Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 171 Wind and Cloud Gather, Thunder Cloud Spirit Body! The 5-color Shenguang lost to Krypton

Chapter 171 Storms Gather, Thunder Cloud Spirit Body!Five-color divine light lost to Krypton life! (7600 words for subscription)

The sunset is westward.

Even in a city like Daliang City, there are still slums under the feet of the emperor.

They are marginal people living in the bustling city.

In a thatched hut in the corner of the slum, Ling Feng opened his eyes with difficulty, and the muddy thatched roof first came into view.

"Am I still alive?"

He turned his head slightly, and saw a boy in his early teens kneeling and sitting on the cold ground. He was leaning against the head of the bed with his upper body naked, and fell into a deep sleep. There were still dry tears and mud marks on his face. It was his second brother Ling Yun.

Yesterday he was selling newspapers in the streets and alleys, but he met a kind lady and son, who bought four miscellaneous newspapers and gave him ten taels of silver, and he didn't need to give change.

At that time, Ling Feng felt as if a big pie had fallen from the sky.With these ten taels of silver, the two brothers have the hope of getting out of the slums.

He gave the ten taels of silver to Zheng Fugui, a martial artist in the civilian area, as a tuition fee, and became an apprentice of Huishan Boxing Academy, so he had the martial arts school as his backing.

Continuously stimulating the power of the blood to use the five-color divine light, Kong Yi's breath was greatly damaged at the moment, and he would not be so embarrassed if it were anyone.

With a flick of the tail feather in his hand, five colors of blue, yellow, red, black, and white light flashed by.

"Five-color divine light, brush everything! You have nothing to win." Halfway through Kong Yi's words, Han Zhao's third knife cut out with a Kurong style.

The peacock flapped its wings lightly, and flew straight towards Han Zhao with Kong Yi.

Han Zhao, whose upper body was bare, pinched Kong Yi's neck with one hand and lifted him up high.

"Master Xingshi, there are people blocking the way ahead." The middle-aged man driving respectfully said.

Deal with Han Zhao in close quarters to prevent him from having a spare spirit weapon, the sword.

"The villain is Ling Feng, who is this adult?" Ling Feng looked at the man in front of him with a panicked expression. Just looking at the man's demeanor and demeanor, he felt that he was even more powerful than Master Zheng from Huishan Boxing Academy.He hurriedly climbed out of bed, and pulled his younger brother to kneel on the ground.

"Master, even if we are smashed to pieces, we don't know how to repay your kindness!"

Although the money is small, it can allow him and his brother to survive in this cruel world.

Chen Kai woke up from a coma, however, he found that his body seemed to be tightly suppressed by a gust of air, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

Whoosh whoosh!
The peacock opened its tail, and its tail feathers shot out like a sharp sword at a terrifying speed several times the speed of sound.

When Mr. Xu raised his head, his face became horrified.

The power of Nirvana continued unabated, and it fell on Kong Yi in an instant.

"Kong Yi was defeated so quickly?!"

Qi luck is in harmony with the five virtues, and it progresses in five colors of black, white, red, yellow, and blue, above which is purple.

"Kong Yi, it would be best if we can stop the fight." Mr. Xu grabbed Kong Yi who was about to get off the car. Even if Kong Yi could kill Han Zhao and take part of his purple energy, the soaring black energy might not be there. How much can bear.

And Kong Yi directly arouses the aura of heaven and earth through the blood of the spirit beast, condensing the peacock's virtual form.

"Brother Lu." Ling Feng knelt on the kang and hurriedly saluted the young man. The other party was Lu Bao, the gangster of the Wild Wolf Gang.

He stepped out of the carriage, stood at the front of the car, and said condescendingly, "Who are you?"

With a wave of Han Zhao's sleeve, the bodies of Lu Bao and Chen Kai on the ground instantly turned into dust and dispersed with the wind.

Moreover, Cao Wuyu was only born a few years earlier, otherwise he might not be his opponent.

The old man is the 'Star Envoy' of Zhongxing Pavilion, who specializes in collecting major events in the world for Zhongxing Pavilion.He claimed to be surnamed Xu, but he did not have a given name.

His complexion is as white as jade, and there is a five-petal lotus imprint between his eyebrows that resembles a woman's flower inn. This imprint looks like a lotus petal from a distance, but it looks like five swords with different colors of blue, yellow, red, black, and white. Circulation, with a faint sense of sharpness, makes people dare not look directly at it.

As soon as the carriage left the forest, it stopped.

Enduring the excruciating pain, Ling Feng limped back home, but passed out as soon as he reached the door of his thatched hut.

"Today, you will definitely die!" At this moment, Kong Yi felt that he must kill Han Zhao. If Han Zhao broke through the Condensation Realm and then used the Kurong Style, then unless he also achieved three bloodline awakenings, he would even use the five-color divine light. It may not be possible to catch this move unscathed.

Zhongxing Pavilion has always been friendly with wealthy families and suppressed warriors at the same time, so he naturally didn't want anything to happen to Kong Yi.

Chen Kai bled profusely and died soon after.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The thick smoke made Ling Yun cough unceasingly, his eyes hurt, tears streamed down his face, and his face was covered with ashes.

But Han Zhao's luck is weird, even if he picks up a treasure while walking, he might choke to death after drinking water.

Chi Chi!

"I see you don't have a knife, how can you use the Kurong style?"

A middle-aged man who looked about 50 years old stood at the door.

"The old master is best at boxing, palm and leg kung fu. Today I will teach you the three kung fu of Shaking Mountain Fist, Yin Sha Palm, and Riding Wind Kick."

With the status of an apprentice, a third-rate gang like the Wild Wolf Gang would definitely not dare to embarrass him during his martial arts training.

After a while, Lu Bao returned to the thatched cottage with a bald and muscular man in black bunt.

"You!" Ling Feng was furious, but immediately lowered his head, not daring to attack.

"Brother, are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat." Ling Yun got up, turned and walked towards the pot.

Ling Yun moved towards the handle of the knife with both hands, but he didn't dare to touch the knife at all.

After doing all this, Ling Yun fell to the ground and retched.

Han Zhao said lightly.

Lu Bao took off his blood-stained coat, the wound on his heart healed quickly, and left the thatched hut with his upper body naked.

"You don't need to test the old man, one day, you will be used!" Han Zhao said with a blank expression.

"Ah!" The two of them felt a sharp pain in their bodies, but the painful voice was stuck in their throats and could not be uttered at all.

"Master, please accept my disciple's bow." The two brothers quickly bowed down and kowtowed three times.

"I'm Han Zhao. Are you Kong Yi?"

"Han Zhao, is this person?" At this moment, the complexion of Xu Lao in the carriage changed suddenly, and he looked at Han Zhao with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"The firewood is damp, please put less." Ling Feng whispered.

Kong Yi's eyes changed slightly, did he want to die with him?

"Brother, you're awake! I thought you!" Ling Yun suddenly woke up from a light sleep when he heard the movement, and seeing the awakened brother, he burst into tears with excitement.

"Ah!" He yelled as if to embolden himself, grabbed the short knife, and stabbed at Chen Kai's body with his eyes closed.

But today he realized that even at the master level, even the aftermath of the battle cost him half his life.

A normal warrior can only arouse the aura of heaven and earth only if he breaks through the Sha Ning Realm and returns from acquired to innate.

"Huh?" Kong Yi was a little displeased, and lifted the curtain.

"Mr. Xu, wait a moment, let me take him!" Kong Yi smiled proudly, and flew off the horse.

"There are no idlers in the gang. If you don't work, let your brother go." Lu Bao grimaced.

"This person injured your elder brother. Without Han Zhao's qi protection, your elder brother is dead now." Han Zhao said calmly.

"Ah!" Ling Yun shouted in fright at this weird scene.

He was wearing a golden robe, his long black hair was combed meticulously, and was scattered behind his back. His thick sword eyebrows were straight and upturned, and his face was full of majesty.

He is the direct descendant of Bailingzong, and he has the blood of five-color peacocks. His future achievements are comparable to those of martial gods in the realm of supernatural powers, and heaven and man are in sight.

"Farewell to Master."

Just when he felt that he was going to be out of breath, a weak heat flow gushed out from his lower abdomen and flowed through all the limbs, which relieved the pain in his body a little, and finally his breath eased.

"Did he hurt you?" Han Zhao asked suddenly.

However, within this purple qi, the black qi is extremely dense, as if it is real, it is simply unacceptable, and I can't wait for the thunder disaster to be sent down the next moment to destroy it.

Han Zhao slashed lightly, and a dazzling white light piercing the sky and the earth burst out, and his 200-year lifespan passed in an instant.

In ancient times, there was a saying that purple qi came from the east and was invaluable.

"Hiss~" Ling Feng felt a sharp pain in his body when he moved slightly, his chest felt tight, and he had difficulty breathing.

Is this the battle between peerless geniuses?

Ling Feng pulled his younger brother Ling Yun, and the two knelt and kowtowed towards the empty house.

"The golden lin is not a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm. Remember this sentence." The thick voice rang in the ears of the two, and when they came to their senses, there was no one outside the thatched cottage.

"Go, bring Chen Kai back!" Han Zhao directed at the body of 'Lu Bao'.

"Thank you, Master!" Ling Feng took the Sumeru bag and bowed deeply.

Although it is said that force is needed to walk Dongshengzhou, but Mr. Xu is equivalent to the strength of the three qi masters of warriors. Most people are not his opponents, and those who are stronger than him know the Star Pavilion, and they will never embarrass him as a star envoy .

Ling Feng's eyes widened, he didn't expect that the plot in the story book really happened to him.

This peacock is more than ten feet long, with a green top and a tail covered with feathers, which is bright and beautiful, just like a live peacock.

This is his confidence to look down on the world.

Han Zhao raised his hand to interrupt Ling Feng's words, and flicked his fingers, a gleam as thin as a hair entered Lu Bao's body.

After doing all this, Han Zhao took Kong Yi's sumeru bag into his palm, turned around and left.

Lu Bao and Chen Kai fell to the ground at the same time.

Wang Xiaoer next door was coerced by the bandit gang to steal something, and ended up stealing it from a quasi-martial arts practitioner at the blood training level. His hands were cut off on the spot, and he died of pain.

With a bang, a dagger fell to the ground.

"You are quite courageous, and you are in a hurry to die." Kong Yi smiled.

Kong Yi will not give him any more chances.

He wanted to escape, but it was too late.

[Thunder Cloud Spirit Body: Practicing thunder-attribute skills and secret techniques can get twice the result with half the effort. After breaking through the condensed evil spirit, it will give priority to absorbing the spirit of thunder evil spirit, which can activate the spirit body.When there is a tribulation passer nearby, at the cost of permanently losing half of the energy and blood, it can help the tribulation passer weaken the power of a catastrophe by [-]%. 】

"What about you?" Han Zhao looked at Ling Yun.

Han Zhao clenched his fist with five fingers, and punched out!
Countless air currents were instantly detonated, and the huge force and aura crazily oppressed the air, forming an astonishing high-pressure shock wave, which blasted towards Kong Yi like a laser cannon.

"I don't care about that. From today onwards, your daily task share will be doubled." Lu Bao said coldly. He was mad when he heard that Chen Kai had snatched ten taels of silver from Ling Feng. Dare to hide money and not hand it in.

Because Ling Feng is more clever and good at dealing with affairs, the Wild Wolf Gang asked him to sell "Stars and Miscellaneous News" near the inner city.

Han Zhao focused his eyes, and said silently in his heart: "Pay."

One of these two brothers is superior, close to super, and the other is very likely to have a spiritual body.

"Ah!" Kong Yi's eyes were red, and the pain of losing his essence and blood made him unable to even speak.

"Hehe! Ling Feng, your life is hard enough!"

Chi Chi Chi!
When the white light brushed past, materialized ripples appeared in the air, and the peacock's tail feathers instantly turned into dust.

As for Han Zhao's challenge to him, he didn't take it seriously at all.

The five-color divine light flashed out.

"Cao Wuyu is the only one who can pose a threat to me on the Qilin list. I treat the others as worthless."

Ling Yun hurriedly put his hands close to the stove hole to keep warm, his face as black as the bottom of a pot turned to Ling Feng, grinning, his mouth missing two front teeth leaked out his words.

Of course, if you want to practice martial arts to change your destiny, you won't be able to save enough money in your next life.But yesterday, the opportunity to change fate suddenly came.

But on the way back, Ling Feng was so excited that he couldn't help but yelled, and met Chen Kai, the little leader of the bandit gang.

"Bone training level?!" Ling Feng was stunned, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang seemed to have just broken through the bone training level.

"Exactly." Han Zhao stood with his hands behind his back, "The person you met yesterday is Han Zhao."

"Vajra Bodyguard!!"

The young man was in his early twenties, handsome, even pretty, if it wasn't for the slightly protruding Adam's apple in his throat that indicated his gender, it would be hard to tell at first glance.

"Five-color peacock blood, I accept it bluntly!" Han Zhao quickly absorbed the spirit beast blood in Kong Yi's body.

However, a person's luck can be changed.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, Mr. Xu, who was watching the battle, and the middle-aged man driving the car hugged the tree trunk tightly. Their bodies were blown in a straight line with the ground by the aftermath of the blast, and their clothes turned into rags. .

Kong Yi looked indifferent.

It's just that these peerless geniuses of the same age are all proud and arrogant. The only difference is that some are gentle on the outside, while others are arrogant inside and out.

"You dare to hide money privately, you are quite courageous!" Lu Bao's face darkened.

"Master, how can I find you in the future?!" Ling Feng shouted when he saw him leave immediately.

It was cut out again.

"What?" Ling Feng had an unbelievable expression on his face. He never dreamed that the young man who bought miscellaneous newspapers from him yesterday was actually Han Zhao.

I heard that Zheng Wushi also came from the slums, so he has a lot of preferential treatment for children from poor families. The cost of learning martial arts is the cheapest in the nearby martial arts gym. You can learn martial arts for five months with ten taels of silver, and lunch is included.

"Ah..." The old man was helpless, because luck can be changed, so it can indeed be said to be illusory, but if he were Kong Yi, he would definitely rather believe it.

"Understood, brother." Ling Yun took out some firewood, ignited the straw, then took a deep breath, brought the torch close to the flame, and blew vigorously several times, the firewood in the stove was finally ignited, and the flame rose.

In the south of Daliang City, in the suburbs.

"Brother, let's have something to eat."

When the thatch that ignited the fire was ignited, he stuffed the thatch under the stove, and then began to put in firewood.

Han Zhao shouted loudly, his whole body crackled and exploded, and his whole body swelled wildly like it was inflated!In the blink of an eye, he turned into a little giant over two meters tall, with veins all over his body, and explosive muscles all over his body!
The clothes on his upper body shattered, revealing the red gold explosive muscles all over his body. Avatar.

"Then you go." Lu Bao stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, and fell straight on the ground.

"All in all, it's better not to go to Daliang." The old man said seriously.

"What's going on?" Elder Xu asked aloud.

In the thatched hut with a square meter of one zhang, it can be said that there are only four walls. Except for an earthen kang and a stove made of yellow mud, there is not even a table, chair or bench in the house.

Ling Yun's body trembled, and he looked at Chen Kai with surging hatred.

"This is?!" Han Zhao was startled, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing on a whim.

When the two brothers felt that they were dying, the pain suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Not only did the power of annihilation dissipate, but even the karma-killing knife in Han Zhao's hand was instantly released and flew into Kong Yi's hand.

"Crazy!" Looking at the white hair growing from Han Zhao's temples, Kong Yi cursed angrily, pushing the power of his blood to the extreme.

Ling Feng was amused by his appearance, but the smile lasted for less than a moment. He turned his head to the side against the wall, and tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

"I don't dare." Ling Feng lowered his head.

Kong Yi felt an extremely powerful aura from him.

"Okay, big brother!"

The old man looked at the outline of Daliang City that had appeared outside the carriage, and persuaded him earnestly.

"Could it be that our background is destined to be like nothing?" Ling Feng gritted his teeth, he was not reconciled.

"I'll go! I'll go for my brother!" Ling Yun hurriedly said.

After a while, Ling Yun walked towards Ling Feng cautiously holding a pottery bowl with a hole in it. Inside the bowl were two steamed buns soaked in hot water.

He checked through the qi-watching technique, and saw that Han Zhao's purple aura soared into the sky, he was the nobleman among the nobles, he could be called the son of destiny, the darling favored by the heaven and the earth.

"The theory of luck is illusory. I, Kong Yi, never believe in fate! My own destiny can only be controlled by myself." Kong Yi smiled proudly.

"Kill him." Han Zhao pointed to Lu Bao lying on the ground, but his eyes were on Ling Yun.

"This old man is tyrannical, Han Zhao is this old man's big disciple." Han Zhao said calmly.

He picked up the torch, puffed up his cheeks, and blew vigorously, but the firewood was not ignited by him, but a pile of ashes spewed out from the stove, all of which touched his face, thick smoke out.

"Not good!" Kong Yi's complexion suddenly changed. Why is Han Zhao's sword skills terrifying, and the melee combat is even more outrageous?

[Thunder Gathering Body: Practice lightning attribute skills and secret techniques, and you will not encounter bottlenecks before the Sha Ning Realm. 】

Kong Yi's luck is pure blue with purple, and there is a faint black air, which shows that he may encounter bad luck recently, or he may turn bad luck into good luck.

"Kong Yi, I see that your luck is pure green and purple, and you have the talents of heaven and man, why do you have to go to Daliang?"

"I picked up the money, and Chen Kai has already snatched it!" Ling Feng said hastily.

Among these people, Kong Yi is quite polite.

"The old man wants to take you two as disciples." Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

"You are Ling Feng?"

It is also very troublesome to pick up the firewood for the pot, and they seldom start a fire at ordinary times, and most of the time they just eat some steamed buns.

With one swipe, the power of Nirvana was blocked again.

I saw a young man in purple clothes standing by the roadside, his face was like a crown of jade, and he had a handsome demeanor.

As he said that, Han Zhao pushed out his palms flat, and his true energy and strength directly entered the bodies of Ling Feng and Ling Yun.

If the suzerain hadn't let him get closer to the people in the Star Pavilion, he wouldn't bother to talk to this nagging old man. As long as he is strong enough, no one can decide his fate.

"Pfft!" Soon, Kong Yi was directly sucked dry by Han Zhao, and his body turned into dust and dissipated with the wind.

The five-color tail feathers in Kong Yi's hands collapsed in an instant, and the peacock behind him also faintly disappeared.

"No, it's Chen Kai from the Bandit Gang." Ling Feng quickly replied, he was also quite frightened by this scene.

The closer Kong Yi got to Daliang City, the more purple air on his top became thicker.

"Kurong style? The power of extinction is really dangerous! It's a pity that you are not a martial arts saint. You shouldn't provoke me." Kong Yi is proud, Han Zhao is much stronger than he expected, but he didn't hold it too high, and he condensed the peacock as soon as he came up Void shape, even if it is the top school of Tianshengzong, so what.

The earth wall made of yellow mud has turned black, and cracks have appeared in many places.

Han Zhao asked, judging from Kong Yi's appearance alone, he felt that he was slightly inferior.

However, when his knees were half bent and half a foot above the ground, his body seemed to be lifted by an invisible force, and he couldn't kneel down at all.

"Who is going to die? It's hard to say!" Han Zhao's karma-killing knife trembled violently, and the white light that had just dispersed gathered in an instant.

Although Kong Yi didn't like Han Zhao, he never underestimated the enemy when he was fighting, so he used all his strength when he made a move.

"Infusing the body with true energy can only raise you to the level of bone training, any higher will hurt your foundation."

This is a direct death, it is really not something ordinary people can stop.

Among the children of wealthy families of the same level, there is only one Cao Wuyu who can be regarded by him.

In an instant, the void behind Kong Yi was slightly distorted, and the aura of heaven and earth gathered around him, forming a lifelike peacock.

Soon, an astonishing scene appeared.

[Ling Yun has an 81% probability of being the 'Thunder Cloud Spirit Body'; an 18% probability of being the super root bone 'Thunder Gathering Body', and a 1% probability of being other super root bones. 】

hum hum hum!
The five-colored tail feathers in his hand burst into dazzling light, like a gorgeous crystal sword.

Five-color peacock blood, will not lose to anyone.

A carriage was driving slowly, driven by a middle-aged man.

In the past, when he returned to the stronghold of the Wild Wolf Gang, the small and medium leaders would be searched, but Ling Feng worked diligently for more than a year and never hid money.

He gets a penny for every miscellaneous newspaper he sells.

But seeing that Kong Yi didn't panic at all, the peacock behind him burst into light, and the five sword-like tail feathers quickly materialized and flew into his palm.

It's just that the other party didn't take his advice seriously at all, so there was nothing I could do.

"Don't cry, brother is fine." Enduring the pain in his body, Ling Feng stretched out his hand to gently stroke Ling Yun's head, comforting him weakly.

Logically speaking, how could such a precious fate be accompanied by such terrible 'bad luck'.

So the little boss just counted the number of miscellaneous newspapers sold and the money he got back, and then let him go home.

The five-color tail feathers that were about to dissipate in Kong Yi's hand were urged by him again.

"You don't know me?" Han Zhao looked at the 'young man' standing on the carriage. At first glance, he thought that the other party was a woman, who was more beautiful than the image on the unicorn list.

The power of nirvana seemed to have froze, and then the peacock's empty wings closed behind Kong Yi, blocking the Kurong style.

Maybe Kong Yi's fate is noble enough, after this calamity, the purple energy will come from the east, it's still unknown.

Lu Bao actually stood up again. Even a martial artist would surely die with this amount of bleeding, especially with a knife stuck in his heart.

"Get lost!" Lu Bao slapped Ling Yun's face, knocking him down to the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

The old man looked kind, dressed in Taoist robes, and looked like a fairy.

The only difference is that there are five more three-foot-long feathers on the peacock's tail, like a sword with a handle, each with its own color, divided into blue, yellow, red, black, and white, faintly flowing.

"Die to me!" The peacock's wings trembled behind Kong Yi, his figure appeared in front of Han Zhao in an instant as if flashing, and he punched him in the face.

ten days later.

At this time, a joking voice came.

"Master, I." Seeing 'Xiong Ba' frowning, Ling Feng said hastily.

Then, he turned and left.

Behind the stove, Ling Yun's upper body was bare, shivering from the cold, and struck the flint hard.

The old man could only give a little reminder, but he couldn't tell where the black air between his brows came from.

【Ling Yun—Hidden Special Physique.The detailed content prompts that 10000 gold is required to be paid. 】

"Since Mr. Xu believes that the younger generation has the talents of heaven and man, why can't we go to Daliang City?" Kong Yi looked directly at the old man in front of him.

This is too important to Han Zhao.

"Very good." Han Zhao nodded slightly. If he didn't dare to make a move in the face of the enemy, he would definitely not be able to survive in such a world. It would be better if he directly absorbed Ling Yun's physique with the "Spirit Seizing Technique".

Although Ling Yun was a little ignorant, he also knew that this was a great opportunity.

His original idea was to go to the boxing academy to sign up to learn martial arts. As long as he entered the skin training level, he would not have to be bullied in the future, and he would have no worries about food and clothing. Why did he end up in the bone training level?
This is simply a step up to the sky!
"Use your true energy to open it, the resources inside are enough for your energy." Han Zhao threw out a Sumeru bag.

This was originally a good thing, but with the increase of purple energy, black energy gathered between his brows, which is a sign of great evil!

Orphans like them who live in slums and have no parents to support them will be coerced by many gangs, and they basically have to work for a certain gang.

It is estimated that Cao Wuyu, who is ranked number one, may not be able to block the three-sword Kurong style at such a short distance.

In the carriage, sat an old man and a young man.

Han Zhao's pupils shrank, and the knives in his hands suddenly came out of their sheaths.

Chen Kai stopped him, beat him up, and finally found the ten taels of silver in his shorts.

Ling Feng turned his head and saw a young man with a wretched face standing at the door of the thatched cottage.

"Okay." Ling Feng struggled to get up, and after a while, he suddenly found that his body didn't hurt as much as before.

"It means that you are not very famous and not worth remembering." Kong Yi said lightly.

"Kurong style!! This kid is going to kill himself as soon as he comes up?!" Xu Boss who was watching the battle in the carriage was shocked, so scared that he jumped out of the carriage and ran away.

boom! ! !
Dazzling golden light exploded from Han Zhao's body. The thick and terrifying strength and aura were like a hurricane, setting off a violent airflow. The strength and true energy swept across the ground, and the nearby big tree broke down in an instant.

Han Zhao opened his arms suddenly, platinum arcs flickered all over his body, and a ferocious white tiger tattoo appeared on his chest.

An extremely strange wave emerged from his knife, and the scarlet blade was completely covered by white light.

"Han Zhao? Han Zhao on the Kirin list?!" Ling Feng had never heard of the name Xiongba, but Han Zhao's name was like thunder, and he is now a role model for young warriors. All have his name.

"My body. Is it alright?" Ling Feng got up and found that his body, which was struggling to stand up, had completely recovered, and his whole body was full of strength.

"Don't say it, don't say it." The old man shook his head slightly.

There was a big hole in the paper window, and it was blocked by a coarse linen garment, which blocked the biting cold wind, but it couldn't stop the despair like Mount Tai's top.

"Good come!"

"Brother Lu, my eldest brother was injured by Chen Kai, can you let him rest for two days?" Ling Yun begged.

This hole is shining pure green, faintly purple, and has a noble fate.

"Master, I'm coming!" Seeing that his younger brother was a little scared, Ling Feng picked up the knife and stabbed it into Lu Bao's heart, blood spurting out.

"The strange things in Zhongzhou are not worth mentioning. The danger is definitely Han Zhao?"

Consuming 600 years of life in one go, plus using the Vajra Bodyguard, as well as the amplified bodies of the dragon incarnation and the white tiger incarnation, his body is weak now, and he may not even be able to defeat an ordinary martial saint in the first evil realm.

I have to go back to Daliang City to rest quickly.


PS: The system is poisonous, so I changed the cover forcibly.

(End of this chapter)

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