised his hand to interrupt Qi Xuanming's words.

"Ah?" Qi Xuanming was taken aback, and immediately went to the room on the top floor of the headquarters.

If you trade this thing, you can also get a favor from the Ji family.

He subconsciously looked for reasons, as if he wanted to deny reality.

Han Zhao was stunned.

"It's okay, I have already notified Patriarch, she will send experts to Yunzhou again.

I don't know how long it took.

The white tiger's blood flowed into his body, Han Zhao's body trembled, and soon he clenched his teeth, his forehead was sweating, and his veins bulged.

"After refining the blood of the white tiger, the energy of the golden element is immediately full, and it is a big step closer to the five qi realm."

Accompanied by a flash of golden light, his whole body was covered with white hair, a thick layer of white hair was like armor, protecting his whole body, the palms of his hands turned into tiger claws, the sharp claws glowed like metal.

Chi Chi Chi!
Han Zhao's body overflowed with bursts of sharp golden energy, and the sound of piercing the air was continuous.

Qi Xuanming blurted out.

He rushed forward suddenly, and his figure flashed.

I saw a majestic, about 30-year-old man sitting at the table, it was Qi Yuntian.

"Xuan Ming, are you injured?"

Han Zhao and the three Lian family sisters returned to Nujiao Island.

"If Han Zhao can maintain the current momentum, the chances of winning in the future will be [-]% higher." Qi Yuntian sighed inwardly.

Hearing this, Qi Xuanming was startled suddenly, and reacted, "I'm sorry, senior brother, my heart is disturbed."

Murong Qi was not of the first generation of White Tiger blood, and the Lei Jiao blood in his body was directly snatched from Shangguan Lie's body.

Qi Yuntian murmured.

He believes that since the Qi family has already made an investment, they should invest more manpower and material resources to keep Han Zhao.

"Come in." Hearing the knock on the door, a gentle voice came from the room.

"I've met senior brother." Qi Xuanming saluted respectfully. When no one was around, he generally didn't call him a post.

Han Zhao brought the three sisters to the side hall of the Nujiao Hall, and ordered the servant girl to arrange for them to rest, while he went back to the room, closed the door tightly, and began to refine Murong Qi's white tiger blood.

Everyone looked at Han Zhao enthusiastically, obviously they also learned the news that Han Zhao was on the list.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao was not only not annoyed, but beamed with joy.

"This is human nature, you don't have to blame yourself." Qi Yuntian smiled gently.

Han Zhao circulated the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, and the True Qi turned into silk threads and wound towards the blood in front of him.

Han Zhao felt the changes in his body, and his strength was continuously emerging, but it was different from Jiaolong Transformation.

Nine Transformations of the True Spirit (two transformations; special effects: Jiaolong Transformation, Jiaolong Transformation, White Tiger Transformation, White Tiger Transformation.)

In addition, it is said that Ji Baiwei of the Ji family has a good relationship with Han Zhao. This person is a new snake-level powerhouse of the Ji family and is highly valued by the Ji family.

After getting along with Han Zhao, Qi Xuanming sincerely believed that Han Zhao was a good friend, and his talent was by no means inferior to himself with a spirit body, and he even had the possibility of catching up with his big brother Qi Yuntian.

"Thank you young master." Everyone said in unison.

"Well, be careful all the way." Qi Yuntian nodded slightly, and then added another sentence.

Thousands of Nujiao gang members, including servants and maidservants, all came to the scene, shouting loudly.

Hearing such news suddenly now, it was as if a big earthquake had occurred in his heart.

When Han Zhao came back to his senses, the white tiger floating in the air had disappeared.

Qi Xuanming pushed the door open and entered.

If the Ji family ends, our pressure will be much less. There is no problem in keeping Han Zhao. "

A large number of true qi threads were entangled. Although the white tiger in front of him resisted fiercely, he finally lost the ability to resist under the innumerable true qi threads.

Flood Dragon Transformation (minor success 25%; special effects: power of duality, affinity with thunder and lightning, dragon chant)
White Tiger Transformation (minor success 12%; special effects: Gengjin Qi, Jin Qi Affinity, Tiger Roar)
"Huh? What's going on?" Looking at the system panel, Han Zhao was suddenly taken aback.

However, when Qi Xuanming saw a line of annotations next to the portrait, his eyes widened immediately, "No.17 on the Kirin List. Newcomer to the list, Han Zhao?!!"

"Yes!" Qi Xuanming cupped his fists and saluted, then turned and left immediately.

Han Zhao patted the ashes on his body, looked at the big hole in the courtyard wall, and was a little dazed, "The speed has increased so much? I couldn't control it for a while. And"

"Eldest brother, what's going on?" Qi Xuanming looked up at Qi Yuntian blankly.

Han Zhao opened the door and walked into the yard. He circulated his true energy, stepped on the ground lightly, and the bluestone slabs in the yard cracked and shattered.

But as a genius, he also has his own pride in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of blood the size of a human head appeared in front of Han Zhao, floating in mid-air.

I saw the blood floating in front of him burst into dazzling golden light, and instantly turned into a white tiger with incomparable steed.

The next evening.

However, as soon as he arrived at the gate of Yulingwei, several colleagues saw him and rushed him to the top floor of the headquarters.

Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing did not expect Han Zhao to have such a high prestige in the Nujiao Gang. These people are like believers.

As he initially practiced the White Tiger Transformation, the special effects of the Flood Dragon Transformation actually increased, from one-element power to two-element power.

"I feel that my body has reached the limit at this stage. If I want to improve again, I guess I have to break through the bottleneck of the Sha Ning Realm."

There were bursts of tearing tingling sensations in the meridians all over his body, as if someone was stabbing his body with a knife.

"Xuan Ming, you look good." Qi Yuntian said in a deep voice.

He has always regarded Han Zhao as a friend who is treated equally, and has not despised Han Zhao because of the unequal status and background of the two parties.

"Then I'll go back to Yuanchang Prefecture and inform Han Zhao," Qi Xuanming said.

"Brother Qi, you are back. The guard ordered you to go see him immediately after you come back. Didn't you meet the people we all sent out to meet you?"

"Just yesterday, Ji Qingshuang was dropped from the list, suspected to be killed by Murong Qi, and then Murong Qi died at the hands of Han Zhao, and he was on the [-]th list of Unicorns in one fell swoop. At this moment, he is probably famous in the Three Kingdoms."

"Master Qi!" The soldiers guarding the city recognized Qi Xuanming and immediately saluted him.

"There are still ten months to go before the Zhongzhou Paradoxical Trial. It shouldn't be a big problem to complete the five qi. If you can also fill up the three strange qi, then your strength can be raised to another level."

Han Zhao thought to himself.

He didn't forget that he was attacked by Kong Yi from Bailingzong on the way to Zhongzhou.

If Kong Yi's five-color peacock blood was captured, and then he broke through to the Martial Saint Realm when he entered the Zhongzhou Paradox, wouldn't he be able to kill all directions in it?

(End of this chapter)

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