Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 167 Han Zhao: No, you came at the right time!

Chapter 167 Han Zhao: No, you came at the right time!
Han Zhao got up and carried the huge Xuanling battle box behind his back.

The Xuanling battle box has become his natal spiritual weapon. With his thoughts, the dark blue box, which was originally more than two meters long, shrank rapidly, and became the size of a scabbard.

Carrying a box more than two meters high, it looks weird and too conspicuous.

In this way, it can be carried with you without putting it in a Sumi bag.

Han Zhao went to the secret room where Shangguan Lie's coffin was placed.

"The Lei Jiao blood in Shangguan Lie's body must be completely refined as soon as possible."

Han Zhao put his hands on the coffin.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Platinum arcs flickered, hitting Han Zhao's palm.

But at this moment, the strength of his physical body has been greatly improved, and he has already practiced the Flood Dragon Transformation, so even if he does not use the stellar energy to protect his body, his body will not be injured by the power of thunder spirit.

With a bang, Han Zhao lifted the lid of the coffin and put his hand directly on Shangguan Lie's body.

Han Zhao patted the backs of the two women in his arms, let go of them, and said seriously, "Don't get me wrong, what I want to say is business."

Han Zhao turned around and walked to the upper secret room.

"Even if I'm smashed to pieces, I'll be with you."

Through the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, the blood of Leijiao was refined, and the progress of the Flood Dragon Transformation greatly increased.

"Brother Han is a true genius!" Yu Niang's soft and weak voice carried firmness.

"I don't know how many geniuses rushed to join Bailingzong, but I don't believe this kid is an exception.

"She killed my cousin herself! She lied to me!" Ji Bai trembled slightly.

Han Zhao paused in his hands and said, "Come in."

"Second Sister, what are you doing running so fast? Mr. Han might already be asleep." At this moment, the sound of Liancheng Yu coming to an abrupt end came from the yard.

The bright moon hangs high, and the bright moonlight shines into the small courtyard at the foot of the Nujiao Palace Mountain.

Han Zhao followed the prestige.

Back in the upper secret room, seeing Yu Xuanji was still practicing, Han Zhao saluted her and left straight away.

Saying that, Han Zhao suddenly turned his head and looked at Ji Baiwei firmly.

"Mr. Han, is it possible that you still want us too?" Lian Chengyu seemed to have thought of something, feeling ashamed and angry.

"This kid's strength is improving too fast, isn't it? It's only half a day, and he broke through?"

"Brother Han needs to be voluntary." Yuniang said.

With his character that loves money like his life, if 100 million taels is placed in front of him, can he not agree?

At this moment, Han Zhao is refining the elixir in the room.

"I'm sorry." Lian Chengxue's eyes darkened, she lowered her head, unable to hide her disappointment, "Maybe, I came at the wrong time."

The next step is to absorb the five-element qi in the five-element god sand, and then reach the perfection of the five qi as soon as possible.

The only pity is that the Leijiao blood in Shangguan Lie's body has been basically exhausted.

Han Zhao walked to the door of the room, looked up at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky, and said, "These people are used to being aloof and have lost their respect for life, thinking that they can trample on other people's lives at will."

Longevity formula (the sixth level is 11%, can be improved; special effect: life extension 4200 years.)

"Isn't she your aunt Ji? Isn't your relationship always good?" Han Zhao asked.

【4% chance to get a one-time fusion entry, upgrade entry, and specified accumulation entry of the corresponding quality. 】

The five qi realms are a matter of course.

While passing through the narrow and cramped corridor, he suddenly remembered something.

"If you have anything to say, you can just say it. As long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you." Han Zhao said solemnly.

Whether it's for the revenge of her cousin or to protect Han Zhao, she has to be the envoy.

Han Zhao's progress made Yu Xuanji more determined to cooperate with him.

At this moment, Han Zhao felt that the true qi in his body was flowing more smoothly, and the power of the five elements qi had increased to a higher level.

"." Yuniang opened her mouth, but remained silent in the end.

At least kill the ancestor who was malicious to her and Han Zhao, and even make the whole Ji family an enemy.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Zhao suddenly felt light in his body, as if a certain key in his body was suddenly opened.

For him at present, the biggest effect of lifespan is to increase the "power of death" when using the withering style.

A loud bang came from the yard.

A large amount of thunder spirit power quickly entered his body.

"." Lian Chengyu didn't know what to say for a while, she looked at the third sister who was stunned beside her, and quickly stepped forward to cover her eyes with her hand, "Sanmei, don't look! Let's go!"

Looking at the remaining attribute points, Han Zhao said silently in his heart, "System, improve the formula of longevity."

"I think." Ji Bai pondered for a moment, then suddenly said seriously: "I want you to help me kill Ji Zhuling!"

"No embarrassment." Han Zhao said.

"Don't be so estranged between us, sit down." He hasn't practiced alchemy for a while, so he just warmed up his hands a little, seeing that Ji Bai was slightly busy, he quickly accelerated the movements in his hands.

"Don't worry. When I finish my nirvana period, kill that bastard Yusheng, and regain control of Bailingzong, I'll take him back and let him accompany you every day." Yu Xuanji said calmly.

"Huh~" Han Zhao quietly let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Han." Ji Baiwei gradually regained her senses. She came to Han Zhao for help because the two must be on the same road.

"Yu Niang, I approve of this kid." Yu Xuanji said.

Then, he began to absorb the true qi in Shangguan Lie's body, and then refined it to one-twentieth of it, transforming it into longevity true qi.

[Synthesize once, consume prompt fragments 150, gold 10000 taels, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation'. 】


No, just 500 million! 1000 million!Give him a gold mine, I don't believe it! "

Immediately afterwards, Lei Jiao's avatar was imprinted on his chest like a tattoo, controlling the speed and amount of Lei Ling's power entering his body.

in the afternoon.

The increase of Longevity True Qi can, however, be transformed into Stellar Qi through the special effect of King Kong’s indestructible supernatural power, increasing the total amount of Stellar Qi.

I do not know how long it has been.

She would never harm Han Zhao in order to become an envoy, but the Ji family couldn't do it.

At this moment, she suddenly regretted it, and felt that Han Zhao should not be involved in this matter, "Brother Han, in fact, you don't need to be an enemy of Ji's family for me."


A dragon made of platinum lightning appeared in the space in front of him.

At her feet was a large box that had been thrown open, and the yellow gold ingot rolled to the ground.

"Killing Ji Zhuling is just the first step. The second step is to collect all the fragments of Qixiefu and become a military envoy. The third step is to take revenge on the senior management of the Ji family and the mastermind behind the murder of my cousin!" Ji Bai said in a low voice. road.

"Eldest sister, third younger sister." Lian Chengxue blushed and smiled shyly.

Han Zhao activates the entry effect of [Three Oddities Returning to Yuan], transforming the Qi of Thunder Spirit into the Qi of Five Elements.

Perhaps because of the high life span, he felt that everything was boring.

He fixed his eyes on the system panel.

"No." Han Zhao smiled slightly, "You came at the right time!"

"One day! I want these people sitting on the clouds to taste the feeling of being trampled under their feet like dust."

"Shangguan Yunfei has bad intentions for me and has harmed me many times. Now I have killed your father and son, and taken away the Nujiao Gang. The cause and effect between us can be considered."

"Brother Han! Me"

With that said, she was about to turn around and leave.

"Of course! It's rare for you to ask me, I must help with such a small favor!" Han Zhao said seriously.

Neither of them spoke, enjoying the silence at the moment.

In the coffin, Shangguan Lie was completely sucked by Han Zhao, and his body was turned into dust.

"I don't know what special effects will be obtained when the formula of longevity is deduced to the seventh floor?" Han Zhao thought to himself.

Maybe, she just wanted to be a child who would follow behind her cousin and never grow up.

[The probability of obtaining white, green, blue, purple, orange, red, gold, and platinum entries increases again by 2% (calculated independently, non-overlapping)]

When Han Zhao put his arms around her shoulders and gently stroked her head, Lian Chengxue unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

"Then why?" Han Zhao didn't understand, but he had already thought of a possibility in his heart. The death of his elder brother Han Cheng really couldn't stand scrutiny.

Shangguan Lie's ashes drifted to the sea with the wind.

【Attribute points: 145→0】

Ji Bai's expression was slightly moved, Han Zhao agreed so simply, it seemed that she didn't trust him enough.

In such a world, there is no good end for a person who is too kind.

【Collect all 90 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

"I know this request is too much, so I won't force it, and you don't have to feel embarrassed." Ji Baiwei continued.After all, Ji Zhuling is the mid-level pseudo-divine envoy of the snake-level double mirror, unless she completely refines the second piece of seven evil cover fragments, it will be difficult for her to defeat Ji Zhuling.

Although she really wanted to refute that Han Zhao was not such a person, but according to the past situation, Han Zhao refused the conditions in most cases, just because the money he gave was not enough.

There was a knock on the door.

Looking at the powder in the coffin, Han Zhao muttered to himself.

Han Zhao didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"It used to be." Ji Baiwei said with hatred in his eyes, "She and my cousin are my only relatives."

The little girl who was so innocent and innocent back then that she felt a little stupid has also learned to forbear and pretend now.

"You're wrong, even if I don't trouble the Ji family, do you think I can stay out of it?" Han Zhao shook his head and laughed, and stood up.

About two hours later, Han Zhao felt his body was full of swelling, and his muscles and meridians were aching, so he stopped absorbing the blood of Thunder Jiao and the power of Thunder Spirit.

"What?!" Han Zhao was taken aback, suspecting that he had heard it wrong. Although he was planning to secretly kill Ji Zhuling when the time was right, he did not expect Ji Baiwei to make such a request.

I saw Lian Chengxue standing at the gate, the smile on his face gradually disappearing.

"Brother Han, I'm sorry to bother you." Seeing that Han Zhao was refining the elixir, she smiled apologetically, as if hesitating to speak.

Lian Chengxue met Han Zhao's eyes and walked up involuntarily.

into the night.

Ji Baiwei returns again.

"It's okay if you succeed in every step of your plan. Once you fail in any step, the Ji family will feel that killing me is like crushing an ant."

Yu Xuanji said firmly.

At this time, Ji Baiwei was his dear friend, and a mere batch of pills was nothing.

Two days later.

"Bai Wei." Han Zhao looked at Ji Baiwei in front of him, and subconsciously raised his hand.

"Brother Han." Touched by his firm words and determination, Ji Baiwei got up and walked in front of him.

"Brother Han, you taught me to think, people can never grow up forever." Ji Baiwei's young face showed a sense of loss.

As he stimulated the Lei Jiao's blood in his body, Lei Jiao's incarnation escaped from his body.

"Bai Wei, you came to see me so late, what's the matter?"

"Wait!" Han Zhao suddenly stopped them.

Ji Zhuling's concern for me is just an illusion created by her family.When you let me go out to find you, you probably wanted to reenact this scene on me. "

Seeing the three hugging each other harmoniously, she instantly petrified.

Ji Bai approached slowly and leaned against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

But the gold she brought back was much less, less than 1 taels.

Ji Bai leaned slightly in Han Zhao's arms, and smiled happily at her, as if he didn't mind her coming at all.

"Squeak~" Ji Bai slightly pushed the door open and entered.

Han Zhao didn't even look at the pills in the pill furnace, and directly put them into the Sumeru bag.

After ten breaths, Han Zhao ended alchemy.

[Current balance: Gold 95000 taels]

Longevity formula (the sixth layer is 100% complete, deducible; special effect: life extension 4800 years.)

The vitality of longevity increased again, and Han Zhao's lifespan was also increased by 200 years.

He put away Shangguan Lie's ashes, and then came to the secret room, he was really angry.

It was the first time for Lian Chengbing, who had always been relatively calm, to see such a world. Her big eyes were wide open, and her mouth was slightly opened.

This time, Han Zhao couldn't resist so much Thunder Spirit Power purely with his physical body.

"At the beginning, Han Cheng and my cousin made a private agreement for life long ago, and the family did not object to it publicly, but they sent Ji Zhuling to secretly obstruct each other, causing the two to misunderstand each other, and finally secretly killed Han Cheng, causing the cousin to die of hatred.

"Bai Wei, you've really grown up." Looking at Ji Baiwei's appearance, Han Zhao suddenly felt like an old father.

"Then you mean you agreed?" Ji Bai was slightly taken aback.


Because the steps were greatly omitted, the Qi and Blood Pill he finally refined was only of the middle grade.

"I hope to get a high-quality combat entry next time."

"Ji's family!" Han Zhao's complexion sank. Although he had psychological expectations, he still felt angry after learning the truth.

Han Zhao glanced at the data on the panel, ignored it, and walked out of the secret room.

Yu Xuanji slowly opened his eyes, looking at Han Zhao's back, his icy blue eyes revealed a touch of surprise.

Longevity formula (the sixth level is 3% perfect, can be improved; special effect: life extension 4400 years.)

Han Zhao came to the table and sat opposite Ji Baiwei.

"Brother Han, can I come in?" Ji Baiwei's voice sounded outside the door.

Flood Dragon Transformation (Small Success 58%)

Lian Chengxue paused, seeing Han Zhao stretching out his hand to her, he was a little dazed.

"Please invite Miss Cheng Yu and Miss Cheng Bing into the room to have a talk."

Han Zhao turned sideways to give up the position of the gate.

Lian Chengyu hesitated for a moment, but still dragged Sanmei into the room together.

 PS: Once it is updated today, it will be out of chapter if I write it again.Tomorrow will be updated, just to finish writing this plot, and then enter the Tianzhou chapter.After waiting for so long, it's time to rise up.

(End of this chapter)

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