Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 172 Han Zhao: Senior's eyes are like torches, and he can see people accurately!

Chapter 172 Han Zhao: Senior's eyes are like torches, and he can see people accurately! (big chapter to order)

"I really don't listen to the old man's words, and I will suffer in front of my eyes. Kong Yi, Kong Yi, why do you have to provoke this Han Zhao?"

Seeing Han Zhao's leaving back, Mr. Xu shook his head and sighed.

The qi technique is indeed miraculous.

Kong Yi's pure blue and purple luck was turning black, and he must be in danger in the near future, but he didn't believe it at all.

In fact, Mr. Xu didn't expect that Kong Yi's calamity would fall on Han Zhao.

"This person's true strength is probably comparable to that of a Martial Saint in the Ersha Realm, and a snake-level double mirror without powerful magic weapons may not be his opponent."

Old Xu stared.

"It has to be recorded quickly."

He took out a piece of emerald green jade pages from his arms, circulated his true energy on his fingertips, and began to write quickly on the pages.

"Brother Han, what's wrong with you?"

"Synthesis, start simulation."

"Cousin, you're back." Su Ningqiu stood in the yard, saw Su Tianqi returning with Han Zhao, and walked forward.

If Su Tianqi was in trouble, he would naturally be willing to help.But asking him to be Su Tianqi's babysitter would not work.After all, this trial is related to his development for many years to come, and he has to accumulate Yin Qi as much as possible.

"Brother Han."

[attribute point +200]

Although Han Zhao is unwell, he is in a good mood at the moment.

He said silently: "The system, based on the current five-color peacock blood in my body, deduces the most suitable cultivation route for the five-color peacock blood."

Now all the warriors around fell silent, even the warrior who thought Han Zhao might defeat Kong Yi just now didn't speak.Because even he himself is just holding a little fantasy, simply speaking, he is just stubborn, and he doesn't believe that warriors can win the spirit beast bloodlines of the same level.

[Current balance: Gold 61000 taels]

As Han Zhao meditated again, he felt that the five-colored peacock blood in his body that had been suppressed by him was rioting again.

Even though he is a true disciple, he has never met the Great Elder a few times, but he is the peak Martial Saint who has completed the Qisha Consummation. If he can get his advice, it will definitely benefit him immensely.Now the Great Elder asked himself to invite Han Zhao one after another, obviously because he liked him.

"Brother Han, what's the matter with you?!" Lian Chengxue, who was wrapped in a bath towel, hurried into the room. There were drops of water dripping from her hair and body. It was obvious that she was just taking a bath, and she ran over immediately when she heard the movement.

Regardless of Han Zhao's reason, with his promise, Su Tianqi felt that the safety of this trial was guaranteed.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Han Zhao nodded.

Han Zhao took out the contents of the Xumi bag and checked them one by one, and found that Kong Yi only brought a change of clothes and some bank notes, and there were no other things such as spiritual weapons and elixir.

The two walked out of the manor with their arms around their shoulders, leaving Su Ningqiu on the spot, "Cousin? Cousin~!"

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Does not enter the rank (1/100), can be upgraded; special effects: five-element balance, five-color divine light (needs to consume blood power)】

Han Zhao returned to the room and closed the door tightly.

In a purple tower behind the crowd, Yu Chongxiao in a light blue gown fixed his eyes on the unicorn list.

I don't know how long it took.

"This is the identity token of the true disciple of Tianxuanzong. When the two tokens are close to each other, they will sense the existence of each other."

The wine slid down his cheeks along his warm contours and wet his chest, but he didn't care at all.

Under the control of his powerful mental power, after looking inside, the five-colored peacock blood essence in the meridians quickly gathered towards the heart, and finally concentrated in the dantian.

"Simple and unpretentious, and accepting the universe." Han Zhao said after studying it.

He is not someone who has never seen the world. Although the money is quite a lot, Yin Qi is more important.


"Senior, please make it clear that if this junior does what he can, he will do his best." Han Zhao didn't agree directly. After all, it might not be so easy for a martial sage with perfect seven evil spirits to ask him to help.

"Even if this person was placed a thousand years ago, he could still be called stunningly talented." His weather-beaten eyes burst out with a ray of hope.

Immediately afterwards, the blood in the body began to boil like boiling water, and the scorching air flowed rapidly through the meridians.

"Isn't that enough?" Han Zhao was taken aback, took out the Yuan Soul Orb and the fragments of the Divine Weapon, absorbed Yin Qi, and then accumulated the reminder fragments.

"This secret technique of martial arts will requires the blood of the spirit bird. Since it can be deduced, it means that the scope can be narrowed." Han Zhao thought to himself.

"How is it possible? How could he be Kong Yi's opponent!"

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

After he finished writing, the unicorn in the central square of the inner city of Daliang became a masterpiece of green light.

The basic requirement for practicing the Vajra Immortal Art is to practice the Vajra Jue to the fourth level.

Han Zhao didn't care, and went straight back to the inn where he was staying.

The peacock was less than one meter long, but it was as nimble as a living thing, flying around Han Zhao's body.

Since the appearance of the Qilin Ranking and the Qiantian Ranking thousands of years ago, there has never been a situation on the rankings where a warrior has defeated a person with the blood of a spirit beast of the same rank.

"Brother Han?" Su Tianqi was confused by Han Zhao's sudden enthusiasm. Although their relationship was good, it wasn't to this level, right?
"Don't worry, you will follow me during the trial. Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, I won't let him hurt a single hair of your hair." Han Zhao put his arms around Su Tianqi's shoulders.

Almost at the moment when the five-color fluorescent light appeared, the energy of the five elements in Han Zhao's body exploded, forming a powerful shock wave that directly blasted a big hole in the wall of the room.

Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

[The Martial Saint who has completed the seven evil realms has mana and nirvana remaining in his body, and his strength is extremely strong. 】

"King Kong's Indestructible Divine Art, the Three Ways of Killing Gods!"

[You have reached an agreement with the Great Elder of Tianxuanzong and obtained 200 million taels of gold. 】

"What's the matter, Brother Su, why are you in such a hurry?" Han Zhao was puzzled.

After all, he is only 24 years old in reality, and hundreds of years have passed in the simulation, even if only one-tenth of the memory is left, it will have a huge impact on him.

'It seems that his relationship with Tianqi is very good. Liang Yan felt that he had taken advantage of this matter.

"No matter what, with the blood of the five-color peacock, you can condense your martial arts will!"

Han Zhao sighed in his heart.

"Of course, do you think the old man will give you silver? These are all gold without adulteration." Liang Yan said.

【Attribute points: 400→100】

Saying that, he waved his hand.

"Thank you, senior!" Han Zhao bowed deeply to Liang Yan.

【On your way to Tianxuanzong, you encountered a snake-level nine-level high-ranking pseudo-divine envoy from Bailingzong and the Murong family. 】

"Our Great Elder of Tianxuanzong wants to see you, so he sent me to invite you over to the house." Su Tianqi explained.

"Senior, please forgive me for taking the liberty of this junior, is it filled with gold?" Han Zhao withdrew his hand and stared at the big box.

【It took you half a month to condense the martial arts will. 】

Han Zhao followed Su Tianqi out of the inn and came to a vast manor in the west of the city.

Fortunately, he didn't take it too seriously, he used the Kurong style as soon as he came up, and used the krypton life knife method to forcefully consume the power of Kong Yi's blood.

And after the simulation is over, the system will clear all his unnecessary memories to prevent it from affecting his personality.

【Attribute points: 200→0】

"It seems that Kong Yi's blood is more pure than I expected, at least surpassing Murong Qi." Han Zhao thought.

"Brother is happy today, let's go! Go out and have a drink!" Han Zhao said with a smile.

But at the same age, he might not be Han Zhao's opponent.

[At the age of 24, Kong Yi, who you killed, ranked fifth in the Kirin Ranking, and his reputation shook the world. 】

"Actually, collecting gold is just a small hobby of the younger generation. Just like some people like to look at erotic pictures, the younger generation likes to look at gold." Han Zhao stroked the box in front of him with eager eyes, as if in front of him was a peerless beauty who had taken off her clothes.

"Why are you so poor?!"


Han Zhao was taken aback, and asked, "Isn't the teleportation location of the trial random? Even if the junior agrees to the senior, there is no guarantee that he will meet Brother Su, right? And with Brother Su's strength, he may not need the help of the junior."

Han Zhao bowed to the other party, but seeing that the other party didn't intend to stop writing, he didn't make a sound.

"Where is he?" Han Zhao asked.

"Well, the old man is not too hard on others." Liang Yan frowned slightly, "People say that you like gold, it seems that they are just rumors."

"Go, go." Liang Yan felt that this kid's obsession with money had reached the level of a money fanatic.

Someone in the crowd remembered Han Zhao's challenge to Kong Yi ten days ago.

Although many warriors regard Han Zhao as their hope, they also know that warriors of the same level are at a disadvantage when facing the children of the Shenbing family, and those with the blood of spirit beasts are even stronger than the children of the same level.

Condensing the will of martial arts, he can have one more powerful hole card, which can surprise the victory at the critical moment.

It stands to reason that with his current mental strength, not to mention his memory, but it is almost too much.

A system prompt appears.

"I know your rules. You need to pay money to do things. This old man is ready." Liang Yan said.

At this time, Han Zhao found a golden bead from a jade box. It looked like gold in color and texture, but it was not gold. It contained the power of heaven and earth.

After all, money is nothing to a powerful force like Tianxuanzong, and the resources consumed to cultivate a true disciple cannot be measured by money.

"Actually, this junior thought about it a little bit just now. This junior and Tianqi hit it off right away. If something happened to him during the trial, this junior might regret it for the rest of his life. So I'm so busy, this junior will help me!" Han Zhao said earnestly.

"Hmph!" Su Ningqiu pouted and stomped her feet, clearly saying that she would go shopping with her later.

"Top ten again!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Kong Yi probably doesn't bother to pay attention to Han Zhao."

【You have been invited by the head of the Daliang Martial Academy.】

"Yes, Senior Liang." Han Zhao replied.

After entering the room and closing the door, his originally drunken eyes suddenly became clear, and after a few weeks of zhenqi circulation, his body fully recovered.

Han Zhao couldn't help but let out a low growl. He felt as if his body was being suppressed by five mountains. All the muscles in his body were trembling, and his breathing began to be difficult.

Yu Chongxiao picked up the jug hanging from his waist, raised it towards the unicorn list, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Okay, I won't let anyone bother you."

"Two million taels!" Liang Yan stretched out two fingers.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took out a top-quality Qi and Blood Pill, and swallowed it.

As long as all the people who might threaten Su Tianqi are killed, then no one can threaten him. In this way, even if there is no Han Zhao to protect Su Tianqi, his safety can be guaranteed.

Tianxuanzong is a warrior sect, and it is also a branch of Tianshengzong. In the simulation, he also used the teleportation array of Tianxuanzong to go to Nanzhanhai many times. Since the elder wants to see him, he has to go.

Seeing Han Zhao coming out with a red face, he stepped forward and said, "Brother Han."

"It's okay, just retreat and adjust your breath. If anyone comes to visit within two days, you can help me reject it." Han Zhao smiled and walked to his room.

Because he has also practiced Vajra Jue, and has reached the third level of consummation.Even after entering Cao's family and receiving a lot of resource support, he couldn't bear the inhuman pain, so in the end the Vajra Art didn't break through to the fourth level.

"As long as you can guarantee Tianqi's safe return, I can promise you one more condition within my ability." Liang Yan added, not wanting to take advantage of Han Zhao, a junior.

When Han Zhao left the yard, he saw Su Tianqi in a blue robe standing on the porch. It was rare that his cousin Su Ningqiu didn't follow.

"Go back to your room first, I'll go talk to the shopkeeper."

With a sigh, he raised his hand to put away the big box.

"The teleportation location of the trial is indeed random, but the distance can be controlled manually." Liang Yan took out a token bordered with white jade and gold thread, and threw it to Han Zhao.

Especially since the ranking gap between Han Zhao and Kong Yi is so huge, once they fight, there will be no suspense at all.

As soon as Han Zhao returned to the yard, Lian Chengxue came up to meet him, seeing his pale face and sloppy footsteps, she hurriedly asked.

"En." Lian Chengxue noticed her appearance, her cheeks were hot, but she looked at him very boldly.

When the system prompt appeared, Han Zhao's eyes were fixed.

He could only use his full power to suppress the blood, and before refining the five-colored peacock's blood essence, he absolutely couldn't do anything with others.

She stretched out her hand to pick it up, only to see that it was a piece of cloth with tiny characters written on it.

"These geniuses are too crazy these days!"

"Go." Liang Yan nodded slightly.

Han Zhao was rushing to Daliang City at this time, he felt his body was weak, and the five-color peacock blood that had just been absorbed in his body was overwhelmingly resisting.

Han Zhao put his mind on the secret art of martial arts will.

The achievements are comparable to Qi Yuntian of the Qi family and Cao Xuan of the Cao family.

[In the next six months, you will retreat in the Qi family and successfully break through to the Sha Ning Realm. 】

[attribute point +200]

"Then the money?" Han Zhao pointed to the two big boxes on the ground.

The voice of the speaking warrior stopped abruptly.

If Han Zhao wanted some precious elixir, he would have to spend a lot of effort instead.

After an unknown amount of time, the peacock rushed into Han Zhao's body, and behind him suddenly appeared five feather-like fluorescent lights of five colors, like a sword with a handle, divided into blue, yellow, red, black, and white. , faintly flowing.

"I came to you today because I hope you can do Tianxuanzong a favor. Of course, I won't let you pay for nothing," Liang Yan said.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, because the green light that bloomed on the unicorn list was too dazzling, and it lasted far longer than before, which only happened when the top ten changed the list.

At Han Zhao's age, he could practice the Vajra Immortal Kungfu, and he might even have practiced the Vajra Jue to the fourth level of perfection.

"Enhance martial arts will five-color peacock."

"I met Mr. Han."

It seems that he does not have the good habit of carrying all his belongings with him.

"Although I am also a warrior, I advise everyone to be more rational. One is a warrior ranked No. 17, and the other is a peerless genius ranked fifth. Why?"

"Senior's eyes are like torches, and he is very accurate in seeing people. This matter is left to the younger generation!" Han Zhao slapped his chest loudly.

He can only understand that Han Zhao has a habit of collecting gold. It can't be that a kid can eat gold to improve his martial arts, right?

"I have already reached an agreement with a senior member of the Qi family. I will try my best to let you, Tianqi, and Qi Xuanming enter the same area. If you act together, there will be a support."

"I hope you can break through the family's siege, and see you in Qiantian Palace!"

Han Zhao frowned and forcibly suppressed the pressure of the five elements around him.

Most of the memories are fast forwarded and taken at a glance.

"It's fine." Lian Chengxue patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, revealing a large area of ​​white skin on her chest wrapped in a bath towel.

"Cheng Xue, what's wrong?" Han Zhao got up and opened the door.

"It can't be Han Zhao?"

Liang Yan said seriously, he didn't understand why Han Zhao was so obsessed with gold.

This kid is really an eye for money.

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 150, gold 10000 taels.]

Martial arts will (beginning, can be improved, can be deduced: the current deduction progress is 40%)

"come in."

Han Zhao nodded and walked towards the study.

Concentrated and calm, Han Zhao began to refine the five-colored peacock blood essence by operating the secret technique, condensing the will of martial arts.

"This matter." Han Zhao hesitated because he was going to act alone.

In the yard, Su Tianqi and Su Ningqiu were talking quietly.

However, because of his limited mental power, he will choose a rough year and memory block for each simulation. For example, if he wants to choose the secret technique and practice memory, he has to find the memory at a specific time instead of seeing the end from the beginning. I can't stand it.

[At the age of 25, you won No.1 in the Zhongzhou Trial. 】

"So that's how it is." Looking at the jade plaque, Han Zhao couldn't help but suddenly realize that he can only say that it is good to have a background and a backer.

The corner of Liang Yan's mouth twitched. If Han Zhao's eyes hadn't left the two big boxes on the ground, he would have believed it.

"Huh? What is this?"

As for gold, it is not a conventional currency. Even if you give him all the gold in Wei, it will not affect the lives of the people below.

"If Tianqi is in danger during the trial, I hope you can save his life!" Liang Yan said seriously.

"Su Tianqi from Tianxuanzong has come several times, and he said he has something important to see you." Lian Chengxue said.

It feels like deja vu, but I can't remember it, then there is only one possibility. When I chose to simulate memory before, this thing appeared.

"Cousin, you can play by yourself, I'm going to have a drink with Brother Han!" Su Tianqi waved at Su Ningqiu casually.

"Your Great Elder wants to see me?" Han Zhao's heart moved. It seemed that the impact of his killing Kong Yi was far greater than he expected.

"I seem to have seen this thing before. It should be in my memory, but I can't remember it." Han Zhao frowned.

"It's better to condense the will of martial arts first."

"Senior, you misunderstood." Han Zhao hurriedly said, and couldn't help cursing inwardly, who ruined his reputation.

Two huge boxes appeared in the open space in the middle of the study.


"Are you taking a bath just now?" Han Zhao pointed at the towel on her body, glanced at her, and underestimated her.

"You're using the Kurong style again?!" Lian Chengxue looked at Han Zhao's graying hair at the temples, feeling a little distressed. Compared with Han Zhao's amazing record of killing Kong Yi, she cared more about Han Zhao's body.

Han Zhao stepped forward quickly, patted Su Tianqi on the shoulder, and said affectionately, "Tianqi!"

"Synthesis, start simulation."

"Senior, don't worry, as long as Tianqi is within the sight of this junior, I can guarantee his safety!" Han Zhao said solemnly.

Facing Lian Chengxue's eager eyes, Han Zhao couldn't take it anymore, got up and walked outside.

"Age: 24 years old, Origin: Angry Flood Dragon Gang, Martial Arts: Vajra Immortality Divine Art, Three Ways of Killing Gods, Realm: Master of Five Qis!"

"sit down."

Liang Yan looked at Han Zhao suspiciously.

Han Zhao is now the fifth peerless genius on the Qilin list, and even Kong Yi died in his hands, so he is absolutely qualified to say such a thing.

After a long time, the middle-aged man stopped writing, looked up at Han Zhao, pointed to the writing on the table and said, "Evaluate."

into the night.

A middle-aged man in coarse linen was sitting behind the desk, holding a brush and writing vigorously.

Martial arts will (beginning, can be improved, can be deduced)

Since his five qi were consummated and his hundred channels were connected, he has been able to absorb the power of heaven and earth in the space to condense his innate qi, so he is very sensitive to this energy.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

The void behind Han Zhao twisted slightly, and a lifelike peacock appeared.


Han Zhao heard the words, opened the door and entered.

"I gonna go see."


On this day, Han Zhao was adjusting his breath when Lian Chengxue's voice came from outside the door.

After he returned to Daliang City, the passers-by on the road looked at him strangely.

"Yes!" Han Zhao put the two big boxes of gold into the Sumeru bag, turned and left the study.

Han Zhao cupped his hands at Su Ningqiu, "Miss Su, stay safe."

The people around him also fell silent.

【you are dead. 】

He just walked to the door of the study and was about to knock on the door when he heard a gentle voice from inside.

"!" Han Zhao's expression changed, and he quickly reached out and grabbed Liang Yan's arm.

Looking at the data on the system panel, Han Zhao secretly thought that it was dangerous.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly when he heard the words, and without saying anything else, he put down the brush in his hand.

"Just outside the yard."

He was born in the countryside. At the age of 27, he cultivated to the perfection of the five qi, entered the top ten of the unicorn list, and finally soared into the sky in the Zhongzhou Paradise Trial, winning the top three in one fell swoop.

"Although the ranking is determined by the number of monsters killed in the trial, many disciples of the aristocratic families will target the warriors who enter it. Tianqi is the only true disciple of Tianxuanzong who participated in the trial. With his strength, he met the top ten of the Qilin list. The children of the famous family will surely die."

Just when she was about to go back to the room, a phantom flew over from Han Zhao's hand.

Upper Dantian Thunder (90%), Middle Dantian Ice (90%), Lower Dantian Wind (90%)

He didn't expect that the five-element qi contained in the blood of the five-color peacock is so powerful. If he hadn't had the effect of the [Three Odds Returning to Yuan] entry, turning the five-element qi into the three-odd qi, he could only be forced to attack Ning Sha environment.

Han Zhao put the golden bead back into the jade box, put it in the sumeru bag, and swallowed the second Qi and Blood Pill.

A powerful warm current quickly flowed through his whole body, replenishing his consumed energy and blood.

He was not in a hurry to charge the money into the system, after all, the balance was still enough for the time being.

"Senior." Han Zhao was so moved.

"Brother Han!" Su Tianqi was also moved by Han Zhao's sincere tone.

"The unicorn list has changed again?"

"It's the first time we meet, old man Liang Yan, you are not a disciple of Tianxuanzong, just call me senior." Liang Yan chuckled.

"Brother Han, the Great Elder is inside, please." Su Tianqi said seriously.

"This is a god-given opportunity! Come with me!" Su Tianqi looked excited, and his tone was full of envy.

"Two." Han Zhao didn't care about the situation in the simulation. After all, entering Zhongzhou's treacherous domain and gaining a lot of Yin Qi, there will always be a way to break the situation. There is no need to worry now.

"The Zhongzhou trial will start soon, and there are still people making it to the list."

"Chengxue, I'm fine." Han Zhao slowly opened his eyes, looked at the worried Lian Chengxue, and smiled.

"200 taels of gold!"

The warriors in the square all looked sideways.

"Kirin list, fifth, Han Zhao"

"You can take it away, as long as you do your best in the Paradoxical Realm, the old man won't ask you to get this money back." Liang Yan waved his hand.

Because warriors may restrain the children of aristocratic families because of the characteristics of their skills, but they have never heard of any skills that can restrain people with the blood of spirit beasts.

"Brother Han, I've been waiting for you." Su Tianqi hurried up to meet Han Zhao when he saw him.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

【you are dead. 】

[Beads containing the power of heaven and earth are of higher value. 】

Han Zhao returned to the backyard of the restaurant reeking of alcohol.

Han Zhao felt a lot more comfortable after refining this top-grade Qi and blood pill, so he opened Kong Yi's Xumi bag to check the spoils this time.

Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock (not started, can be upgraded)

"Thank you, Great Elder, for giving me your seat." Han Zhao saluted respectfully.

Once successful, he will lose the qualification to participate in the Zhongzhou Trial.

In this way, for the past three days, Han Zhao's body finally recovered.

For high-level warriors, gold and silver are really nothing, after all, many extremely precious resources cannot be bought even with money.

"Then I will leave this matter to you."

"Continue to deduce the secret art of martial arts will."

If Kong Yi used the five-color divine light to brush away his knives as soon as he came up, then he would have to pay a higher price if he wanted to win Kong Yi.

"Oh." Lian Chengxue was a little disappointed.

Han Zhao's eyes brightened.

【Collect all 320 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

Lian Chengxue's voice came from behind.

Liang Yan was taken aback.

He is pleasing to the eyes of Su Tianqi at this moment, if this kid is a woman, he can go up and down and kiss him.

"You should invite me no matter what!" Su Tianqi said hastily.

Under the leadership of Su Tianqi, he went all the way to the study in the backyard unimpeded.

"It's nothing, just killed Kong Yi, it's a bit exhausting." Han Zhao replied.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[At the age of 24, Kong Yi, who you killed, ranked fifth in the Kirin Ranking, and his reputation shook the world. 】

"Senior, it's not a matter of money, and this junior is not a money-minded person." Han Zhao glanced at the box on the ground and waved his hand.

The tenacity of the mind is rare in a hundred years.

"Brother Han, this is?" Lian Chengxue asked.

"This is Luanfeng and Minggong. Let me teach you when no one is around, this is" Han Zhao explained softly in her ear, and Lian Chengxue's ears became more and more red.


PS: There will be a big recommendation this month, and I want to rush to Wanding. Recently, there have been a lot of updates.When I sort out the detailed outline of the overseas volume, I will update it.After the recommendation, it will be divided into chapters again.

(End of this chapter)

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