Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 165 Martial Dao Will and False Divine Ability

Chapter 165 Martial Dao Will and False Supernatural Realm (4400 words for subscription)

[Attribute point: 392]

"With so many attribute points, you should be able to improve a skill first."

Looking at the attribute points on the system panel, Han Zhao thought to himself.

Sitting and forgetting the scriptures · Shenyou chapter (11% entry level of the first level, can be improved; special effect: refining the spirit)

After looking around in the list of skills, Han Zhao decided to upgrade Zuowangjing. The improvement of mental power can feed back the physical body, and it can also enhance the combat power, so it is necessary to give priority to upgrading.

"System, upgrade Zaowangjing · Shenyou Chapter!"

Han Zhao muttered silently.

【Attribute points: 392→25】

Zuo Wang Sutra·Mind Tour Chapter (the first level is 100% complete, cannot be improved, but can be deduced; special effects: refining and distracting)
An indescribable feeling appeared in Han Zhao's mind, which could not be explained clearly.

When the time comes to further strengthen the blood of the white tiger, it should be able to reach the level of using the sharp golden robbery.

[At the age of 60, the palace lord breaks through, and the supernatural catastrophe descends.When No. 20 hit a sky thunder, she couldn't resist it, and released her martial arts will - the three-legged fire crow. 】

"This is." Han Zhao felt that his mind became much clearer, as if something that was difficult to understand before suddenly became clear and enlightened in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the soul submerged into the white tiger's golden crystal sword.

Han Zhao thought to himself.

The dim yellow flame in the lamp danced, reflecting her fair side face flickeringly, as flawless as white porcelain.

[After three years of war, the entire Zhongzhou fell into the ground. In order to prevent the creatures polluted by the demonic energy and losing their sanity from causing more massacres, the celestial beings used the entire Zhongzhou as a large formation to suppress the "chaotic soldiers" and the demons. 】

He closed his eyes and looked inside, feeling a white light appear in his mind.

Although Han Zhao absorbed the white tiger blood in Murong Qi's body, it couldn't reach the strength of his own blood.

[After Tianlei broke the will of martial arts, the robbery cloud dissipated. 】

The blood in the body of a person with spirit beast blood is exclusive, and it is basically difficult to absorb the second type, unless it is a complementary blood.Even so, blood fusion is extremely risky.

[After learning the truth, you are shocked, but you have doubts about the identity of the mysterious person. 】

[Under the control of the mysterious man, you were squeezed dry by the palace lord, and your blood was exhausted and you died. 】

With a ray of soul attached to it, the Xuanling battle box was automatically opened.

When the state recovered, Han Zhao continued to start the simulation.

Han Zhao stood up, left the room, and went straight to the Nujiao Hall.

Arriving at the cave where Shangguan Lie's coffin was stored, Han Zhao stood still in front of the entrance of the cave.

"Senior, don't make fun of me." Han Zhao smiled wryly.

With a flash of white light, the split soul completely merged into the teacup.

"This is not an example." Seeing Han Zhao's good attitude of 'admitting his mistakes', Yu Xuanji's expression eased a lot.

Anyway, he has already been offended to death, so killing a few more people from the Murong family will not affect him.

"Boom!" With a sound, the teacup fell to the ground.

[At the age of 70, you cultivated to the perfection of the seven evil spirits, and decided to absorb the three evil spirits of wind, ice, and thunder. 】

The same is true for the people of Bailingzong, whoever can be killed will be killed.

Han Zhao showed a ruthless expression.

Han Zhao paused, and said, "Junior, come and see if there is anything senior can do for you, and go to the secret room on the lower floor to try my newly practiced secret technique."

Yu Xuanji looked at Han Zhao with a half-smile, and jokingly said, "Who am I to say? It turns out that the good brother is here."

In this way, although the power obtained by refining a single spirit beast bloodline is not as good as that of a normal spirit beast bloodline, it will be different if multiple superpositions are added.

But after practicing the secret soul, he only needs to have an idea in his heart, and the soul can get the information immediately, and then control the avatar to cooperate with him in the battle.

The dragon's scales are covered with mysterious blue patterns, as if cast by lightning.

The teacup trembled slightly, then moved on the table, and finally moved out of the edge of the table, floating in the air.

Han Zhao's memory of Murong Qi's most powerful move of the White Tiger Killing Sword, 'Sharp Gold Tribulation', is particularly deep.

[Think again and again, you didn't practice the secret technique immediately. 】

Suddenly, he felt a tingling pain in his mind, which was not strong, but he couldn't ignore it.

The golden crystal sword of the white tiger burst into golden light and trembled violently.

[After the palace master breaks through, he can't retreat. 】

If he hadn't used the 'replacement puppet' to use his life as the price of using the true sun, if he wanted to block this move, he would have to spend a lot of life and use the 'kurong style' to resist it.


"Huh? This time the soul split has not been weakened."

[The mysterious man claims to be the ancestor of heaven and man of the Great Qin Empire thousands of years ago. 】

"It's because I killed the Palace Master."

[After thinking about it again, you choose to agree. 】

【You arrived at Tianxuanzong safely and headed to Nanzhanhai. 】

[26 years old, you have cultivated to the perfection of five qi]

"The split soul controls the avatar, the feedback speed is too fast!"

[At the age of 37, you have cultivated to the Realm of the Six Demons and won the "Qiantian Essence" and "Tianwai Xuanying" in Qiantian Palace]

Through spiritual induction, Han Zhao manipulated the split soul.

"It's all the negligence of the junior, please forgive me, the junior promises that there will be no next time." Han Zhao smiled apologetically.

Han Zhao looked happy.

"It's no wonder that grandpa and others are all in the ring or the sword. The carriers that carry the soul are different. The gap is indeed huge."

This is a kind of pain that is completely opposite to the physical pain of practicing the Vajra Art.

[You bring out the Sumeru bag and two secret techniques. 】

Platinum arcs overflowed Han Zhao's body, crackling.A tiger roar came from his body, and then, a four-meter-long white tiger jumped out.

[The palace lord successfully opened the Sumeru bag and decided to marry her only daughter to you.You also hand over the two secret arts to the palace lord, and after she examines them, it proves that the secret arts are not fake. 】

"Hmph! You are quite blessed." Yu Xuanji said coldly: "You know that I am retreating here, but you still bring so many outsiders here. The magic weapons in these people are not simple, they are all big People with background, if the identity of this seat is exposed, you will not be able to please."

"You can continue."

[You have obtained a banned and sealed Sumeru bag, which must be unlocked by the secret technique of the Daqin Survivors. Forcibly opening the Sumeru bag will be banned and destroyed. 】

"You came here to find Yuniang for something?"

[At the age of 28, you broke through to the Ersha Realm, and you found the cave left behind by the warriors in the Realm of False Supernatural Powers on the 'Xingkui Island' in the southwest of Nanzhanhai. 】

[After the breakthrough, you find that when practicing other martial arts, the progress is normal, but when practicing thunder martial arts, the progress is greatly increased. 】

Han Zhao took the split soul and incarnation back into his body.

After all, killing the white tiger sword is not a martial arts technique, but a skill similar to the bloodline secret technique created by Murong Qi based on the power of the white tiger's bloodline and the characteristics of the white tiger's golden crystal sword.

He concentrated and calmed down, the blood in his body quickly surged through the whole body, and the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit activated.

"It seems that separating two strands of soul is my limit now." Han Zhao thought to himself, sitting cross-legged on the ground, performing the exercises of Siwangjing·Shenyoupian.

The meaning of the existence of the Nine Changes of the True Spirit is to use the power of the blood of the spirit beast as much as possible, wear armor, and use part of the defense of the armor itself, but don't need to be a dog.

Hearing Yu Xuanji's cold voice call out "good brother", Han Zhao's mind was filled with daydreams, but when he met her indifferent eyes, he instantly felt a basin of ice water poured from head to toe.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

[When you left Zhongzhou, you entrusted Qi Yuntian to see him off in person, and you owe him a big favor. 】

[At the age of 25, you participated in the Zhongzhou Trial, and in the depths of the Paradise, you received an inexplicable mind guidance. Under the secret temptation involving the avenue of supernatural powers, you communicated with the mysterious person. 】

Then, he took out the Xuanling battle box from the sumeru bag.

Because of the existence of the Nine Changes of the True Spirit, absorbing the blood of spirit beasts is like acquiring a new weapon and new technique for Han Zhao. external weapons.He is still a warrior, and will not become a bloodline warrior because of absorbing the bloodline of a spirit beast.

"The aura of sharp gold has greatly improved me. During the trials in Zhongzhou, I should be able to meet people from the Murong family. Kill a few more at that time, and the power of the bloodline will be enough."

[At the age of 27, you broke through to the Ningsha Realm, and the only daughter of the palace lord became closer to you, and you took out the sumeru bag that the mysterious person gave you. 】

Han Zhao controlled the split soul to appear in his palm, and then he sent his palm forward.

【At the critical moment of your retreat, the palace lord appeared and attacked you suddenly. 】

The most important thing is that there is no such huge hidden danger as bloodline shackles.

In an instant, two beams of light fell into the sea hundreds of meters away, setting off huge waves more than 20 meters high.

In the white cluster of spiritual power, a strand of hair splits out from the soul.

I saw the surface of the white tiger golden crystal sword soared with a three-foot sword glow.

【In order to save this realm, the Great Qin Empire and Tianshengzong communicated with the heavenly realm, and the heavenly realm ascended to the lower realm with great power. 】

[At the age of 50, you have cultivated to the Qisha Realm. 】

[You directly joined the Holy Palace, because of your combat power far exceeding the same level and your powerful alchemy, you have received the attention of the palace owner. 】

Han Zhao entered the secret room on the basement floor of the Fury Temple.

[At this moment, your martial arts will backfire, and the idea of ​​the mysterious person appears. 】

The movement of the avatar was too loud, and he didn't want to destroy his room, after all, the courtyard wall was blown up just a few days ago.


"Is it because of the carrier?"

Han Zhao felt the temperature drop instantly in the air, and the cold air was overflowing.

[At the age of 24, you have cultivated to the first level of perfection in the Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter, and your spiritual power has greatly increased. 】

[The palace master has entered the realm of pseudo-supernatural powers, and the spiritual thoughts have materialized and transformed into mana.But small supernatural powers cannot evolve into great supernatural powers. 】

As he operated the secret technique, a tearing pain from the depths of his soul filled his whole body.

Although he can also control the blood spirit incarnation through the blood connection, there is a feedback process in the middle.

[It turns out that there is a trap in the secret technique, and the palace lord has been taken away by a mysterious person through blood connections. 】

The soul flew to the teacup on the table in the room.

About three hours later, Han Zhao felt the tingling in his mind disappear.

Yu Xuanji closed his eyes slightly, and sat cross-legged on the futon with his five hearts upturned.

Han Zhao squeezed a sword finger with his right hand, and injected true energy into the sword through the air.

In an instant, Han Zhao obtained the perspectives of the two avatars at the same time, gaining a 360-degree field of vision without dead ends.

"Well, let's go." Yu Xuanji responded lightly.

Han Zhao split another strand of soul, and the two strands entered the avatar of the white tiger and the avatar of Lei Jiao respectively.

Han Zhao pointed his right hand in front of him, and the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword swished, and then jumped out, barely stopping when the sword light was about to pierce the wall.

When the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit refine the blood of the spirit beast, it has to be purified and refined, and only the most essence is absorbed.

[The mysterious man taught you two secret techniques, one is the secret technique of cultivating the 'martial arts will', and the other is the technique of breaking through the 'false supernatural powers' and avoiding thunder disasters. 】

He controlled the refined dragon blood in his body to fuse with the electric arc, forming a three-meter-long platinum dragon on the surface of his body.

He really can't be blamed for this incident, after all, who knew that Yu Xuan would run out suddenly, but she probably came to help out of kindness, so he took the blame for it.


[You find a silver page in the cave, and the Wusha Realm Martial Saint takes action. 】

"Try first to see if this mystical technique is as magical as it describes."

Han Zhao didn't imitate in a hurry, but settled down and began to operate the secret technique recorded in the "Zuo Wang Jing · Shen You Pian".

The ancestors of the Celestial Sacred Cave Heaven only absorbed three kinds of spirit beast bloodlines through the True Spirit Body Refining Art, and did not dare to absorb the fourth kind after that.The subsequent level of this practice is just a concept proposed by him.But Han Zhao is not afraid, the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit has improved a lot on the basis of the True Spirit Body Training Art, and one day, he will be able to surpass the heaven and man who created this exercise.

Dividing the soul into the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword is only used as a medium to strengthen the control of the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword, and does not need to consume his own mental power.

【He told you the truth about the defeat of the Great Qin Empire and the Heavenly Saint Sect. It was because the family of magic soldiers in Dongshengzhou fell into decline. They communicated with the heavenly demons and attracted the lower realms of demons from outside the region, causing chaos in the human world. 】

Han Zhao stared.

Although the first level of exercises cannot continue to improve the spiritual power, but the spiritual power can be recovered through the far-reaching exercises.

"This is equivalent to a different kind of sword control." Han Zhao smiled, and with the addition of soul division, his control over the white tiger's golden crystal sword has even surpassed that of Murong Qi.

Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted, opened the mechanism of the secret room, and entered the next floor.

[After checking, you found that the silver pages contained a secret technique for cultivating spiritual weapons. 】

"The last is the incarnation of the dragon and the incarnation of the white tiger."

[You return to the open sea and give part of the "Qiantian Jingqi" to the palace master, so that her martial arts will will be manifested and condensed, and she will break through to the perfection of the seven evil spirits. 】

The blood spirit incarnation at the beginning had a certain degree of autonomy, but like a programmed system, it was a bit stylized.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Yu Xuanji suddenly opened his eyes, his ice blue pupils glowed with a faint light, and his eyes fell on Han Zhao.

Coupled with the control of the split soul, the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword floated up.

However, he could feel that his control over his body had reached a whole new level.

Han Zhao took back the split soul from the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword, and found that the split soul was basically in the same state as when he entered it.

Even if he doesn't trouble the Murong family, the other party will not let him go.

Under his strong spiritual observation, he found that this ray of soul had been weakened by about one-tenth.

Han Zhao raised his hand and took the divided soul back into his body.

Otherwise, if Han Zhao took all of Murong Qi's blood, he would become a spirit beast bloodline, not a pure warrior.

Comparing a spirit beast bloodline to an armor-like divine weapon, if you want to be recognized by the divine soldier, you have to serve the divine soldier with all your heart, so that you can naturally exert its full power.But the price is to become a "servant" of the magic soldier, and you have to beg for food on your knees.

Yu Xuanji changed the topic.

Moreover, he can control the two avatars to fight at any time, and he can also let the souls fight independently.

[At the critical moment, your mother-in-law appeared and repelled him. 】

[At this point, you started to practice secret techniques, consumed a lot of true energy and spiritual power, and the power of Lei Jiao's blood, and cultivated the 'martial arts will' - Lei Jiao. 】

[A woman's voice appears in your mind. 】

[The mysterious person didn't care, on the contrary, he praised you greatly, entrusted you to give something to the descendants of the Great Qin Empire, and gave you a great opportunity. 】

The use of 'Rui Jin Jie' needs to consume blood power, Murong Qi can use it, but Han Zhao can't use it easily.

Just as a thought arose in his mind, the avatars of White Tiger and Lei Jiao came to the entrance of the cave, opened their mouths, and spewed out two beams of light, one golden and one white.

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao's expression changed slightly. This mysterious person is really vicious, and he actually attacked his own blood descendants.

"It seems that this secret technique has hidden dangers."


PS: There is an update before one o'clock, so finish writing the remaining five simulations and have a meal first.

(End of this chapter)

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