Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 174 Zhongzhou trial, add money to buy life!

Chapter 174 Zhongzhou trial, add money to buy life! (7400 words big cup)
The young man in Taoist robe felt that the god-seed had completely merged into Han Zhao's body, integrated with his qi, blood and true qi, and felt certain in his heart.

Things went much smoother than he expected, but the result did meet expectations.

Seed of Ability can be used repeatedly.

After the death of Wu Sheng, the seeds of his supernatural powers can be refined by warriors who practice the same kind of exercises and condense the same small supernatural powers.

However, it is difficult to surpass the predecessors in power.

Of course, the advantages are also very obvious. The difficulty and risk of refining the predecessor's god-seed and condensing small magical powers will be greatly reduced.

As for the white supernatural power seed, it is the 'flawless seed' that no one has ever used.The top-grade 'Flawless Seed' is the treasure that warriors dream of.

If we had to talk about the disadvantages, it would be that when a high-grade god-seed condenses small supernatural powers, it needs to consume more mental power and energy.For warriors who do not have enough talent to refine the top-grade Flawless Seed, their cultivation speed may be greatly reduced.

However, for a talented warrior like Han Zhao, if it weren't for the 'flawless seed', he probably wouldn't have chosen at all.

A martial artist who reaches the Sha-Condensing Realm can live up to 450 years, and every time he condenses a kind of evil spirit, he can live another ten years.The theoretical limit lifespan of the Qisha Martial Saint is [-] years, unless he practices the extremely precious life-prolonging technique or takes the life-prolonging elixir, it is difficult to live longer.

He sent the three of them to the Feiling Pagoda.

"It won't affect the body, what are you afraid of?" Han Zhao raised his fist again.

"I didn't expect there to be so much yin in this supernatural power, pay attention!"

If the half-month period is up and you have not returned to the stronghold, then you will have to wait until the next trial begins 20 years later before you have the opportunity to return.

"What's going on? Your power is unexpectedly." Shen Xiao was shocked, and began to use the power of the spirit beast's blood.

Su Tianqi sighed.

Han Zhao waited outside the pagoda for a while, before a group of three people came to meet him. They were Liang Yan, the grand elder of Tianxuanzong, Su Tianqi who participated in the trial, and his cousin Su Ningqiu.

"60 taels!"

Shen Xiao cursed inwardly, what a fucking disaster, the two families paid a huge price to send his and Wang Xueji's projections to one place, and as a result there were so many warriors, they happened to meet Han Zhao.

"Back to the topic, apart from Cao Wuyu, there are Shen Xiao from the Shen family and Wang Xueji from the Wang family." Su Tianqi added.


"Looking for death!" Han Zhao raised his fist high.

In Dongshengzhou, a place where aristocratic and wealthy families control the promotion channels, warriors who are too prominent will be hit by the upper echelons.

"If you kill you, you can get something more valuable." Han Zhao snorted coldly.

"This matter is absolutely true." Qi Xuanming's expression darkened.

"So that's how it is." Han Zhao suddenly realized that there were still many things he didn't know.In order to prevent encountering masters with hidden strengths, it seems that the best way to encounter enemies is to directly use unique moves.

'Han Zhao, don't blame me, there is no hope for martial arts. Seeing Han Zhao closing his eyes and feeling the god-seed in his body, the Taoist-robed youth sighed inwardly.

boom! ! !
In the next second, the thick and terrifying strength and stellar energy exploded.

A system prompt appears.

"Han Xiaoyou is polite. The Zhongzhou Trial will start next month. You should go back and adjust your breathing to prepare."

Han Zhao walked out of the gate of the Martial Academy, directly hailed a carriage, hurried back to the restaurant where he was staying, and then returned to his room, closing the door tightly.

"Projecting death, the soul of the main body will also be injured. I heard that my brother likes gold, so I am willing to buy my life for 30 taels!"

Han Zhao punched out, crushing the high-pressure water arrow, and his body was thrown backwards by the counter-shock force.

"It's not certain who is unlucky." Han Zhao's lips curled up.

If this top-grade supernatural power seed is raised to the limit, the power of his small supernatural power will be doubled.

There was a sound of bone rubbing, and Han Zhao's figure changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into Song Que's appearance.

However, he was on the list of Qiantian, but he did not win the spirit of Qiantian.Afterwards, in the Grand Competition of the Yin Yang Hall, he fell short by a tiny bit, and lost the opportunity to go to the Heavenly Sacred Cave.

"This is?!" Han Zhao was taken aback, this thing was similar to the beads he found in Kong Yi's Sumeru bag, and it also contained the power of heaven and earth.

At the same time, a mass of purple light appeared out of thin air, revealing Han Zhao's body surface, and his body was even more crystal clear by the purple light.

"I have never heard of these two people." Han Zhao was relatively unfamiliar with these two names.

A high-grade divine species for nothing!
With 200 million taels of gold and top-grade god-seeds, except for Han Zhao because the system can krypton gold, almost all other warriors will choose god-seeds without hesitation, because such treasures cannot be bought even if they have money.

Qi Yuntian explained.

Staying in the inland, it is only a matter of time before meeting the sons of high-level aristocratic families.

Han Zhao took out a small notebook from the sumeru bag, and wrote down the head of the martial arts academy and Cao's family.

The three greeted Han Zhao.

"Xueji, look at mine." The big black bear joked.

When Han Zhao walked out of the villa, there was a lush forest in front of him.

Because the Shenbing family and the spirit beast giants have special identification methods, the general disguise technique is not very useful, but for the children of the family who have never seen Han Zhao once, it is still useful for a short time, and they will not be confused at a glance. Be seen through.

At noon, Qi Yuntian looked up at the sky, and said to Han Zhao, Qi Xuanming, and Su Tianqi: "The time is coming, let's go."

When a warrior reaches the Condensation Shade Realm, in the same realm, the amount of condensed evil spirit will also have a great impact on the combat power.

Han Zhao's eyes lit up, maybe he would never have such a good chance to harvest Yin Qi again.

Han Zhao entered the Feiling Pagoda for the first time, and looked around. The hall on the first floor was empty, and there was no staircase to the second floor. There was a purple mist lingering above, and it was impossible to see where the roof was.


Now that his life span is nearing the end, in order to prolong his life, he had to agree to the conditions of the Cao family.

If you want high-quality god-seeds, you can only go to untouched secret places to explore, and find the caves where the ancient warriors sat down, but these places are basically very dangerous.
The last thing is to join the martial arts faction, or go to the holy land of martial arts in the outer sea.

Maybe it was recognition of him, maybe it was the news about Li Gang who he injured just now.

Back then, he relied on his talent and thought that he could become a martial artist.

"Big brother?"

It's just that most of the life-prolonging exercises are less powerful than those of the same level. Stellar qi and qi and blood are used to preserve health and prolong life. Naturally, the combat power will not be very high. If encountering a battle or a chance, it is easy to miss it.

After Qi Yuntian exchanged pleasantries with Liang Yan, he looked at Han Zhao.

"Children from families like them who don't want to show off, usually just before the start of the trial, they will randomly defeat a person who ranks low on the Kirin list, and then get a place in the trial, in order to hide their strength." Su Tianqi explained.

"Recently, the gold in Daliang City has been exchanged too much by Liang Yan of Tianxuanzong, but I can ask the Shen family to help you mobilize gold from other places."

"Thank you, senior!" Han Zhao took the jade talisman solemnly, seeing Liang Yan's hesitation in thinking just now, he knew it was very precious.

"Senior Liang." Qi Xuanming stepped forward to salute Liang Yan, then cupped his hands at Han Zhao, "Brother Han."

Han Zhao came to the designated location and went to Nancheng District, under a Feiling Pagoda near the city wall.

When a warrior suffers a serious injury, he can absorb the power of heaven and earth to achieve the effect of healing.

"Yuntian, your cultivation has improved again." Liang Yan smiled without any airs of a senior.

"In this Feiling Pagoda, there is a teleportation array going to Zhongzhou Paradise. Teleportation is carried out in the same Feiling Pagoda. After entering Zhongzhou, the distance will be closer." Liang Yan explained.

Shen Xiao pointed to a pothole next to it.

"I'm talking about gold!" Shen Xiao said hastily.

After his true energy circulated for a week, he recovered and took a look at the environment he was in now.

"Okay, I'm Shen Xiao, today."

Shen Xiao suspected that he had heard wrong.

"Don't worry, Brother Han! With your current strength, unless you meet two of these three people at the same time, you will be safe and sound."

But it doesn't matter.

"As long as I hide more hole cards, pass this level, and go to the open sea smoothly, I will enter the sea!"

Han Zhao noticed that the passing martial arts apprentices looked at him differently.

Han Zhao couldn't help feeling suspicious. He felt that the power of heaven and earth here was stronger than that of the outside world.

"Old Liang." Qi Yuntian also greeted Liang Yan first.

"Since you call me senior brother, then I can't be stingy. You keep this thing, it's best to carry it close to your body." Qi Yuntian took out a golden bead.

In the previous simulations, as long as Han Zhao went to Tianshengzong after the trial in Zhongzhou, he would be surrounded by Bailingzong, Murong Family, Changshengjiao, Jiuyoufu and other forces.At most, there is a difference in the level of strength of the dispatched masters, but he basically can't hide.

"En." Qi Yuntian nodded with a smile, and then communicated with Liang Yan.

"It doesn't matter." Han Zhao didn't ask, anyway, as long as there is a general direction, as long as he thinks about it in the simulation, he can always know the truth.

However, the smile on Han Zhao's face did not diminish at all.

The void behind him was slightly distorted, the power of heaven and earth was accumulated, and the will of martial arts was manifested. A proud and elegant peacock spread its wings behind Han Zhao, and the five-color plumage and feathers were looming.

Qi Xuanming calmed down, apologetic.

"Farewell, junior." Han Zhao cupped his hands, turned and went downstairs.

A sharp air piercing sound sounded, and a water arrow had appeared in front of Han Zhao.

"What's going on?!" Han Zhao looked up at the sky, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The setting sun slanted to the west, and the sunset glow dyed the whole sky red.

"In this case, let's make an oath." Han Zhao pondered, the oath of the demon is very effective for warriors and those with the blood of spirit beasts.


When Han Zhao walked out of the room, he saw that he was in a yard also made of blue-black boulders, with dead trees and fallen leaves everywhere.

"Looks like I'm going to make you suffer a lot!" Shen Xiao sneered, and his huge hands contracted violently.

[Qi Yuntian—a martial saint in the five evil realms, possesses at least three small supernatural powers, and his combat power is expected to be close to the snake-level eighth-level realm. 】

However, when he thought that the benefits from the Cao family could prolong his life, and even successfully break through to the Seven Shade Realm, the shame in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"I can make an oath to the devil! I will pay you when I go out!" Shen Xiao said.

"Huh?" Han Zhao shot him a sideways glance, Wang Xueji's head must also be counted.

The entire stone house is made of blue-black boulders, with an area of ​​only a few tens of square meters.

According to Qi Xuanming and Qi Yuntian, Qi Qingchan is the only senior member of the Qi family who supports them in martial arts training. If it weren't for this ancestor Qi's amazing talent and strength, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand the internal and external pressure.

"I didn't expect you, a martial artist, to know both of us. It seems that you also have some background. We came here for urgent matters, so we can't let you go easily. Therefore, you can only be considered unlucky." Shen Xiao said lightly.

There are many strange things in the strange domain, and the dark energy is strong, which is nothing to the children of the aristocratic family.

The other party has an extraordinary bearing. Although Han Zhao saw him for the first time, he has seen him many times through the image of Qian Tianbang.

Of course, this is normal, everyone has secrets.

Even a high-ranking Martial God thousands of years ago may not be able to defeat him.The most important thing is that spirit beast warriors will neither suffer from the shackles of bloodlines like spirit beast bloodline warriors, nor will they progress slowly like warriors. "

Almost before he could catch his breath, the old one came after the young one, wave after wave of enemies, if he didn't have a simulator to predict the future, even if he had the aura of the protagonist of the novel, he wouldn't be able to withstand it.

The important thing is that he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Senior, do you mean that the aristocratic family may find a way to unite?" Han Zhao quickly realized.

As for the mid-grade gods, almost all of them are monopolized by the wealthy families.

Looking at the data on the system panel, Han Zhao suddenly had a bold idea.

"I heard that this ancestor once received the inheritance of the previous generations of heaven and man in the paradoxical domain of Zhongzhou. I don't know if it is true." Su Tianqi said.

"Thank you, senior!" Han Zhao mobilized the god-seed in his body with stellar energy, placed it in his dantian, and then cupped his fists at the Taoist-robed youth as a salute.

"Thank you, big brother." Shen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Once he completely joins a big force now, he will have to switch his cultivation system, even if he joins the Qi family. After all, the senior members of the Qi family are also divided into factions.

Anyway, joining an aristocratic family is not necessarily a bad thing for Han Zhao.

Absorbing the power of golden beads can dispel the Yin Qi accumulated in the body and reduce the influence of Yin Qi. "

This jade talisman depicts a short-distance teleportation array, and you leave a mark of your own blood and true energy in the stronghold.

It's just that Han Zhao's location, within a radius of more than 20 meters, is a mess with ravines.

"This thing is called 'Golden Bead', and the outer seas call it 'Prime Stone', and it only circulates in the upper layers, and it is relatively rare in the interior.

"Yes." Han Zhao nodded, indicating that he understood.

The children of the aristocratic family wanted to encircle and suppress him, but he happened to have no intention of letting him go.As long as he dared to take the initiative to come to the door, he would not let anyone go.

"Hahaha, it's really fun to catch a martial artist full of vigor and blood as soon as he came in." The black bear grinned, revealing its fine fangs, and laughed loudly.

"Xueji? Wang Xueji?!" Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard this.

"Spirit Beast Warrior?" Han Zhao pondered.

To be honest, his strength has improved rapidly in recent years, but he is a little tired.

"Kaka!" Shen Xiao felt the bones in his palm crackling, and there was a tingling pain.

"Wait! It's useless for you to kill me. I'm not the real body, and I don't have a Sumeru bag on me." Shen Xiao explained.

"So that's how it is." Han Zhao came to a sudden, he remembered that the rules are random teleportation, it's good if there is a relationship.

"The upper limit is 1000. Could it be said that there are top-grade god-species above the top-grade god-species?"

"Senior Liang, Brother Su, Miss Su." Han Zhao went up to meet him.

A handsome young man was lying in the middle of the pit, and when he saw Han Zhao flying towards him, he shouted loudly:
"10 taels!!!"

As for the life-prolonging elixir, not to mention that the elixir is hard to come by, just finding a high-level alchemist and successfully refining it is a matter of luck.Even a super-level alchemist would not dare to say that he will succeed in refining a batch of high-level elixir.What's more, with the decline of martial arts now, the entire Dongsheng Continent might not be able to find a super-level alchemist.

He originally thought that the so-called trial would definitely hold a grand ceremony, and then a group of senior experts would be present, but when he arrived at the Feiling Pagoda, there was no one at all.

To put it simply, the Sansha Realm is the first qualitative change.Starting from this stage, the gap between warriors and the family of divine weapons has been greatly reduced, but it is also difficult for ordinary warriors to beat the children of the family by leapfrogging.

"Brother Han, you are asking the right person." Su Tianqi smiled, and said solemnly: "The first thing to be careful about is Cao Wuyu from the Cao family. This person is the descendant of Cao Mengxuan, the ancestor of the Cao family."

Han Zhao turned around and went back to the stone house, took out the green jade talisman Liang Yan gave him, and left a mark of his blood and true energy.

The ancestor of the Cao family was amazingly talented, and created a path of spirit beast warriors, closely combining the blood of spirit beasts with martial arts, and cultivated special bloodline secret techniques similar to the great supernatural powers of war gods.

"Forget it for the time being. When I get my supernatural powers, we will have to settle every account properly."

"How do I know if you will go back on your word?" Han Zhao changed the subject, his eyes full of murderous intent.

After a while, the forest became quiet again.

"Pfft!" Under the dual effects of the demon-slaying light and the will of martial arts, the power of the magic weapon that appeared in the god-seed quickly dissipated, and the yin energy inside was absorbed and purified by the soul pearl.

"Who the hell is spreading rumors and ruining my reputation!" Han Zhao cursed secretly.

"20 taels! No! 30 taels!"

"This..." Shen Xiao's complexion was uncertain, but in order not to go back and lie down for a year or so, he gritted his teeth and said:
"The ancestors of our Shen family and Wang family knew the location of a Martial God's Remains, and it needs the blood of a warrior to open it, so just"

"If possible, who would want to leapfrog to fight! My dream is to live a peaceful life, practice step by step, and when I meet enemies, I only want to bully those of the same level." Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

If this was the era when martial arts flourished thousands of years ago, Han Zhaoda could have joined the Great Qin Empire, or joined the Heavenly Sacred Sect, even if he was restricted, he could still practice martial arts.

"Is this really Zhongzhou?"

"and many more."

"Brother Han, come here." Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi stood in the middle of the hall.

Shen Xiao broke out in a cold sweat: "Brother! Let me go, I'll give you 10 taels!"

He killed Wang Xueji with a single blow just now, but the opponent's body disappeared out of thin air?

Han Zhao removed the Vajra Bodyguard, put on clean clothes, helped Shen Xiao up, and patted the dust that didn't exist on his body.

Han Zhao learned through the Qi family's relationship that the gods that can be bought, without exception, are all low-grade.

Han Zhao heard the words and walked up.

"Anyway, be careful." Liang Yan instructed, he pondered for a moment, took out a green jade talisman from his bosom, and handed it to Han Zhao.

"Brother! Don't! I have a mission to come in this time, I can't just die like this." Shen Xiao said quickly.

Originally, warriors below the Condensation Condensation Realm were unable to sense and absorb the power of heaven and earth, but Han Zhao was an exception. Before breaking through to the Condensation Condensation Realm, he already had a hundred channels connected and was more sensitive to the power of heaven and earth.

When the matter came to an end, Su Tianqi acted calmly at the moment, because it was his own choice.

It's just that to go to the open sea, you must use the ultra-long-distance teleportation array. If you take a boat, if you encounter monsters in the sea, life and death will depend entirely on God's will.

He went straight through the narrow path in the middle of the dense forest and walked to the periphery.

"You'd better not let go!" Han Zhao stretched his arms slightly outwards.

After a while, Qi Xuanming arrived, and walking with him was a majestic man who looked to be in his thirties.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body tense and was pinched by two big hands covered with black hair. He looked up and saw a huge black bear about four meters high standing behind him.

"Brother Han." "Young Master Han."

"It's really lucky." At this time, a woman with an average appearance, an average figure, and a blue birthmark on her face fell from the top of the tree.

Although warriors are full of qi and blood, if they kill too many monsters, they will be eroded by yin qi.

"After you enter the Zhongzhou Guild, you will appear in a specific stronghold. You must kill as many as possible within half a month, and then return to the stronghold to wait for the teleportation.

"Tell me, what is the mission you came in for, and why do you want to arrest warriors."

Seeing that Han Zhao was silent, Su Tianqi thought he was worried, so he spoke to comfort him.

In addition to the dangers in the Zhongzhou Paradox, there are also the relics of the ancestors of the Tianshengzong. If a part can be retrieved, it will be enough to change his future.

Then he stopped thinking about it, and put all his mental power on the god seed in his dantian.As a large amount of his spiritual power and stellar energy entered the god-seed, a cloud of black energy suddenly appeared on the god-seed that was originally like white snow.

"There is a secret technique in the aristocratic family, which can enter Zhongzhou through projection, so that even if it dies, it will not affect the main body." Shen Xiao continued.

"I've met Senior Qi." Han Zhao said respectfully.

"Remember, it's great to forge ahead, but most of the time you have to leave it to your useful body to achieve great things." Qi Yuntian instructed.

Seeing Han Zhao pause, Shen Xiao quickly added:

Han Zhao felt dizzy for a while, and in the next second, he appeared in a stone house.

"Although you and I have not formally entered the gate wall of Tianshengzong, we both carry the inheritance of Tianshengzong, so we belong to the same line. If you don't mind, just like Xuan Ming, just call me senior brother." Qi Yuntian smiled gently .

Behind him, countless air currents were instantly detonated, and the huge force and stellar energy crazily oppressed the air, forming an astonishing high-pressure shock wave, destroying trees within 30 meters in an instant.

Because of the use of the vajra body protector, Han Zhao returned to his original appearance. His upper body was naked, his whole body was made of pure gold, and his muscular muscles were as sharp as knives and axes.

"Cao Mengxuan?" Han Zhao focused his eyes. This person has appeared several times in the simulation. He is known as the number one powerhouse in the Wei Dynasty. His descendants are probably not simple.

Without a direct fight, how could others dare to imagine that he would have such an encounter.

The quality of the god-seed is not impossible to improve, but the warrior needs to absorb the god-seed into the body and use a large amount of blood and true energy to irrigate it, but this kind of improvement is very insignificant, so almost no warrior will try it.

"In this trial, many fighters on the Qilin list have given up. The three of you have to work together." Liang Yan looked solemn.

"Ordinary people with the bloodline of spirit beasts are constantly digging out the power of the bloodline, or like Brother Qi, they only use the power of the bloodline to increase their physical body and major in martial arts.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, it was as if a furious ancient monster was raging in the forest, and large trees fell in pieces.

"Little friend Han."

Dazzling golden light bloomed, reflecting the trees in a golden way, as if they were all painted with a layer of golden paint.

He could feel that Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi had secrets.

"You know me?" Wang Xueji frowned.

"Brother Qi?" Han Zhao looked at him suspiciously.

"Okay, okay!" Shen Xiao didn't dare to argue, and quickly swore.

"Are you insulting me?" Han Zhao's face turned cold.

Then, Han Zhao asked a lot about the trial.

Feeling Han Zhao's 'sincere' gratitude, a trace of shame flashed in the heart of the young man in Taoist robes.After all, he can be regarded as ruining the future of a warrior.

"Tianqi will leave it to you." Liang Yan nodded slightly.

A month later.

He basically got all the information about Zhongzhou Paradox from the Qi family.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qi." Han Zhao took Jin Zhu with both hands.

It was just noon before he teleported, so it turned into night all of a sudden. The most important thing is that there are two suns in the sky.

Han Zhao looked, and there was only a human-shaped dent left in the pothole next to it.

"You can't be Shen Xiao, right?" Han Zhao turned his head to look at the big black bear behind him, with a strange expression on his face.

It can only be said that Senior Brother Qi is indeed a fierce man.

Suddenly, his body stopped, as if he had hit a wall.


Han Zhao looked at the soul beads that had darkened a lot, and this time he made a lot of money.

"Seeing that you are very good, I will give you a [-]% discount and make you a friend." Han Zhao said seriously.

"I don't know much about the children of the aristocratic family, so I just took this opportunity to find out." Han Zhao said seriously, just like some warriors who are capable but unwilling to be on the list, there are also many powerful characters in the aristocratic family who are not on the list.

"If you don't believe me, look, Xue Ji's body has disappeared."

The corner of Shen Xiao's mouth twitched, but the smile was still on his face.

According to Su Tianqi's description, Cao Mengxuan felt as if he had practiced martial arts such as the True Spirit Body Refining Art, which could not only use the power of spirit beast blood, but also walk the road of martial arts.

Han Zhao became dizzy for a while, squatted on the ground and retched twice, which was worse than motion sickness.

"The teleportation will start in about a quarter of an hour. Let's chat for a while." Seeing that Han Zhao and Qi Xuanming were silent, Su Tianqi took the initiative to speak.

"In the past, I couldn't get so many attribute points, but this Zhongzhou Trial is a god-sent opportunity!"

Halfway through the journey, Han Zhao paused.

For the sake of the Martial God Avenue, he had to go in.

"This involves the secrets of a certain ancestor of the Qi family, so I'm sorry I can't elaborate. Knowing too much is not good for you, Brother Han, please forgive me."

"Senior Brother Qi." Sensing his kindness, Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted.

[Seed of supernatural power: top grade (320/1000), can be improved; small supernatural power: none; special effect: small supernatural power increase by 0.32]

The casserole-sized fist rubbed against his scalp and staggered, and the strong wind blew his entire face crazily.

Because once the god-seed enters the body, it will carry the breath of a specific warrior. Unless other people practice the same kind of skills, their quality will decline after refining.

After an unknown amount of time, the hall on the first floor of Feiling Pagoda burst into purple light, and the figures of the three disappeared without a trace.

"Senior, this is?" Han Zhao asked.

When necessary, crush the jade talisman, and within a hundred miles away from the base, it can be directly sent back to the base. "

"What did you say?" Han Zhao looked down at him expressionlessly.

After finishing these, he walked out of the stone house.

"Yes." Han Zhao replied.

Don't waste the benefits you get, the account will be settled at the end.

Liang Yan and the Qi family can allow the three of them to teleport in the same Feiling Pagoda, which means that other wealthy families can do the same.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely do his best." Han Zhao said seriously.

The crow's mouth is not so clever!

"So that's it, let me explain in detail." Han Zhao looked happy.


PS: The big chapter can't be counted as an update, otherwise I will divide it into chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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