Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 164 Consecutive miracles, 【Fighting Spirit Body】X【Protagonist Halo】√

Chapter 164 Ten miracles in a row, [Fighting Spirit Body] X [Protagonist Halo] √ (big chapter for order)
It was just noon.

Han Zhao then received a summons to help Chinese warriors.

The members of the Ji family have arrived.

Han Zhao personally led the gang to greet them at the wharf of Nujiao Island.

But after a while of incense, a passenger ship with a word "Ji" embroidered on its sail came slowly, and finally stopped at the pier.

A tall girl came down first. She was wearing a light blue silk embroidered skirt. She had a fair face of joy and anger, and a pair of eyes under the long eyelashes seemed to be full of water vapor. She was extremely attractive and slightly curved. There was an unconcealable smile on the corner of his raised mouth.

[Ji Baiwei——The yin energy is highly condensed, and the force has evolved into an indestructible black snake, which is at the second level of the snake level; mastering the fragments of the third-order divine weapon, mastering the power of the seven emotions, the strength is comparable to that of the martial saints in the three evil realms, for you With great goodwill. 】

Han Zhao stared intently, and a system prompt appeared.

"Five surnames and ten rich families, what an exaggeration!" Han Zhao sighed heartily.

Not seen for more than five years, Ji Baiwei has grown from a 1.5-meter-high loli to a tall and slender beauty over 1.7 meters tall.

Han Zhao's eyes widened.

"Then when you go back, I'll prepare some for you, and you can take it home to drink." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

【You hand over the fragments of Qixie to Ji Baiwei, and she will send you 12 taels of gold. 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 130, gold 3000 taels.]

In an instant, Han Zhao's brain raced and said, "This is my adopted sister, her name is Yuniang!"

"Brother Han, are you short of money?"

"It's raining across the city."

[One month later, you joined forces with the three sisters of the Lian family to find Ji Zhuling who was alone. 】

Ji Zhuling looked puzzled and followed.

Seeing Ji Bai's slightly concerned face, Han Zhao paused for a moment when he drew the knife.

"Brother Han." Seeing Han Zhao looking at her affectionately, Ji Bai couldn't help feeling his heart warm, and walked quickly to her.

"Who are you?! You actually attacked me?" Ji Zhuling put away her shield, her face turned pale. If she hadn't used magic weapons, the protective black snake would definitely not be able to withstand the three arrows.


"Whether this is really the case remains to be investigated. I hope that Chief Han will cooperate with us." Ji Zhuling said.

He stepped forward and held Ji Baiwei's hands tightly, "Baiwei, thank you very much."

Everyone followed the prestige, and a woman dressed in a silver shirt with an elegant appearance and snowy skin slowly appeared.

"Yes!" Ji Zhuling took a deep breath, bowed and retreated.She knew that Ji Baiwei valued Han Zhao, but she didn't expect him to turn his back on him and scolded herself.

"Since there is no fire in the backyard, then I won't bother you." After hearing this, Yu Xuanji turned around and left. Before leaving, she took a deep look at Han Zhao.

"I want 10 taels! And it has to be gold!" Han Zhao added, 10 taels of gold is naturally an astronomical sum for ordinary warriors, but today's Ji Baiwei can definitely afford it.

Ji Bai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't even believe the third daughter of his family, this Yuniang was too beautiful, and she seemed to be older than Han Zhao, how could she be his adopted sister.

"You!" Ji Bai's expression changed slightly.

Han Zhao smiled, but glanced at Ji Baiwei.This time, to give her the second Seven Evil Overburden Fragment, she needs more gold.


At this moment, he remembered the business, "You suddenly attacked me, you have to give me an explanation?"

[attribute point +130]

"That's right, gold!" Han Zhao smiled shyly. "I personally have a special preference for gold. When I see yellow gold, I feel happy physically and mentally. This feeling is second only to the breakthrough in strength."

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at Han Zhao, "Master Han, there is something wrong with these seven evil fragments!"

When Han Zhao met her for the first time, her blood had not yet awakened, and even he, who was at the blood training level, couldn't beat her.

"Wait for me!"

The seven evil fragments seemed to feel threatened, and suddenly burst into incomparably evil seven-color light.

"Bai Wei, you have grown taller." Han Zhao smiled gently.

"Am I such a vengeful person?" Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment.

After Ji Baiwei disembarked, a woman about 30 years old followed closely behind her. She was wearing a long purple dress, her skin was fair and greasy, and her appearance was delicate, but her expression was very stiff.

"A complete false divine weapon." Han Zhao's eyes changed slightly. It seemed that Ji Zhuling had also gained a lot of benefits because of Ji Baiwei's rise.

Almost at the same time as the shield was protecting Ji Zhuling, three arrows from Feng Binglei landed in front of her and exploded.

【Finally paid the price of minor injuries and killed Ji Zhuling. 】

"Gold?" Ji Baiwei thought he heard it wrong.

The simulation shows that she has just broken through the snake level, and now she has directly crossed the first level and walked towards the second level mirror.

"Compared to what Brother Han you helped me, these are nothing. If you don't accept it, I will feel very sorry." Ji Bai said slightly.

"This is?!" Ji Bai's expression changed slightly.

"I" Ji Bai hesitated to say anything, seeing each other for a few years, she felt that she had a lot to say, but she didn't know where to start.

"Lack!" Han Zhao said.

"Sister of the Lian family, wait a moment!" Han Zhao said hastily.


A system prompt appears.

[On your way to Tianzhou, you were attacked by a strong man from the Murong family, and you died. 】


After finishing speaking, he walked side by side with Ji Baiwei towards the central mountain range in the island.

As if sensing Han Zhao's fighting spirit, the Zhanye Dao trembled violently and hummed continuously.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Han Zhao is Ji Baiwei's emotional 'introducer', and she made a move to test how much Han Zhao is in Ji Baiwei's heart, and this is to prepare for the future reunion of Qixiefu.

"Brother Han, I'm sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Ji Bai apologized slightly.

Whoosh whoosh!
The sound of piercing the air, the sound of cutting the air, the sound of fine and sharp friction, and the roar of thunder and lightning appeared almost at the same time.

"Since you say that, then I will be disrespectful."


"Take it!" Ji Baiwei's hands were spinning like wheels, making different fingerprints continuously.

With that said, even Cheng Xue also left.

"This..." Han Zhao's expression tightened when he saw that everyone's eyes were on him. Ji Zhuling was not afraid at all, but if Yu Xuanji's identity was revealed, the Bailing Sect and the Baihu Family might directly send top experts to fight. .

By the time I got there, it was already too late.I can only kill the seriously injured Murong Qi, avenge Miss Qingshuang, and comfort her spirit in heaven. "

But she was tightly pinched by her, unable to fly out at all.

Han Zhao sat down with Ji Baiwei and Ji Zhuling, and Si Zhu quickly brought three cups of hot tea.

"What?!" Ji Bai froze slightly.

At this moment, Han Zhao felt as if he was united with a knife and a human. The emotional power in his heart had been strengthened several times, and his understanding of the purgatory style seemed to have reached the extreme.

[You decided to find the second floor of the Zaowangjing·Shenyou Chapter. 】


At this moment, Lian Chengxue stepped forward and asked.

The only thing that hasn't changed is her affection for Han Zhao.

[24 years old, a member of Ji's family, you have a conflict with Ji Zhuling. 】

Behind the two women, there are four women in their early twenties, who seem to be followers.

[Get the entry 'Fighting Spirit Body']

Han Zhao heard that, in order to make her feel better, he could only reluctantly accept it.

"Start the simulation." Han Zhao couldn't wait to start the simulation.

"Brother Han, who is she?" Lian Chengxue asked hastily.

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]


Seventeenth in the Qilin list, this ranking is also an excellent ranking for the children of the aristocratic family, let alone a grassroots like Han Zhao.

"Continue." Han Zhao started the third simulation.

The berserk thunder brought the terrifying icicles to set off circles of air waves and gusts, continuously escaping from the center of the explosion.

"This is the Biyun Qingsi tea we purchased overseas, please."

"These are all my friends." Han Zhao didn't expect her to say that, and suddenly felt the chill in the air.

"There is not so much gold in Fucheng, I have already sent people to other cities to exchange gold."

The magical weapons in their bodies initially swallowed the Sun Chaser Bow, and their power has been improved to a higher level, and they have taken another big step towards complete awakening. They are very grateful for Han Zhao's help, and rushed away as soon as they heard the explosion. come over.

When the Lian family was ruined, the three sisters fled with nearly half of the family's belongings, and money was the least important thing in it.

Now she has been recognized by the Seven Evil Overburden Fragments, and the power of her bloodline is revealed.

[attribute point +130]

"It's horrific for a bunch of beautiful women to fight!."

Ji Bai slightly relaxed, "Brother Han, in order to express my apology and gratitude, if you have any conditions, feel free to mention them, and I will promise you anything."

After all, Ji Qingshuang is dead, even if the cause of death is investigated, it is meaningless. The so-called investigation is just a pretext for probing.

Except for asking Yuniang to help Han Zhao, Yu Xuanji stayed in the secret room for retreat the rest of the time, and the three of Lian's family had never seen her in person.

"Liancheng Bing."

"Hu Meizi!" Lian Chengxue spat softly in her heart.

"Only by letting Qixie cover fragments possess him for a short time can we judge whether he is telling the truth." Ji Zhuling explained, and his attitude towards Han Zhao was no longer as superior as before.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.

At this moment, Han Zhao gave her the feeling that she was very powerful, exceeding her expectations. However, Ji Zhuling had already become an envoy of middle-level pseudo-divine soldiers, and her regular strength was half a chip higher than hers.

"Young Master, it's really too much."

"As long as you like it." Ji Bai blushed slightly, Han Zhao was so happy, and her mood improved a lot.

"My name is Ji Baiwei, who are you?" Ji Baiwei stepped forward, looking at the almost identical beautiful faces of the three women, with a vigilant expression.

[25 years old, the Zhongzhou trial is over, you go to Nanzhanhai.After half a year of retreat, the five qi are finally complete]

"The envoy of Ji's family is here, the Nujiao Gang is really flourishing! On behalf of all the gang members, I welcome you." Han Zhao walked forward with a smile on his face.

"Brother Han, wait!" Ji Baiwei hastily stepped forward to stop him.

"Aunt Ji! What are you doing?!" Ji Bai's slightly startled and angry voice came from the air.

Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing nodded at Han Zhao and left together.

The violent heat wave spread out in all directions accompanied by energy, and the terrifying high-temperature shock wave hit the wall, causing the entire side hall to collapse.

"Lian surname? You are the children of the Lian family in Yizhou, Wei State?!" Ji Zhuling's expression changed.

Sure enough, he is a gentleman!
"I'm going to prepare now!" Saying that, Ji Bai went down the mountain in a hurry.


[Get the one-time entry 'Life Simulation'] X10
[Ten consecutive synthesis, in ten simulations, high-quality entries above 'red quality' will be produced. 】


He fixed his eyes on the Qixie Overwhelming Fragment in Ji Zhuling's hand.

"It's really lively today! Why are there so many people?"

"The higher-ups of the Ji family sent us here, firstly to recover the fragments of the Seven Evil Overthrowing Divine Weapons, and secondly to investigate the cause of Miss Qingshuang's death." Ji Zhuling said in a deep voice, her eyes fixed on Han Zhao.

[You found a silver book page in the cave, but before you could check it, the team had an infighting. 】

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

boom! !

[However, this battle led to the exposure of Yu Xuanji's identity, the invasion of Chu State, and chaos in Yunzhou. 】

It was Ji Zhuling.

Ji Zhuling picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Not bad."

[You found Xu Ling and others, and then went to the Yinyang Hall to find Lu Yingxuan, only to find that she was in retreat to attack the Sha Ning Realm. 】

"Master Han, it's time to talk about business." Ji Zhuling changed the topic.

If there is a big battle here, it is estimated that the entire mountainside will be razed to the ground.

Han Zhao patted the Sumeru bag, and a huge black Mystic Spirit Battle Box floated in front of him, and then the Mysterious Spirit Battle Box opened, and a scarlet ray of knives flew out.

"Brother Han, if it's not enough, I can send another batch of gold from Tianzhou."

Unexpectedly, this kid actually mastered the power of thunder spirit, which is the nemesis of most of the children of the Shenbing family.It would be even more difficult to deal with him if he broke through to the Condensation Realm.

"Hand over the fragments of Qixie Cover." Ji Zhuling stretched out his hand, "If you have any request, we will consider it as appropriate."

Han Zhao frowned, knowing the approximate location would be easy.

[At the age of 26, you have broken through to the Martial Saint Realm and are valued by the Palace Master. 】

The four followers followed suit.

"As for Miss Qingshuang's death, I'm very sorry. She reached an agreement with me, so that Murong Qi would not trouble our Nujiao Gang any more. I didn't expect that Murong Qi was so mad that he killed Miss Qingshuang.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, Han Zhao's protective body exploded, and the light from the fragments of the seven evils quickly dimmed.

I saw that the tea soup was light green, the tea leaves were slender, like pine leaves, and the water vapor condensed but did not disperse, floating above the tea cup like a cloud.

Yu Xuanji glanced at Han Zhao, seeing that he was unscathed, and turned his gaze to the other people in the field.

"Whoever gave you the power, act without my consent." Ji Bai's face was slightly sullen, and he got really angry.

Ji Bai turned his head slightly to look at Ji Zhuling, and scolded, "Aunt Ji, why did you do this?!"

"Forget it, don't fight her to the death, there is no need for that."

The red light and dim light of the seven evil fragments alternated, flickering on and off, struggling in Ji Baiwei's palm.

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

The other gang members did not follow because they had received Han Zhao's prior instructions.

"Huh?!" Ji Zhuling's expression changed suddenly, and she suddenly turned her head to look behind her.

"Confess? You are suspected, now" Ji Zhuling said.

After a while, the gang members of the Nujiao Gang rushed to the side hall, and saw the side hall that had been reduced to ruins.

However, his greatest desire at the moment turned out to be money?

"This is what the ancestor meant." Ji Zhuling added.

【However, at a critical juncture, Ji Zhuling blew himself up as a mid-level pseudo-divine soldier and died with you. 】

Han Zhao took a step back and said seriously.

"Is there no entry? Two."

It has to be said that the power of blood really has an unparalleled advantage in the early stage.

The most important thing is her strength change.

Han Zhaodao.

Ji Baiwei left again.

"Suddenly I don't want to work hard anymore!" Han Zhao couldn't help sighing as he looked at the large box full of gold.

[attribute point +130]

[The three sisters of the Lian family used the original power of the magic weapon, and you spent a lot of life to use the Kurong style, and finally severely injured Ji Zhuling. 】

If Han Zhao can get another top ranking in the Zhongzhou Trial, it is estimated that many wealthy families will invite him to join.

It seems to be influenced by his subconscious mind.

"Bai Wei, what did you say?!" Ji Zhuling was taken aback.

"Okay!" Ji Baiwei finally confirmed that he was not joking.

"Naturally." Han Zhao looked calm.

The crimson innate blazing yang qi filled his whole body, turning into a huge qi shield, with no dead ends for defense.

Why did Yu Xuanji come out at such a time?

"I'll let you back off!"

Ji Bai's voice turned cold.

When Yu Xuanji heard Han Zhao's introduction, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a half-smile, "Good brother, why don't you introduce me, these are all your confidante, right?"

The bright yellow gold reflected Han Zhao's eyes so golden.

The fragments of the seven evils were attached half an inch away from his face, and platinum arcs flickered all over his body, preventing the fragments of the seven evils from coming into direct contact with his body.

"System, recharge."

I saw the Qixiefu fragments in front of Han Zhao lost their strength and flew into Ji Baiwei's hands.

Seeing the seven evils covering the fragments with red light, Han Zhao's heart was startled and he was in a trance.

【Collect all 1390 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

In an instant, the entire courtyard was completely flattened with a radius of more than ten meters. Only the shield-protected ground where Ji Zhuling was standing was a little intact. The center of the large crater under her feet looked like an isolated island rising from the sea.

"Everyone, please go to the wing room of the side hall."

Hearing Han Zhao's voice, the three Lian sisters in the distance did not release the arrows in their hands.

[You killed all the other four martial saints in the team at the cost of serious injuries, but you were overtaken by the Wusha realm martial saints from the forces behind the opponent. 】

【You join forces with the three sisters of the Lian family and call on Yuxuanji to lead the battle. 】

If he wants the pure yin energy of the divine weapon, or the secret technique, it's not easy to get it, but if it's money, it's really not that difficult.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

"Brother Han, this is the gold you want, a total of 12 taels!"

"Bai Wei, be careful!" Ji Zhuling stopped in front of Ji Baiwei, this silver-clothed woman threatened her more than the three of Lian's family.

Han Zhao smiled, and the platinum arcs all over his body were absorbed into his body.

Soon, the mask on Ji Baiwei's face sank into her body.

Today's Han Zhao is not what it used to be.

[Fighting spirit body]: Golden entry; if you can't break, you can't stand, you can stand if you break, your blood contains the desire for fighting, you are a born warrior; every time life and death are critical, you have a certain probability to break through; Survive a serious injury, you have a certain probability to have a new understanding of martial arts (proficiency upgrade entries can be obtained through battle, gold unlimited entries)
"Unlimited entries?! Or golden?"

"Okay." Ji Baiwei was very happy.

God Killing Three Styles · Purgatory Style (Complete 100%)

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

"Continue!" Han Zhao decided to continue the simulation.

Han Zhao let out a long sigh, with a heartbroken look on his face, those who didn't know thought she had a good relationship with Ji Qingshuang.

If it hadn't been about the reunion of the Qixiefu fragments, Ji Zhuling would have really admired Han Zhao's character, that he could really practice the Vajra Art.

"Then I won't be polite." Han Zhao stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, "I want money!"

"Silver pages? Xingkui Island?"

The three girls started talking one after another, and Lian Chengxue's eyes were full of hostility.

The three sisters of the Lian family were about to speak when a cold voice came.

【You sent Yuniang.Secretly monitor Ji Zhuling. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

"What?!" Han Zhao was startled. He took the pieces of the Qixie Mansion from Ji Qingshuang's body, and kept them in the Xumi bag after he got them. How could something go wrong.

"These three are my friends and distinguished guests of the Nujiao Gang." Han Zhao walked up to the three sisters of the Lian family, and then introduced to them, "This is Ji Zhuling, the envoy of the Ji family in Tianzhou."


"So that's how it is." Lian Chengxue was stunned, she didn't expect Han Zhao's hobbies to be so simple and unpretentious.

If they were not afraid that the arrows would be too powerful and affect Han Zhao, they would definitely use their full strength.

He didn't expect the other party to believe it either, anyway, he had already dealt with the battle scene and the corpse, and after such a long time, it was not normal to find out the problem.


"My sister?"

【you are dead. 】

They came to the courtyard.

【Ji Zhuling died with you. 】

"I like it." Ji Bai said with a smile.

"Ahem." Ji Zhuling coughed twice as a reminder when he saw the two people looking at each other as if no one else was there.

"I'm going to tell the people below to do it!"

[Ji Zhuling——The yin energy is highly condensed, and the force has evolved into an indestructible black snake, which is at the second level of the snake level; mastering the complete pseudo-divine weapon, the middle-level pseudo-divine weapon commander, and the strength surpasses the martial arts of the three evil realms. There is a certain malice. 】

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

【So, you turned to the Holy Palace. 】

Immediately afterwards, the fourth simulation began.

"Master Han is being polite!" A smile appeared on Ji Zhuling's stiff face.

She took the initiative to step forward, and a pure black mask appeared, covering her face.

Qixiefu has the ability to strengthen emotions. Although Han Zhao was not possessed by Qixiefu just now, he must have been affected by the power of the magic weapon.

She came to Han Zhao's room, took out a huge wooden box from the Sumeru bag, and then opened the box, which was full of ten taels and one ingot of gold.

"Then I won't be polite." Han Zhao took out a metal mask with half red and half black from the sumeru bag, and handed it to Ji Zhuling.

"Naturally, I don't want to keep the fragments of the Seven Evil God Overwhelming Soldier. As soon as I got it, I sent someone to Daliang to deliver the letter to Bai Wei." Han Zhao said seriously.

Although Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing on the side didn't speak, they also stood on both sides of her, staring at Ji Zhuling.

[Current balance: Gold 130000 taels]

"Actually, there is no need to be in such a hurry." Han Zhao said hastily, but his attitude of persuading him was not firm.

Seeing the entry options, Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Han Zhao decided to let Ji Zhuling live for a while, anyway, he has been waiting for so long, so he is not in a hurry.

"Synthesis of all!" Han Zhao said silently in his heart.

[You wanted to join the Yin Yang Palace as an outer disciple, but you were inexplicably made things difficult in the test, and you were finally dismissed. 】

He was no longer the little ant she could crush to death back then.

"Yes." Han Zhao nodded.

"Go down!" Ji Baiwei's eyes were a little cold.

"It seems that even if you know her hole cards, it's useless if the difference in strength is too big." Han Zhao frowned, even if it was a fake magic soldier, he should not be underestimated.

As soon as she said this, Han Zhao's eyes lit up, "Any conditions are acceptable?"

【The four of you teamed up, but you still can't win Ji Zhuling. 】

[At the age of 28, you found the "Pseudo-Spiritual Ability Realm" warrior's cave left behind on the 'Xingkui Island' in the southwest of Nanzhanhai. 】

Ji Zhuling took the Qixiefu fragment and checked it in his palm.

"It's not your fault, forget it."

They don't understand why the Young Leader can win the favor of so many stunning women at such a young age.

Han Zhao's heart shuddered.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

The warriors who were envious of Han Zhao's beauty just now shuddered.

"Bai Wei, how can you disobey the ancestor, do you know?" Ji Zhuling's complexion changed slightly.

Three days later, Ji Baiwei returned.

Of course he won't spare Ji Zhuling, but the current strength gap is not small, and he is too impulsive in the simulation.

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Han Zhao waved his hand.

When the air flow gradually faded, Han Zhao stood on top of the ruins, his white clothes squeaked in his vigor, and stared at Ji Zhuling sternly.

Except for Ji Zhuling, the other four girls are all stunning.

"Not good!" He was terrified in his heart, and retreated sharply.

The Angry Jiao Temple is a side hall.

At this time, the fragments of Qixie Fu suddenly flew towards Han Zhao's face.

"As long as I can do it, I can give you anything!" Ji Bai said slightly.

Arrows circled the wind, icicles and arcs met.

[At the age of 27, you will complete the first level of the Sitting Wangjing·Shenyou Chapter, your mental power will increase greatly, you will break through to the Ersha Realm, and you will gather the small supernatural power of the 'True Sun Gang' in advance, and your strength will increase greatly. 】

This time, in order to protect him, a senior member of the Qi family proposed to cooperate with the Ji family, otherwise she would not come to Yunzhou in person.

A palm-sized purple-black shield flew out of Ji Zhuling's body, and the shield swelled in the wind, exceeding three meters in an instant, and hit the ground with a "bang", protecting her.

"Who are you? How dare you attack Big Brother Han!" Lian Chengxue did not back down.

Although life-and-death crisis and serious injury are not the situation he wants to face, but with the "replacement puppet" brought by the entry of "Destiny's Favor", if the two entries are used together, they may collide with different sparks.

"There are still six simulations, so I have to think about how to use it."


PS: Thanks to [Yu Chanming] for the [-] rewards, and [Gu Shen] and [Big Butter River Crab] for the [-] rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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