Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 166 Special entries for high-level spiritual weapons and specified ranges

Chapter 166 Special Entries for Advanced Spiritual Weapons and Designated Ranges (4400 Words Supplement)
In the era when martial arts flourished thousands of years ago, condensing the "martial arts will" was something only genius warriors would do.

In this day and age, martial arts are on the decline, many martial arts secrets have been lost, and almost no martial artist can condense the 'martial arts will'.

Later generations developed a new secret technique to replace martial arts will, that is 'opening the pulse'.

By absorbing the power of heaven and earth in the space, condense a stream of innate qi, and then open the meridians, so that all the meridians of the whole body are connected.

This move can greatly speed up the process of absorbing evil spirits, and at the same time strengthen the physical body.

The secret technique of opening the veins is recorded in the King Kong Immortal Art.

Condensing the "martial arts will" needs to consume a lot of resources.

There are also obvious differences in the condensed martial arts will of different exercises.

The more powerful the technique, the stronger the martial arts will will be condensed.

According to Han Zhao's knowledge, Qi Yuntian, who is now hailed as the hope of a warrior, also chose the secret art of opening veins.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao took out a dagger and swiped at his palm.

"Pay." Han Zhao didn't hesitate at all.

Han Zhao frowned.

It's just that the secret technique doesn't show that it's only suitable for condensing the martial arts will of spirit birds.

[attribute point +130]

When the knife went down, a white mark appeared on the palm, and the skin was not even broken.

[You have received invitations from many wealthy families, but you have rejected them all. 】

The natal spirit technique can simulate a special breath, improving the fit between the spirit weapon and its owner.

Or accept the entrustment, but don't hand over the sumeru bag to the Lord of the Holy Palace.

He had also won No.1 before, but neither the Bailingzong nor the White Tiger Family had dispatched a master of this level.


"It seems that the martial arts will of the 'five-color peacock' has been successfully condensed, and the limelight is too strong!"

——Mysterious Spirit Battle Box·Spiritual Weapon

Special Effects: Accumulate spirituality, strengthen spiritual power

As the memory screen continued to fast forward, he soon arrived at the scene where he practiced the secret technique of 'Martial Dao Will'.

"From this point of view, there should be the blood essence of the three-legged fire crow in the Sumeru bag that the mysterious man gave me."

Then, he circulated the true qi and stellar qi in his body, and found that the running speed had been greatly increased, and even when he was running the innate fierce yang stellar qi, the tingling sensation in the meridians was much weakened.

After all, it was the blood essence of the Three-legged Fire Crow, or a treasure from a celestial being, so it was a bit reluctant to give him up directly.


Han Zhao put his bleeding palm on top of the Xuanling battle box.

Among the spirit birds, there are not many that can surpass the strength of the three-legged fire crow's blood, but there are not many that Han Zhao can come into contact with in the near future.

"This is?"

Now 5000 taels of gold meant nothing to him.

Han Zhao thought to himself.

Soon, his qi and blood lost as much as one-fifth. If he hadn't been replenished with top-grade qi and blood pills, he would definitely not be able to withstand it.

[You can consume essence and blood through the natal spirit technique to awaken the dormant spirituality of the mysterious battle box. 】

Wait until he is strong enough to deal with the risk before taking things out.

The entries that Han Zhao has obtained so far are basically super growth entries in the later stage.

The 'Original Spirit Accumulation Technique' was launched, and the Xuanling battle box trembled slightly.

But refining the third one was still too embarrassing for his physical body.

Special effect: nourishes spirituality

The Bailing Sect and the Murong Family are after him.

"The ice and phoenix blood in Yu Xuanji's body should be strong enough, but she is now in the critical period of nirvana"

The biggest difference between a high-ranking warrior and a child of a divine soldier family is the weapon.

"Sword out!" With a thought in Han Zhao's mind, the Xuanling battle box opened automatically, and the Sword of Rebirth fell into his palm.

Compared with using true qi to stimulate it, becoming his natal spiritual weapon at this moment, the Xuanling battle box, has the same intention as him, and he can take out the weapon he wants in an instant.

【Natal Spirit Weapon: Mysterious Spirit Battle Box】

Most of the exercises in the world are within the five elements.

Grade: Advanced

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao circulated his true energy and attached the saber energy to the dagger. This time, he easily cut through his palm.

Spirituality: 76% (can be improved)

Native Spirit Art (100% perfect, non-upgradeable, deducible, special effects; affinity with spirit weapon, natal blood refinement)
Han Zhao took out the Xuanling battle box.


The source of the blood of the Three-legged Fire Crow is the three-legged Golden Crow, the legendary true spirit of heaven and earth.

Vajra Immortality Magical Skill (the first level is 100% complete, and cannot be upgraded; if the promotion condition is not met: the five qi are perfect; special effects: hardened gang qi, all channels are cleared)
[The Vajra Immortality Magical Art, which deviates from the original route, completely retains all the advantages of the original art, allowing you to have all the meridians in the master state, and you can try to condense the innate qi in advance and temper the stellar qi. 】


Although it doesn't take much to know that the five-color peacock blood in Kong Yi's body must be extremely heterogeneous, but for Han Zhao at this stage, it must be enough.

After the spirituality of the Xuanling battle box was awakened, it turned into a high-level spiritual weapon. Not to mention its power, it was a precious treasure equal to a high-level pseudo-divine weapon.

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

"Continue, start the simulation." Han Zhao said silently in his heart, and started the sixth simulation.

At worst, wait until he breaks through the supernatural powers before absorbing the blood of the three-legged fire crow.

Han Zhao looked at the exercises he had mastered, and finally decided to improve the 'Natural Spirit Art'.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

This point, it is estimated that the Palace Master does not know.

What's more, there is also the Nine Changes of True Spirit technique to purify the blood of spirit beasts.

[At the age of 24, you have cultivated to the first level of perfection in the Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter, and your spiritual power has greatly increased. 】

Although this dagger is not a magical weapon, with his current strength, he didn't break the defense just now with a swipe. Obviously his physical defense has been greatly enhanced.

Han Zhao's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that there would be two entries in ten consecutive draws.

"Isn't it okay if the martial arts will is too strong?"

A system prompt appears.


[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

"System, improve the natal spirit technique."

With the addition of the five-color peacock blood, he had already refined three kinds of spirit beast blood in the master realm.

"Sure enough, the tree is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it, so we have to keep a low profile."


"Huh? There are entries."

Grade: Intermediate

[You spent a lot of life and used the Kurong style to kill the enemy, but because of the backlash of martial arts will, your body collapsed and died. 】

[You have exhausted your lifespan, and you still can't shake the high-level pseudo-divine soldier in charge of the snake-level ninth-level realm. 】

"In this case, we have to find a way to kill Kong Yi as soon as possible."

After the selection was over, a picture appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

"If I convert a large amount of true energy cultivated in the formula of longevity into stellar energy, my actual combat power can be greatly improved."

[On the way, you encountered bloodline awakeners three times and mid-level pseudo-soldier commanders in the snake-level fifth-layer realm. 】

As the Xuanling battle box continued to absorb his blood, Han Zhao's complexion turned pale.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

It seems that he has to find a way to break through the Martial Saint Realm when participating in the trial.

After a while, he lost one-tenth of his blood, and the spiritual weapon was still sucking.

Moreover, the martial arts will condensed through the blood of the five-color peacock can strengthen the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

【Attribute points: 155→0】

The five-color peacock, the source of the blood in Kong Yi's body, is the true spirit of heaven and earth, at the same level as the three-legged Golden Crow, the source of the blood of the three-legged fire crow.

However, the combat power has not been significantly enhanced.

[According to the different attributes of the condensed martial arts will, there will be a practice bonus effect on the skills of specific attributes. 】

Martial Dao will (before entry, cannot be promoted, but can be deduced; has not yet met the cultivation requirements: the completion of the five qi, the blood of spirit beasts)
Immediately afterwards, the secret art of resisting lightning was replaced by martial arts will.

At the same time, it also records the secret method of using essence and blood to cultivate the compatibility between the spirit weapon and oneself.

Few warriors can resist such a temptation, let alone a warrior like Han Zhao who has a profound background and aims at the supernatural power realm.


"It helps to keep a low profile, but not much."

In the simulation, the Sun Chaser Bow was nothing more than a broken and reassembled high-level pseudo-divine weapon. He almost killed him when he resisted. Although this mysterious spirit battle box is not an offensive weapon, it is even more precious.


[Qi Yuntian was wounded by bloodline awakeners three times and couldn't take care of himself. 】

A joyful emotion emanated from the mysterious spirit battle box that was originally like a dead thing.

Vajra Immortality Magical Art (not started, can be improved)

Spirituality: 55% (sleeping, can be improved)

【Attribute points: 130→30】

Seeing this situation, he quickly swallowed the top-grade Qi and Blood Pill to supplement his Qi and blood.

"It's really persistent, and I can't change the road."

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

Vajra Immortality (the first level is 12% successful, can be improved; special effect: quenching true energy, opening the veins)

Even the three strange attributes of wind, ice, and thunder are composed of five elements.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


"Huh? How did the total amount of true energy decrease?" Han Zhao looked inside his dantian, and found that the true energy in his body that was about to fill up his dantian had decreased by nearly one-fifth.

He is now in a cooperative relationship with Yu Xuanji, so it is not a big problem to ask for a little spirit beast blood, but it may not be possible if there is too much.

[At the age of 25, you went to Tianzhou and met Kong Yi on the road. You killed him and took the five-color peacock blood in his body. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[Ten days later, you successfully condensed the 'five-color peacock' martial arts will, but because the martial arts will was too strong, your mental power and physical body were damaged, and your strength was greatly reduced. 】

Han Zhao frowned slightly. The Bailing Sect and the Murong family sent such a strong man deep into the hinterland of Wei. Obviously, it is impossible for Wei's intelligence system to be ignorant.

To deal with him, a master of five qi, sending such a strong master, it's too stupid!

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"System, improve the Vajra Immortality Magical Skill." Han Zhao muttered silently, if the strength of his physical body is not enough, he will make up for it.

When he went to Zhongzhou Paradise, he could completely avoid the entrustment of the mysterious man and avoid risks.

His concentration was highly concentrated, and the secret technique was soon imprinted in his mind.

【you are dead. 】


Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and it was necessary to fill up the first floor.

【Obtain the 'designated cumulative entry'】


[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

It is very likely that the palace lord absorbed the blood essence of the three-legged fire crow, condensed the will of martial arts, and finally was occupied by a mysterious person because of the blood connection.

Once there is no big gap in weapons, Han Zhao can rely on his own mastery of many martial arts to kill these aristocratic children.

"Improve Vajra Indestructibility Magical Skill."

"not enough."

"Is this the power of heaven and earth?"

In the end, the contents of the silver pages were firmly remembered by Han Zhao.

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

"System, start the simulation."

The celestial being who created the True Spirit Refining Body Formula only refined the third bloodline of spirit beasts when the seven evil spirits were consummated, and he did not refine the fourth bloodline until he reached the celestial realm.

——Mysterious Spirit Battle Box·Spiritual Weapon

"In this case, then increase the strength of the physical body."

[This secret technique is suitable for condensing the martial arts will of spirit birds, and there will be great hidden dangers in condensing other martial arts wills. 】

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

Perhaps it was because the promotion process of Vajra Jue and Si Wang Sutra was too painful, which greatly increased Han Zhao's pain threshold. The pain caused by this physical change felt like a joke to him.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[At the age of 25, you successfully condensed the martial arts will of the 'five-color peacock', killed many children of Bailingzong and Murong family in the trial, and won No.1 in one fell swoop. 】

And as time goes by, the spirit weapon placed in the Xuanling battle box will become stronger and stronger.

"Specify range?"

[attribute point +130]

Han Zhao was a little speechless.

"the last time."

With the end of the ascension, Han Zhao found that his body was connected with a certain substance in the space.

Han Zhao looked at the attributes, and his eyes froze.

This secret technique does not need to be practiced, and it can be used after the martial arts will is fully manifested.

Han Zhao cursed secretly.

[One month later, you entered the Zhongzhou paradox and were besieged by the children of the Bailing Sect and the Murong family. 】

【you are dead. 】

[attribute point +130]

However, through careful observation with mental power, he found that these true qi had been condensed a lot, and there were faint signs of transforming into stellar qi.

"That's right! Five-color peacock!" Han Zhao suddenly realized.

"It's really dangerous!"

It looked like it was filled with money.

[This article reminds you to pay 5000 taels of gold. 】

【Before the start of the Zhongzhou Trial, you finally completed your five qi. You took this opportunity to refine the five-colored peacock blood and condense your martial will. 】

But after thinking about it, he also reacted.

The magic weapon has a very high boost to the children of the family. If he can have stronger weapons, he can narrow this gap.

Native Spirit Art (1% entry level, can be improved)

Han Zhao was stunned.

The lack of spirit beast blood will definitely affect the strength of martial arts will.

Native Spirit Art (1% entry level, can be improved)

At this moment, the Xuanling battle box, which was originally dark, turned dark blue.

Through this secret method, the spirituality and power of the spirit weapon can be enhanced.

【Attribute points: 160→15】

He doesn't believe that a half-disabled celestial being can challenge him.

As the qi and blood surged, the muscles swelled, and the skin membrane became thicker, the effect of the improved skills ended.


This entry that can specify the scope is very useful.

Shangguan Lie still has some thunder dragon blood in his body, if he converts all the thunder spirit power into the Five Elements Qi and then trains with all his strength, he will hopefully reach the perfection of the Five Qis before the Zhongzhou Trial begins.

It is true that the strength of the spirit beast blood absorbed by Han Zhao must be much lower than that of the celestial being. In addition, the Nine Changes of the True Spirit is more powerful, so he can absorb and refine the two kinds of spirit beast blood in the master realm.

[According to the strength of the spirit bird's blood, it will have a certain restraint effect on the warriors who also practice this secret technique. 】

"Come again!"

[Current balance: Gold 95000 taels]

[attribute point +130]

The main reason is that the mysterious man gave him a very high level of secret technique, and it was suitable for a variety of spirit beast bloodlines.

A high-ranking pseudo-divine soldier in the snake-level ninth-level realm is afraid that the general Seven Fiends Martial Saints can't stand it.

[On your way to Tianxuanzong, you encountered three blood awakeners from Bailingzong and Murong Family, as well as a high-ranking pseudo-divine soldier in the eighth level of the snake level. 】

"Isn't it?"

"System, is there a problem with the current martial arts will?"

[Specified accumulated entries]: One-time high-level entries, which can increase the quality of random entries to a higher level when the entry option is obtained next time, and specify the range of entry types, including but not limited to attack, defense, Auxiliary entries.

Anyway, what his system needs is yin qi, and he basically doesn't need to fight with the children of the spirit beast family.

[You died due to the backlash of martial arts will, and your physical body collapsed. 】

"Start the simulation."


"If you continue to practice the magic of indestructibility, it is estimated that the strength of the physical body will be comparable to the spiritual weapon sooner or later."

"Now it's not short of money, but short of yin."

"This Ji Zhuling is really alluring!"

Han Zhao's complexion changed for a while.


PS: Ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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