Chapter 162: Sitting Forgotten Sutra·Mind Travels (5400 characters please subscribe!)
"The innate golden energy contained in this white tiger's bloodline is really sufficient."

Han Zhao released the transformation, feeling the surging Jin Xing Qi in his body, and sighed inwardly.

After refining the white tiger's blood, his five elements' golden energy was immediately full, and he didn't even have time to exert the effect of the [five elements in one] entry.

"According to this progress, it will only take a month or two for me to break through to the Five Qi Realm."

At this moment, the effect of the entry began to appear, and the energy of the five elements began to become balanced.

After a while, Sizhu, who heard the movement, came to the backyard.

"Sir, is this?"

Si Zhu stared at a big hole in the courtyard wall, and was stunned.

"I didn't control my strength well, it's okay, just find a few servants to repair it." Han Zhao said.

"Yes." Si Zhu replied.

He sat on the stone bench that Lu Yingxuan was sitting on just now, and began to play chess with Qin Qingxu.

[At the age of 40, you found a life-prolonging elixir in a cave, and everyone in the field fought fiercely. You used the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit to explode with all your strength and killed everyone. 】

"The first chess player is superb, and the younger generation admires it." Lu Yingxuan got up and said.

Unexpectedly, it took so long to refine the white tiger's blood, and he didn't feel anything at all.

"It's a bit like a secluded place for high-level people outside the world." Han Zhao sniffed the fresh air and the fragrance of green bamboo, and his heart became much calmer.

It took a long time for Han Zhao to recover a bit.

[At the age of 42, you collected all kinds of elixir and finally refined the longevity pill.The life span of 30 years at the peak of Qi and blood has been restored. 】

Yan Baichuan straightened his mind, "I should really believe in my guess at that time!"

"Why is Brother Yan sighing?" Fang Hong said.

Unless he chooses to join an aristocratic family, it is extremely difficult for a pure warrior to succeed.

"Brother Han, it's been a long time." Yan Baichuan said.

[However, if you cannot comprehend the divine intention of this practice, you will never be able to enter it. 】

"The gap between people is sometimes bigger than that between people and dogs." Yan Baichuan looked complicated.

Today, Han Zhao is only 24 years old, and he jumped to No.17 on the Kirin list.

"Back when I first entered Fucheng, I relied on Brother Yan and Brother Fang to save a lot of money to buy pill furnaces and medicinal materials. How can I forget such things." Han Zhao said frankly.

Among the three sisters of the Lian family, the one who would come to him alone should be Lian Chengxue.

"Thousands of years ago, martial arts schools around the world were the lower courts that sent talents to the Tianshengzong. Today, most of the martial arts schools no longer perform this duty. But now I still have a quota in hand, and I can recommend one of the two to go to Nanzhanhai , and become an inner disciple of Yin Yang Hall." Qin Qingxu said.

[At the age of 37, you have recovered to the state of completeness of the five qi, but the qi and blood are getting weaker and weaker, unable to break through. 】

And Lu Yi, it is estimated that only by going to the outer seas can he hope to break through the Grandmaster Realm.

Han Zhao tucked the quilt up for Xu Ling and left the room.

[On a sunny afternoon, you sat on a deck chair basking in the sun and passed away in your sleep. 】

"The matter of the first lord must be very important. If that is the case, then we will not bother you, and we will talk about it another day." Yan Baichuan said seriously.

Qin Qingxu was startled by Han Zhao's tone.

"Today, there is a big opportunity in front of the two of you, but only one of them can get this opportunity. How to choose is entirely up to you."

"I can guess every possible move you may make on the chessboard. As long as I want to win, I can do it at any time." Qin Qingxu smiled lightly, and finally added, "Just like you are in reality."

The sound of footsteps caught the attention of the two of them, and Lu Yingxuan looked up at him.

"Brother Han, I haven't seen you in the martial arts academy for a long time." Yan Baichuan said.

If Lu Yingxuan leaves Dongshengzhou, many disasters can be avoided, and it will be of great benefit to her future development.

"Senior Sister Lu and the chief seat informed me that they have important matters to discuss." Han Zhao explained.

[At the age of 53, you successfully checked the jade slips through your mental power, and got a remnant of a spiritual exercise method - "Zuo Wang Sutra·Shen You Pian"]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

Qin Qingxu looked at Han Zhao.

He immediately set off to return to Fucheng and went straight to the Wuyuan.

[At the age of 26, you took Buyuanzhi and recovered from your injuries, but you lost a lot of life, your foundation was damaged, and you fell to the fourth qi state. 】

【Lu Yingxuan wanted you to stay in the big city near the Yin Yang Sect so that you could take care of her nearby, but you refused. 】

Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

"Thank you senior."

"Recommended quota?" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

[One hundred and eight years old, in the last days of your life, you finally let go of all obsessions and waited for death. 】

Han Zhao headed north all the way.

【The trial is over. On your way back from Zhongzhou to Yunzhou, you encountered the ambushes of Bailingzong, Baihu Family, Jiuyoufu, and Longevity Sect. 】

[You killed all directions in the trial, and killed many disciples of the Chu family, including the direct descendants of the Baihu family. 】

Seeing this situation, Lu Yingxuan could only continue.

【You get the life-prolonging elixir and a jade slip, but you cannot view the contents recorded in the jade slip. 】

The bamboo forest in front of me is very quiet, and the mountains and plains are covered with luxuriant, fresh and green bamboos.In the early morning, the bamboo forest is still shrouded in a layer of mist, and there are a few crisp birdsong from time to time.The dewdrops on the bamboo leaves look crystal clear under the sunlight.

"Synthesis, start simulation."

"It's not too late for this matter, you should go back and make preparations early." Qin Qingxu said solemnly.

Xu Ling's aptitude is above average, and with the various pills he provided, it is basically safe to reach the master level, but it is very difficult to become a saint.

Qin Qingxu took a deep look at him and did not continue to ask.

"The younger generation doesn't know how to play chess." Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment, he was good at chess, let's forget about Go.

"You really don't know how to play chess." Qin Qingxu said.

"Clean up the room and I'll go find them."

After leaving the backyard, Han Zhao went straight to the study.

"Brother Han is serious." The smile on Fang Hong's face became brighter.

"Secret method of spiritual power?!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

"Originally, the person I was optimistic about was Yingxuan, but your appearance made me see a better candidate. With your talent, if you enter the Yinyang Palace, the chance of becoming a true disciple in the future is even greater than Yingxuan."

【Yu Xuanji sent you to Yunzhou City to recuperate, and then disappeared completely. 】

Going down and down, Han Zhao found something was wrong.

The breeze blew past, the dewdrops fell, and the bamboo leaves swayed, making a subtle rustling sound.

Since she can bring her family there, let her take Xu Ling and Lu Yi to the sea, so that he will have no worries at all.

Looking at the remnants of the Zuo Wang Sutra in the martial arts column, the joy of obtaining the exercises in the past disappeared, and Han Zhao felt that everything was boring.


【Collect all 220 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

Han Zhao ordered.

[One hundred and five years old, Xu Ling died. 】

But soon because of the difference in chess strength, he still lost.

The corner of Qin Qingxu's mouth twitched, she had been playing back and forth just now, but when Han Zhao came, she lost to him head-to-head.

[Under the protection of the Qi family and the Ji family, Bailingzong and the Baihu family will not trouble you for the time being. 】

Qin Qingxu added.


[At the age of 25, you broke through to the Five Qi Realm and went to Zhongzhou to participate in the trial. 】

If Han Zhao had the same background as them and had the cultivation conditions like theirs, it would not be impossible for him to enter the top three now.

"Is the old man's move that day also part of your plan?" Qin Qingxu changed the subject.

【Lv Yingxuan was recommended by Qin Qingxu, and took Xu Ling, Lu Yi and others to the outer seas. 】

"You should learn how to play chess, so that you can cultivate yourself." Qin Qingxu said seriously.

"I refuse!" Han Zhao said seriously.

[At the age of 43, you successfully broke through the first level of Condensation and became a Martial Saint. 】

[At the age of 52, you broke through to the three evil realms and began to exercise your mental power. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[Current balance: Gold 200 taels]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

This matter is related to the future, doesn't he need this opportunity himself?

"Senior was joking, and junior can't predict the future, so how could he know such a thing."

Although a thousand taels of silver is naturally a drizzle to him now, but under the circumstances at that time, 1000 taels was a lot of money to him.

Xu Ling lay softly in Han Zhao's arms, "Junior Brother Han, will you really go to the sea to find us?"

[At the age of one hundred, Lu Yingxuan failed to cross the supernatural catastrophe. 】

Han Zhao opened it and saw that it was a letter from Lu Yingxuan asking him to go back to Fucheng Martial Arts Academy.

The Luanfeng and Minggong have greatly strengthened this aspect, and he also practiced the body training method of the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit. Xu Ling was really unbearable to conquer, and asked him to marry Lu Yingxuan.Otherwise, take the four servant girls she has trained into the room first, or she will die in Han Zhao's hands sooner or later.

[In this state of mind, you finally comprehend the true meaning of "Zuo Wang Sutra·Shen You Pian", but you don't care about everything anymore, and you don't practice. 】

"Actually, the old man still hasn't said a word, no matter which one of you two becomes an inner disciple of the Yin Yang Palace, you can bring your family to go with you."

"Do you know what this quota means? True disciples even have the hope of communicating with heaven and earth. This is a shortcut to the realm of supernatural powers."

"Little Lingling, you should be punished for doubting me!" Han Zhao suddenly said viciously, lifted the quilt and got in.

Seeing that Lu Yingxuan's eyes were red, Han Zhao stepped forward and took her tender hand.

Han Zhao stood quietly aside, he knew nothing about Go.

When I came back yesterday, I exchanged a little gold, but after communicating with Xu Ling, I didn't imitate it immediately.

"Brother Yan, Brother Fang." Han Zhao stopped and saluted Yan Baichuan and Fang Hong.

The residence of Qin Qingxu, the first building of the Martial Academy, is located in the bamboo forest at the northernmost part of the Martial Academy.

Han Zhao returned the salute one by one.

In the middle of the bamboo forest is an exquisite bamboo house, in front of which there is a stone table and several stone chairs.

[Half a month later, the Ji family sent Ji Zhuling to collect the Qixiefu fragments. 】

[At the age of 24, you killed Murong Qi and made it to No.17 on the Kirin list in one fell swoop, making your name shocking the world. 】

"If that's the case, then we should leave as soon as possible." Han Zhao said.

"The young master has not left the courtyard for two days, and the three girls are resting in the wing room of the side hall. One of them came to see you last night, but the young master is in retreat, so I stopped her." Si Zhu replied.

Lu Yingxuan was silent.

[At the age of 27, you took the initiative to choose to go to the sea. 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 130, gold 3000 taels.]

[At the age of 28, you joined the Holy Palace by virtue of alchemy. 】

In the end, his attention was highly concentrated, and the mantra of Zuowangjing and God's intention were firmly imprinted into his mind.

At that time, he bought the alchemy furnace, which was Wanbao Pavilion that Yan Baichuan took him to. Fang Hong, as the young owner of Wanbao Pavilion, sold him the first pill furnace, as well as the prescription and medicinal materials at cost price.

Qin Qingxu's attention was still on the chessboard.

"Okay." Han Zhao agreed.

"Brother Han is a kind man, he never forgets his roots when he is rich, and never forgets his kindness when he is prosperous." Fang Hong changed the subject, "No matter what, our luck is yet to come!"

"Brother Han?!"

【Ji Bai, who heard the news, left the customs and rushed to Yuanchang Mansion together. 】

Three poles in the sun.

"So fast?!" Lu Yingxuan was surprised.

Martial arts in the outer seas are prosperous, and there may be more opportunities.

Also, his last memory survived the simulation.

"I didn't expect Brother Han to remember me." Fang Hong looked flattered.

Lu Yingxuan struggled a bit, and finally made a decision, "My lord, I give up."

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao hurriedly comforted him softly.

"Alas~" Yan Baichuan sighed suddenly as he watched Han Zhao leave quickly.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly shook his head and laughed: "If you are an old man at your age, you will never be able to refuse such a temptation. But the chick knows the ambitions of the great, maybe the old man is that chick today."

Without hesitation at all, he made a choice.

"?" Lu Yingxuan looked puzzled, was she talking about playing chess?

Xu house.

[Bailing Sect, White Tiger Family, Jiuyou Mansion, and Longevity Sect invaded Yunzhou in advance. 】

"It's no wonder that every time [Option [-]] is selected, the system will completely clear most of the memories. If I were given decades of memories, would I still be me?"

"It's too much for the old man." Qin Qingxu laughed, and it seemed that he was being mean to test his lover in this way.

Zuo Wang Jing · Shen You Chapter (the first floor has not been started, can be upgraded)

The only thing that attracted him to the Zhongzhou trial was the yin energy inside. After participating in the trial, it would be an excellent choice to go to the holy place of martial arts in the outer sea to practice.

[Four snake-level triple-level top masters join forces, you are one against four, and use the Kurong style to seriously injure one of them at the expense of life, and eventually lose the ability to resist. 】

All the students I met along the way were in awe.

Xu Ling bit her lip and suppressed her voice.

Hearing Qin Qingxu's voice, Lu Yingxuan adjusted her mood, "I made the chief seat laugh."

Instead of going step by step like he is now, fighting against strong people whose realm is higher than him time and time again.

In the simulation, if you encounter a strong enemy that you can't beat, you can just pack up and run away, hide your name, and take revenge when you have enough strength.

Thank you very much Han Zhao.

The exhausted Xu Ling fell into a deep sleep.

Han Zhao was 'at a loss'.

Only the female students in Jianyu Academy dared to come up to say hello to him.

Han Zhao's heart shuddered, and he remained calm on the surface, "What do you mean by that senior?"

Beside Yan Baichuan was a man in his early thirties, with a calm face and a calm pace, but when he saw Han Zhao, he also showed a warm smile.

[You won the first place in one fell swoop, and you have been wooed by many wealthy families. 】

It's fine if he didn't say that, but when he said that, tears welled up in Lu Yingxuan's eyes.

The two returned to Lu Mansion together, and then explained the situation to Lu Yi and Zhang Mudie.In the end, the two agreed to follow Lu Yingxuan to the sea.

Qin Qingxu's voice was seductive.

With that said, he left the courtyard and walked towards the side room of the side hall.

When Han Zhao passed by the pagoda building in the center of the Wuyuan, a handsome young man with bright eyes came out and looked at Han Zhao with surprise.

[At the age of 72, your qi and blood have declined again. Lu Yingxuan obtained an elixir from the Heavenly Sacred Cave to help you restore part of your qi and blood. 】

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[You went to the Yin Yang sect, but you were turned away because of the decline of your blood. 】

"There are many things we can't envy! Brother Han still regards you as a friend, doesn't he?" Fang Hong persuaded, rejoicing but also regretting that he should have gotten closer to Han Zhao at that time.

Han Zhao changed the subject and asked, "Sizhu, how long have I been practicing? How are the three girls doing?"

"That's true." Fang Hong agreed. Today's Han Zhao can influence their family with a single sentence.Even if he knew what Han Zhao was like, he couldn't be as natural as before.

Even though he basically doesn't know how to play chess, he still has a huge advantage that can be seen at a glance.

"Senior sister, don't worry, when the Zhongzhou trial is over, I will go to the sea to find you." Han Zhao comforted.

"Two days?" Han Zhao muttered to himself.

"I really don't know whether to say you are ignorant or fearless, or ambitious."

"Senior sister, you don't need to be like this. I agreed to the conditions of the Qi family, and I can't just leave if I want to. And I still have some things to do, so I can't leave in a short time, so this quota belongs to you, not from me. .”

"Big chance?" Han Zhao was taken aback.

At this moment, Qin Qingxu and Lu Yingxuan were sitting opposite each other, playing chess.

The master bedroom in the backyard wing.


Han Zhao got off the bed refreshed.

"That's true. I just didn't expect the protagonist in the script to be met by me."

"Just have fun, winning or losing doesn't matter." Qin Qingxu said.

"It's a good day like this, but it's a pity that in this world, if I don't cause trouble, trouble will come to my door."

[In order not to sit still, you start to team up with warriors to explore. 】

"." Han Zhao was speechless.

Han Zhao looked at Qin Qingxu in confusion.

"If the quota has been confirmed, we can start within seven days." Qin Qingxu said.

"En." Xu Ling responded lightly. It's not that she doesn't believe it, but she just wants to confirm it again.

"With your talent, there is no difficulty in entering the outer sect first, and it will be a matter of time before you become an inner disciple. The old man was just testing your sincerity towards Yingxuan."

Han Zhao has no way of knowing the complicated mental journey of the two of them, and he has arrived at the destination at this moment.

"So what?" Han Zhao asked back: "Senior Sister needs this quota more than I do. Could it be that if I don't go to the Yin Yang Hall, I won't be able to gain supernatural powers?"

[In the same year, Qiantian Palace was opened, which has nothing to do with you. 】

"Are you coming to play a game with me?" Qin Qingxu glanced at Han Zhao and smiled.

[In a critical moment, Yu Xuanji made a move and beheaded all the enemies present, but she also exposed her whereabouts. 】

Just because she needs to.

Two days later, Yuniang returned to Nujiao Island and sent a letter.

"Okay." Han Zhao was not polite, cupped his hands at the two of them, and immediately rushed to the bamboo forest in the north.

"Yingxuan's practice of Tiansha Demon Art is something I acquiesced, but I didn't expect that she would practice Tianma Whirllight, which would attract the attention of the Tiansha King. Going to the outer sea can avoid disasters, and secondly She goes a step further."

"Of course." Han Zhao smiled.

"The gap is too big, it's hard to find the mentality of making friends with Brother Han at the beginning." Yan Baichuan felt lost.

As the selection ended, a picture appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

With his arrival, Qin Qingxu slaughtered the dragon in less than a cup of tea.

"Junior brother!" Lu Yingxuan was moved, and she only heard the sentence in her heart that "senior sister needs this quota more than I do".

Just the memory of the period before his death entered his mind, and he was affected so much.

But it is also because of this empathetic state of mind that he can comprehend the true meaning of Zen Wangshen's intention.

While his memory was still relatively deep, he immediately began to practice the Zuo Wang Sutra·Shen You Pian.


PS: One update today, tomorrow I’m going to be the best man (gritting my teeth)
(End of this chapter)

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