Chapter 175 Once You Add Money, The World Knows (4200 words, first update)
On the wall of the lobby on the first floor of a Feiling Tower in the very center of the inner city of Daliang City, a smooth mirror-like water curtain appeared on the wall, and the water curtain displayed the scene in the Zhongzhou Paradise.

A group of people gathered in the hall. These people were dressed in different clothes, men and women, old and young. The only thing in common was that each of them exuded an extremely powerful aura.

Qi Yuntian, Liang Yan, and others were among them, and they were still in the middle and back. The people watching the screen at the front were all genuine military envoys from the family of magic soldiers, and four awakened bloodlines of the powerful spirit beast family. Those who call the spirit are also known as "calling spirit messengers".

At this time, in the screen, Wang Xueji and Shen Xiao met Han Zhao after the disguise.

Shen Xiao transformed into a violent bear, and tightly held Han Zhao with both hands.

"This kid is Han Zhao? The last time a martial artist of this background entered the top ten of the Qiantian Ranking, it was Yu Chongxiao last time, right? The growth trajectory of these two people is similar."

As the crowd went, a big red-haired man with a bare upper body and muscular muscles mused.

"It's just that he doesn't have the luck of Yu Chongxiao. As soon as he came here, he met Xiao'er and Xueji from your Wang family." Just as the red-haired man finished speaking, an old man in green robes beside him said, this person looks very ugly, but It is the patriarch of the Wang family, one of the five surnames, Wang An.

As for the big red-haired man, it was Shen Lie, the patriarch of the Shen family.

The two companies worked together this time and paid a high price to send Shen Xiao and Wang Xueji together, in order to be able to sweep away all the children of the participating aristocratic families.

Shen Xiao and Wang Xueji teamed up, even if they met Cao Wuyu from the Cao family, they would have the power to fight.

Just as the two ancestors were talking, the scene in the picture took a sharp turn.

Han Zhao killed Wang Xueji with two or three blows, while Shen Xiao suddenly begged for mercy when his fist was about to hit.

"Vajra is not bad?!" Wang Yan's ugly face twisted, "This kid has not yet broken through the condensate, but he can use the Vajra body protection, at least he has cultivated the Vajra Art to the fourth level!"

Although it is said that the projection into it cannot exert the strongest strength, but it is about [-]% in any case. Wang Xueji and Shen Xiao teamed up, and they could not last ten rounds under Han Zhao's hands. Yu Chongxiao and Qi Yuntian back then absolutely did not have this kind of strength. .

Only Cao Xuan, who is currently number one on the Qiantian Ranking, has this kind of strength at this age.

However, Cao Xuan developed the Cao family's spirit beast blood to the extreme, and also received the true biography of Cao Mengxuan, who is also a spirit beast warrior.

Han Zhao seemed to be a relatively pure martial artist. Although a little Leijiao blood had been refined in his body, this blood was nothing compared to those with the blood of spirit beasts.

Thousands of years ago, there were also many martial gods who would use the blood of spirit beasts to increase the strength of their physical bodies. Those with the blood of spirit beasts were just a branch system of warriors derived from the blood of spirit beasts.

"Qi Qingchan! This kid's Vajra Immortality and Vajra Art are passed down by your Qi family?!" Shen Lie turned to look at the woman beside him and asked.

The woman was dressed in a green dress with a white gauze covering her face. Although only her eyes were exposed, it was hard to hide her beautiful appearance. The bright red bird mark between her eyebrows added a bit of coquettish charm to her extraordinary temperament.

"Are there any of your families?" Qi Qingchan said calmly, without answering directly.

At this time, Shen Lie was about to ask again, when suddenly there was a burst of laughter from beside him, and he turned his head to look at the water curtain on the wall.

In the screen, Shen Xiao's clear voice came out.

"I heard that my elder brother likes gold, so I am willing to buy my life for 30 taels!"

Shen Lie's face turned dark, and his cheeks became hot, which quickly approached his hair color.

"Who the hell is spreading rumors and ruining my reputation!" Although Han Zhao gritted his teeth, the murmur was very small, but everyone in the field could hear it clearly.

Among the crowd, Qi Yuntian and Liang Yan looked at each other subconsciously.

Qi Qingchan turned slightly sideways, and glanced at Qi Yuntian, "Yuntian, the kid you're looking at this time is a wonderful guy."

"Auntie." Qi Yuntian's complexion was strange for a while, even with his many years of high-level cultivation skills, he couldn't hold back at this moment, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"I heard that this Martial God was a powerful monster thousands of years ago, when the Heavenly Sacred Sect still adhered to the principle of teaching without discrimination.

As long as they are sincere disciples, no matter if they are monsters, demons, barbarians or other alien races, they will be included in the gate wall.

This senior is one of the best. At that time, the warrior was fighting with the family, and this senior was on the side of the warrior.

The Nirvana True Demon Kungfu that he cultivates is known as the number one magical kung fu in the way of demons, and it points directly at the Great Sage, so."

In the screen, under Han Zhao's questioning, Shen Xiao confessed everything.

"This brat! I can't spare him when he comes out!" Shen Lie blushed and said through gritted teeth.

This Shen Xiao is his direct descendant, and he is also the one he is most optimistic about. He has been carefully trained in the past, but he did not expect to embarrass him in public today.

He has been fierce since he was young, and his blood of a violent bear has been developed to the extreme. He was number one in both the Unicorn Ranking and the Qiantian Ranking more than a hundred years ago, and he is known as 'Hurricane'.

The descendants of the aristocratic families at the same time could hardly find rivals, so how could there be such a soft-boned descendant as Shen Xiao.

"Brother Shen, don't be angry. Those who know current affairs are heroes." Behind Shen Lie, a middle-aged man with a golden mask said with a smile. This person is Ji Mingyang, the patriarch of the Ji family.

"You!" Shen Lie was furious, he and Ji Mingyang had never dealt with each other since they were young, but this time they gave each other a chance to sarcasm him.

These aristocratic families, the reason why they are so concerned about the Zhongzhou Trials is for the legacy of the Martial God left after the Great War and the lost magic weapons of various aristocratic families.

The last time the Ji family found the spirit of the ten kings Nuo Mian's magic weapon, and recently there was another Ji Baiwei among the younger generations, and the momentum has increased greatly, so they didn't pay much attention to this trial at all.

"You didn't look like this last time, did you?!" Shen Lie retorted directly.

These aristocratic families, in order to jointly deal with the enemies of the outer world and the battlefield of hundreds of clans, basically do not fight internally. This forced him, a combat madman, to learn how to talk.

"Who made our Ji family's juniors?"

Ji Yangming was about to disgust Shen Lie again, but the ancestors of the surrounding aristocratic families laughed again.

The two looked intently, only to see Han Zhao in the picture looking serious and looking at Shen Xiao sincerely.

"So that's the case, let's cooperate with the matter of the Martial God's Palace."

"Brother Han is willing to help, that's really great!" Shen Xiao was overjoyed. To open the Martial God's Palace, he needed the blood of a warrior. Now there is one less Wang Xueji, but there is a much stronger Han Zhao, obviously the odds of winning are better big.

"It's just that." Han Zhao put his palms together and made a movement similar to that of a fly rubbing his hands.

"Brother Han, you want to add more money?!" Shen Xiao froze for a moment.

Han Zhao patted Shen Xiao's shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile on his face, "It's really fun to chat with someone like Brother Shen!"

Shen Xiao's body trembled twice after being photographed by Han Zhao, and then he showed a warm smile, "I also like people like Brother Han."

"How about I add another 40 taels?!" Shen Xiao tentatively asked.

When Han Zhao heard the words, he smiled and said nothing.

"As long as Brother Han can help me get the treasure in the Martial God's Abandoned Mansion, we'll split it halfway! In addition, I'll give you another 100 yuan magic gold!" Shen Xiao gritted his teeth.

"Magic gold? What is that?" Han Zhao asked.

"The magic gold, like the gold beads, is a treasure that only circulates at high levels, and can be used as currency. You can only use magic gold to buy magic weapon fragments and secret techniques.

The exchange ratio between magic gold and gold is [-]:[-], but no one will exchange magic gold for gold, and in principle, the upper management does not allow downward exchange.

The magic gold mainly contains yin and magic energy, and the inland mostly uses magic gold as a high-level currency.And gold beads condense the power of heaven and earth, and the outer seas are rich in gold beads, which are also only circulated among high-level warriors. "

Shen Xiao quickly explained that in order for Han Zhao to contribute, he also paid a lot of money.

Anyway, if the mission fails, there is no need to give the magic gold, only the promised gold is enough. If the mission is successful, the family will not begrudge the mere 100 yuan.

"100 yuan magic gold?!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up. The magic gold contains yin and magic energy. If it can be used as the energy source of the system, wouldn't it be more precious than the magic crystal in the demon's body? It's a bargain!

"Brother Shen, don't worry, you will follow me from now on, you don't need to do anything! Leave everyone to me!" Han Zhao slapped his chest hard.

"Okay, brother Han is really straightforward!" Shen Xiao immediately made an oath of demons.

To be honest, he really likes a pure person like Han Zhao, who does things when he is paid.

The Martial God's Mansion was favored by many aristocratic families, if it fell into Cao Wuyu's hands, he would probably have to be sent out no matter what he said.

Han Zhao is really a fastidious person!
"Brother Shen, let's go quickly. I still have a friend to pick me up! A senior paid 200 million taels for me to protect him. I have to find him first!" Han Zhao said hastily.

From just now, he had the feeling of being spied on, so when he made a move earlier, he only used the Vajra Bodyguard and a little Thunder Dragon's Thunder Spirit Power, and did not use any other cards.

"Okay! Brother Han, please!" Shen Xiao looked forward to Han Zhao's lead.

"Hahaha! This kid is a man of current affairs!" From the Feiling Pagoda, came Shen Lie's hearty laugh.

In his opinion, this Han Zhao clearly did not want to offend the Shen family, so he found a way to cooperate with Shen Xiao.

Now with the strong support of Han Zhao, the chances of obtaining the treasure of the Martial God's Palace are even greater.

"A child from a dignified family actually relies on warriors?" Ji Mingyang snorted lightly.

"Thousands of years ago, would you dare to say such a thing to a Martial God of the same level?" Shen Lie retorted. Although he was a person with the blood of a spirit beast, he did not reject warriors.On the contrary, I also yearn for the era of prosperous martial arts. After all, there are radicals and moderates in the family.

Thousands of years ago, if the warriors hadn't resisted the most violent attack from the outer world, they would not have had the chance to stand here.

Ji Yangming's eyes under the mask suddenly turned cold.

A military envoy of the same level basically needs three-on-one to overwhelm the Valkyrie, and one-on-one may die.

At that time, the ten kings of the Ji family's Nuo noodles were the top among the top magic soldiers. The holy lord of the Ji family ran to challenge the ancestor of the heaven and man in the Five Elements Hall of the Tianshengzong, but was smashed together with the gods and soldiers .

This is the eternal pain of the Ji family!

The atmosphere gradually became solemn, Qi Qingchan suddenly said: "Okay, I don't want to hear you bickering!"

"Hmph!" Ji Yangming snorted coldly, and endured it. Although Qi Qingchan was much younger than him, she was much stronger than him, and he didn't want to make enemies with her.

Seeing this situation, Shen Lie didn't speak any more.

Everyone's attention returned to the picture again.

Han Zhao led Shen Xiao all the way to kill all directions, and killed all the weird things encountered, as well as the children of aristocratic families who refused to pay.

Soon, as Han Zhao gradually moved away from the stronghold, the picture gradually faded away.

This technique of reflection can only be manifested within a hundred miles of the stronghold, the farther the distance, the blurrier the picture will be, and it cannot be manifested outside the periphery of the paradoxical domain.

However, Han Zhao's strength also made some high-level officials of the aristocratic family think about it.

Originally, in their opinion, no matter how strong a warrior is, how strong can he be?

Unless he has cultivated to a high-level Martial Saint, he will not be taken seriously by them at all.

But now it seems that this person has extremely rich combat experience, and has practiced many high-level martial arts, which shows that he has excellent talent and amazing understanding.

It is very likely that they will be the next Qi Yuntian and Yu Chongxiao.

It can be trained as a reserve soldier.

Anyway, this kid is so greedy for money, so if you give him more money, it shouldn't be difficult to win him over.

Han Zhao led Shen Xiao straight all the way, and finally walked out of the endless forest.

And the peeping feeling that was like a glow on his back finally disappeared.

"It seems that there is a distance limit." Han Zhao was sure that if he was monitored all the way, he would be too restrained.

According to the agreement, he found Su Tianqi and then protected him.

Of course, there is another method, which is to kill the children of the family when they see them.

But this is more hateful. Along the way, Han Zhao encountered many strange things, which provided him with some Yin Qi, but because these strange things are relatively weak, there is not much Yin Qi.

On the contrary, he killed a few children from aristocratic families who didn't have eyes and didn't give money.

Although these descendants of aristocratic families are basically projections, the yin energy obtained by killing them is real.

Han Zhao and Shen Xiao were standing on a hillside, not far away there was a place that looked like a village, and the sound of fierce fighting could be heard from inside.

"There's someone there!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and he rushed up without even thinking.

"Everyone, please pray for yourselves." Seeing this, Shen Xiao secretly prayed in his heart.

Fortunately, he was smart and was in the same group as Han Zhao, otherwise he would have been the unlucky one. He had seen the speed with which Han Zhao turned his face just now.

At the entrance of the village stood a pitch-black stone tablet with some characters-like symbols written on it, none of which Han Zhao could understand.


At this time, roars resembling beasts came from the village.

He rushed into the village and saw more than a dozen strange creatures nearly two meters in length climbing on the road in the middle of the village and on the roofs on both sides.

The skin of these creatures is golden and covered with scale-like horniness. There is a curved horn on the right forehead, and a long tail like a lizard is dragged behind. A spindle-shaped white bone emerges from the end of the tail. There are sharp barbs everywhere, like a war machine.

The monster kept spitting out black mucus, and the four descendants surrounded by the street seemed to be afraid of being touched by the mucus, so they kept avoiding it.

The slime fell to the ground and the house, corroding a pothole almost instantly.

"Why do they look so much like the golden-armored lizards I just met?" Han Zhao frowned. These creatures were very similar to the monsters he had encountered in the strangeness of Excalibur Villa, but their strength was far stronger than that time.

The intensity of the force of these creatures is estimated to be around the level of five to six lines, and they seem to be very intelligent, and they cooperate with each other in battle.

"Hello! Do you need help?!" Standing at the entrance of the village, Han Zhao yelled. His voice formed ripples in the air, and quickly spread towards the center of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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