Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 170 The Heavenly Mystery Building of the Star Pavilion!The seed of top-grade supernatural po

Chapter 170 The Heavenly Mystery Building of the Star Pavilion!The seed of top-grade supernatural powers! (6800 words for subscription)

A few days later, Han Zhao and his party finally arrived at the outskirts of Daliang City.

"Is this Daliang City?" Han Zhao couldn't help but feel a little shocked when he looked from a distance.

Inside the city wall that can't be seen at a glance, as far as the eye can see, there are large areas of purple tower-shaped buildings, densely distributed, there are dozens of them.The height of each tower is more than [-] meters. The tallest tower in the center has its top directly into the clouds, and its true height is unknown at all.

As the capital of Great Wei, Daliang City should naturally be the largest city in Great Wei.

In particular, Daliang City was built on the site of Xianyang, the capital of the former Great Qin Dynasty, but this is too outrageous, right?

Han Zhao felt as if he had come from a world of martial arts to a world of immortals. Such a building could not be completed by manpower.

The level of supernatural powers and military commanders seems to be stronger than he expected.

"Those tall towers are..." Han Zhao looked at Ji Baiwei who was beside him.

"That's the tall tower, the 'Feiling Pagoda', which is the base of the formation covering Daliang City." Ji Baiwei explained.

"Such an exaggeration?! Mr. Wan is a little supernatural martial artist?" Han Zhao was surprised.


He tested it, and although it wasn't a super root bone, it was considered pretty good among the upper class.

"Brother Longxiang, you're being polite." Ji Bai smiled back.

As long as the martial arts will is condensed, it is equivalent to gaining a high-grade god seed for nothing, which is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with tens of millions of taels of silver.

The young man was overjoyed when he heard the words, and noticed the distance between Han Zhao and Lian Chengxue, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, madam! Thank you, madam!"

【You are refining the seed of supernatural powers, and you are going to practice the 'True Sun' into a small supernatural power. 】

In addition, at the junction of Youzhou of Qi State and Tianzhou of Wei State, Jiang Mi, ranked No.11 in the Kirin Ranking, challenged Cao Yi, No.8, and suffered a disastrous defeat.

"It's really good, I feel full of energy, and my state has reached its peak." Han Zhao said quickly: "If you don't believe me, we will fight each other!"

"You don't need to look for it." Lian Chengxue waved his hand.

"Let's advance to the city." Ji Baiwei reminded.

If it makes sense to say that Ji's family harmed him, it was because of Ji Baiwei's seven evils.

[attribute point +200]

Han Zhao returned to the room and began to check the 'Stars Magazine' he had just bought.

Along the way, Lian Jin saw a lot of martial arts masters, and also saw several master-level powerhouses, but basically they were first-level and second-level masters. As for the martial arts masters, he didn't meet any of them.

"The Star Pavilion really has a profound background, and the news is so well-informed?"

"As expected of the capital of Great Wei." Lian Chengyu couldn't help sighing that even the capital of Great Chu was inferior to Daliang City.It can only be said that Great Wei was lucky and obtained more inheritance from the Great Qin Empire.

[Or, when you get the quota to go to Tianshengdongtian, you should take him with you. 】

"There is only one younger brother."

In the past few days, even Cheng Xue and Ji Baiwei had almost become his mounts. Except for the rest time, he basically stayed on the backs of the two women, and basically never gave him a chance to touch the ground.

"Why did the Cao family want to harm me? They didn't hesitate to pay for a high-grade supernatural power seed?" Han Zhao was stunned when he saw the information in the simulation.

[Because of attribute conflicts, the cultivation of the True Sun Gang failed, and your Gang Qi and Qi and blood were polluted by the radiation of the power of the gods, and you are no longer a pure warrior. 】

Han Zhao and the three Lian family sisters followed Ji Baiwei into the city.

"Wait!" Han Zhao yelled at the peddler.

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

"The seeds of supernatural powers, the treasures necessary for martial sages to practice small supernatural powers, are divided into three qualities: low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade. The difference in the quality of supernatural power seeds directly affects the speed and power of small supernatural powers."

"My lord, is there something wrong with the name?" Ling Feng asked cautiously.

"It seems that even in a place like Daliang City, high-ranking masters and martial saints are not Chinese cabbage." Han Zhao came to the gate of the inner city.

"Brother Han, I'll come back to you after a while, I'm going back to the family."

"So that's how it is." Han Zhao suddenly thought that high-level warriors were so worthless in Daliang City.

Watching Ji Baiwei's performance, Han Zhao was stunned. Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive people. Thinking about how innocent Ji Baiwei was a few years ago, she definitely didn't have this kind of acting skills.

A system prompt appears.

"Okay." Han Zhao said.

Ji Bai slightly waved at Han Zhao behind him.

【After thinking about it for a while, you agreed to the other party, and made an oath with your demons and supernatural powers. 】

This person looks to be about the same age as him, and he is actually a top expert at the seventh level of the snake level.

He directly chooses to pay.

"Please!" Ji Longxiang stepped aside and bowed.

"Fengyun." Han Zhao murmured.

Although the battle between him and Xiao Chen happened more than ten days ago, it is normal for Zhongxing Pavilion to get the news.

Han Zhao read all four miscellaneous newspapers, which recorded the changes of the Qilin Ranking and Qiantian Ranking respectively, and then there were records of public battles between martial saints and snakes in various places.

[In the next six months, you will retreat in the Qi family and successfully break through to the Sha Ning Realm. 】

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

"Okay." Hearing this, Han Zhao turned around and went downstairs, leaving the Tianji Building. It seemed that if he wanted to know more secrets, he had to improve his strength.

[You go to the Martial Academy, the head of the academy said that he can give you a place to go to the Yinyang Hall, and give you an extremely precious top-grade supernatural power seed. 】

Ji Bai slightly bypassed the team and came to the front of the crowd. He just waved the token in his hand, and the soldiers guarding the gate saluted her one after another.

It can't be that Cao's family believed the words in Zhongxingge Magazine, afraid that he would become a warrior, right?
so funny!
In the simulation, he was hacked to death several times just for surviving the supernatural tribulation, and using top-grade supernatural powers to fish is really not about martial ethics.

The crowd also consciously gave way.

"Oh, it's nothing, let's go in." Han Zhao shook his head.

"These are all from the classics of the clan."

[The power of the magic weapon released by the real magic weapon can be cleared by [-]% of the current magic light. 】

Seeing that Han Zhao was worried, Ji Bai smiled.

"Synthesis, start simulation."

Foreign high-level warriors like him need to go through household registration procedures when entering the city, but with Ji Baiwei's relationship, this procedure is omitted, and when someone in the army completes the procedures for him, he will come to his door .

"Resist the full attack of heaven and man?" Han Zhao was taken aback.

The system shows that this child has a good bone, and there is a [-]% chance that he has a super bone.

The four found a luxuriously decorated restaurant.

However, he felt that the yin energy in Ji Longxiang's body was a bit mixed, something was wrong, and it seemed that it was not the orthodox path for the children of the aristocratic family to progress.

[The power of the divine soldier released by the unmanned pseudo-sacred soldier can be eliminated by [-]% of the current demon-slaying light. 】

[Jilongxiang——The yin energy is highly condensed, and the force evolves into an indestructible black snake, which is at the seventh level of the snake level; masters the complete pseudo-divine weapon, and is a high-level pseudo-divine soldier in command. 】

"Array base?!" Han Zhao was startled.

"Your Excellency, do you want all the magazines?" Seeing that Han Zhao was dressed luxuriously, the young man said respectfully.

"In the 419th year of the Wei calendar, the tide of demonic energy broke out. In the 512 year of the Wei calendar, the Hai tribe invaded Qi. Ten years later, Qi and Bingzhou fell, and asked for help from Chu and Wei. .”

"Let's go." Han Zhao came back to his senses.

There is a large cloth pocket wrapped around his chest, which contains a large stack of khaki paper, which is densely filled with words and pictures.

If he was besieged by the children of several families who were at the top of the unicorn list, even if he had [War God] by his side, he wouldn't be able to say that he would be unscathed.

"This is a newspaper?!" Han Zhao immediately thought of newspapers. There seemed to be something similar to newspapers in ancient times in his previous life, but he didn't expect this world to have them.

[Current balance: Gold 85000 taels]

A lot of information recorded in it was never heard by Han Zhaoting, but these incidents were basically mentioned in one stroke, and there were no details at all.

But in addition to this incident, it also recorded the incident in Yizhou, Chu State. Kong Yi, who was sixth on the Kirin list, challenged No.5 Lin Jue, severely injured Lin Jue, and rose one place in the ranking smoothly.

On the street, ordinary people, warriors, and children of aristocratic families came and went. Han Zhao and his party were outstanding in appearance and extraordinary, but they did not attract much attention.

A group of people came to the gate of the city. The soldiers guarding the city were dressed in black armor. Through the induction of qi and blood, they were all warriors who had three times of qi and blood. Among them, there were two warriors in purple armor, who had mastered martial arts.

"Ling Feng?" Han Zhao was taken aback, "Do you still have family?"

Looking at Ji Longxiang's back, Han Zhao frowned slightly.



Although the mortals on the road will stay away, they don't look too scared.

"Let's go!" Han Zhao smiled at the four girls around him, and walked towards Daliang City.

More descendants of aristocratic families have very thin bloodlines. It is not known whether the bloodlines have not yet awakened, or because the family's envoys and magic soldiers are gone, causing the bloodlines to decline.

"Please stop." After reading the content on the second floor, Han Zhao walked to the third floor, but was stopped by a person.

"The third floor is only open to martial saints and snake-level powerhouses."

[Just as you were refining the supernatural power seed, Yin Qi and the power of the divine weapon suddenly overflowed from it. 】

Han looked at the back of the boy leaving, a little lost in thought.

Han Zhao is going to take a look. After all, he still has a half-knowledge of the truth of this world, and he knows too little.

Entering the restaurant, Han Zhao and the three sisters from the Lian family opened a private room.

"My name is Ling Feng." The young man didn't know why, but he still answered truthfully.

"System, if the power of a divine weapon appears in the supernatural seed I refined, will the effect of the light of demon suppression prevent my stellar energy and blood from being polluted?"

"what is it call?"

[One month later, you received an invitation from the head of the Daliang Martial Academy. 】

"It seems that we need to systematically understand the news about Daliang City." Han Zhao thought.


"It's nothing, let's go." Han Zhao patted Ling Feng's body.

"Brother Han, let's find a place to stay first." Lian Chengxue reminded.

"No." Ji Bai showed a worried look on his face, "I don't know what happened to Aunt Ji?"

[At the age of 37, you have cultivated to the seventh level of the snake level in the Qi family. You took advantage of the head of the martial arts academy to go out and killed him, and you learned that the Cao family was the one who killed you. 】

And today's No. 1 unicorn list is Cao Wuyu of the Cao family. The Cao family is the current royal family, the strongest family among the five surnames and ten wealthy families. It may not be easy for Cao Wuyu to be ranked first for so many years.

"The State of Wei has inherited many secret martial arts techniques from the Great Qin Empire, among which is the Great Formation of Qi and Blood." Lian Chengxue added.


"Miss Baiwei, this subordinate is ordered to wait here." The young man came to Ji Baiwei and bowed slightly.

Although the psychological and physical sensations are good, but now that he has arrived in Daliang City, his physical condition has almost recovered.

In Yunzhou, Qi Xuanming entered No.20.

Ji Baiwei added.

Not long after Han Zhao and his party entered the inner city, a muscular young man with a height of two meters appeared. He was wearing a black robe and had an ordinary appearance. The only thing that stood out was that his eyes were covered with black silk cloth.

"The Purple Flame Army claims to have 30 elites, and the minimum requirement for enlisting in the army is one breath of blood. Master Lian Jin is a Ten Commander, Lian Jin Da is a Centurion Commander, and the Grand Master is a Thousand Commander. The nine Ten Thousand Commanders are all trained Became a Martial Saint Realm expert with minor supernatural powers." Lian Chengxue continued.

[This article reminds you to pay 4000 taels of gold. 】

"Fifty coins a copy! There are four kinds in total." The young man hurriedly said, if you buy all four kinds, you can actually get a discount, but he knows that many young masters and young ladies hate hearing this word the most, so he didn't say a word .

The rapid progress of the divine weapon system is really outrageous, and it is really hard for warriors to catch up.

After all, there is no one to control the magic weapon, so the power it exerts will be greatly reduced.

"The butterfly effect is so obvious? Could it be because I've been too popular recently?"

[At the age of 25, you won No.1 in the Zhongzhou Trial. 】

"Wait." Han Zhao suddenly stopped him.

Han Zhao looked at the "Stars Miscellaneous News" published by Zhongxing Pavilion, and felt awe-inspiring.

In Cangzhou, Wei State, Su Tianqi, a true disciple of Tianxuanzong, was promoted to No. 20 on the Kirin list.

[At the age of 26, the state of Chu invaded Yunzhou, and a great war broke out. 】

After watching the spirit beast families of Qi and Chu, Han Zhao went up to the second floor.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

Isn't this a fire?
After Zhongxing Pavilion has been praised so much, those children from aristocratic families who want to be famous probably want to step on him.

Seeing Han Zhao sizing up the soldiers guarding the gate, Lian Chengxue explained in a low voice, "It seems to be the Ziyan Army of Wei State."

"Receiving the news of Miss Baiwei's attack, the family has immediately dispatched 'faceless guards' to respond, did Miss Baiwei meet them?" Ji Longxiang asked.

Soon, Han Zhao found information on the five surnames and the ten wealthy families.

Then, Han Zhao found information about Chu and Qi.

"All Stars Magazine! This month's new Stars Magazine! It's cheap! Fifty cents each!"

Thinking of this, Han Zhao went to the next room to say hello to the three sisters, then called a carriage at the intersection, and went straight to the Tianji Building.

"Patriarch Hanli?" Ji Bai was slightly taken aback, then nodded immediately, "I'll go back with you right away."

Back in the wing room of the restaurant, Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the bed, feeling the need to simulate it once.

[Because of practicing Zuowangjing · Shenyou Chapter, your mental power is far superior to that of the same level, and you can practice small supernatural powers in advance. 】

According to the information he has learned and his personal experience, Murong Qi's real strength is estimated to be in the top ten.

[At this moment, you know that you have been tricked, but it is too late.Forced to switch to the magic weapon system. 】

"Good guy, hurry up to answer, right?" Han Zhao's eyes lit up, but this was exactly what he needed.

Soon, he found the warrior information of the Great Qin Empire and Tianshengzong, and then the demon clan.

But he and the Cao family have never even met face to face, and there is no holiday.

"If the high-level warriors living in Daliang are unwilling to join the family, many will choose to join the army."

"Brother Han, what's wrong?" Lian Chengxue asked suspiciously.

It's a pity that there is only the first floor of the Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter, and he didn't find the following exercises in the simulation.

"How do you sell these miscellaneous newspapers, and how many kinds are there?" Han Zhao noticed that the colors of the newspapers in the boy's pocket were slightly different.

There are also quite a few descendants of the aristocratic family, but they are all of the first-level and second-level, that is, the level of strength training of warriors.

City-link snow track.

Even if he learned these trivial information in the simulation, he didn't have that much mental power to check it in detail.

[At the age of 24, you came to Daliang City. 】

Han Zhao suddenly came back to his senses.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

There was an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going, but they all lined up to enter the city in an orderly manner.

Now it seems that the hundreds of thousands of Ziyan troops were also cultivated by Wei Guo at a great price.

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 150, gold 10000 taels.]

"and many more!"

"Please also Miss Baiwei to return to the family with me first, Patriarch Hanli wants to see you." Ji Longxiang didn't ask any more.

"Okay, give me one of all four." Han Zhao put his mental power into the Sumeru bag, only to find that he had no change at all.

"Okay." Lian Chengxue noticed that most of Han Zhao's white hair at the temples had returned to a bright black color, and finally believed his words.

As she spoke, she pointed to Ji Baiwei in front of the crowd: "Sister Baiwei should know more."

[Combining the will of martial arts can greatly reduce the negative impact of the power of the gods on the warrior.This tip requires an additional payment of 1000 taels of gold]

"This son?" The young man raised his head slightly, feeling that Han Zhao didn't look like he would ask him to give change.

An astonishing news swept across most of Central China in a very short time, and soon spread throughout the Three Kingdoms.

He turned around and saw a handsome boy who looked like twelve or thirteen years old running and shouting.

This kid looked clever, and for a moment, Han Zhao had a bad taste in his heart.

"Since the Star Pavilion sells information, you can go and have a look."

At this time, Han Zhao looked at Lian Chengxue who was under him, and asked, "Cheng Xue, can you let me go?"

"Warrior refines magic crystals, and has a certain probability of gaining the power of demons and becoming a half-demon body."

"Purple Flame Army?" Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, remembering that when he first simulated, Yunzhou fell for more than 20 years, and it was finally recovered by the Purple Flame Army.

【The condition is that if you can return from Qiantian Palace, you can give him part of the "Qiantian Essence". 】

People hate other people's privileges, but want to have them for themselves.

Soon, Han Zhao knew the bloodlines of the five surnames and the ten rich families and the general information about the main magic soldiers.

"The five surnames of Wei State, Cao Qi Ye Shen Wang. The Cao family, the blood of the war beast in Jiuli. The Qi family, the blood of Youying. The Ye family, the blood of Zhuzhao. The Shen family, the blood of the earth storm bear. The Wang family, the blood of the black turtle."

"I heard that just this large formation can block the full attack of a third-tier commander. Is it true?" Lian Chengyu asked.

Han Zhao even saw some 'people' with the characteristics of monsters in the crowd, just walking on the street swaggeringly.

"Thank you son." Ling Feng bowed and left the street.

Han Zhao was about to enter the door when he heard the sound of selling from behind.

He found that the records on the first floor were all historical events.

Entering the city, you will see a huge Feiling Pagoda. The bottom of the Feiling Pagoda is surrounded by a large number of buildings, pavilions, and pavilions.

If he hadn't learned about Murong Qi's unique move through simulation, even if he could beat him, he would have to pay a considerable price.

"Speaking of which, after I practiced Siwangjing·Shenyou Chapter, my mental strength doubled, and I can check more after simulating memory selection, but it is necessary to continuously improve my mental strength." Han Zhao thought to himself.

"Hasn't Ji Zhuling come back yet?" Ji Longxiang continued.

Han Zhao looked at Daliang City, which was like a miracle, and his heart was surging, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. That era was really a paradise for warriors.

【Collect all 360 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

"This is too much money. I can't find it. How about I give it all to you?" The young man looked at the ten taels of silver in his hand with a bitter expression.

"Murong's family, the blood of the White Tiger. The True Spirit of the White Tiger is one of the 'Four Spirits', the master of killing, the five elements belong to gold, and the innate aura of sharp gold is invincible."

[The other party sent the supernatural power seed into your body. 】

"Speaking of which, the living environment of the Wei Kingdom is relatively good for warriors. One of the important reasons is that this large array of energy and blood can only be formed by pure warriors. Therefore, the aristocratic families of Tianzhou will not show up in the open. On the contrary, they are willing to win over some outstanding warriors." Lian Chengxue said.

If he entered the city and let other people see him as a healthy and strong man being carried away by a delicate little girl, he would not want to make such a show.

Soon, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked: "Is this great formation of heaven and earth set up by warriors?"

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

It has to be said that the background of the star pavilions is really deep. In addition to the bloodlines and divine weapons of these great clans, the corresponding restraint methods are all recorded in it.

The first two floors of the Tianji building are like a library, as long as you pay money, you can browse the classics inside.

To practice martial arts will, you also need attributes to shorten the time.Moreover, he can deduce the secret art of martial arts through attribute points, and it will definitely become the most suitable secret art for him.

"Brother Han, has your body really recovered?" Lian Chengxue turned to look at Han Zhao on his back, hesitating.

As if sensing the gaze behind him, Ji Longxiang, who was halfway there, suddenly turned his head. Although his eyes were wrapped with black silk, Han Zhao felt his gaze.

"In 12577 of the Great Qin Calendar, the Heavenly Sacred Sect and the Great Qin Empire joined forces to launch a war against all the families of the gods in Dongsheng Continent. Three years later, the Heavenly Demon Realm invaded, and the Great Qin Empire and the Great Qin Empire proposed a truce."

"You child." Lian Chengxue blushed.

I have a more intuitive understanding of the strength of the Ji family.

"What's your name?" Han Zhao asked.

the next day.

Han Zhao paid the money and started looking at the first floor.

"A large number of blood-training warriors practice the same secret technique, linking qi and blood together to form a large formation of qi and blood. Under the leadership of the little supernatural martial saint, they can defeat the enemy."

It uses a lot of pen and ink to embarrass Han photos.

Thinking of the effect of the entry of "Walking God of Demons", Han Zhao understood it.

At the end of the miscellaneous report, it was revealed that in the west of the inner city, there was the Tianji Building under the command of Zhongxing Pavilion, where various information could be purchased.

Yang Qi and strength are meant to restrain the power of magic weapons, it just depends on whose quality and quantity are higher.

"Two." Han Zhao thought for a moment and chose two.

Han Zhao's eyes turned cold, "Cao family, let's forget about this matter first."

"That's right. Martial arts flourished thousands of years ago, and warriors had many branches of professions, among which array mages were also one of the mainstream." Ji Bai said slightly.

"This is killing me!" Han Zhao looked at the magazine and listed a special page for him, which introduced his life, saying that he was the only pure warrior in the top [-] of the unicorn list.Since the millennium, the hope of warriors, the capital of warriors.

It's just that when he was put down, he seemed a little unhappy.

"Ten rich rooms, Ji Xiaolin Zhou."

"Okay." Lian Chengyu nodded.

"No." Ji Bai shook his head slightly.

Noticing Han Zhao's movement of taking out the money, Lian Chengxue at the side stepped forward, took out an ingot of silver from the money bag, and threw it to the boy.

It is estimated that for the aristocratic family, there is no racial difference at all.

The first level is 100 taels of silver, while the second level is 1000 taels.

"During the Great War thousands of years ago, most of the Feiling Pagoda was destroyed. When Daliang City was rebuilt, part of the Feiling Pagoda was moved and repaired, and a 'Disha Grand Formation' was set up."

"Even if it is a third-tier soldier who blew himself up, he can't break through the formation." Ji Bai said seriously.

[In the same year, Qiantian Palace was opened, you met Cao Xuan in Qiantian Palace, and you died. 】

After the boy offered the newspaper with both hands, he bowed and stepped back.

"During the Great Qin Empire, there were [-] flying spirit pagodas in Xianyang City, which formed the 'Great Array of Heavenly Gang and Disha', completely covering the entire Xianyang City, able to resist the full force of attacks from Heaven and Man." Ji Baiwei added.

Han Zhao, No.17 on the Unicorn List, challenged Kong Yi, who had just been promoted to No.5.

Even though he played all his cards, and if he was going all out, his true strength was close to that of a small supernatural martial saint in the third level of Condensation, but there were not no capable people among the children of the aristocratic family.

If the power of the divine weapon hidden in that god seed came from a false divine weapon, then the effect of the [War God] entry would default to the power of the divine weapon released by a child of a family whose realm is lower than his.

"How do you know so much about these things?" Han Zhao was puzzled.

The information was transmitted directly through the Tianji Building under the command of Zhongxing Pavilion, which is absolutely true.

The Stars magazine published a supplement in a very short period of time, deliberately promoting this battle.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Kong Yi, who heard the news, smiled and went straight to Tianzhou Daliang.


PS: Thank you [Jade Cicada] for the accumulated rewards from the leader, and when the stiff neck is over, I will add more as soon as possible. or2
(End of this chapter)

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