Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 173 Tier 1 Martial Arts Will!Stealing fragrance in the middle of the night!High-grade divine

Chapter 173 First-order Martial Arts Will!Stealing fragrance in the middle of the night!High-grade divine species!
"What's wrong? What happened?"

Han Zhao was in the middle of communicating with Lian Chengxue when the owner of the restaurant who heard the huge movement in the backyard and the guests who lived nearby all rushed over after hearing the news.

"I'm sorry, I was practicing in my room just now, and I accidentally damaged the room of your store. Please calculate the money from the shopkeeper, and I will compensate you according to the price."

Han Zhao walked into the courtyard, clasped his fists at the old man wearing a felt hat and dressed outside the staff, and saluted.

"Guest officer, please be polite, as long as no one gets hurt." The shopkeeper didn't care too much when he saw that Han Zhao looked very dignified.

"Han Zhao?!"

"Which Korean photo?"

"Which Han photo do you think is the fifth in the Kirin list!"

Among the guests in the restaurant, someone recognized Han Zhao's appearance and exclaimed.

"I didn't expect Mr. Han to live here!"

"As expected of Daliang City." Han Zhao thought to himself, he had been in Yuanchang Mansion Martial Arts Academy three times, and he was already an inner disciple.

[A high-ranking Martial Saint who has completed the six evil realms is near the end of his lifespan, and his vitality and blood are declining. 】

"If you can combine the three-point Gui Yuan Qi with the five-color divine light."

"Of course, as long as the younger generation collects more "Qian Tian Jing Qi". "Han Zhao is full of confidence.

Lian Chengbing looked at her seriously.

"What?" Ling Feng was taken aback, his face blank.

After nightfall, Han Zhao quietly entered the next room.

"It's you?" Han Zhao looked intently, and this boy was actually Ling Feng.

"." Han Zhao listened to everyone's praise, the muscles on his forehead twitched slightly, just like a fan pretending to be a fan of the navy, boasting hard.


"Okay, this junior agrees." Han Zhao pretended to murmur.

This Li Gang was clearly sent by the head of the Martial Academy to test him, or in other words, to give him a blow.However, martial artists of the same level are not enough for him, because practicing martial arts takes time and pays attention to a basic method, unlike the children of a family of magic soldiers and giants of spirit beasts who can cheat.

Han Zhao frowned, ready to go around him.

In an instant, the big man felt a surge of majestic and extremely hot stellar energy reverberating back.

Han Zhao felt that this kid was very talented in acting, so he said, "Mountain Shaking Fist, Yin Sha Palm, and Wind Kick."

"I bought various magazines from him a few days ago." Han Zhao said.

As he spoke, he touched the Sumeru bag at his waist, and a pure white ball of light appeared in his palm.

"It's the third sister who's back! Hurry up and hide!" Lian Chengyu panicked, she turned around and pulled Han Zhao into a position against the wall.

"Go." The young man in Taoist robe waved his hand, signaling Li Gang to leave.

Han Zhao got into the carriage and headed north.

He felt that his body was full of strength, and the five-color halo in the palm of his hand quickly condensed, blue, yellow, red, black, and white, five miniature feathers like swords attached to his fingers.

Li Gang got up tremblingly, and bowed to Han Zhao, "Sure enough, the invincibility of King Kong is much better than the iron cloth shirt covered with golden bells. I offended Mr. Han by overreaching, please forgive me." .”

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

"Exactly, the old man has treasured an extremely precious top-grade divine seed. The small supernatural power cultivated with the high-grade divine seed can increase the power by [-]% out of thin air. If Han Xiaoyou can agree to the old man, after you enter Qiantian Palace in the future, you can go from Qiantian Palace Bring back a wisp of "Dry Sky Essence" and give it to the old man, this top-grade god seed is yours. "

Backyard living room.

Many male warriors looked at him with glowing eyes, which was too scary.

Ling Feng was left standing alone in the yard.

For the next few days, Han Zhao basically stayed in his room to practice.

Standing at the top of the stairs was a big man with naked upper body and thick muscles. His muscles were like pouring fine steel. His vitality and blood were extremely strong. The strong heartbeat sounded like echoing in Han Zhao's ears.

Han Zhao showed a pensive look on his face, and fell into deep thought.

"No?" Lian Chengyu stammered suddenly.

After Li Gang left, the young man in Taoist robe said with a smile: "That Li Gang's golden bell-covered iron cloth shirt has been practiced to the unprecedented No.16 level, it is not the enemy of Han Xiaoyou, it is indeed a hero born boy!"

"The shopkeeper." A young boy who looked very clever stepped forward.


"I don't know if little friend Han knows the seeds of supernatural powers?" the Taoist robed youth said.

"Second sister, what are you doing? I have no clothes on!" Lian Chengyu said in a panic.

Due to changing to a bigger yard, there are more rooms.

Han Zhao looked around, and there was only one staircase, so he walked up to the big man and said, "This old man invited you."

"Mr. Han, come to our store. The damaged house is considered to be the old man's head. No matter how long you stay, all expenses will be waived!" Lu Dahai hurriedly said.

Seeing this, Han Zhao nodded.

"Han Xiaoyou's courage." The young man in Taoist robes smiled, it seemed that geniuses were arrogant.

[Excellent quality top-grade divine species, an excellent thing for cultivating small supernatural powers.It contains impurities of Yin Qi and the power of magic soldiers, which can be removed with the help of 'Light of Swinging Demons' and 'Will of Martial Arts'. 】

"Thank you, Mr. Han." Ling Feng thanked again.

"Sister, you are abnormal today, you are lying."

"Itch~!" Lian Chengxue groaned coquettishly, and uttered a sleepy whisper.

"Little Sanzi, hurry up and get the Four Treasures of the Study!" Lu Dahai said hastily.

Lian Chengxue's eyes were fixed, and she walked towards the bed, grabbing the sheets.

After a while, Lu Dahai took back the Four Treasures of the Study.

"Not good?! This is Gang Qi!!" The big man felt a terrifying heat through the gas mask on Han Zhao's body, eroding into the inside of his True Qi Jin Zhong, and the strong adsorption force made him do not even have to let go. less than.

"Ah?" Lian Chengbing was taken aback, just now she said that she couldn't sleep alone and asked her to accompany her, so she went to relieve herself, did she change her mind?
"Oh, go back to your room, I'm going to sleep!" Lian Chengyu urged, breathing unsteadily, pushing Lian Chengbing's shoulder.

"Li Gang, don't apologize to Xiaoyou Han yet." The Taoist robed youth said in a deep voice.

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 101 (1000/[-]); Cannot be upgraded; Special Effects: Gathering Spirit Formation, Five-Element Balance, Five-Color Divine Light (consumes blood power)]

Lu Dahai waited until the ink was dry, and carefully stored the rice paper.

"Thank you Mr. Han." Lu Dahai bowed deeply to Han Zhao, and immediately called the waiter.

"Senior, please tell me." Han Zhao said seriously.

He still can't believe that he has made contact with such a character.However, he deliberately came to the inner city to work as a servant on the basis of his relationship, in order to take a closer look at Han Zhao.

In the legendary five-color divine light, within the five elements, there is nothing that cannot be brushed.

The Three Points Gui Yuan Qi claims to be able to completely decompose anything or power. Although it cannot be decomposed into magic weapons, it is possible to consume Juli, True Qi, Stellar Qi, Jinli and general tangible things.

There are still many lines in his memory, but this line from the poet perfectly fits his mood at the moment.

After recognizing Han Zhao, many people entered the courtyard to say hello to him, and some courageous rich ladies even gave him a sneak peek, wanting to go up to get closer to Han Zhao, but even Cheng Xuehu stopped them with a face.

"Today I want to sleep alone."

"No." Lian Chengyu's voice trembled.

"——Han Zhao"

"Ah!" Ling Feng cried out in pain, and immediately held back.

"Then you know that the seeds of supernatural powers are divided into three grades: low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade."

"You?" Ling Feng's eyes widened, but he quickly realized that it must have been mentioned by the master to the elder brother.

"My humble Lu Dahai, I don't know Taishan with my eyes, and I ask Mr. Han to make amends." The shopkeeper arranged Han Zhao in the best independent courtyard of the restaurant, and apologized to him.

"Have you figured it out?" The Taoist robed youth was taken aback for a moment. Originally, he thought that Han Zhao would hesitate. After all, the top-grade gods are precious, but it is not impossible to find them, and the "Qiantian Jingqi" can only be found in Qiantian Palace.

"Hahaha! Wait a minute, Xiaoyou Han!" At this moment, a hearty laugh came from upstairs, and he heard his voice before seeing him.

"Good guy, have you taken off all your clothes?" Han Zhao reached out and gently touched Lian Chengxue's warm body, her back and neck were smooth.

Of course, the consumed blood power will recover naturally, and after condensing the will of martial arts, the recovery speed of the power of blood is faster than that of the spirit beast blood refined by the True Spirit Nine Changes Kung Fu, which is also a great advantage of the will of martial arts.

"Your roots are so-so, but your aptitude for boxing and kicking is not bad." Han Zhao nodded slightly. He didn't know when, in his eyes, the top-level bones that were close to super were not bad. Back then, the middle-level bones were not bad. All he dreamed of.

He was thinking, after breaking through the Martial Saint Realm, which kind of secret technique should be practiced to become the first small supernatural power.

"The shopkeeper?"

"Of course, this is necessary for the cultivation of small supernatural powers." Han Zhao replied.

"Han Xiaoyou stop, I will apologize to you on behalf of Li Gang." The young man in Taoist robe cupped his hands.

"Why are you so surprised, sister?"

"Mr. Han's ink treasures, I will cherish them! Even if I pass away in the future, I will pass them down to future generations. I hope that Mr. Han will become a god of war one day and reach the summit, just like this rice paper, which will last forever!"

"That's fine." Seeing that the boss was so polite, Han Zhao couldn't refuse anymore.

"Sister, why are you panicking? Why is your face so red?!" Lian Chengxue asked suspiciously.

But if there is no way to protect the way, no matter how long the lifespan is, it is useless.

Two screams resounded through the backyard.

The young man in Taoist robes made a sound, but he didn't expect Han Zhao to be so straightforward, and he immediately smiled and said, "Little friend Han is really quick to talk, if that's the case, the old man won't be a fool."

"Laugh if you want." Han Zhao said angrily, his left and right eyes were slightly darkened, and he looked like a giant panda.

"It's an exaggeration to consume so much blood power just by using such a little power." Han Zhao couldn't help being a little astonished when he felt the blood power consumed by the will of martial arts.

"Why don't you guys light up the lamp while chatting?" Lian Chengxue wondered, took out the torch and wanted to light up the lamp.

The next second, Han Zhao's eyes were in a trance for a while, and a young man in Taoist robe appeared in front of Han Zhao.

The white tiger golden crystal sword, shrunk down to only one foot long, sprang out, swimming around in the space like a fish.

The White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword fell to the ground, and the golden light that originally lingered on the sword quickly dimmed.

As for Han Zhao, it is an exception.

Of course, for the current Han Zhao, the five-color divine light is still very powerful as a bottom-of-the-box trick.

"What does Mr. Han want to write?" Lu Dahai hurriedly said.

"Kukuku" Lian Chengxue lowered her head, sipping porridge, making strange noises from time to time.

With a "whoosh", it shot towards Han Zhao's eyebrows.

"Big Sister, Third Sister, I'm back!"

Just as his left foot stepped on the stairs, the big man suddenly opened his eyes and shouted angrily: "Ho!"

The youth in Taoist robes stared.

The five-color peacock blood in Kong Yi's body is pure, but the five-color divine light it displays is probably not even a ten-thousandth of the original version.

【Attribute points: 100→0】

The big man closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless.

Although this is an inner city, the people living in this luxury restaurant are either rich or expensive, but there are many things in this world that money cannot buy.

Han Zhao waved his hand.

His family's restaurant has a good environment and usually receives warriors mostly, but there are more than a dozen workshops in the inner city of Daliang City, and it is only placed in the Yuzhen Workshop, which is only in the middle.

"This is what I modified based on the original fist, palm and leg exercises, Tianshuang fist, cloud-dispelling palm, and Fengshen legs. The three exercises are perfect, and they can be practiced into top-notch magic skills." Han Zhao explained.

Han Zhao flicked his fingers, and a ray of true energy entered Ling Feng's body, and immediately swam around the bones of his arms and legs.

"Han Xiaoyou, please go upstairs and tell me." The Taoist robed youth smiled.

"Senior, please." Han Zhao said.

In the next second, golden Qi gushed out from the big man's body, reflecting him like an arhat made of pure gold.

Ling Feng showed gratitude. Although he didn't know what happened, he also knew that Han Zhao had no malicious intentions.

"You wait for me!"

Uncharacteristically, Lian Chengxue did not live in the same room as Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing, but chose a separate wing.

"Thank you." Han Zhao walked into the hall.

Han Zhao cursed inwardly, if this damn system made fun of him, he would probably be killed on the spot.

"Your zhenqi entered the realm quite quickly. I don't know how well you have learned your boxing skills?" Han Zhao said calmly. He felt that the zhenqi in Ling Feng's body had increased a little. It seems that this kid has been working hard recently.

Because there are always some troubles that cannot be avoided, and there are always some things that must be done.

After seeing off the shopkeeper, Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the bed. He spread out his palms, and five-color halos slowly gathered in his palms.

Of course, he also left a little behind in the three strengths, and the true energy of the Longevity Art was also perfectly integrated into it.

boom! !

"Get out of the scabbard!" Han Zhao squeezed a sword finger, and a golden light shot out from the Xuanling battle box behind him.

Han Zhao raised his right hand and waved it lightly. In an instant, he felt that the connection with the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword was disconnected. No matter whether it was true energy or soul separation, he could not activate the White Tiger Golden Crystal Sword.

"Senior, you are serious." Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted. He did not expect the head of Daliang Martial Academy to be so young, but the system prompted that he would not lie to him.

"Is that so?" Han Zhao nodded and began to write quickly without thinking.

Han Zhao is the fifth peerless genius on the Qilin list. As long as he doesn't fall, he will definitely be the top figure in Wei in the future.

"and many more."

"Hmph!" Han Zhao let out a slight snort of unknown meaning in his nasal cavity, ignored it directly, and walked upstairs with his hands behind his back.

He was convinced after being beaten, after all, he touched and looked at it, and he was lucky if he didn't eat the three strange spiritual arrows.

"Ka Ka Ka!" In an instant, the True Qi Admiralty made a fine cracking sound, and it was covered with cracks.

"Cheng Xue, it's actually a misunderstanding." Han Zhao saw that he couldn't hide it, and lifted the quilt with a firm look in his eyes.

"Mr. Han knows Ling Feng?" Lu Dahai's eyes lit up.

The big man punched Han Zhao's chest, and the golden zhenqi all over his body condensed and quickly materialized, forming a ten-foot-tall zhenqi golden bell.Following his punch, Jin Zhong fell down and hit Han Zhao's body.


Lu Dahai thought about it, and went by himself.

Seemingly sensing Han Zhao's urgency, a system prompt appeared.

At this time, Han Zhao waved his sleeves, and the three forces with different characteristics merged into one body and entered Ling Feng's body.

However, the lamps had been lit, and the darkness was quickly dispelled.

"This junior is not very clear. Could it be that the transaction mentioned by the senior is paid with the seeds of supernatural powers?"



Such people lived in their 'Chang'an Restaurant' when they were young, and it is absolutely unimaginable for them to improve their reputation.

"Still pretending to be asleep?" Han Zhao blew softly into Lian Chengxue's ear, and then got under the bed.

"Five-color divine light! It really lives up to its reputation!"

"Let go quickly." Lian Chengyu's face was so red that it was about to bleed, she felt dizzy, and the heat from her chest and buttocks made her body go limp.

Han Zhao took off his coat, gently lifted the quilt, and lay down behind Lian Chengxue.

"Hahahaha!" Lian Chengxue laughed loudly, bent down, and burst into tears.

"." Lian Chengyu was silent, how could she have forgotten that Sanmei has the ability of 'lie detection'.

"Young Master Han is so polite."

"Third Sister!" Lian Chengyu's voice suddenly rose an octave.

Compared with the Martial Academy in Yuanchang Prefecture, this place is at least seven or eight times larger, and the warriors who come and go here are at least three times full of vitality.

"He looks even better than the image on the Kirin list!"

"What should I write?" Han Zhao spread out the rice paper.

"Han Zhao, please be polite." Han Zhao clasped his fists at everyone.

"Thank you for your good words." Han Zhao smiled lightly. If it weren't for such a world where martial arts are declining, it seems that it would not be difficult for him to think about immortality.

"I'll go by myself."

I saw a very obvious steeple-shaped protrusion on the lower part of the quilt.

"The shopkeeper's words are serious." Han Zhao smiled.

Han Zhao's heart was awe-inspiring. Only when he mastered this ability could he truly and intuitively feel the horror of the five-color peacock.

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Does not enter the rank (1/100), can be upgraded; special effects: five-element balance, five-color divine light (needs to consume blood power)】

"Hmph!" Lian Chengxue pinched her waist with both hands, sneered, and pointed to the place next to the wall.

After the three points are attributed to the great achievement of vitality, he can modify the strength characteristics of Shaking Mountain Fist, Yin Sha Palm, and Chengfeng Kick at will, so the characteristics and names can be changed together.

"Mr. Han, my little brother still has an unfeeling request. I wonder if you can leave a calligraphy for the shop as a souvenir." Lu Dahai said cautiously.

The void behind Han Zhao distorted slightly, and a peacock phantom appeared, absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and quickly materialized.

After more than an hour, they arrived at Daliang Martial Arts Academy in Langui District.

"Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?" Han Zhao couldn't help asking three questions of his soul.

Suddenly, Han Zhao grabbed it with his fingers and patted him in front of him.

Either eat in the room, or eat with Lian Chengxue.

The same goes for women.

Han Zhao and Lian Chengxue sat opposite each other, eating breakfast.

"You don't have the right to call me that right now, wait until you reach the master level." Han Zhao smiled faintly.

To his surprise, the head of the martial arts academy invited him a few days earlier than in the simulation.

"Mr. Han's living in this store is a very big boost to the reputation of this store. Although the old man waived all fees for you, it is still a big profit for this store. Please don't refuse." Lu Dahai looked earnest.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Ling Feng quickly apologized, but seeing that Han Zhao had a gentle smile and showed no sign of anger, he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the spacious bed, Lian Chengxue was sleeping sideways facing the wall, her graceful and exquisite curves were outlined by the thin quilt close to her body.

"I've met senior brother." Ling Feng saluted Han Zhao respectfully.

"Pfft!!" His body flew upside down like a cannonball, and his body slammed into the wall, forming a human-shaped dent. His body was red, like a boiled lobster, spurting out a mouthful of blood. .

The room was pitch black, but with his current eyesight, even though it wasn't as white as an empty room, he still had no problem seeing the road clearly.

"Third sister! Are you sleeping or not!"

Just when Lian Chengbing was about to ask, Lian Chengxue trotted open the door and entered.

Han Zhao became angry from embarrassment.

Fortunately, she is not an ordinary person, otherwise she must be covered with a thick quilt in such a cold day.

A moment later, there was a rustling sound from the bedside, and Lian Chengbing took off his coat.

Then he spread his palms again, and the true energy gathered like a stream of water, condensing into a translucent true balloon.

"System, improve martial arts will." Han Zhao said silently, he didn't plan to keep the remaining attribute points.

"Misunderstanding! Don't shout! I went to the wrong room." Han Zhao lowered his voice, his heart was beating so fast that it was about to pop out.

Han Zhao froze. Although his appearance was almost the same, his voice and tone were clearly Lian Chengyu!

The two of them went up to the room on the third floor, and after they were seated, Han Zhao didn't hesitate, and said straight to the point: "I don't know what the senior called the junior, what is it?"

the next day.

"Little three."

A voice of dissatisfaction sounded, 'Lian Chengxue' turned around.

"Don't!" Lian Chengyu screamed.

"It will be the top of the mountain, and you will see all the small mountains"

Lian Chengbing sat on the edge of the bed, saw her hugging the quilt, her body was tense, and was a little puzzled: "Sister, are you still asleep?"

"You are?!!" Lian Chengyu opened his eyes wide and wanted to shout.

The attendant took Han Zhao outside a white steeple-shaped building.

"Since the head of the hospital does not welcome me, the junior will leave."

"Senior praised me absurdly, but junior dare not take it." Han Zhao said politely.

Han Zhao turned and went downstairs.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.

Soon, the more people poured into the backyard, Han Zhao could only find a way to leave here.

At this time, Han Zhao lightly clenched his right hand, and the five-color halo in his palm dimmed and returned to his body.

"Good verse! Good ambition!" Lu Dahai is a businessman, but he has also studied in a private school. He thinks this verse is full of spirit and has a kind of arrogance to the world.

[According to the analysis of the current situation, if you stand up and confess directly, there is an 80% chance of being misunderstood, a 19% chance of being beaten, and a 1% chance of being shot dead. 】

"What are you doing?" Ling Feng was shocked, but he had no way to resist, and flew towards Han Zhao in the air.

"I've seen Mr. Han." Ling Feng saluted respectfully, bowed his head deeply, not daring to meet Han Zhao's eyes.

A crimson spherical gas mask appeared around Han Zhao out of thin air, and the golden bell of true energy collided with the innate blazing sun, making a huge roar.

"Han Xiaoyou is now the leader of the younger generation of warriors, known as the hope of warriors. So this old man wants to bet on Han Xiaoyou and make a deal with you."

As long as Ling Feng and Ling Yun's true energy does not exceed the total amount of true energy in Han Zhao's Longevity Art, they will be controlled by him.

"How can this work?" Han Zhao couldn't accept it, and he didn't want to take advantage of it.

Han Zhao lightly grasped the right hand that was carried behind his back, and the innate yang qi on his body contracted suddenly like a beating heart, then expanded rapidly and exploded.

"This kind of god needs to be watered with qi, blood and true energy in order to condense small supernatural powers as quickly as possible in the three evil realms, so the old man will send this kind of god into your body first, what do you think?"

"Okay." Han Zhao had just condensed the will of martial arts at this moment, and he was very energetic and in a good mood, so he simply agreed.

"Mr. Han, please! The head of the hospital is inside!"

"Okay, thank you senior for your generosity!" Han Zhao showed joy.

As soon as the young man in Taoist robe gave his right hand, the ball of light rushed into Han Zhao's body, and a powerful vitality filled his whole body.


PS: I have something to do outside, the code word on the mobile phone is too slow.

(End of this chapter)

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