Chapter 163

Han Zhao put all his attention on the divine intention of "Zuo Wang Jing · Shen You Pian" in his mind.

At this time, the detailed content of this spiritual training method appeared.

"After completing the first level of the Shenyou chapter, the spiritual power will be doubled! Doesn't that mean that I have the hope to practice small supernatural powers in advance, so that the combat power will be qualitatively improved in advance?"

Han Zhao analyzed it in his heart.

When a warrior breaks through to the three evil realms, he will usher in the first transformation, that is, to develop the potential of the brain and exercise the spiritual power.

Combining spiritual power and stellar energy, refining the seeds of supernatural powers can condense small supernatural powers.

The key is not realm, but spiritual power.

Before he had broken through to the Martial Saint Realm, he had practiced Stellar Qi in advance, which was also one of the key factors for him to be able to cross the Great Realm to fight against the enemy.

Combination of attack and defense, the most important thing is to be able to block the attacks of high-level enemies, not to mention whether it can hurt high-level enemies.

Otherwise, if he hits the enemy hard with ten attacks, and the opponent hits him once, he will break his defense and die, and the battle will be too difficult.

"If I had the talent of Junior Brother Han and Senior Sister Lu, I wouldn't share Junior Brother Han with anyone! Unfortunately, I don't have it."

After Lian Chengyu put away the fragments of the divine weapon, he smiled shyly.

Beside the pit, lay a crimson boa constrictor, but at this moment, the boa constrictor had a flat head, broken teeth, and a huge blood hole seven inches away. The blood flowed all over the ground. It was obviously dead.

After the blood spirit strategy was integrated into the nine transformations of the true spirit, although the blood spirit incarnation disappeared, other original special effects were enhanced.

"Refining the seeds of supernatural powers requires a lot of mental power, and this chapter of divine travel comes at the right time."

Seeing the back, Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

As soon as the other party came to the door, she launched an attack suddenly, killing all her subordinates. She had just used the power of the fragments of the Sunstrider Bow, and before she had time to use her full strength, her pet was killed and she was captured by the monster.

Xu Ling sighed, although she is only 26 years old now, after being with Han Zhao, she always feels that time is short.

When the flow of Yin Qi slowed down, Han Zhao was ready to stop.

With Qin Qingxu personally escorting them to Tianxuanzong, Han Zhao can rest assured.

[Current balance: 10000 taels of gold. 】

At this time, Han Zhao released his transformation, and in the Xuanling battle box behind him, the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword, Karma-Cutting Saber, and Rebirth Sword trembled for a while, as if to say why they should not be allowed to participate in the battle.

However, it is too difficult to break through the Concentrating Shade Realm.

Han Zhao looked at her, and she looked at her boldly.

"Yunyun, do you think I have hope of becoming a saint?" Xu Ling changed the subject.

"Is this the soul splitting technique?"

Sitting and forgetting the scriptures · Shenyou chapter (11% entry level of the first level, can be improved; special effect: refining the spirit)

In fact, the power of the purgatory style did not decrease before, but continued to increase as he deepened his understanding of the sword technique, but the enemies he encountered became stronger and stronger, and they were all hundreds of millions, or even billions of people. A peerless genius .

It's a pity that the jade slips he obtained in the simulation are only the first layer of 'Zuo Wang Jing · Shen You Pian'.

Han Zhao was stunned.

Han Zhao stretched out his hand to help, Lian Chengxue moved faster, and had already stepped forward to hug the two girls.

Han Zhao said sternly.

In the simulation, he reached the state of perfection of the seven evil spirits, and the strongest time seemed to be when he practiced four small supernatural powers.

Many warriors of her age got married at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

Before leaving, Xu Ling tidied Han Zhao's collar that was not messy, and after leaning against his chest for a while, he reminded him softly.

However, when he really reached this level of thinking, he probably didn't bother to practice in reality.

Of course, this is the worst situation. With the simulation to predict the general direction of the future, he will not let himself fall into such a deadlock. If the enemy is too strong, he will run away.

Although he hadn't seen Xu Ling and the others for nearly a year when he was coerced by Shangguan Yunfei to go to the Nujiao Gang, he could still send letters through Yuniang, and now they were going to Nanzhan, a million miles away. Hai, communication is unrealistic.

Two extremely pure yin qi quickly entered his palm.

"This feeling is amazing!"

"You! You are Han Zhao?!" Xue Han was shocked.

During the next seven days.

"Junior Brother Han, go and see Senior Sister Lu."


Now the people he cares most about are about to go to Nanzhanhai. Although there are people who stay here who have a good relationship with him, they won't let him risk his life to die.

Among them, the special effect of blood separation still exists, and after he reaches a high level, he can even be reborn from a drop of blood.

At the age of 24, which one is not three wives and four concubines.

Han Zhao stood outside the city gate, watching Xu Ling and Lu Yingxuan leave until their figures completely disappeared on the horizon.

Lian Chengyu coughed a few times as a reminder, Han Zhao came back to his senses and left the yard.

He returned to Nujiao Island with two fragments, and handed them over to the three sisters of the Lian family.

"I'm very angry right now!"

In the middle of the pit stood a giant over three meters tall. His whole body was covered in platinum scales, and electric arcs flickered all over his body. He was carrying a black box on his back.

Han Zhao followed closely behind.

"." Su Yun was silent. Xu Ling's considerations were very realistic, and the gap would indeed become bigger and bigger.

Han Zhao stepped forward and helped the three girls up one by one.

At the beginning, he consciously forgot everything in the outside world, and soon, he entered a mysterious state, as if he had forgotten the existence of his own body.

The first layer is accompanied by a "secret technique of soul division", which can split part of the soul and entrust it to living or dead objects, so as to achieve the effect of soul division and object control.

This was a surprise to Han Zhao.

At this time, a palm-sized ice-blue bird flew from the sky, landed straight down, and landed on Han Zhao's shoulder.

This in itself is a very contradictory thing, but option three of the simulation helped him solve this huge problem.

Han Zhao came to his senses, even if there were follow-up exercises, he would not be able to cultivate if he was not in the realm, so there is no need to rush for a while.

Although Xu Ling and Lu Yingxuan went to the outer seas for better development, if there is no threat from external forces, then going to the outer seas is an option, not a must.

Yu Niang replied.

But she never expected that it was him who knocked on the door.

To put it bluntly, he knew that his life was not long and there was no hope, so he lay down completely and waited for death. That's why he didn't practice after comprehending God's intention, because it was useless.

In reality, Han Zhao can't lie down, because even if he knows what kind of mentality can comprehend God's intention, he can't control his thoughts.

He turned all the yin qi obtained from the three sisters of the Lian family and the fragments of the divine soldiers into reminder fragments.

The three sisters of the Lian family were all beaming. The three fragments of the Sun Chaser Bow were combined into high-level pseudo-divine weapons. Even if they were reassembled after being broken, they could significantly enhance the power of the divine soldiers in their bodies, allowing the divine soldiers to wake up as soon as possible.


Han Zhao comforted him.

Han Zhao nodded and asked, "Have you found anyone?"

"If I can't become a saint, the limit lifespan of the grand master is only 150 years. Brother Han and Senior Sister Lu will definitely be able to become a saint! When I die, having someone like Sister Lu accompanying him will not only give him spiritual comfort , and can help him in reality, why don't I agree!"

Yuanchang Mansion has a population of tens of millions, and the Martial Saints are no more than Shangguanlie, Qin Qingxu, and He Wuji, and Yuanchang Mansion is still the top ten mansions in Yunzhou. One can imagine how difficult it is to break through the Martial Saint Realm.

The general outline shows that there are seven levels in the Shenyou chapter, and every time you learn a level, your mental power will be doubled.

All five senses are strengthened.

Han Zhao grinned grimly, and the scales on his face gradually faded, revealing his original face.

To put it nicely, at the last moment in the simulation, all the people closest to him have passed away one after another, and he has no worries and cares, reaching the state of 'sit and forget yourself'.

It is basically only a matter of time before Xu Ling breaks through to the master realm, and there is hope for her to work harder.

The exercises were just an introduction, and Han Zhao felt that the world had changed before his eyes.

The memory of lying flat helps him to practice sitting and forgetting the scriptures: Shenyou chapter, and the memory of introversion keeps him fighting spirit.

At this moment, Han Zhao has some "lying flat" memories in his mind, but more of the "introverted" memories of his 20s. As long as he can't die, he will rush to death.

"That's right." Su Yun suddenly realized, no matter men or women, who doesn't like to cling to the strong.

After regaining consciousness, Han Zhao continued to check the follow-up content of the first layer of Shenyou Chapter.

"Crack!" There was a tooth-sickening sound of bones breaking, Han Zhao exerted all his force, and Xue Han's body was limp on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Han Zhao grinned, showing his sharp white teeth, and kept tightening his arms.

Combined with the soul-splitting secret technique of the Shenyou Chapter, he can almost be said to have countless lives, and he can't die at all.

"Brother Han, don't be sad, you will see them again soon." Yu Niang comforted softly.

"Miss Cheng Yu is polite, no matter how many days it is, you can rest assured to retreat."

"In the next period of time, the three of us sisters need to retreat to restore the power of the magic weapon. I hope that Mr. Han can protect the law for a few days." Lian Chengyu said with a pale face.

Many people's lying down is just behavior, not thought.

Three days later, Han Zhao found the last fragment of the Sun Chaser Bow.

"Hmm~" the two girls couldn't help moaning softly.

"Please, let me go!"

On the outskirts, in an elegant manor, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

After an unknown period of time, his consciousness seemed to have returned to his body, but he could actively control his will and eliminate distracting thoughts during cultivation.

Xu Ling was disappointed.

Because of the deep memory in the simulation, Han Zhao soon entered the state of 'sit and forget'.

"It's really forgetful, you still called me Xiaolangjun before."

However, at this moment, the young woman's face was extremely distorted, struggling in pain.

"I don't know, you should be able to." Su Yun was not quite sure.

She still has a long way to go before she can achieve great strength, and Xu Ling has already achieved great strength last year.This is due to the fact that the business of the firm is getting bigger and bigger, and they have no shortage of general cultivation resources, and there is also a high-level elixir refined by Han Zhao, which allows them to enter the country faster.

"Combining the Soul Splitting Secret Technique with the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit is also quite significant for the improvement of combat power!"

"Don't worry, how can you kill a chicken with a butcher's knife? When you meet a master and let you play, next time will be sure!"

And he doesn't.

"What a big breath!"

【Collect all 1390 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

In the center of the yard, there is a large pit with a diameter of more than 15 meters.

The left side is numb, with the power of thunder and lightning in the Yin Qi, while the tingling pain in the right hand is the power of Fengling.

He wins with more cards.

Su Yun walked to Xu Ling's side and whispered: "Lingling, have you thought it through? Are you really going to match Junior Brother Han and Senior Sister Lu?"

It is equivalent to gaining three times the combat power in an instant.


"As long as there is a clear goal, sooner or later the follow-up exercises will be found in the simulation, and the first level will be practiced first before talking about the others."

It's just that in this way, while fighting on his own body, he also needs to control the two avatars to fight, and his energy will be dispersed, affecting the combat power of his body.

One day, he will make these forces that have offended him pay the price!

The backyard was turned into ruins in the flames soaring into the sky.

Especially for a genius like Han Zhao, there will be countless women willing to recommend themselves as pillows without taking the initiative.

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 130, gold 3000 taels.]

"Thank you." The three sisters saluted at the same time.

Han Zhao stretched out his hands and put them on the backs of the two sisters.

"In this way, wouldn't I be able to refine more supernatural power seeds in the Sha Ning Realm?"

"My appearance and family background are not bad, but compared with those girls that Junior Brother Han met, I am much worse." Xu Ling said.

The increase in mental power alone is already beyond common sense, and every time you learn a level, there will be accompanying spiritual power secrets.

The name of Han Zhao is now a name that has to be taken seriously among the children of the aristocratic family.

"Yeah." Han Zhao nodded and walked in front of the crowd.

"Master Han, thank you very much!"

"Okay." Han Zhao was not polite, after all, he had put in a lot of effort.

Lian Chengbing, who was on the side, also came to Han Zhao's side prettyly, with his back to her.

To lie flat on the mind is to completely lie flat, everything is dull.

"Xue Han, didn't you say that you want to get close to me? Why are you going back on your word now?"

Han Zhao took a shot with his right hand, absorbing the remaining Yin Qi in her body.

"The purgatory pose is also a sword technique that involves the spiritual level. As my spiritual power improves, theoretically speaking, the power of the purgatory pose can also be improved."

The Xuanling battle box is sleeping and can be used directly.

Talent, resources, opportunities, and luck are all indispensable.

When supporting Lian Chengxue, she hooked Han Zhao's palm with her fingers.

I saw him holding a charming young woman in his arms. She was wearing a bright red tight skirt, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin on her chest, as well as slender and round legs.

Han Zhao suddenly thought of this possibility.

Thinking of this, he devoted himself to comprehend the Sutra of Zuowangjing · Shenyou Pian.

His eyes seemed to see more clearly, and his hearing seemed to be sharper. He sank his mind and could even hear Xu Ling's whispering sleep.

"According to the agreement, Mr. Han, you come and suck us."

Han Zhao took out the knives from the Sumeru bag, placed them between his knees, and felt them carefully.

"Junior Brother Han has only had an intimate relationship with me so far, so what more could I ask for?"

The Flood Dragon Transformation and the newly trained White Tiger Transformation cannot be used at the same time. He can enjoy the passive enhancement effects of the two bloodlines on the body at the same time, but he cannot obtain the White Tiger Transformation while actively using the Flood Dragon Transformation to gain strength and thunder attributes. Gold gas boost and speed boost.

The two women's bodies were weak and they couldn't stand steadily.

"It's no wonder that at the last moment in the simulation, 'I' comprehended God's intention but did not practice. Only this kind of mentality that doesn't care about everything can truly comprehend this exercise."

"We don't have a deep hatred, let it go!"

He originally thought that the white tiger golden crystal sword he had snatched from Murong Qi would offend him, but he didn't expect that it would directly 'surrender to the enemy' and become very close to Han Zhao.

Five more days passed.

"With his status today, even if he gives up on me, I won't complain, let alone he will never do that."

"The improvement of mental power seems to be able to directly feed back the physical body."

Yu Niang fluttered her wings and flew high.

Then, put the fragments of the Sun Chaser Bow into the Sumeru bag.

If you practice the secret soul technique, you can split a small part of your soul during the battle and use it to directly control the two avatars, and you will be able to exert the strongest combat power of the avatar without affecting the main body.

However, innate aptitude is really too important.

"Who are you?" Xue Han kept struggling, she didn't know this monster at all.

Han Zhao stayed in Fucheng, by the side of Xu Ling and Lu Yingxuan.

Han Zhao walked out of the room and came to the yard.

However, no matter how talented people of the same age are, it takes a step by step to practice peerless skills.

At this moment, a painful sound came from in front of the giant.

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

However, if you use the dragon incarnation and the white tiger incarnation, you can control the two avatars at the same time to play their own characteristics.

"Okay, take me there." Han Zhao's voice was low.

In the case of sufficient mental power and stellar energy, there is no problem in practicing more small supernatural powers.

"I have never encountered such a rich simulation in ten lifetimes." Han Zhao looked happy.

Today is the day when Ji's family came.

The person who gave the money arrived, and he couldn't wait for ten consecutive draws!

 PS: I'm asleep, I'll make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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