Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 169: The Light of the Devil!Ji Zhuling was executed!

Chapter 169: The Light of the Devil!Ji Zhuling was executed! (6600 words for subscription)

"This entry came at the right time!"

Looking at the effect of the entry of "War God", Han Zhao looked a little excited.

With the effect of this entry, he will get a huge improvement when facing monsters and children of the Shenbing family.

[War God] has greatly improved both single combat and group combat.

It just so happened that this Zhongzhou Paradoxical Realm Trial, those of them who entered the Paradoxical Domain, their primary goal was to kill the strange things inside.

The source of the power of the monsters is the most yin and evil energy, and the monsters continue to evolve, either becoming monsters or weird.

Anyway, the strange things are inseparable from the power of demons and magic soldiers.

With the effect of the 'Light of Dispelling Demons', even if he encounters a large number of monsters besieging him, he will not be afraid at all.

If the level is lower than his, the damage will be reduced by [-]%. If he stands still, even low-level monsters can't break through the defense.

Warriors are already full of qi and blood, not to mention that Han Zhao has also practiced many powerful body training techniques, his qi and blood far exceed those of warriors of the same level.

For the children of the Shenbing family, warriors with strong qi and blood are the favorite food of the Shenbing and the fragments of the Shenbing.

If they had the chance, they would probably add insult to injury and attack Han Zhao.

After all, the Zhongzhou Trial is nominally to encircle and suppress low-level ghosts, but there is no rule that it is not allowed to attack other people in it.

"It's just right, with a few more children from aristocratic families like Xiao Chen, I can also get more high-quality Yin Qi."

Han Zhao thought of Xiao Chen who came to challenge during the day, and with the blessing of the 'Light of Demon Slayer', he probably didn't need to use the Kurong Style, and he could take it down with a few moves.

The reason why he used the Kurong style today to deal with Xiao Chen at the cost of 200 years of life, on the one hand, was because he wanted to make a quick decision, prevent using too much martial arts, and expose his hole cards to Ji Zhuling.

On the other hand, he didn't expect Xiao Chen to be so weak that he couldn't catch a single blow.

Although [War God of Dismantling Demons]'s 'Light of Dispelling Demons' could not restrain those with bloodlines of spirit beasts, he did not offend other families of spirit beasts other than the direct conflict with the Murong family.

Killing one Kong Yi in the trial at most, and offending one more Bailingzong.

But Tianzhou is the hinterland of the Great Wei after all, the most prosperous state, the five surnames and ten rich families are all in Tianzhou.

Although the Bailing Sect and the Murong Family are at the same level as the five surnames and the ten rich families, they are at most arrogant in Yunzhou, and they dare not directly send top experts to Tianzhou Daliang.

In the simulation, when Han Zhao participated in the Zhongzhou Trial, he killed many geniuses from the Bailing Sect and the Murong Family, and they only dared to attack Han Zhao on the way from Tianzhou to Tianxuanzong in Cangzhou, rather than directly in Tianzhou .

"Get a big ticket in the trial, and then run away."

Han Zhao thought to himself, anyway, the aristocratic family suppresses and targets warriors. Unless he directly chooses a family to join after the trial, and then proves his loyalty by becoming a pseudo-soldier in command, otherwise he will stay in Wei, and sooner or later he will encounter problems .

What's more, when he was 26 years old, the Bailing Sect and the Murong family joined forces, and Chu State invaded Yunzhou, which was another earth-shattering battle.

Before coming to Tianzhou this time, Han Zhao had already transferred the Nujiao Gang's property from Yuanchang Mansion to the outer sea.

Anyway, Luofeng Island is doing very well now, and it is not impossible to give up Nujiao Island when it is really necessary.

The matter of Han Zhao beheading Xiao Chen was just an episode for him.

The five accompanying people were not particularly concerned, after all, they all had the ability to kill Xiao Chen.

But this incident was a big earthquake for the warriors of Wuhu Mansion.

Facts have proved that it's not that martial arts are dead, but that they are dead.

A talented warrior can still defeat a wealthy family of the same rank.

The fact that the No. 20 No. 17 genius of the Xiao family didn't even catch No. [-] with a single blow proved once again the gold content of the top [-].

At this time, it was finally confirmed that Han Zhao was not on the list, but was on the list by virtue of his own strength.

Some geniuses who were about to step on Han Zhao's corpse to get on the list changed their course after hearing the news, for fear of accidentally running into him.

Because the news of killing Xiao Chen spread too fast, many warriors in Wuhu Prefecture wanted to make friends with Han Zhao, and some powerful forces invited him to a banquet.

For Wu Sheng's invitation, Han Zhao couldn't refuse directly, so he could only be forced to open the business.

Originally, he wanted to rest for a few more days in Wuhu Prefecture, so he had to leave early with Ji Baiwei and the three sisters from the Lian family, and embarked on a journey to Daliang City.

Since none of the group were weak, in order to get to Daliang as soon as possible, they basically walked in a straight line, wading through mountains and rivers along the way.

After another seven days, half of the journey to Daliang City had passed, and they were already approaching the hinterland of Tianzhou.

It has to be said that Yunzhou is already big enough, but Tianzhou is at least half bigger than Yunzhou, otherwise they would have rushed to Daliang City long ago.

That night, the six of them stayed overnight in an isolated village on the outskirts.

This is a village that has been deserted for a long time, a piece of dilapidated walls and ruins, obviously no one has been seen for a long time.

After searching around, they found a relatively complete stone house.

After cleaning up a bit, Han Zhao went hunting in the wild, caught a few pheasants and came back to roast the chickens over a fire.

"I'll go out and have a look." Ji Zhuling got up and walked outside. Ever since she had a conflict with Ji Baiwei because of Han Zhao's matter, she found that Ji Baiwei had alienated her a lot, so she basically didn't spend time with them. In a closed space.

"Crackling!" There was a slight crackling sound when the firewood was burning, and the flickering light of the fire reflected half of Han Zhao's cheeks red.

At this time, seeing Ji Zhuling walking out, Ji Bai responded slightly, and immediately looked at Han Zhao.

Han Zhao looked at him and nodded slightly.

The three sisters of the Lian family who were sitting by the campfire also understood.

This is indeed a good place to start.

Ji Zhuling walked out of the isolated village and came to the dense forest with no one around. After making sure that no one was following her, she patted the sumeru bag on her waist and took out a bronze mirror with a square meter of one foot from it.

She bit her finger, smeared blood on the mirror, and injected Yin Qi.

About ten breaths later, the bronze mirror bloomed with a faint light, floating in mid-air.

The back of a woman in a long black dress is revealed in the bronze mirror. Her body surface is shrouded in a layer of mist, and only the outline of her graceful body can be vaguely seen.

"I've met Lord Ji Ji." Ji Zhuling looked respectful, and saluted the woman in the mirror.

The figure of the woman in the mirror flickered, and she seemed to have turned around. Her face was faintly visible in the mist, and a strange, hoarse voice like gold and stone came out, "Is it Zhuling? What's the matter?"

"Bai Wei and I have arrived in Hanyang Mansion at this time, and we will be able to arrive at Daliang City in about six days." Ji Zhuling said.

"Are the three members of the Lian family who are traveling together?" the woman in the mirror asked.

"Yes." Ji Zhuling responded, and immediately asked: "Do you want to do it?"

"Don't worry, even the old guys in the family are not dead yet, so if you directly snatch their family-inherited magic weapon, you may not be able to get the approval of the magic weapon. And that old lunatic is not easy to mess with, so don't do it for now." The woman in the mirror road.

"Subordinates are talking too much."

Ji Zhuling hastily bowed and bent down deeply.

"Compared to the Lian family's magical soldiers, how is Bai Wei?" The woman in the mirror changed the subject.

"Bai Wei has integrated the second piece of Qixie Cover into her body, but because of Han Zhao and my suspicion, my subordinates don't know whether she has been recognized by the piece of magic weapon." Ji Zhuling's expression tightened.

The woman in the mirror was silent, and the mist on her body seemed to be much thicker.

"This subordinate should die!" Ji Zhuling knelt down on the ground.

The woman in the mirror was silent for a long time, and said lightly: "Get up, this is not a bad thing, it shows that in Bai Wei's heart, Han Zhao is more important than you."

"Thank you, sir." Ji Zhuling slowly got up.

"It seems that the original decision was a correct choice." The woman in the mirror said suddenly.

"Your Excellency is wise." Ji Zhuling quickly agreed.

"Then create some difficulties between them. Han Zhao seems to have a problem with the Longevity Sect. Let the news out." The woman in the mirror ordered.

"Yes." Ji Zhuling accepted the order.

"As long as Bai Wei is recognized by the second shard, it will be a matter of time before she becomes the envoy of the Seven Evil Overlords. By the second year of the opening of Qiantian Palace, the time limit for guarding the outer world will end.

During this period, Bai Wei's affairs will be entrusted to you.I have already greeted several old guys in the family, they will not interfere with Bai Wei's affairs. "

"The subordinate promises to complete the task and not miss the big event of Master Jiji."

Ji Zhuling knelt down again to show her loyalty.

Seeing that there was no response for a long time, she raised her head cautiously, looked at the bronze mirror floating in mid-air, and found that the mirror had returned to its original state.

Ji Zhuling breathed a sigh of relief and stood up again.

This Lord Jiji only became a military envoy in the last 100 years, but his talent is unmatched, and within a few decades, he became a second-tier military envoy.

It has guarded the outside world for 47 years, and there are only 13 years left before the Jiazi period.

Several ancestors in the clan who have been in the battlefield of hundreds of clans for many years all said that he is the best genius of the Ji family for thousands of years, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes the Holy Master in the future.

If Bai Wei can really become the envoy of the Seven Evil Overlords, there is even hope that Lord Mandrill Ji will reappear the face of the Ten Kings Nuo in the future, so that the Ji family can gain greater benefits in the battle for the cave.

"Bai Wei, don't blame me." Ji Zhuling suppressed the last bit of hesitation and reluctance in his heart.

Originally, because she took care of Ji Baiwei all the year round, she had some affection for her.

But since Ji Baiwei turned against her because of Han Zhao, her last bit of guilt has basically dissipated.

As long as Ji Ji can get things done, she may even hope to obtain a first-level magic weapon in the future, and the real weapon master can easily live for a thousand years.

"This is my last chance." Ji Zhuling relented.Jiji has clear rewards and punishments. If she fails again, Jiji has many ways to make her life worse than death.

Ji Zhuling calmed down and returned to the lonely village.

In the stone house, Han Zhao had already roasted the pheasant, sprinkled it with seasonings, and distributed it to Ji Baiwei and the three sisters of the Lian family.

Seeing this, Ji Zhuling was about to turn around and leave, and stood guard outside the door.

"Aunt Ji." Ji Baiwei suddenly stopped her.

"Bai Wei?" Ji Zhuling stopped, since she had a conflict with Ji Baiwei, this was the first time he called her in more than half a year.

"Eat something." Ji Baiwei stepped forward, lowered his head, and handed the roasted chicken leg to Ji Zhuling.

Ji Zhuling was taken aback, looking at the greasy chicken legs, subconsciously wanted to refuse, but seeing Ji Bai's slightly awkward look, her complexion softened a lot.

Bai Wei is 19 years old, still acting like a child.

Want to make up, but feel embarrassed?

"Okay." Ji Zhuling took the chicken leg, and secretly apologized to Ji Baiwei in his heart. Even with her help, he still couldn't escape Ji Ji's palm, so why not let her be fulfilled.

"Aunt Ji, you've lost weight recently." Ji Bai raised his head slightly, and reached out to caress Ji Zhuling's cheek.

Ji Zhuling's heart warmed, and she grabbed Ji Baiwei's hand, "Baiwei."


A golden dagger pierced Ji Zhuling's heart.

Ji Zhuling's body froze, and she lowered her head to look at the blade of the sword pierced into her heart. The sharp golden energy condensed, like sword energy, and instantly shattered her protective black snake.

"Bai Wei?!" The severe pain made Ji Zhuling's voice tremble.

Chi Chi Chi!
Ji Bai showed a slight hatred, but his eyes were full of tears. With a stir of the dagger in his hand, a fierce sharp golden aura burst out, cutting a big hole in Ji Zhuling's heart, exposing his beating heart.

The short sword stabbed fiercely, and the burst of sharp golden energy was about to destroy Ji Zhuling's heart, but was blocked by the 'Qishan Shield' within her body.

The power of the divine weapon erupted, and Ji Baiwei was shocked to retreat.

The golden dagger in her hand flew high, and with a "buzz", a golden light burst out, turning into a giant sword over two meters long, and slashed towards Ji Zhuling's head.

There was a deafening sound of clashing metal and iron, and Han Zhao's figure appeared in midair in a flash, holding the white tiger golden crystal sword tightly with both hands, his arms were congested and swollen with blood, and the terrifying power provided by the blood of the two spirit beasts erupted instantly.

Although Ji Zhuling released the Qi Shan Shield to block the blow, he was still shocked by the huge force from the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword, causing blood to spurt wildly.

"Ka Ka Ka!" Ji Zhuling's arm bones bent in an extremely twisted shape, and his body flew out of the stone house like a cannonball.

Before Qi Shandun was split by the white tiger's golden crystal sword, a strange light burst out. Ji Zhuling, who was severely injured, saw the light of the divine weapon intruding into Han Zhao's body, and a smirk appeared on his face.

However, as soon as this gloom of light came into contact with Han Zhao's body, most of it was weakened by the innate yang energy on his body surface.

Finally, a mass of purple light that appeared out of thin air penetrated Han Zhao's body surface, and the faint light dissipated instantly.

"How is this possible? Even if you have cultivated the stellar energy in advance, it is impossible to resist the light of the divine weapon at close range?!" The smile on Ji Zhuling's face froze, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

There is a huge difference in power between the complete divine weapon and the broken and reassembled divine weapon. The most important reason is the 'light of the divine weapon'.

Once the divine weapon is broken, even if it is reassembled, the power of its divine weapon's light will drop by half, and after using the divine weapon's light to irradiate radiation, the recovery time will be very slow.

This is not the case with the complete magic weapon.

Although Ji Zhuling's Qishan Shield is a mid-level defensive pseudo-divine weapon, the light of the divine weapon she released is the real thing, just like the light of divine weapons of other mid-level pseudo-divine weapons, there is no discount.

Even if a Martial Saint of the same level as her is irradiated by the light of the divine weapon at close range, the blood will be damaged, and the circulation of true energy will be slowed down.

If low-level fighters are irradiated by the light of the divine weapon, they may even mutate and become half-human, half-creepy monsters, completely controlled by the divine weapon.

"I'm not used to answering questions from dead people." Han Zhao smiled coldly.

"You!" Ji Zhuling's expression turned cold, and just about to speak, the ground under Han Zhao's feet exploded, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of her as an afterimage through the force of the shock.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Han Zhao slapped his palm, and his five fingers swelled with blood and swelled like copper sticks. Dragon scale-like scales grew out of thin air, completely covering his palm, and platinum arcs surrounded his entire right arm.

"Chi Chi Chi!" The surface of the Qi Shan Shield in front of Ji Zhuling's body became pitch black, and sharp thorns suddenly appeared, shooting out.

Seeing this, Han Zhao clenched his five fingers tightly, turned his palm into a fist, and slammed his fist on Qi Shan's shield. color arc crushed.

Accompanied by the loud noise that shook the sky, Ji Zhuling and Qi Shan Shield were smashed into the ground, leaving a huge hole on the ground.

"Puff puff puff!" Those sharp spikes were swept away by the three-point return to vitality released by Han Zhao, as if they were sucked into an invisible vortex, and disappeared completely.

"Is this the light of the demon? What a terrifying increase!"

Looking at the purple light condensed on his body surface, Han Zhao felt that his body was full of strength to the extreme. Compared with Xiao Chen's hands-on a few days ago, he felt like a world away.

After Han Zhao succeeded in one attack, he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but retreated sharply.

For the pseudo-soldier commander, although such an injury is not light, it is still far from a fatal injury.

Ji Baiwei's sneak attack was just to seize the opportunity for the five people to besiege Ji Zhuling.

Still have to fight a war of attrition.

Whoosh whoosh!
Han Zhao just ran more than ten meters away, the sound of cutting air, the sound of fine and sharp friction, and the roar of thunder and lightning appeared almost at the same time.

Arrows circled the wind, icicles and arcs met.

"Damn it!" Ji Zhuling's damaged body had just been restored by the arrest force, and the three strange spirit arrows were approaching.Her complexion changed wildly, and the power of her blood was stimulated to the extreme. Qi Shan Shield trembled suddenly, and it surpassed five meters in an instant, like a thick city wall, protecting her behind her.

boom! !

The berserk thunder brought the terrifying icicles to set off circles of air waves and gusts, continuously escaping from the center of the explosion.The entire stone house exploded with a bang, the broken stones scattered and scattered, and the surrounding ruins were also razed to the ground in an instant.

This was only the first wave of attacks, before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the three arrows of Feng Binglei came again.

Boom boom boom!
The three sisters of the Lian family continuously released three strange spiritual arrows to consume the power of Qi Shandun's magic weapon.

As the three sisters kept changing their attack directions, Ji Zhuling was also forced to activate the Qi Shan shield around her body, defending in all directions. For a while, the immortal black snake on her body was constantly defeated by the power of the three wonders of wind, ice and thunder, and then condensed , and then collapsed, again and again.

"Bai Wei, do you really want me to die?!" Ji Zhuling yelled palely, if she hadn't been attacked by Ji Baiwei and lost the opportunity, she would never have fallen into such a desperate situation.

"I want you to experience what it's like to be betrayed by someone close to you!" Ji Bai covered his face slightly, his voice was extremely cold.

"You actually!" Ji Zhuling screamed in shock, almost slipping her mouth, she didn't know where Ji Baiwei got the truth.

"If you kill me, the Ji family will not spare you lightly, and Han Zhao will die too!"

Ji Zhuling saw the seven evils covered fragments and seven colors of light on Ji Baiwei's face, and immediately panicked.

"You don't need to worry about that!" Han Zhao stood tens of meters away, clasped his hands together, and put them on his chest. A large amount of longevity zhenqi gathered in front of him, turning into a sphere like translucent water. .

"Three points return to vitality!"

Han Zhao pushed out his palms violently, releasing three points of Gui Yuan Qi.

The three-point return to vitality claims to be able to completely divide anything or skills. Although it can't divide magic weapons, it can wear down Ji Zhuling's restraint.

As a means of long-distance consumption, it is very effective.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, Ji Zhuling's voice was completely drowned out.

Boom boom boom!
I don't know how long it took.

"It's all you!" Ji Zhuling let out a desperate cry, and suddenly carried the attack hard, and ran towards Han Zhao.

The Qi Shan Shield in her hand turned red like a heated soldering iron, exuding terrifyingly high temperatures, and the surrounding air was heated and distorted.

At this moment, Han Zhao gave Ji Baiwei a wink.

"Sure!" The Qixie Mantle that Ji Baiwei was wearing was shining with the dazzling light of a divine weapon.

Ji Zhuling froze, her eyes suddenly became dull, and her body paused for a second.

And this second is enough for Han Zhao.

The Zhanye knife was unsheathed, the scarlet blade was completely covered by white light, and a penetrating white light covered the world.

God Killing Three Styles Dry Rong Style!
"Ji Ji's family won't let you go." Ji Zhuling regained her ability to move, but her body just took a step forward, her skin that was originally white as jade quickly became rough, and her beautiful face was covered with wrinkles.In an instant, she changed from a beautiful young woman in her early thirties into a chicken-skinned and white-haired old woman.

After saying this, Ji Zhuling lost all movement and life.

With a "bang", Qi Shandun, who had lost Ji Baiwei's control, regained the size of a palm and fell to the ground, making a small dent.

At this moment, a long and narrow crack appeared on the shield that was originally as smooth as a mirror.

A scarlet ray of light flew out of Ji Zhuling's body, and instantly sank into Han Zhao's body, finally forming a palm-sized mask pattern on his arm.

However, with a flash of the seven evils and seven colors on Ji Bai's face, the mask pattern on Han Zhao's arm quickly transformed into the power of a magic weapon and entered her body.

The blood imprint of the family can not only mark the murderer, but also prevent internal cannibalism.

However, now that Ji Baiwei has come into contact with the secrets of the high-level members of the Ji family, she also has a unique secret technique that can eliminate the bloodline imprint, of course, the premise is that the bloodline imprint cannot directly appear on her body.

This is also one of the main reasons why she asked Han Zhao for help.

[Kill the mid-level pseudo-divine soldier and the commander, and the proficiency of the entry "War God" will increase! 】

"Huh~!" Han Zhao let out a long breath, his body softened, and he half-kneeled down while leaning on the Zhanye Dao, as if his body had been ripped out of bones.

He finally experienced the feeling of losing 1000 years of life at once. Although he still has more than 3000 years of life left, his body is as weak as an old man.

"Brother Han!" Ji Bai's complexion changed slightly, and he rushed forward, the joy of getting revenge disappeared instantly.

"Why do you waste your life to use the Kurong style!" Ji Bai slightly saw Han Zhao's temple hair turn from black to white, and felt so distressed that he was about to cry.

"It's nothing, it's a trivial matter." Han Zhao leaned on Ji Baiwei's shoulder, this time he tried to be brave. A lifespan of 1000 years can't be said to mean nothing to him today, but a medium meaning.

But in order to prevent Ji Zhuling from detonating his magic weapon and causing them more damage, paying this price is nothing.

All you need is a good rest and your body can fully recover.

The first time he used the Kurong style to consume 400 years of life, his temple hair turned white, and then recovered within a few days.

It's just that Ji Zhuling is really difficult to deal with this time, after so much preparation, and with the blessing of the Light of Dispelling Demons, he rewrote the ending in the simulation.

Of course, if other warriors knew about his thoughts, they would probably yell at him.Ordinary five qi masters might not even be able to catch Ji Zhuling's move.

"Brother Han!" Lian Chengxue also rushed over.

"It's okay." Han Zhao smiled at her.

"Bai Wei, help me over there." Saying that, Han Zhao pointed at Ji Zhuling's body.

"En!" Ji Baiwei embraced the princess, and carried Han Zhao to Ji Zhuling's body.

Han Zhao stabbed the knives into Ji Zhuling's body and began to absorb Yin Qi.

As for Qi Shandun, it belonged to the three sisters of the Lian family.

"Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go." Han Zhao put the Zhanye Dao into the Xuanling battle box.

"But your body." Ji Bai slightly hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Han Zhao said seriously, "You send a message to the Ji family right now, saying that we have been attacked by an unknown enemy, and that Ji Zhuling needs help now in order to protect our queen."

"Okay!" Ji Bai nodded slightly.

With that said, she put Han Zhao down.

Seeing this, Lian Chengxue was about to start, but she carried Han Zhao behind her back.

"Let's go." Ji Baiwei reminded, and immediately ran towards the dense forest.

"Oh." Lian Chengxue was a little envious, she also wanted to carry Han Zhao on her back, it was rare to see such a weak side of him.

(End of this chapter)

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